AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
A great conservative talent blessedly brought to the fore and a strong, hopeful hunch this is very big, very good news for our future.
UPDATE 10/25/23: Startling and delightful to hear news of Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) unanimously being chosen by the Repubs as the new House Speaker. As said last year in admiration and with strong intuition in the reposted entries below from 5/17/22 (grilling a fanatic abortion advocate), 8/25/22 and 12/1/22, this is a very special personality. Now we are blessed to have him center stage alongside Trump, refreshingly strong leaders to restore sanity to government. The usual skeptics among the wobbly and self-righteous Repubs are already out and about, bewailing his inexperience and comparing him with no little contempt to Mike Pence, one particularly short-sighted ignoramus ascribing his election to desperation.
Whatever faults either the Left or Right may claim, Johnson will be pilloried. Like Trump and Reagan, he is guilty of not being a run-of-the-mill DC player but first and foremost a talented, thinking, principled human being and citizen reminiscent of the ordinary, honest men of practical, worldly experience who founded America. Such are the people who should be handed power, not the usual empty career politicians effortlessly talking out both sides of their mouths on an hourly basis. Now he is third in line to the Presidency and, one is buoyed by the real possibility that he may very well be POTUS one day.
REPOSTED from 8/25/22: This Congressman from Louisiana, Mike Johnson, bears watching, This is a public servant addressing the real, pressing problems of the day. Here on illegal immigration below questioning a double-talking, gibberish-spouting Immigration Czar Mayorkas regarding the Brandon administration’s wide open border policy. Likewise, his grilling of a brain-dead abortion advocate (see video 6/30/22).
REPOSTED from 12/1/22: Philosopher/pundit Jordan Peterson and Congressman Mike Johnson are two of today’s most worthwhile voices, one a crystal-clear socio-political thinker, the other a politician who thinks. What they have in common is a full awareness of our world and total dedication to conserving the best in it. [P.S. Peterson has brilliantly avoided being shouted down in public like other outspoken conservatives by delivering his live lectures at 8 am which is hours before most shrieky wastrels of Woke bother to wake up. The man has a rational response to everything.]
There is some confusion about Mike Johnson’s “adopted son” Michael who is Black. The younger of Johnson’s two biological sons is also named Michael. The story is that this much older boy was a wayward, 14 year old kid fostered by Johnson and his wife early in their marriage.
Watch the video interview below from 1:10 to 3:00 to get the full story (including other photos) of the young man, now 40, married and a stable father of four.
This is also the interview containing Johnson’s mistaken conclusions about George Floyd’s death only days after it occurred in 2020. He is not alone among countless millions (including myself) who first saw the viral image of Chauvin’s knee on Floyd’s neck, drawing erroneous conclusions without subsequent revelations of an autopsy and the real causes of Floyd’s death. By coincidence, this is precisely the point of a post this week (10/22/23) under Mass Psychosis.
10/27/23: Since 2020, Democrats have given us little to assess them other than what clear, open eyes tell us, and what we see is a blend of blind ignorance and evil intention. The Covid horror, the J6 Inquisition/Gulag and the Party’s direct enablement of Middle Eastern terror are only the most glaring recent examples in these traumatic times.
UPDATE 10/27/23: Coming soon to another peaceable, productive society near you: senseless 10/7 savagery. Why not? Considering all the terrorists most definitely entering the country unnoticed through Biden’s porous border, what’s to stop or deter them? Certainly not the deranged segment of the population cheering on the hell visited upon Israel.
UPDATE 10/22/23: George Floyd’s cause of death was a fetanyl overdose, helped along by a lifetime of physical self-abuse. A new Minnesota court case restates this true accounting already available to the country during Derek Chauvin’s trial, but we (nor Chauvin) needn’t hope for justice. Without the “heartless knee-on-the-neck” narrative, the savages and their cheering section of Elite Leftists far, far, far away from any rioting are secure in the Big Lie.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 10/27/23: Asks Ruth King: who are the parents of those young American people celebrating Hamas and its savage attack on Israelis on October 7? The answer is those very same blind/stupid people who reflexively continue to vote Democrat without connecting that choice to the terrible consequences both in America and internationally. Perhaps it’s because they are mostly those privileged, Left-leaning types who have the luxury of never actually suffering themselves any of those consequences. They are also the deadened souls that would still applaud their own brilliance and virtue as they’re being herded into camps and marched on to the gas chambers.
UPDATE 10/26/23: As attested by those who survived it, China’s Cultural Revolution is being replayed on our own college campuses. Apparently, estimates of 20-60 million liquidated dissidents under Mao’s revolutionary housecleaning raises little concern among those applauding this growing social cancer metastasizing in the halls of ivy, Stanford and the like.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 10/26/23: Regarding “Global Warming”: Never mind; it isn’t happening. No arctic polar bears just off a melting ice floe expected to be bothering you on your way to work any time soon. Feel free to read more details on this greatest of Leftwing hoaxes.
UPDATE 10/25/23: Dare we hope the slump in the EV market is a good sign the general public is sensibly steering clear of something worse than worthless being forced upon them?
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 10/26/23: Heedless “Luvvie” Europe has sown the seeds of civil war and its own destruction allowing the unchecked invasion of Islamics into every nook and cranny of the continent. The explosive pro-Hamas reactions to 10/7 in their midst bodes evil and suggests it’s time these savages return to their shithole countries to act out their savagery at some comfortable distance from Western Civilization. If any objections arise, ask why they left those shitholes in the first place. That “gotcha” should settle it. Or perhaps it’s too late for that.
UPDATE 10/27/23: There is no reason to think BrandonWorld will do the right thing and simply get out of the way and let the Israelis confer on Hamas the punishment that fits the crime. But, we are pleasantly surprised to see some prominent Hollywood Wokesters taking a stand on behalf of Israel.
Of massively greater importance, Elite Academe has disgraced itself permanently and only relents when major donations are being stopped. There will NEVER be a good time for forgiveness and resuming those endowments. Forget about the Ivy League, Stanford, etc and start new schools based on basic Judeo-Christian values. And may those bastions of the corrupt Elite rot down to their evil roots.
One only hopes the electorate will take similar notice of those elected members of Congress who officially consider the Islamic terrorist cause of annihilating Israel a good thing.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
UPDATE 10/26/23: It’s said the Dems have betrayed the Jews, but with their suicidal choice of Left-leaning American politics, the Jews continue to betray themselves.
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 10/23/23: The George Floyd LIE, like the Pandemic LIE, like the J6 Insurrection LIE are not new lies, but just the incessantly repeated, very prominent deadly ones. Create an established narrative, however false, and evil triumphs.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 10/25/23: The competition is fierce, but John Kerry, by dint of perhaps the longest history of unrelenting treachery of all candidates, has topped the list of 10 Most Destructive Americans.
His latest bit of serious malfeasance is getting the world to the fantasy Net Zero carbon emissions, destroying free market capitalism and, while he’s at it, the entire agriculture industry. But no nourishing bugs or carbon-free bicycles for Jon Fraud. He lives the ultra-privileged life of a jet-setting gigolo to a billionairess, singlehandedly leaving a carbon footprint the size of his grandiose self-image. all to “get the job done.”
Reporting for duty! His assignment? Destroy free life for everyone but himself and a few of his cronies.
UPDATE 10/23/23: A fascinating statement from Liz Cheney declaring Trump “the single most dangerous threat” to America. No, not a wide open border letting in millions of unvetted foreigners including a veritable army of terrorists (that Trump was well on the way to controlling on a permanent basis via The Wall). No, not wild inflation (skyrocketing cost of living since the stolen election, 2020 ) devaluing everyone’s wealth and purchasing power . No, not Biden’s canceled tax breaks and minimal regulation for business here that would repatriate jobs and productivity from abroad (that Trump made happen almost immediately during his Presidency). No, not a nuclear Iran (and its financed Hamas thugs) or an emboldened Red China seeing flashing green lights with the absence of any deterrence from America (that most definitely was and will be there with Trump’s presence).
So far, monomaniacally blinded by hatred and jealousy of Trump’s success in keeping conservative promises, she’s neglected to echo Obama’s steady drumbeat of “Climate Emergency” as the “greatest threat” that should be keeping us up at night.
No, saith Liz. Donald is The Problem. Perhaps, just maybe, quite possibly, is she suggesting that our only hope for survival is a Liz Cheney Presidency?