The Psychological Causes of Political Madness
A Guide to the Liberal Mind
As a great fan of Jeff Foxworthy, it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to use his hilarious you-might-be-a-redneck comedy routine in an attempt to characterize the liberal mindset (tweaking Jeff’s formula a bit to convert it from the suppositional to the unconditional). So, with apologies to the wonderful country comedian, here are some of the notable features of the liberal’s mental landscape:
Camille Paglia: The Clintons, Cosby, close-minded Liberals, snarky atheists, the candidates…
An authentically open-minded militant Lesbian/staunch Democrat dynamites the hypocritical PC bunker constructed around today’s Progressive Fascism: “Sexuality has been politicized–“Don’t ask any questions!” “No discussion!” “Gay is exactly equivalent …
Colorful, honest, industrious liberal Camille Paglia nails it again.
UPDATE 10/6/19: Always a pleasure, always illuminating, always worthwhile. New from Mme. Paglia: Provocations. UPDATE 3/1/18: Camille warns rightly of the ominous consequences of the …
Reminder: we’re a republic, not a democracy…at least for those of us who’d like to live and let live.
America’s uniqueness as the freest society in human history originates from our founding as a republic, not a democracy as is often misunderstood. Democracy is a 51% bloc …
Boston Terrorists ID’ed as Islamists.
MSM & Liberal Intelligentsia In Mourning.
The first thing out of a [Liberal] friend’s mouth, post-BostonBombing: “It’s some conservative group, like Oklahoma City.”
Why are Liberals Blind to the Evil in the World?
Why do so many Jews, located primarily in New York City, Los Angeles, and in Florida, mindlessly vote the Democrat Party line and thus support the Democrat destruction of the nation remains a mystery to me, but the same can be also said of Afro-Americans. Perhaps it is because both share a history of persecution and both are drawn to any message of hope and change.
UPDATES 2/2-9/25
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 2/8/25: Some of us are old enough to recall the inauguration of the Kennedy Center in tribute …
UPDATES 1/26-2/2/25
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! OOOO!! Stop! Stop! I can’t stand it!! Well, actually, yes I can. UPDATE 1/31/25: Barely a week has passed, …