UPDATE 1/31/25: CongressCreeps on the take, lobbying shamelessly on behalf of their re-election sugar daddies (Big Pharma).
UPDATE 1/8/25: Trump’s NIH appointee, Jay Bhattacharya, promises to be the un-Fauci. His heroic, courageous alliance with those real medical professionals drafting The Great Barrington declaration is excellent recommendation. In addition to handling any replay of Fauci’s nightmare plandemic, Bhattacharya is also to be Trump’s general in the war on barbaric “gender-affirming care.”
UPDATE 12/20/24: Uh oh, here we go again, another medical emergency, starting in Newsom’s California, heading your way, worthy of global panic and martial law! BIRD FLU!!!! Naturally, this is just as Trump is about to start his second term. Cancel the inauguration! Everyone run inside and hide!!!
UPDATE 12/16/24: It’s important to re-emphasize that the viral hatred of healthcare insurance companies triggered by the CEO assassination dates back to Obama and his miraculous Obamacare. The general public seems to be unaware that SortaGod’s miraculous “free” health insurance was classic fascism in action. In such political climes, the government doesn’t own private business but does totally control it via regulations, limitations, price controls and cancellation of competitive businesses operating freely outside the government’s controls. Companies are forced to raise prices and, in the case of healthcare insurance, to limit/deny coverage. When confronted by angry consumers, the government regime responsible for those high prices and denied coverage easily deflects blame onto those “greedy” private concerns, those price gougers! So it was with classic fascist Obama and the healthcare insurance industry. Naturally, the clueless blind sheeple continue to thank the sainted Obama and big-hearted, benevolent BigGov being on the Little Guy’s side, totally oblivious to how their so-called saviors have themselves caused the shortages and high prices. Routinely vilifying business as a standard practice, they are also directly responsible for the murderous hatred and taste for blood that creates a Luigi Mangione.
UPDATE 12/12/24: In the wake of the United Health CEO murder, screams of outrage for healthcare insurance injustices fill the air, but somehow the word “Obamacare” never comes up.
“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Never mind about those millions of canceled plans rendered illegal and useless for people who liked [and needed] those plans….
UPDATE 12/6/24: The murder of the United Health CEO is bringing out predictably unsavory cheers from the Left, calling this revenge of the Little Guy against BigMed insurance. In the wake of the widespread fraud and exploitation that took place during the Covid episode, there IS legitimate reason to take a closer look and demand reform. Millions of unfortunates have discovered there are some huge industries out there heavily invested in financially screwing its customers and keeping America sick, for profit. No applause here for murdering executives, but this should be a wake-up call.
UPDATE 12/3/24: Jay Bhattacharya, Trump’s appointee to head the NIH, admirably displayed his colors, courage and integrity in helping to draft that brilliant blaze of sanity, the Great Barrington Declaration, at the height of the Covid insanity. He is precisely the sort of real expert with guts that the diabolical Faucistas never were. Another win, another reason to be optimistic.
UPDATE 11/28/24: Trump’s victory is a thrilling miracle, but it must include a look back and an official correction of the Big Lies that continue to be accepted as gospel by millions. What has been a greater abuse of power than the Covid Hoax, arguably the biggest (in size and severity) crime ever perpetrated on an entire world? This is not revisionist history but simply getting the full truth on the books.
UPDATE 11/19/24: RFKJ’s new and most welcome prominence in MAGAWorld is about the pursuit of improved, REAL health for Americans, not the ersatz variety peddled by the Covid tyrants, pushing masks, quarantines and vaccine mandates (aka Big Pharma profits) on us. The deeper message of such coercion is that we are incapable of taking responsibility for ourselves and must turn to the star “experts” lighting up the BigGov marquee.
The obesity epidemic is the obvious, literal embodiment of the damage we are doing to ourselves, and the public is being sold on the promised miracles of Ozempic (aka semaglutide), a very pricey (and addictive) new pill. This latest pharmaceutical sensation may be the necessary, last-ditch cure for some addictions, but for most, there is a healthier (albeit NOT EASY) approach. AA continues to work miracles for millions of alcoholics without the substitution of yet another permanent dependency. Guns don’t shoot people, and spoons don’t make us fat. We do. On the eating front, better food combined with self-control possibly in tandem with clinically guided behavioral adjustment remains the best solution to the obesity problem besetting us.
This is an Ozempic ad that understandably neglects to include quick-cure Ozempic itself as something that demands some second thoughts.
UPDATE 10/21/24: Woke Medicine, finally coming up against rational criticism and effective opposition, plays the victim card while continuing to DO MUCH HARM to sick people everywhere and society as a whole.
UPDATE 8/29/24: The latest in long-overdue exposure & accountability for the medical industry’s high crimes & misdemeanors at present and during the Covid Lockdown nightmare.
UPDATE 8/5/24: The Covid Catastrophe was just a trial run. It irrefutably proved that contrived medical emergencies are a surefire way (Climate Crisis!! Systemic Racism!! Teen Trans Suicide Epidemic!!) to terrify and control the masses. This young Texas doctor’s testimony is one more horrifying look into a profession once universally revered and now a burgeoning cesspool of corruption. Whither the Hippocratic Oath? Whither the Ten Commandments?
UPDATE 5/19/24: I was pooh-poohed dismissively years ago by friends besotted with “free” socialized medicine when I asked, “Who will want to be doctors or nurses when ignorant bureaucrats are telling them how to do their jobs?” Surprise! There’s a doctor shortage!
UPDATE 5/14/24: Politicized medicine has unlimited potential for destruction: what is more evil than a licensed plastic surgeon telling confused young mental patients suffering from gender dysphoria that mutilating their genitals and breasts will be “an adventure?”
UPDATE 4/17/24: The poison of DEI now freely running through medicine and the sciences in general is doomed to cost lives, millions and millions of lives. One is advised to check out a doctor’s common sense rather than the diplomas on the wall. In fact, the more prestigious (and Woke) the institution attended, the more deficient professional competence is likely to be.
UPDATE 4/9/24: What’ll it be this time?
UPDATE 4/3/24: The ongoing Woke wreckage of medicine goes hand in hand with Obamacare and the long-held dream of Dems to socialize the whole healthcare industry.
UPDATE 4/3/24: On the basis of his commonsensical stances on the child abuse/mutilation known cozily as “gender re-assignment” as well as his calling for full investigation of the Covid response fiasco, one can forgive most of Bill Maher’s usual annoying, pointless snark.
UPDATE 3/29/24: One would think those still buying the “saving lives” bs used to sell the Covid narrative would think again faced with the plain old greed that played and continues to play a part in the Big Medicine anvil dropped on the world 2020-22. One hopeful development is the gradual removal of the pervasive anti-Ivermectin propaganda from the FDA website. God willing, a major reckoning is soon upon us.
UPDATE 3/22/24: Will a truthful evaluation of the Covid RESPONSE (not the flu-like malady) ever reach the general public’s rational faculties? Or are we doomed to deny the overwhelming social, economic, spiritual damage of years-long lockdowns that far outdistances the damage to human life effected by the virus itself? This all came as a surprise to most of us, but there were those who accurately predicted and warned against the catastrophic results of such a shutdown. Part of an excellent series entitled The Prophets at The Free Press.
Far-seeing epidemiologist D.A. Henderson
UPDATE 3/21/24: We have been given a reprieve for the time being, but it seems inevitable those profiting from the years-long shutdown and captivity of all productive life worldwide (the stated reason being “Covid”) will repeat themselves. This time, the excuse will be conveniently updated “Long Covid.”
UPDATE 2/18/24: Sad day for those still wed to the bat soup theory of Covid’s origins. A Japanese study reveals that every strain of the virus that put Joe Biden in the White House and ruined millions upon millions of lives in a socially engineered lockdown is manmade. The good news is that it dispels the myth of all this being something accidental or an unfortunate act of God. The bad news is that this IS manmade, that certain people of great power and influence would like to see us all dead or at the very least under their absolute control.
UPDATE 2/14/24: Loss of trust in “experts,” thanks to one wicked little bureaucrat famously assuming “science” as his authoritative identity, may be the worst after-affect of the government’s malevolent Covid response. Who can now believe anything coming from our doctors or medically-related professionals? For the most part, those in those formerly trustworthy positions have acted and continue to act as one robotic enforcer of a poisonous, official narrative that brooks no dissent or disagreement.
Ominously, CovidControl is NOT a thing of the past but very much of the future as France has just passed a law, now referred to as Article Pfizer, calling for prison time to anyone criticizing or lobbying publicly against Big Pharma vaccines and establishment-endorsed treatments.
No translation necessary.
UPDATE 2/3/24: Who doesn’t want to lose 20 lb without giving up everything they like to eat? Ozempic is the miracle drug for weight loss! Oprah and all her movie star/celebs agree! So does its Big Pharma manufacturer, bribing these big name whores for their public endorsements in order to make billions from it. BUT…it entails regular injections FOR LIFE, and there are serious claims that it rots your gut. Otherwise, go for it!
UPDATE 1/18/24: In the name of “public health,,” the purveyors of “The Science” (not science) did it once with enormous effectiveness, accruing unprecedented power and control…and with the full cooperation of the sheepish masses worldwide. Why not do it again? Against all venerable Hippocratic tradition, vast harm will be done once more to The Patient. That’s you and me.
UPDATE 1/3/24: It’s encouraging when some of those in charge of the catastrophic Covid response of mass lockdowns, mandatory mask/vax edicts are finally coming clean, at least admitting their “mistake” if not their very, very, very bad intentions. That done, there is at least a glimmer of hope that this won’t be repeated any time soon.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Looking back with honesty at the mass lockdown response to the man-made Wuhan flu, we are looking at both the biggest mistake ever by the blind well-meaning and the biggest crime ever by those who knowingly stood to profit financially and politically by it. Read about it and weep…and be very wary of those who continue to claim it was a good thing and worth repeating.
Following the experts of science.
UPDATE 11/22/23: The overwhelming success of Covid panic (and martial law) taking over the world for two years was just a dress rehearsal by those hellbent on global control. Do most people realize they’ve been had? Or will they go along with it the inevitable next time? Fool me once, fool me twice…?
UPDATE 10/18/23: They’ve given up on mask/vaccine hysteria for the moment, but tyranny persists in the form of canceling highly respected medical professionals on record for telling the truth about effective, alternative treatments and countering outright lies still being pushed by officialdom.
UPDATE 9/6/23: The uselessness of the lockdowns & masks have forever marred our faith in establishment medicine, science…and the common sense of our fellow citizens in general.
UPDATE 8/31/23: Covid is once again headline news as a warm-up to what threatens to be Covid 2.0. After all, the Dems have an upcoming major election to steal and no sense wasting the opportunity to set another faux crisis in motion. New and improved “vaccines” are already being touted for “everybody” and, lo and behold, all the major Big Pharma money-makers are ready to start raking it in again by the billions. And, worst of all, millions of the sheeple are ready and willing to bite again and villainize any of their friend/neighbors/family not going with the program. The overriding motive is stealing the election again with compulsory, mass mail-in voting.
UPDATE 8/23/23: Big mystery that there was almost “no flu” during the Covid debacle. “Experts” are amazed, and some even call for a repeat to wipe it out again!
Even the CDC, is scratching its head on the “unusually low” flu numbers during 2020-2021. Maybe, just maybe, the flu was just going by a different name that had great advantages for the Democrat Party and its cronies Big Pharma.
“The Flu did not disappear, it was simply rebranded as Covid.” There was no “once-in-a-century pandemic”.
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) June 24, 2023
Amazing analysis by @JordanSchachtel in the link below 👇 pic.twitter.com/Bz5LDBSgxx
UPDATE 7/12/23: Are we anywhere near the point where it’s widely admitted the hysterical Covid response was about politics, not medicine or safety?
Make that REAL science.
UPDATE 7/8/23: The deadly consequences of lockdowns, the totalitarian censoring of information opposing the entire Covid response are only now gaining full exposure. Whether the public worldwide is willing to admit it has been duped like never before in our recent history is the big question.
UPDATE 6/29/23: Leading American Sinologist Gordon Chang paints a dismal picture of a Chinese invasion already well underway in America. There are thousands of trained terrorists who have been allowed to walk in unimpeded, now ready to carry out major sabotage of major communication and power networks upon command from their bosses in Beijing. The original, cynical subtitle of this long-running post has been “Told ya so.” God willing, we can dodge the dreaded moment when pessimistic prophecy becomes reality.
UPDATE 6/23/23: Are those of us doubters-from-the-start going to be vindicated and justice served to all those involved (Fauci & Co.) in possibly the worst world-wide crime in history? Funded, just incidentally, by the U.S. taxpayer. There will be those still charitably referring to this fiasco as a “mistake,” and YouTube, flagship of a Woke MSM, has desperately removed RFK, Jr’s interview with Jordan Peterson: but the genie is now fully out of the bottle, and heads must roll lest the criminals responsible and/or their aspirant imitators decide to do it again.
Whether RFK, Jr. is POTUS material is immaterial. His revelations regarding Fauci and the whole hideous Covid saga must be heard, unambiguously verified and seriously faced by a gullible world played for fools.
Thanks be for Rumble, an alternative to YouTube, an option for advocates of free speech and free thought.
UPDATE 6/10/23: The mass lockdown and ugly mask/vaccine mandates have receded for the time being, but the long term damage done and high likelihood of new lockdowns in the virtuous name of “public health” remain.
UPDATE 5/11/23: Watch this deposition and note the total ease with which this prominent doctor dismisses any concerns about sacrificing human life-aborted babies and mentally handicapped children-as guinea pigs in service to the God of Science. According to his Wikipedia biography, he describes himself as having been a young idealist inspired by reading those celebrated literary romances of medicine and research such as “Arrowsmith” and “The Microbe Hunters.” One must ask at what point did this former young idealist morph from the heroic protagonist of the Sinclair Lewis’ novel into a decidedly gray area of medical ethics. (We live in an era of such compromised ethics, judging by the vast numbers of doctors and hospitals who enriched themselves on as many falsely diagnosed Covid-patients as possible while ignoring others in need of medical help.)
One has the choice of being Dr. Scott Atlas and those who signed the Great Barrington Declaration or being Dr. Anthony Fauci and those like him focused on the immense amount of funding, power and prestige that have clouded their moral vision.
UPDATE 5/3/23: Hopefully the public is not still buying the nonsense about ”settled science” and “follow the data” and “95% [or is it 97%] of scientists agree” when faced with the next “scientific” hoax a la Covid hysteria and Climate Change.
UPDATE 5/5/23; Thanks to the infusion of politics into medicine and science, we are now a civilization headed for the morgue, gasping for the oxygen of empirical truth while choking on Woke.
UPDATE 4/25/23: The untold tales of hospital horrors during the Covid catastrophe must be aired widely and often in response to those still ignorant of widespread bio-medical tyranny and fraud.
UPDATE 4/21/23: Science and medicine have clearly betrayed the trust generally accorded them with the COVID catastrophe. One more sad example is establishment medicine’s refusal to investigate growing evidence linking sonograms on pregnant women to a tragic autism epidemic. Like X-rays or vaccines, the possibilities are miraculous, but caution and strict ethics must be exercised accompanied by rigorous research and testing.
UPDATE 4/22/23: At the moment, we are not facing and feeling en masse the dark forces of Covid mandates, but one senses the presence of a new “abnormal” of bio-medical tyranny waiting permanently in the wings.
UPDATE 4/15/23: Lo and behold, they’re still scrambling to sweep Wuhan lab leaks under the rug. That “misinformation” has always been the real story. Now let’s go back one more step and discuss the Fauci connection to that “gain-of-function” research.
UPDATE 3/31/23: A visit to the doctor’s office this week became a contact high upon seeing the sign “Masks Optional” on the entry door. Isn’t it past time we call curtains to the whole hideous scam?
UPDATE 3/31/23: When, not if, Covid Madness is merely a nightmarish relic of the past, the heroism of Dr. Scott Atlas will prevail as a towering model of principled courage facing down evil.
UPDATE 3/18/23: Brought to you, courtesy of Dr. Fauci, Joe Biden and their ChiCom patrons. Why would those dividing & “transforming” the country ever let the successful Covid Scare die out when the masses are still eager to live in cooperative submission and fear?
Thanks to those stalwart souls worldwide not willing to sweep the vax/lockdown fiasco under the rug, it’s CYA time for the Covid Nazis. Even Michigan’s version of the Kiwi Covid Witch is backtracking cautiously, saying now that maybe, just maybe, threatening people for shopping for garden seeds was a bit, well, harsh. We have reason to feel at least mildly optimistic when others like her sense and fear strong karma vibes coming back to slam them.
UPDATE 3/11/23: The silencing of Covid RESPONSE critics goes on to this day and remains the worst damage done to us as a country based on free speech.
UPDATE 3/9/23: Even an ex-CDC director is coming clean about American funding of the gain-of-function virus development in Wuhan. The dots are connecting, the revelations are emerging fully into the light. May the fingers be pointed and suitable punishment be close behind.
No, Tony. Look in the mirror, in the mirror!
UPDATE 3/4/23: Few developments are more distressing than the corruption of both the medical establishment and medical practitioners themselves, no longer guided by “First Do No Harm” but rather“What’s in it for me?”
UPDATE 3/4/23: It’s a good sign when one more government agency, in this case the Department of Energy, admits Covid came from a lab. Once again, yesterday’s “misinformation” is today’s truth.
UPDATE 2/16/23: The public’s faith in American medicine continues to erode. What IS with all these sudden deaths of the young and previously healthy? And doctors themselves are proving to be increasingly half-witted, Woke, unskilled, unscrupulous…and likely to be very bad for your health.
UPDATE 2/9/23: Forget about any physical symptoms. The long-term psychological damage and negative social effects of lockdowns & mandates are not going away.
THE NEW NORMAL. Treating one another as lepers. If not fear of bad germs, then the fear/hatred of un-Woke ideas.
UPDATE 2/3/23: What is more disturbing than the stark reality of the medical profession being controlled from basic training thru actual practice by Leftists dictating how, what, when, where, if medicine is practiced? Only cooperative schools submitting to Woke policy get funding and accreditation; and we are informed by loose-lipped medical insiders that drug companies are now in the business of creating illness for profit, not eradicating it. Dare we expect any real comeuppance for the conspiracy of “The Science” that pushed the Covid scam to such disastrous effect?
UPDATE 1/26/23: The medical establishment making Woke politics top priority on the list and actual healthcare last makes for a lot of sick and dying people who needn’t be so in the 21st century.
UPDATE 1/17/23: Look to socialized UK for what NOT to do with medical care UNLESS you like shortages of everything essential and long, long, long waits for what little quality care is available.
UPDATE 1/17/23: Win/Win!! BrandonWorld (BW) wants to extend the state of emergency measures for Covid. (Put and keep millions on Medicaid. WIN for BW.) At the same time, BrandonWorld does NOT want to extend the state of emergency measures for Covid. (Open wide the borders for millions more newly arriving Democrats to go on the dole. WIN for BW).
BigGov Covid policies have never been about health but all about creating an overwhelming majority of permanently government-dependent Dems.
UPDATE 1/12/23: The real negative consequences of Covid are not Chinese bacteria but permanent neurotic fear/hypochondria among the general population and a medical profession timidly bowing to the political operatives keeping it all going. There is also the hard-to-ignore epidemic of drugs, suicide and spiked death rates in the young soaring beyond anything documented pre-vax/lockdown mandates.
UPDATE 1/4/23: The fearmongering worked so well, the sheep were universally compliant, so why not make it a forever “pandemic?”
UPDATE 1/3/23: Scott Atlas is the authoritative person to lead the way toward prosecuting those directly responsible for suppressing life-saving information about Covid alternatives to the official vax/mask narrative.
UPDATE 12/27/22: The whole outrageous saga of suppressed Covid information at odds with the government’s chosen narrative is now out there thanks to the newly released Twitter Files. One thinks of Stalin’s Russia satirized in “Animal Farm,” but ugly reality has replaced fiction right here in the good ol’ USA. Read it and grind your teeth.
UPDATE 12/23/22: The NJ gym owner threatened with jail and 6-7 figure fines for keeping his place of business open provides more damning testimony against the Covid lockdown outrage. The damage done physically and psychologically to millions deprived of beaches, walks in the park, exercise, fresh air needs to reach the courts and reparations made. A heavy price must be paid if for no other reason than as a reminder of the cost of such arbitrary government overreach into the free lives of American citizens.
UPDATE 12/23/22: Dr. Simone Gold is one of those contemporary heroes putting their lives and reputations on the line to lead us out of the swamp, in her case, the current morass that falsely calls itself “science.”
UPDATE 12/14/22: The weak-willed who still insist the whole vax/mask/lockdown was a good thing in “saving lives” will never admit to being played for fools. The cure was infinitely more damaging than the disease and will impact millions, perhaps billions for years. One Left-leaning acquaintance responds to that painful reality, kicking any self-awareness down the road by saying detachedly, “We won’t know that for 30 years.” Alas, those financially ruined, the young and old suffering permanent psychological damage, drug addiction, suicide and prematurely dropping dead in record numbers from heart attacks don’t have the luxury of waiting decades to pretend no major crime was committed.
UPDATE 12/11/22: Regarding revelations on Twitter’s active suppression of dissenting Covid medical professionals, a heartening announcement from Elon: “It is coming bigtime.”
UPDATE 12/4/22: The “bat in a wet market” fable becomes progressively more absurd as serious investigators pursue the real origins of The Virus. Once it’s firmly established beyond question that it was deliberately created in a Wuhan lab, let’s hear (again) more about who funded it, particularly from abroad…like maybe, someone in the U.S. Government interested in “gain of function”…like maybe…You know who…
UPDATE 11/23/22: The miracle of modern medicine based on science is morphing into yet another laboratory of wrecking ball Leftist social engineering. Remove the natural, competitive incentives from medical professionals for doing the best job possible for patients, replace it with duty to Woke ideology, and the public now finds itself rationally terrified to visit a doctor or hospital.
11/6/22: It’s a hopeful sign the tide is turning when certain people with a GREAT deal to answer for are bringing up “Covid Amnesty.” Of many outrages perpetrated on us over the last few years, retribution and justice for this one has to go to the head of the line.
UPDATE 11/5/22: The CDC has effectively canceled itself as an organization of honest medical professionals and reliable source of even minimal credibility. The last few years have made that clear.
UPDATE 11/3/22: When The Atlantic puts out a pleas for “Pandemic amnesty,” there is reason to believe that justice and retribution for the whole Covid travesty at last is nigh.
UPDATE 10/28/22: The destruction of the medical profession ominously continues apace as the really good doctors and scientists are being brought to heel by their own corrupted, Faucist organizations in place to police and silence them.
UPDATE 10/23/22: When the whole Covid scandal is brought to account, the MSM must be among the first parties exposed as an active perp in this massive crime against humanity.
UPDATE 10/20/22: Fauci’s cold-blooded treachery is a story that must be told until the truth sinks in. Rand Paul leads the pack in seeing this evil exposed and justice done. What a task.
10/18/22: Under the guise of science and philanthropy, we have been witness to THE crime of modern times. Connect the crony capitalist dots between BigPharma and BigGov represented by Anthony Fauci, stretching from Covid back to AIDS. RFK, Jr.’s published expose on the diabolical “good doctor” is now an eye-opening, shocking video documentary. Currently at no cost, watch Part I of RFK, Jr.’s THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI.
UPDATE 10/16/22: Here are 77 ways Covid response was an insane travesty. Undoubtedly there are more than 77, but going no further than the first two will be enough for those looking back at this era to wonder “Whatever happened to the free world in the 21st century?”
UPDATE 10/13/22: Medicine with its advances was once among the most respected and admired fields of endeavor, a fount of miracles relieving suffering and prolonging life, the family doctor and new treatments available a source of hope and comfort. Tragically, things have changed.
Remember the old 60s business of not trusting anyone over 30? Now, for your own survival, don’t trust anyone under 30 or even 40, especially a doctor compelled to take and follow an oath to Woke science. Medical students at the University of Minnesota are now being forced to pledge allegiance to any odd practice that might be associated with any group deemed by the Left as “oppressed.”
To quote the oath: “…to honor all Indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by Western medicine” and fight “white supremacy, colonialism, [and] the gender binary.” Does it get any crazier than this?
UPDATE 10/8/22: After the horrendous Covid detour, we have to get back to the whole question of medical cost reform. The fight is the fundamental one of all business: nationalized BigGov vs free market forces. If concrete results trump useless ideology, rational voters will choose the former.
UPDATE 10/6/22: It’s always a good time to revisit the Great Barrington Declaration in preparation for the next major assault in the war on science, medicine, freedom and truth itself.
UPDATE 10/2/22: Sweden provided the world with a matchless gift of being THE test case that refrained from the draconian lockdowns that destroyed millions of businesses and lives. Putting people’s basic rights above politics and half-baked, politicized medical theories, Sweden came out as well or better than the rest of the world. Any lights going on in all those befuddled “expert” brains out there?
UPDATE 9/28/22: The Covid Lockdown plague that gave many of us our first real taste of living in a Sovietized world must be described and recorded as a warning of very, very bad Things To Come. Otherwise, we are looking not at merely a bad patch but a permanent nightmare.
UPDATE 9/15/22: The “death protocols” in place since the Covid takeover of medicine worldwide must be investigated, and those guilty of literally murdering patients and denying them their most basic rights must be brought to justice. One woman’s harrowing story of escape from a Texas (!) hospital determined to profit financially by her Covid death is the logical outcome of this plague of politicized “science.”

UPDATE 9/15/22: Despite ruining countless businesses and lives, Madame Zero Covid Kiwi has graciously declared herself the savior of her beautiful island country. I did it!! Everyone can come out now!! Trouble is, what she did was use a nasty virus to tyrannize an entire compliant population for two years, then take credit for the natural immunity that would’ve taken hold on its own (as infectious viruses do) and sent the plague packing. No, she didn’t save lives. She ruined millions of healthy ones and is now in full CYA mode pretending it was all for the good.
Who enjoys being a tyrant more than Nurse Jacinda Ratched, our warm & fuzzy “sole source of truth”? She is the inevitable brutal face of Marxism that MUST be forced upon people who, in their right minds, don’t like being serfs.
UPDATE 9/3/22: For the general public sick of all things Covid, Monkeypox has proven to be a bit of a flop and slippery banana peel. If anyone’s interested, it has everything to do with allowing natural immunity to take hold of matters, not BigGov with its proven inclination for brutal overreach.

UPDATE 8/27/22: Until those responsible for this unprecedented crime are brought to account, we are living in a skewed world of justice denied. Living in this moral vacuum, what’s to stop them from doing it again?
UPDATE 8/25/22: The Covid Response Plague has been the most dramatic and far-reaching invasion of our lives and medical decisions recently, but BigGov/Big Brother/Master Planners have always be there when taking life-and-death decisions out of the individual’s hands. In Canada, a frightening day has arrived when old people, sick people, scared, depressed people are now being counseled to kill themselves as a first line of suggested “treatment.” Socialized (government controlled) medicine is the natural sewer where this deadly disease can thrive, and Obamanized America can’t be far behind if this corruption of science and medicine is allowed to metastasize here.
Norman Rockwell’s America is not corny; it’s about a deeply moral tradition of life prevailing over death.
UPDATE 8/18/22: New Zealand and Australia’s fanatic disregard for natural immunity and human rights in their failed pursuit of unattainable Zero Covid should be a warning for the future. But for tyrants worldwide, lockdowns will remain the blueprint for totalitarian control.
UPDATE 8/13/22: Turns out it was all a big boo-boo. So sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
UPDATE 8/10/22: Identity Politics is actively destroying the integrity of the medical profession. We will all be paying dearly for the lie that “systemic racism is responsible both for racial disparities in the demographics of the medical profession and for racial disparities in health outcomes.” Like science in general, medical professionals themselves are now party to their own destruction as they allow themselves to accept that lie…and get paid for it as a bonus.
UPDATE 8/6/22: Loss of trust in a thoroughly compromised medical profession predates the Covid fiasco which only has brought this out into the open. What is more unsettling than legitimately viewing doctors and nurses as adversaries, not sources of hope and healing? Does every visit to the doctor’s office now require an advocate?
UPDATE 8/5/22: Hope springs eternal for scoundrels, but it just may be that that new and improved Covid “emergency” just isn’t panning out.
UPDATE 8/4/22: The reality-challenged will continue to ignore the success of Red states that relaxed Covid restrictions and allowed life to go on. Surely those ruined businesses and millions of upended lives were all for the good. There is also the irrefutable example of Sweden that put a lie to the so-called benefits of “Zero Covid” madness that swept the world over the last couple of years. Seeing the vax/mask mandates still in force and silly individuals still sporting their face coverings voluntarily is a sorry reminder that a mental illness pandemic still rages.
UPDATE 7/28/22: Medicine’s (and science’s) fall into politicized mediocrity was dramatized recently with a bratty walkout by new doctors at a U of Michigan White Coat ceremony. The esteemed speaker’s experience as a physician was deemed insignificant up against her pro-life stance. These are the “wise, educated” people slated to diagnose & operate on you in the near future.
UPDATE 7/25/22: The difference between this “pandemic” and ones of the past is that this one has been tailor-made for the totalitarian-minded to stop and control all life and, above all, to get rid of Donald Trump. His superlative record on virtually every significant count was unbeatable, and this would not do. Thanks to a sudden declaration of “emergency,” voting procedures and safeguards were radically altered or just discarded, and the Big Steal could take place. Stopping all commerce, locking people up in their houses, forcing them to wear masks and take untested vaccines had no precedent in earlier pandemics such as the Spanish Flu. This time with all that political power to be accrued by the globalists and billion$ to be made by Big Pharma, Covid has been a gift sent courtesy of Satan. We pray for that moment of revelation when millions face the reality of having been played for fools.
UPDATE 7/25/22: The Big Lie/Big Crime persists. The Nobel committee is predicted to confer its totally tarnished laurels onto WHO, the bureaucratic monster instrumental in creating the global catastrophe that was and remains Covid Response.
Frantically, deliberately overlooked will be one little-known hero: Anders Tegnell, top epidemiologist of Sweden. To summarize his heroism: “Swedish children and adults went on with their lives, following Tegnell’s advice not to wear masks as they continued going to schools, stores, churches, playgrounds, gyms, and restaurants. And fewer of them died than in most of the American states and European countries that delayed medical treatments, bankrupted businesses, impoverished workers, stunted children’s emotional and cognitive growth, and stripped their citizens of fundamental liberties.”

UPDATE 7/20/22: Hats off to Dr. Scott Atlas for risking his entire professional life shining a light on the heartless machinations of Birx and her fellow bureaucrats, shutting down millions of lives while continuing to draw their own hefty paychecks and exempting themselves from any related inconvenience. Is it of some interest that she has just declared that the sacred vax was “never going to protect against infection”? Coupled with Fauci’s simultaneously timed admission that the jab doesn’t work “overly well”, it’s looking like major CYA time. Yup. We’ve been had bigtime. Time to take the vax/mask thing out with the garbage for good and these wicked frauds with it.
UPDATE 7/19/22: All that power and control over millions is hard to let go of, and an express lane for the Covid Horror Movie sequel is now under construction at warp speed for the midterms. If truth means anything to counter this narrative, the vaccines/lockdowns/masks have actually proven to be a deadly plague of its own despite the robotically repeated mantra that it’s saved us all and continues to save those millions of the vaccinated who, mysteriously, are at least equally if not more likely to get The Bug than the dreadful “anti-vaxxers.” Could it be that the current mortality rate among the UNvaccinated is shockingly low while the dead and dying are almost exclusively those who Believed and took the jab? Doubtless, the Vax Faithful will cite figures proving they are the safe ones while the unjabbed remain the reviled villains of our age.
UPDATE 6/17/22: “Lockdown, The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom.” Sounds like a book worth reading if only for the title that already says it all.
UPDATE 6/14/22: As time passes, the long range damage of lockdowns and the rest is confirmed in the stats and the real lives ruined.
UPDATE 6/12/22: Why would government agencies like the CDC and its Covid cronies give up the sweeping “emergency” powers it was granted over the public since 2020? Big surprise they’re gung-ho on a permanent state of “emergency.”
UPDATE 6/8/22: If no new crisis is immediately available to exploit to political advantage, call Covid!
UPDATE 6/1/22: As we knew practically from the start, the cure has been deadlier than the disease by an incalculable factor.
UPDATE 5/28/22: Any history and future examination of the Covid fiasco must look into the World Health Organization (WHO), not merely out of curiosity but to save what remains of a free society.
UPDATE 5/25/22: As previously stated and reinforced by the added subtitle to this post, they’re going to try it again because it worked like such a charm the first time out. Believable scenarios abound. The Frankenstein story, man playing God to his own severe detriment, provides a cautionary tale and moral for the horrors to come. What balanced person hasn’t asked himself, “How come I’ve never heard of the new & improved gain-of-function monkeypox until a few weeks ago?”
UPDATE 5/22/22: The new treaty with WHO that Brandon is about to sign is major trouble for what’s left of the free world. Giving that Marxist-controlled bureaucracy (World Health Organization) power to dictate universal “health” policy for America is the Globalist dream of permanent, universal lockdown. Lockdown: rhymes with totalitarianism. Gives a horrific up-to-date meaning to the term “Shanghaied.” [Definition: To induce or compel someone to do something, especially by fraud or force.]
UPDATE 5/20/22: Health redefined. Words and their definitions are everything without which we are slaves to those who control those words and meanings. Of late, words like “health” and “science” have undergone a frightening transformation now blithely ignored by millions of clueless Americans.
UPDATE 5/9/22: About that “pandemic” requiring the shutdown of the whole world, ruining half the small businesses in America and devastating millions of lives: never mind. It’s just a bad flu. Ask the FDA.
UPDATE 5/7/22: Asking whether we’ve learned our lesson about how NOT to handle a Covid scenario is not the right question. We know the answer to that one. Those in charge of the disastrous response have learned the lesson that people are easy to manipulate if you scare them enough, and the real question is, “How do we stop them from doing it again?”

UPDATE 5/5/22: For those subscribed, one can read the NY Times article this morning coming to the startling realization that the whole societal lockdown and school lock-outs for millions of schoolchildren had less than ZERO benefits and infinitely negative consequences. Whoops. Perhaps the travesty of mass masking/vaxxing of the young will be the next lightbulb to go on, albeit too late for those already jabbed and physically compromised.
UPDATE 4/29/22: Becoming clearer by the day: it (lockdowns/vaccines/masks) wasn’t worth it.
UPDATE 4/29/22: From the NY Times this morning:
“Why hasn’t the F.D.A. approved a Covid-19 vaccine for children under 5? Government officials have given two conflicting answers in recent days — one that places responsibility on vaccine manufacturers, another that casts the lack of approval as a deliberate federal policy. It’s the latest instance of what has been a recurring problem during the pandemic. Public health officials have sent confusing messages about Covid policy. They have done so on masks, tests, adult vaccines and basic Covid statistics.”
Confused? Conflicts? Contradictory information about vaccinations and almost everything coming out of DC? Say it ain’t so!
4/23/22: Lockdowns/Vax-Mask Mandates here in the land of the free and the brave? Was it worth it? To those making the biggest fuss (and suffering the least), these lost two years were nothing less than heroic! Who of those politicians and media personalities are about to admit, “We were fools, and inhumane fools to boot”?
To anyone retaining an ounce of honesty, it was arguably the worst mass crime against humanity within record if the astronomical number of lost and ruined lives are to be considered. Not the least of these ruined, stunted lives are children deprived of peer contact, school, normalcy in everyday life. To those of us horrified from the start, it has been a blow to any trust we have had in the most basic common sense and humanity of too many people in our lives.
UPDATE 4/20/22: The benefits of lockdowns, masks, vax mandates…..zero. Don’t expect agreement from those most publicly touting their heroic handling of the “pandemic” including not only the bureaucrats forcing this down the public’s throat but the so-called trusted “experts” like doctors blindly following the faux “science.”
UPDATE 4/19/22: Politicized medicine, making a quantum leap thanks to Covid, will spell the end of treating patients on a case-by-case basis. Woke edicts from government and insurance companies are turning doctors into political operatives, not physicians, and any doctor expecting to live up to the Hippocratic Oath (First Do No Harm) will find his professional and spiritual life gutted.

UPDATE 4/15/22: The price paid by children for the self-righteous lockdown madness (NOT Covid itself) is a boomerang destined to return with cold, deadly, inevitable force. Meanwhile, what’s to become of these young lives put on hold at best and, worst of all, irrevocably ruined or cut short?
UPDATE 4/6/22: How nice for the totalitarian-minded to have had such solid success totally controlling the world’s populations with Covid, and the Chinese are pulling it out once again in Shanghai.
Adding to the charm of the whole occasion are robot dogs roaming the streets barking orders to the citizenry to keep them disoriented and suitably intimidated. Washington is undoubtedly taking notes for when they need to create a crisis…say…around election time, perhaps?

UPDATE 3/24/22: Making The Science synonymous with The State is nothing new. BigGov response to and exploitation of Covid bears only a hair’s difference from the genocidal Lysenko and Stalin. A tale worth retelling if certain history is well worth NOT repeating.
3/23/22: How comforting that Australia is softening its Covid image. PR geniuses have determined it is easier to attract tourism to the land of Crocodile Dundee and koalas than to the Hitleresque storm troopers literally tackling men, women and children and forcing masks over their faces. Equally dystopian New Zealand has likewise suddenly abandoned all those dehumanizing regulations that only weeks and months ago turned the land of Kiwis and colorful Maoris into an Orwellian nightmare. In America, most are moving on from the disruption of Covid while some refuse to come out of their fetal position.
Perhaps, it’s all been just a bad dream.
UPDATE 3/24/22: Dr. Scott Atlas, author of A PLAGUE UPON OUR HOUSE, is a scientist and not a political operative like those bloodless bureaucrats (Fauci, Birx) he was thrown in with at Trump’s White House in early 2020. Pushing common sense and concern for the overall wellbeing of the general populace, he was immediately branded a threat and subject to personal attack. The mission of those threatened by his presence was not assessing the best way to allow life to carry on despite The Virus but a collective Master Planning mentality throwing a smothering web of control over healthy humanity. His interview with Jan Kieklek is a chilling account of an honest, knowledgeable man pitted against the faceless, impersonal forces of Kafka’s Castle.
UPDATE 3/17/22: The CDC enhances its sterling credibility as it downsizes its stats on Covid deaths in kids by an outrageous 24%. And then there are thousands of others that have quietly disappeared from “the count.” All the panic and scare has been for the benefit of the children, for the old folks, for everyone’s well-being. Except it hasn’t. Almost as crazy as the whole CoronaCraze is the delusional belief that those responsible for the irreparable, needless damage done will apologize.
UPDATE 3/16/22: Back in 2006, the most renowned epidemiologist of his time, Donald A. Henderson, called out the chatter among the Fauci-types eager to impose universal lockdowns in the event of a pandemic:
“Experience has shown that communities faced with epidemics or other adverse events respond best and with the least anxiety when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted.”
It’s too kind to think that the Faucists and Birxites simply disregarded his advice out of well-intentioned ignorance. One is more inclined to suspect that political forces entirely consumed with power lust guided the curse inflicted on the entire world by these scoundrels.
UPDATE 3/8/22: Is Covid finally old hat? The effectiveness of constantly fomented fear has definitely waned but will be utilized as long as it’s useful in controlling the easily controlled. Stealing elections was certainly a plus for the Covideers, but another new bogey man is already taking its place. The rose-tinted glasses set is already demanding an apology for the wreckage, but don’t expect any tears of contrition and guilt from those busily cooking up the next exploitable crisis.
UPDATE 2/24/22: Waking up to the fraud and misinformation peddled by the “experts,” Israel is finally coming to its senses and lifting all the pandemic panic measures. No one has the luxury of indulging in the theatrics of a “pandemic” or “climate change” when immediate threats like Putin and Iran present themselves. Falling for the hyperbolic Covid narrative is surprising for a country that has lived with daily threats of extinction since its founding.
UPDATE 2/22/22: Sweden has provided a control to the great lockdown experiment inflicted on humanity over the last two years. Let history decide, not later but beginning today.
UPDATE 2/17/22: Is Norway the first domino, the beginning of the end internationally to the whole CoronaCrazed nightmare? Here and everywhere, we’re long past due to OPEN EVERYTHING, and a surprising number of Dems agree. We shall see if the destructive love of control so integral to a left-of-center world view gives way to the overriding American virtue of liberty.
UPDATE 2/17/22: Our intrepid “leaders” along with the millions of the passively trusting will forever insist the lockdowns, masks, “vaccines” and all attendant damage done were worth it. But it wasn’t. None of it was. And faith in those government institutions entrusted to guide and protect us is forever scattered to the winds. Regaining trust in “science” (which once used to be just science sans quotes) is going to be an uphill endeavor.
UPDATE 2/10/22: Some cracks of light in the Covid mandate darkness: a dozen countries such as Israel are scrapping their Green Pass, some Democrat-run cities say they’re ending both vaccine & mask mandates, and the masks are coming off the kids in New Jersey.
While Brandon’s ginger Mouthpiece of Misinformation claims her daughter “could wear a mask all day and she’s just happy to go to camp and go to school,” the kids of Las Vegas counter that stomach-churning fabrication with totally child-like candor.
UPDATE 2/3/22: It’s petty and really no joy in saying “I told you so. “
Or maybe there is. To quote a writer looking optimistically ahead when the full details and exposure of the wicked Covid disaster are conventional wisdom: “Of all the lies people can tell, the worst are the ones they tell themselves. This is where the truth about character is revealed. The old saying holds that tough times build character. That is not true. Tough times reveal character. What many of us have seen cannot be unseen and it will resonate for some time.”
Few things are more sadly apparent than the deterioration of community in these times. Too many have revealed themselves to very bad advantage.
UPDATE 2/2/22: I have lost most people I thought of as friends by simply stating, “You don’t lock down a whole world of healthy people to save a few sick ones. Deal with the sick ones but don’t make the rest of society pay.”
Thems is still fightin’ words to those who will never recant their faith in The Great Covid Scam. They are not the ones missing paychecks, harassed by local cops for letting their kids play with their friends or for going to the closed beaches.
Whatever their economic or personal situations, there are those VERY comfortable with being controlled and locked down for a “good cause” like “safety.” No,No! squeal those who continue to profit from it or those who continue to welcome the drama and sense of power they fancy they should have over everyone else on the planet. The very essence of Leftism is control as contrasted with the mindset of liberty, live and let live.
They are the Karens barking at the unmasked in the grocery store or wearing masks themselves while riding alone in their cars. It’s never been so obvious that it’s a better world when most people aren’t given the opportunity to torment their neighbors, ESPECIALLY for a “good” cause. Quoth C.S. Lewis:
UPDATE 1/26/22: The main issue is the horrible price of a cure that has nothing to do with the disease it was intended to combat. That terrible price includes an extraordinary spike in non-Covid deaths among prime age Americans.
UPDATE 1/25/22: Can our personal & political liberties be salvaged after the CoronaCraze? Clearly, those on the Left dread the end of this gift to their uncontrollable yearnings for control.
UPDATE 1/23/30: Goofy-haired Boris covers his (alleged) Christmas partying posterior and junks the Covid scam for a most fortunate UK. Looking forward hopefully to the rest of the world’s sorry lot of leaders to follow suit.
UPDATE 1/22/22: A young, newly elected Dutch representative makes life deliciously uncomfortable for the corrupt Dutch Prime Minister on embarrassing record congratulating the globalist Klaus Schwab for his Covid 19-Great Reset plans for the future. The visible young woman’s amusement is also ours. But nothing about Klaus Schwab or his plans is funny.
UPDATE 1/22/22: In a universe that needs moral balance and justice served for crimes committed, we can only dream at this point of the number of trials and tribunals that will nail the criminals of the Covid catastrophe. One wag offers a breezy Top Ten list of most likely and deserving defendants.
UPDATE 1/21/22: Where did the flu and other seasonal maladies disappear to during Covid? Before 2020, these things claimed tens of thousands of lives without the entire world shutting down. In the last couple of years, practically no one died of the flu. Huh? Is it possible the flu and most other viruses not-so-mysteriously got included in those mounting “new cases” tallies that the MSM kept screaming silently at the corner of every tv screen?
UPDATE 1/21/22: One more horror story of Covid madness and malpractice.Always follow the money.
1/16/22: CoronaCrazed madness surrounding the world’s #1 tennis player is stepped up a notch as the Australian government makes an international spectacle of itself, showing off just how to exert totalitarian control over an entire population on the phony pretext of “keeping everyone safe.”
UPDATE 1/15/22: Wouldn’t you know: we’re now told by the old reliable CDC that most people who died of this thing were already sick. But don’t take it from me. Hear out Commissar Walensky herself:
“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75 percent, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities. So really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”
Or in the immortal words of Miss Litella after ruining millions upon millions of healthy lives in the name of “safety”:
UPDATE 1/14/22: Always follow the money. All those supposedly scarce hospital beds and overflowing ICUs! New case numbers exploding!!! Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Ka-Ching! Courtesy of your tax dollars as generously doled out by Medicare/Medicaid on a per case basis. In the pink of health, no symptoms, test positive for Covid in the emergency room? Or just dead from a gunshot wound? No test necessary. With the stroke of a penciled-in entry, you too can be a Covid stat and cash cow for the hospital bank accounts. What a great thing this socialized medicine is!!
UPDATE 1/13/22: A courageous Israeli scientist confronts Israel for the same totalitarian, one-size-fits-all approach to the “Zero-Covid fantasy. A totally corrupted science/medical establishment is a plague dwarfing by comparison the danger posed by those nasty microbes creeping out of ChiCom labs.
UPDATE 1/9/22: New Jersey news outlets are starting to sound more rational as they distinguish between cases OF Covid vs. cases WITH Covid. And blessedly, it’s being reported not in panicky tones but in a matter-of-fact (FACT being the refreshingly operative word) manner. Can the tide be turning despite the eagerness for more of the same by the politicos and their criminal accessories in government, the media and white lab coats?

UPDATE 1/8/22: The Supremes are striking one more body blow to our faith in longstanding American institutions. The hard Leftists on the Court-Kagan, Breyer and Sotomayor-have made it clear they are approaching the legality of a government imposing vaccine/mask mandates NOT as jurists interpreting the Constitution but as ignoramuses spewing out outright medical & scientific falsehoods about the virus itself. Either they are just a trio of scared fools, or they’re liars taking subversive marching orders from the Dark Side.
To wit, the Wise Latina just pronounced:
1. The jab prevents transmission
2. Omicron is as deadly as Delta
3. 100K children are hospitalized with COVID, many on ventilators
4. Vax mandates would prevent 100% of cases
5. Hospitals are overrun
Every point is provably false. Even a ‘casual’ look at the medical literature would have enlightened the Justices.
1. The jab prevents transmission. FALSE (CDC)
2. Omicron is as deadly as Delta. FALSE (Dr. Anthony Fauci)
3. 100K children are hospitalized with COVID, many on ventilators. FALSE (Media Reports 1)
4. Vax mandates would prevent 100% of cases. FALSE (CDC)
5. Hospitals are overrun. FALSE (Johns Hopkins)

UPDATE 1/7/22; It’s gone viral, it’s contagious, and it has nothing to do with the germs sent our way by the ChiComs and everything to do the madness of the elite educated classes. Read all about it.
UPDATE 1/7/22: Trump committed a major blunder, taking the word of a corrupt, bureaucratic martinet like Fauci and assuming that a “vaccine” rushed “warp speed” to market would be the answer to stemming the virus. Instead, it has served to embolden his enemies in stepping up their control over the population. It’s becoming clearer by the week that the “vaccines” are no such thing and that actively suppressed preventive remedies like Ivermectin and HCQ can be used to ease symptoms while natural herd immunity does the rest.

UPDATE 1/5/22: “Stupid” best describes the obeisant public’s response to continuing Covid directives. On the other hand, “evil” is most on-the-mark characterizing those bad apples in power who gleefully exploit that fear-based stupidity. The resultant mixture of the two is “insanity,” a world in which evil can prosper with the full encouragement and permission of its victims.
UPDATE 1/3/22: Since the beginning of the CoronaCraze, Americans are suddenly dying from other causes in wildly increased numbers. Simple logic points in one dual-pronged direction: a) the untested jabs and b) the economic/emotional stress of lives forcibly locked away and enslaved by a monstrous Big Brother looking out for their “safety” and “health.”

UPDATE 1/1/21: In case you’re not scared & confused enough and need to point a bony blame finger somewhere (ideally at the “unvaccinated” as advised by the Good Little Doctor), try this video.
UPDATE 12/29/21: Without uncorrupted medical professionals like Dr. Peter McCullough dedicated to doing what’s best for sick people, we’re at the mercy of those pushing the fear/blame narrative on the “unvaccinated.”
To answer the perennial question hanging over the last two years, “Why?”, never discount the Benjamins, baby.
UPDATE 12/21/21: The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by thousands of real scientists and health professionals, offers an effective and beneficial approach to the ChiCom virus. Thus, it’s understandable that the Fauci cabal desperately have gone on a full offensive attack to prevent real scientists from undermining their created crisis and great power-grab available to them. In their words, “There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down.”
As things have played out, real science and healthy people have proven to be the curse of those inflicting lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates here and abroad in presumably free countries like Australia and Israel. SO much money to be made, so much power to be wielded.
UPDATE 12/15/21: Regarding Covid, there are outbreaks of sanity now occurring at regular intervals all over; and those of us not fainting at the mention of words like “variant” and “omicron” find comfort knowing we have kindred spirits more interested in living than with the theatrical histrionics of fear.
UPDATE 12/14/21: Medical tyranny has long been the most effective political path to fear-based control, and covid has been the gift that just keeps on giving to the Leftists now in power. It’s no joke when the mentally challenged PINO (President In Name Only) puppet has declared “I’ve seen more of Dr. Fauci than I have my wife. We kid each other. But—hey look, who’s president? Fauci.” Ha Ha. The pathetic fool has let loose with a terrible truth that lies at the heart of what long term dreaded controls lie in store for us. What better cover than freezing the populace for purposes of keeping them “healthy” and “safe?”
Holding the line against this tyranny is Dr. Simone Gold and her admirable Frontline Doctors organization, waging the war to restore freedom of choice about our health, literally about our lives.

UPDATE 12/13/21: “Follow the ‘science'”, we’re told these days. Replace the word (and idea) “God” for “science,” and you have the makings of the new totalitarianism, coming soon to a country near you.

UPDATE 12/11/21: Bad news for the hysterical “pandemic” crowd: no deaths yet from Omicron. But hope springs eternal, and more lockdowns, vaccines and masks may yet be forthcoming. This kinky predilection for bondage by the panicky populace is THE problem, not the BigGov autocrats happy to stoke their fears. What?! Give up my mask!? Never!
It’s only a mask. It’s only two weeks. It’s only a year. It’s only my life….
UPDATE 12/9/21: Upside Down Under Australia speaks through a courageous police sergeant from Northern Territory refusing to be an instrument of abuse and oppression of citizens in the name of “safety.”
Equally disturbing for the same reasons is this video from southeastern Australia (Melbourne, Victoria) which is effectively a serfdom, a blatant dictatorship under the sadistic iron hand of one tyrant named Dan Andrews.
UPDATE 12/5/21: Read a review of Scott Atlas’ PLAGUE UPON OUR HOUSE, the best book yet on what’s taken place in the false name of “safety.”
UPDATE 12/1/21: Remember 1976? Remember when even establishment Liberals like Mike Wallace distrusted government edicts? When Big Pharma was still liable for lawsuits filed over harmful drugs? Funny how things change in just a brief 45 years. What would Mike say now?
UPDATE 11/29/21: Draconian martial law Down Under in Australia, brutalizing citizens for nothing more than not wearing The Mask has become the Normal as the ginned-up Omicron scare amounts to virtually nothing while open, mandate-free Florida reports the lowest daily Covid cases per capita in the US.
The world has gone mad, and one prays that history records this as temporary insanity followed by stable decades of hard lessons learned, remorse and regret from those inflicting the senseless harm and equally from those willingly taken in by and supporting the Big Lie it is.
UPDATE 11/28/21: Scott Atlas’s book, A PLAGUE UPON OUR HOUSE, is probably the best document so far on the worst mistake of Trump’s otherwise productive years in the White House. What should have been a health concern for a miniscule percentage of potentially vulnerable people was deliberately turned by Deep State bureaucrats into a crisis involving everyone on the planet. Because science overwhelmed politics, Leftist totalitarianism has made unprecedented inroads into the Free World.

UPDATE 10/20/21: One unwelcome result of CoronaCrazed politics is the unethical refusal of many medical “professionals” to treat not merely vaccine refuseniks but any individual questioning them or their treatment methods. How dare you question Me, the God of Science? One senior Canadian’s account of such an incident describes the sobering sorry state of First Do No Harm, the basic Hippocratic Oath.
UPDATE 10/9/21: Sweden’s admirable laissez-faire attitude toward the virus, allowing life to go on as normal while dealing rationally and responsibly with the stricken, puts to flight the vaccine/mask/lockdown hysteria besetting virtually every other country worldwide. Most likely, natural herd immunity and people free from the toxic stresses of lockdown has made fools of those persistent scoundrels intent on milking a ginned-up crisis for all the political power it can yield. The same goes within the US as those most vaccinated States have shown an increase in infection while the “Deplorable” free states such as Texas & Florida report plateauing or decline in infection.
And why? We repeat ourselves: viruses are here to stay and will always strike the vulnerable while most people, infected or not, can go on with their lives. There is also the factor that the stress of lockdowns-unemployment, depression, immobility-wage a terrible toll on health and natural immunity.
The commonsensical truth of this is not welcome news to the Left eager to create and exploit a panicked populace simply because they can.
UPDATE 10/1/21: As Covid has been and remains one of the greatest gifts ever to fall into the Left’s lap, it comes as the worst possible news that the “pandemic” is kaput, and things can return to normal now. Naturally, this is the last thing the usual culprits want to hear, and they are working fulltime to see that these glad tidings never come about. What is the Left without a fearmongering crisis to keep the submissive herd in the corral?
UPDATE 9/30/21: Yes, the cure has been worse than the disease.
UPDATE 9/17/21: Keeping panic and fear ongoing remains the primary strategy to keep Covid public obsession boiling on the collective front burner. As one medical official is on record saying, “We need to be more scary to the public” by including cases and unnecessary hospitalizations in manufactured Permanent Crisis Count. Truly serious cases and actual deaths factually due to Covid account for a fraction of the pumped-up scary numbers.
And, still unable to sufficiently scare the public in adequate numbers, we now we have no less than the reputed President of the United States threatening people who choose to live without fear and with the rational risks of living as a daily given, created “crisis” or no crisis.

UPDATE 9/4/21: The Hippocratic oath administered to physicians, “First do no harm,” finds itself outmoded in ALL endeavors when politics and power take precedence over our duty to be the best we can be.
UPDATE 8/27/21: Daily/hourly bulletins screaming about THOUSANDS of Covid “cases” without distinguishing those figures from real people actually ill or dying continue to be THE effective means of panicking the public for political and financial profit. Drama lovers among the mindless masses remain Halloween thrilled and enthralled like little girls in the carnival funhouse.
UPDATE 8/25/21: Teaching young Westerners that their civilization is fundamentally evil and browbeating the older ones who should know better (but reflexively vote Left) is a virus far deadlier than anything the Chinese could ever cook up in a lab.
UPDATE 8/21/21: Amidst the Afghanistan disaster, January 6 show trials, uncontrolled immigrant invasion and ginned-up fears of new lockdowns, one big question still burns vividly through the fog: what happened in Wuhan in 2019 and what direct connection does the ever-more-sinister Dr. Fauci and EcoAlliance’s Peter Daszak have to the creation and release of The Virus from the Wuhan lab?
UPDATE 8/16/21: For anyone with some common sense and more interest in what works medically and not politically: Covid symptoms can be avoided if hit early with zinc and Vitamins A & D. Throw in HCQ and Ivermectin, both relatively cheap and available through routine prescription from any doctor serious about practicing real medicine, and you have a better than excellent chance of avoiding problems. On the other hand: if you get your news and medical advice from the people who shut down the world and ruined millions of lives in order to unsuccessfully save thousands, never mind.
8/2/21: Unlike vaccines proven effective and safe after YEARS of testing, the current vaccine mania is exacting an inconvenient toll as documented by the CDC: 11,940 DEAD 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies dead following COVID-19 Shots. Any reaction from the Vax tyrants? Perhaps the wise old communist adage about the need for broken eggs to make that great collectivist omelette?
UPDATE 8/1/21: Much to the dismay of the mask/vaccine fanatics and the MSM that thrive on mass panic, there are honorable medical professionals offering commonsensical, rational steps to be taken by the general population to protect themselves from the virus. There is also the good news diligently suppressed nowadays that over 99% of the infected will recover, some without any symptoms.

UPDATE 7/28/21: The most deadly virus around being deliberately perpetuated and spread is FEAR.
UPDATE 7/21/21: A shocking spike in suicide and depression among the locked-down young isn’t good cause to question the wisdom of the whole lockdown insanity?
For those of us skeptical of the totalitarian lockdowns from the start, the bottom line remains economic and mental health devastation. If the language of science is math, the numbers tell a crime story the “follow-the-science” frauds aren’t owning.
The verdict and whole truth over time and 20-20 hindsight will be told by simply following the money and power. Ain’t that always the way?
UPDATE 7/2/21: Even at the peak of the hysteria, the CDC quietly noted that only 6% of “Covid fatalities” were the result of exclusively Covid and not the result of serious pre-existing conditions aggravated by Covid. Meaning: 94% of those dead were seriously sick with other ailments and too resistance-compromised to withstand the virus. Covidophiles now blithely quote that magical 600,000 figure as “Covid deaths” when the reality is probably a miniscule fraction, now further born out by verification of a Lisbon court that less than one percent of Covid cases actually died of it.
This is dire news for the sheeple continuing to hope, pray, yearn for more lockdowns, more masks, more controls. What a trauma for those in love with the idea of a frozen society. Anything to keep the fear and loathing going mixed with the stubborn insistence on ignoring the cheap, available, effective antidotes of HCQ & Ivermectin. Yet another reproach to those who have created High Priests out of the incompetent frauds of the politicized CDC, WHO and MSM gleefully spreading the mendacious narrative. The credibility of this whole alphabet soup of “experts” and “authorities” is permanently blown.

UPDATE 6/25/21: Have we been had, bigtime? Has the hysteria and drama been inversely proportional to the actual risk? Is there a sequel in the works, called Delta Variant?
UPDATE 6/20/21: During the CoronaCraze, Big Brother decided, rather than let individuals take whatever risks and continue to live our normal lives, that HE had the one-size-fits-all solution and rigidly locked EVERYONE down. Admittedly, it was a gift to those whose find totalitarian control from above couched in kindly terms very heady (for the controllers) and comforting (for a frightening number of the controlled). Some of us will always be haunted by those videos of burly cops dragging unmasked men and women out of stores and trains like common criminals.
UPDATE 6/15/21: The destruction of millions of healthy lives, businesses, savings accounts doesn’t register on those celebrating the Great Triumph of The Covideers! Just a little collateral damage, those insignificant broken eggs used to make their poisonous omelette.
UPDATE 6/10/21: I recall vividly laughing to myself at an email about “precautions” that came through from a local acquaintance about 18 months ago. The first entry on a visibly long list read, “NEVER shake anyone’s hand.” I thought for sure it was a joke, one person’s mockery of the hysteria just setting in regarding The Pandemic. Lo and behold, he meant it in dead seriousness, and now that things are officially relaxing (while some of us just ignored all of Tony Fauci’s criminal instructions all along whenever possible), it’s clear that a disturbing percentage of our reputedly intelligent, mature fellow citizens are still just as hysterical about giving up those controls that have “re-imagined” some of our most familiar conventions.

Shake hands? Are you kidding! More than half of the people I know are still doing the silly elbow thing. All hail a new world of viewing everyone as a leprous grim reaper, goodbye to that most civilized familiar gesture of greeting and trust. Some of us will continue to extend our hands at the risk of being branded “insensitive.”
Now that the masks are going, The Holy Vaccine sacrament seems destined to be the next divisive social stigma to blight our lives, at least for the foreseeable future. The fear and suspicion will not abate even while the stench of the stinking dead fish that is the entire CoronaCraze disaster of lockdowns/masks/suspension of basic rights is reaching the unmasked noses and open eyes of the public. Common sense clearly continues to take a holiday even while reputable doctors continue to speak out against an hysterical “cure” whose damage has far out-distanced the illness by an unholy factor.
UPDATE 6/5/21: Data from a reputable MIT scientist: Surprise!! Lockdowns have had little effect on Covid fatalities but a major effect on unemployment. “Follow the science,” they intoned from on high as simple numbers (and everything else) deemed politically inconvenient were unscientifically dismissed. Meanwhile, millions saw their businesses, savings and lives go up in smoke. Needlessly.
UPDATE 3/21: As radical chic Hanoi Jane giddily cackled, “Covid is a gift to the Left.” Coupled with Rahm Emanuel’s sage “Never let a crisis go to waste,” the Left came up with their unbeatable Covid Plague Power Putsch!! And for the most visible hustlers (Fauci & Cuomo), a chance to make a killing (financial and literal) out of the crisis. Will the public buy it next time? Sad to say, there are still millions who pine for their masks and hate to let go of arbitrary tyranny and a wholesale suspension of basic American rights.
UPDATE 6/3/21: There’s a new segregation known as Vaccine Virtue Signaling. The good guys are vaccinated, the bad guys are dangerous, selfish and should be marginalized whenever possible. But wait, if you’re vaccinated, what do you care about those unvaccinated Deplorables? And what if actually being infected (ideally without serious symptoms) is the best immunity and historically the road to mass recovery? All logic and rational considerations are still considered off-limits, and the civil war goes on, much to the delight of the Lockdown/Mask zealots who have managed to ruin hundreds of millions of lives in the name of “saving lives.”
UPDATE 6/1/21: Despite relaxation of restrictions, the public is now addicted to Covid panic porn, and the media giants will be only too glad to provide their consumers with more prolonged titillating disinformation.
UPDATE 5/26/21: Like those touting the glorious benefits of Leftism/Socialism/Communism, the geniuses who locked down the world promise they’ll get it right… next time. And doubtless there will be a next time considering how effective the whole CoronaCraze was in consolidating power, eliminating political resistance and implementing Obama’s fabled Transformation via the Hologram Puppet currently installed in DC.
Lockdowns, masks, social distancing still remain in place almost everywhere despite The [Faux] Happy Solution of vaccines and all despite there being no statistical difference of infections/deaths in states and countries with and without all the precautionary measures. As one writer asks, after more than a year of this panic porn mass manipulation: “But wait a minute…”

UPDATE 5/9/21: Of all the gin joints and Chinese labs in this world, he had to walk into mine…Where did this thing originate? And why? All fingers point to Fauci and the Wuhan lab he helped fund. What a coincidence!
Apparently vaccine passports and criminalizing those who choose not to be vaccinated is off the table in some quarters. Florida has banned the very notion of vaccine passports; and if Nancy Pelosi isn’t planning to weaponize it, then safe bet it’s just a meaningless sop thrown to us by our Masters. Who cares if all of those “anti-vaxxers” die anyhow?
UPDATE 4/17/21: One particularly ugly aspect of the Covid madness is how easily millions of Americans will give up their most basic liberties at the whim of their politicians. Do these naive masses of Americans realize these politicians do not want this to end? That this has mostly been a campaign of fear and disinformation to control them? That the new Vaccine Cult phase is just a continuation of this control?
People in the Caribbean awaiting rescue from an erupting volcano have been told they are not allowed on board rescue vessels without vaccination. An 82 year old Scottish grandmother has been fined for “anti-social” behavior. She asks reasonably, “Why do I need a mask if I’ve been vaccinated?” This simple question posed to Dr. Death himself ,The Fouch, elicits no rational response.

UPDATE 4/11/21: It wasn’t long after all the CoronaCraziness began a year ago in March, 2020 that millions of Americans realized the politics of “trust the science” was all about “trust OUR scientists” and their thoughtful control mandates.
Now, emoting on behalf of all freedom-loving people raised on free speech, free movement & free association, fed-up citizens in restaurants, schools, churches and their own private homes are telling the jackboots: GET OUT! This encouraging signs of gumption from the mask-weary citizenry goes hand-in-hand with the new Vaccine Mania chapter. O Goody! Vaccines! BUT, keep those masks on and WE will make it 5’11” instead of the scientifically calibrated 6’0″ of social distancing with a few inches reduced gratis as of the July 4th barbeque. If you’re good.
From the Pfizer CEO, we are treated to a special new load of carefully scripted BS about why he and his family haven’t taken the vaccine while a former Pfizer VP is warning the public to think twice about it. Meanwhile, well-considered reasons to refrain abound. Under the pressure of bad optics, the CEO has reportedly taken the jab.
Millions of us are not keen on this “New Normal” and the sinister spectre of Vaccine Passports, our own happy version of “Show me your papers, Comrade!” On the contrary, we are already fully back to living our respective lives as we please. Don’t like it? Live with it. Some would say, out of the sheer rage at being manipulated and controlled: “F-U %^*&**+()**(&X*!!!!”
But, being our mothers’ sons & daughters, we’ll just politely say to the Covid clergy, “Thanks, but at this time, no thanks.”
UPDATE 3/3o/21: The Covid Vaccine Cult and its attendant Vaccine Passports promise to be the American version of “Your papers, please!” universally enjoyed by police state inhabitants everywhere. Just a next step in what is proving to be greatest gift to the tyrannical Left since Marx began his theorizing.
UPDATE 3/28/21: The country of Sweden share credit with the American states of Florida and South Dakota as definitive evidence of Covid Lockdown folly. How does one account for a lower mortality rate in Sweden than most of Europe during The Pandemic while allowing the population to go about the normal business of life (working and living), leaving whatever controls up to the people themselves: “You can shut down businesses or keep them open. Close schools or stay in session. Wear masks or not. The virus will make its way through in either case, and if we protect the elderly then deaths will be spared.”

History will record that in 2020 the commonest of common sense suddenly vacated the non-Swedish world. As in most major cases of stupidity and negligence in the highest places, this too will go unacknowledged as the crime of mass destruction it has proven to be worldwide. Meanwhile, in silly America, things have just now “progressed” to the Cult of Vaccine stage where Know Nothing Fauci continues to promise more masks and lockdowns while totally ignoring the solution of herd immunity naturally bringing things to a close…as in most epidemics past. God help us
UPDATE 3/21/21: Covid Madness still rages rampant across the land. The Vaccine has now joined The Mask as the new sign of virtue (and conversely selfish evil in its absence). And rational questions surrounding inoculation posed by any responsible, thinking individual have joined the Narrative as the new Treason of Denial. The working epithet and shaming insult is Vaccine Skeptic. Such controversy and rational questioning is nothing new, nor unjustified. Shame on those of us who dare to ask: if one can still get the shot and suffer symptoms, what’s the point? Is the cure worse than the disease? What about natural herd immunity if one isn’t elderly, obese, immuno-compromised, or all 3? After all the doublethink mandates from the redoubtable Dr. Fauci and the disastrous results of “keeping safe,” lockdowns and masks for hundreds of millions, what rational person wouldn’t be suspicious? When the ventriloquists pulling the Hologram Puppet President’s strings declare through their senile mannequin that Vaccine Skeptics are “unpatriotic” and “macho,” any inclination to get the shot evaporates. Adding to our concerns, authentic medical professionals continue to warn us of the very real dangers and well-documented pitfalls of what’s being fed to us from Experts who have proven themselves to be Anything But. Others rationally argue that the vaccine actually frees us from the grip of the Faucist frauds. Whom and what to trust? Science as practiced by politicized quacks has lost its authority; confusion reigns, confidence is lost. The waters are murky, the path unclear. We have only ourselves to trust. The upside is that the decision will ultimately be our own, not that of our aspirant zookeeper masters. UPDATE 3/12/21: Just in case the criminal lockdowns and sinister masks are faltering, vaccine mania is now let loose upon the land to compound the fear, suspicion and division designed to destroy America and Americans as we have known our country and ourselves. “Have you had your shots?!” has become the social-shaming sequel to “Why aren’t you wearing a mask?!!!”, visibly marking and separating the virtuously branded & enthusiastically acquiescent from the criminal “Covid sceptics” (aka Deplorables, Bitter Clingers, Domestic Terrorists, Enemies of the State). Not by chance, this division falls right down political lines, the American politics of liberty vs. the dictatorial politics of global totalitarianism. The “honorable” political Party of “Science” (and attendant “experts”) is, in fact, the Party of science fiction. Relying upon mass hypochondria obsessed with the fantasy of Zero Covid, the deluded masses of America have become accessories in their own (and their country’s) destruction.

All this has become possible thanks to the Covid lockdowns. How better to righteously wage war on natural self-reliance, autonomy, independence, personal responsibility, the wellsprings of a free market of individual producers and consumers? If allowed to go the full distance, the remaining American rubble will be, by sinister design, a majority of desperate dependents looking to Big Brother for a few crumbs to survive. Employing the Cloward-Piven strategy, public spending will go off the chart, the welfare system will be flooded into bankruptcy, the economy destroyed. For those not succumbing to economic desperation, the psychological isolation and public shaming of cancel culture is already taking up the slack. Quite the plan and, ominously, no panicky paranoid delusion. Welcome to a once-unimaginable Orwellian Twilight Zone. About that Magic Vaccine: a startling majority of front-line healthcare workers, those most at-risk, are wary of it. Not that it matters to those motivated solely by power and control. The general public believing what they are fed 24/7/365 by the MSM is immune to skepticism about their Beloved Leaders’ noble intentions. Like animals conditioned by electric shocks administered by their masters, half the nation has become a mob of hysterical passengers on the Titanic, shrieking & rushing port side as the boat leans starboard and back again and again to yet more deafening screams. Meanwhile, the rational carry on their normal lives and ponder with open eyes the senseless and irreparable damage done by lockdowns. Only the terminally naive and willfully ignorant continue to ask, “Why do they continue the lockdowns after vaccines and herd immunity have pretty much eradicated the virus?” “Has a mistake been made?” No. No mistake. Calling this horror “a mistake” is analogous to hearing politicians claim they “misspoke” instead of just saying “I lied.” In terms of damage deliberately done, the word is “crime.” Will justice ever be done for all this, the end and worst of which we have yet to see. Are we still living in America?
UPDATE 2/28/21: Common sense and sanity trickles out of North Dakota and Tennessee as governors seek to liberate their citizens (particularly businesses) from extended CoronaCrazed masking and one-size-fits-all vaccine mandates.
Hand-in-hand with such common sense, more Americans are asking themselves, “Why the vaccine if none of the lockdowns are to cease?” What’s the point if Big Brother responds thusly to a few simple questions:
1. If I get vaccinated, can I stop wearing the mask? Government: No.
2. Can they reopen restaurants, pubs, bars etc. and everyone work normally? Government: No.
3. Will I be resistant to COVID-19? Government: Maybe, but we don’t know exactly, it probably won’t stop you getting it.
4. At least I won’t be contagious to others anymore? Government: No, it doesn’t stop transmission.
5. If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing? Government: No.
6. If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands? Government: No.
7. If I vaccinate myself and my grandparents, can we hug each other? Government: No
8. Will cinemas, theaters and stadiums operate as per normal thanks to vaccines? Government: No.
9. What is the benefit of the vaccine? Government: Hoping the virus won’t kill you.
10. Are you sure it won’t kill me? Government: No.
11. If statistically the virus won’t kill me anyway (99.7% survival rate), why would I get vaccinated?” Government: To protect others.
12. So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with? Government: No.
13. Can you guarantee that I won’t experience adverse effects from taking the vaccine or die from the vaccine itself? Government: No.
14. Since you’re encouraging every American to get vaccinated then, when people experience severe adverse reactions, long term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will they or their families be compensated? Government: No. The government and vaccine manufactures have 100% zero liability in experimental stages.
15. How long does the vaccine last? Government: We aren’t sure.
SO, TO SUMMARIZE, the Covid 19 vaccine…does not give immunity. Does not eliminate the virus. Does not prevent death. Does not guarantee you won’t get it. Does not stop you passing it on. Does not eliminate the need for travel bans. Does not eliminate the need for business closures. Does not eliminate the need for lock-downs. Does not eliminate the need for masking.
Given that our Betters-in-Government offer NO/NONE/ZERO/NADA concrete benefits for getting vaccinated and promise only more-of-the-same, another independent sort offers yet more legitimate reasons (31 in this case) for hesitation. Number 31 is most to the point: “This whole thing stinks,” and one very persuasive nurse (and any thinking person) concurs.
Feeling better now about trusting The Holy Government Writ of “The Science?” Prolonging the mass misery worldwide? Epidemic suicide rates among locked-down CHILDREN in Ground Zero Woke San Francisco? And did anyone mention the Big Money to be made from the vaccines? Taking in the undeniable truth of Kristi Noem’s pithy “COVID DIDN’T CRUSH THE ECONOMY. GOVERNMENT DID,“ and Reagan’s 9 most terrifying words, “I’M FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND I’M HERE TO HELP,“ can not one be forgiven for being just a wee bit skeptical or, at least, hesitant?
UPDATE 2/7/21: Adding to the crime of mass lockdowns supposedly for “safety” and undoubtedly for the great benefit of “the children,” epidemic depression and suicide among the locked-down young rates nary a ripple of concern among the devoutly masked, politicized Faithful.
UPDATE 12/7/20: An Oregon doctor openly dares to challenge the CoronaCrazed! narrative and gets his medical license snatched away by his craven state medical board. The Mayor of LA has banned “unnecessary” walking (or appearing) outdoors in the name of “safety.” We are far, far, far beyond mere ideological disagreement.
UPDATE 11/29/20: The crime of mass Lockdown in pursuit of “safety” meets the judgment seat of facts. Likewise, HCQ effectiveness in combatting the virus is once again evident to those actually interested in medical solutions and not political power.
UPDATE 11/21/20: It becomes more apparent that the Lockdown “mistake” has really been one of history’s colossal crimes against humanity. How many millions worldwide have needlessly suffered in the name of “safety,” “public health” and “the science?” And how many millions more will continue to suffer if the Democrats attain control of the country? All just a run-through of global control, previously thought most attainable through the “global warming” hoax. Hanoi Jane wasn’t whistling Dixie when she declared Covid a surprise gift to the totalitarian Left.
UPDATE 11/1/20: In case anyone thinks the whole CoronaCrazed lockdown and continuing scare tactics of “New Cases” and “The Second Wave” isn’t all about politics (and money), note what Clarice Feldman’s doctor told her:“A few weeks ago, I had minor eye surgery and had to go through a COVID test, a temperature reading, hand sanitizing, and masking for a ten-minute procedure. Disgusted with all these theatrics, I asked the doctor how long he thought we’d have to endure this nonsense. He responded ‘November 4th.’ Be of good cheer.”
It’s all about politics and has been all along. And starting November 4 if, God willing, Trump is re-elected, the Dems will have to start searching out a new crisis to exploit.
10/25/20: Might as well laugh about something so senselessly cry-worthy.
UPDATE 10/25/20: All the ginned-up hysteria surrounding “New Covid Cases!!!” and “Second Waves!!!” is fog obscuring the necessary, natural occurrence of herd immunity that leads to the eradication of the virus threat…a threat in itself to the diabolical panic narrative justifying perpetual lockdown. So much for the Left’s admiration for “the science.”
UPDATE 10/17/20: What of those people in need of real, immediate medical help shunted aside to “save lives” HYPOTHETICALLY in danger during the Corona Lockdown? The magnitude of the crime committed grows as reality dawns on the willfully blind.
UPDATE 10/13/20: That sticky glob of expertise known as W.H.O. (World Health Organization) changes its tune regarding mass lockdowns, declaring the results are far worse in numbers and devastating effect than the plague itself. No news to the millions and millions of ruined business owners, bankrupted individuals, people dead by their own hands or denied crucial treatment for serious conditions long preceding Covid.
UPDATE 10/10/20: “First was the belief that the coronavirus was so deadly that it called for an unprecedented and untested response. With the data now in, we know this was wrong. By far the most severe viral outbreak in U.S. history was the Spanish flu of 1918. It killed about 0.7 percent of the population, hitting healthy young adults particularly hard. COVID-19 has claimed 0.06 percent of the population, with deaths concentrated among the elderly with preexisting health problems. As the declaration puts it: ‘We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young.’”
A formal declaration, from legitimate scientists, not the career bureaucrats and experts behind this crime of the century. Speaking for millions: stop the madness, stop the charade, resume the normal. We’re onto your plan to advance your totalitarian ends. Never again! The legal aspects and future ramifications of what is amounting to one of the worst crimes in history, the “Scamdemic,” are sobering at best.
Does it register that the ultimate cost of this “cure” has proven to be incalculably worse than the disease?
“The likely far greater death toll has not yet arrived from the six-month lockdown. And it could be terrifying when we eventually learn of the hundreds of thousands who were sickened or who died from missed medical treatments and surgeries, or from the stress of the quarantines or the spikes in alcohol and drug use, or spousal and child abuse.”
P.S. The Barrington Declaration has been censored by Big Tech. Seems this whole lockdown and mass control is something our Master Planners finds desirable, and any lifting of the restrictions runs counter to their plans for control.
UPDATE 10/10/20: To the dismay of those in the despicable fear-for-political-profit business, Florida shows no signs of spiked Covid cases despite doing away with the Holy Mask charade.
UPDATE 10/3/20: Mask madness continues apace despite clear evidence that Covid has peaked, hospitalizations and deaths now dwindling. Naturally, any relaxation of the government-imposed restrictions is daylight to the vampires of the CoronaCrazed bureaucracy, and Dr. Scott Atlas’ recommendations for a resumption of normal life is cause for alarm. His exposure of their lies and mistakes makes him prime target for defamation and destruction. Similar challenges to government lockdown and healthy movements toward normalcy in Germany and England are not welcome to those enjoying the power this particular crisis has gifted them.
UPDATE 9/27/20: The scare tactics of daily “case counts” proves to be yet another hoax designed to keep the masses in masked/distanced mode. Panic, as any politically savvy Dem will attest, is a crisis that should not go to waste. Note 4 figure numbers of “cases” and the numbers of hospitalizations( 0, zero, nada) and deaths(0, zero, nada). Disappointing news to the quivering inhabitants of that region of the Twilight Zone known as Safe New World.
UPDATE 9/26/20: With Scott Atlas preempting Fauci, hope for resumption of commonsensical normal life has come out of its dark corner. Opportunities for the Leftists to establish a permanent mass (and masked!) Twilight Zone dystopia are running out. Stop the panic, end total isolation!
UPDATE 9/26/20: Drab is as drab does. The very drab Rachel Maddow dishonestly beats her drab drum of distorted doom for South Dakota’s loosened lockdown policies, demonstrating in her trademark drab fashion the desperate Left’s climate-of-fear strategy. Give MSNBC’s grayest, wettest blanket time, and she’ll be detailing in drab detail her own made-up death stats for Florida’s long overdue release from Covid Clampdown. Think Soviet Russia, East Berlin, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, locked-down America. All as “safe” as dead bugs in a jar. Think the Democratic Party Prog vision for us. Think airless, think drab.

UPDATE 9/23/20: Read the figures and weep for those lives ruined by this totally politicized over-reaction to CV-19. To restate the obvious: the cure most definitely has been worse than the disease.
“We expect the Democrats to avoid and ignore facts and numbers that contradict their coronavirus narrative. One, they want to voters to live in fear and take it out on the Trump White House and Republican senators in November. Two, Democratic governors and mayors have had a taste of expanded authority over an ostensibly free people and don’t want to let go of that raw power – it’s exactly what they live for.”
Exactly what they live for. What will be the next crisis not to go to waste?
UPDATE 8/31/20: Those millions of healthy people and businesses ruined by the CoronaCrazed! DemPanic should be a bit put out that fewer than 10,000 people have died to date SPECIFICALLY from Covid, not the millions predicted nor the actual 180,000. The others had other serious medical conditions or were elderly, already vulnerable to other afflictions such as the virus. This is coming (quietly, very quietly) from that rightwing extremist media source called CDC, Center For Disease Control. Read all about it at the CDC site but certainly nowhere in the mainstream media. Under “Comorbidities” you will see that only 6% (SIX PERCENT) of the so-called “Covid deaths” were actually “Covid deaths.” The other 94% involved an average of 2.6 other life-threatening ailments. As Miss Litella would say about this devastating little error, “Never mind.”
Time to regain our common sense, resume our lives, and for Trump to heed the advice of medical professionals who truly “Do No Harm” like Dr. Scott Atlas instead of Deep State career bureaucrats like the slippery Dr. Fauci & Co.
One must ask, “What policy or plan put forth by the Leftist-controlled Democratic Party isn’t based on an outright lie?
UPDATE 8/27/20: In a speech entitled “Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance”, delivered June 18 for a Hillsdale College online symposium, Heather Macdonald clearly summarizes the criminal fiasco that has been created by the CoronaCrazed overreaction. The cure has definitely been worse than the disease.
UPDATE 5/31/20: Before staging phony mass grief counseling for the so-called Covid dead, check out the inflated numbers. We go back to the REAL numbers of those dead of the flu in years past and ask, again, what warranted killing the economy and sending millions of American lives (and billions internationally) into chaos?
UPDATE 5/16/20: As predicted from the start [see below], reported repeatedly since, now glaringly obvious: the REAL numbers of Corona deaths aren’t adding up…except when falsely inflated.
UPDATE 5/12/20: Who are these two men-Fauci and Ferguson-whose sage recommendation has needlessly shut down the entire world? What kind of fools are we to have listened to them?
UPDATE 4/26/20: Americans are growing tired of forced idleness and the smug, authoritarian politicians claiming to be looking out for their best interests. Working again in a free country has never seemed so desirable…except to those wishing to live as sponges and the politicians living off their indolence.
UPDATE 4/5/20: Skepticism of the forcibly idled now approaching full viral boil as Corona mortality figures don’t keep pace with the apocalyptic predictions. Meanwhile, millions of real people face ruined careers and lives thanks to this media-manufactured crisis. Welcome to Shrugged Atlasville.
UPDATE 3/31/20: One more time: a little CoronaCraze perspective (hard numbers) on death and dying in America. The panicked will be disappointed.
UPDATE 3/29/20: The panic figures get walked back to the horror of the Dem crisis-mongers. With the legitimate focus now on treatment of the virus and restoring everyday life to normal, Trump’s briefings and approval ratings soar; the Left despairs. So it goes for those who refuse to see the source of their blessings.
UPDATE 3/27/20: Dems show first stages of panic, disbelief, grief as the whole virus scare proves HIGHLY EXAGGERATED and ineffective in derailing the Trump Train. Progressive hopes die hard, the dashed dreams of an insurmountable “crisis” accomplishing what Russian Collusion and Impeachment could not.
UPDATE 3/23/20: 10 days later. Still a small fraction of deaths in the workplace. Makes perfect sense to shut down the entire U.S. economy. Saves lives.
UPDATE: 3/13/20: CoronaCrazed!!!! has become a craze, like the Beatles or hula hoops. One dry wit terms it “virus porn,” highly unwholesome excitement generated by this latest of media frenzies. Last year (2018-2019) , according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 34,200 people died of the flu, 490,600 were hospitalized. From the flu. No hype or panic, just some routinely sad stats.
Estimates for this year: 22,000-55,000 dead, 370,000-670,000 hospitalized. From the flu.
This year, from the Wuhan Black Plague, as of Friday, March 13: 41 dead thus far nationwide, 75% of which have occurred in an unfortunate nursing facility and elsewhere in Washington State. Panic, crashed stock market, shutdown of most normal commercial and personal activity, bankruptcies, total disruption of lives. Yet one more stab at Getting Trump.
Can we have a little perspective here, folks? Pandemic? Epidemic? Crisis? End of the world? Compared to what?
Highlighting a whole field of Stalin wannabes pushing this porn, NY Mayor De Blasio has modestly proposed “nationalization, literally a nationalization, of crucial factories and industries that can produce the medical supplies that can prepare this country for what we need.” In other, dirtier words, the implementation of his Marxist wet dream. Rahm Emanuel knew of what he was speaking when counseling His Great Leader not “to let a crisis go to waste.”
No fools they, these “leaders” celebrating this most unexpected and welcome blow to Trump’s roaring economy.
Considering the millions of easily panicked members of the public obediently giving life to this imminent Armageddon hoax, one must ask who are the biggest fools allowing all this to happen? Ain’t it always the way with the cooperative, obtuse masses when the real seizure of absolute power is afoot.

UPDATE 3/12/29: Getting Trump, try, try again: Russian collusion, kaput. Impeachment pfft. Let’s try wrecking the economy! Funny how Swine Flu (300, 000 hospitalized, thousands dead) never became politicized when the Great O was at the heroic helm.
To date: 22,000-55,000 dead of the flu, 30 (thirty, XXX, 29+1) nationwide of this thing. What would the totalitarian Left do without the reliable panic reaction of the mindless masses? Such mob hysteria is the virus to worry about.
ORIGINAL POST 3/8/20: Since the Left and its ubiquitous media mouthpieces will do or say ANYTHING to get rid of Trump, it comes as no surprise when ProgWorld cries “Wolf!” or “Fire!” or “Mass Extinction From Corona Virus!!” at every opportunity. A sane perspective based on real facts and figures tell us this virus scare is yet another way of creating a destabilized atmosphere, the latest attempt by the Left to put the kibosh on Trump’s thriving economy. A wildly fluctuating stock market and a climate of fear make up the fondest hopes of The Woke.
Our real concern and the essence of the Trump Revolution is bringing business back to America from cheap labor havens such as totalitarian China whose dismal self-created fate in all matters (like viral epidemics) should be their own, not ours. As we paid the price for depending upon OPEC for our oil, so we’re suffering now the consequences of outsourced American factories on foreign soil. Time to repatriate.
What is the Left’s worst nightmare other than an electorate of free individuals no longer looking to Big Brother Donkey to take care of them? Who needs Green New Deals and Free Everything when there’s a thriving American marketplace of jobs, goods and services to be had? MAGA!!!
Agree with you 100%, Fred….this is yet another pathetic attempt by the devolving leftists among us to discredit President Trump, cause a slump in HIS phenomenal economy, and think that Americans are really stupid enough to vote for a Democrat in November. Dumb is forever!
Great piece, as usual!