
A happy picture watching them consume each other. And let us hope all follow Joe into the drink.

UPDATE 1/3/25: It’s almost comical listening to the Dem pundits and policy-makers tie themselves in endless, pointless knots over “what went wrong?” in Election, 2024 when a total jettisoning of their Leftist/Marxist agenda is the answer. We hesitate saying this out loud, not wishing to shorten their Party’s butt-dumb devotion to everything that normal people don’t want or need.

When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn? 

UPDATE 12/3/24: Woke, progressive Leftism-a religion, a fanatic cult-is predictably losing its appeal, and contrary to its boastful prophecies now finds itself on the WRONG side of history.

UPDATE 11/17/24: Calling Tulsi Gabbard “a Russian asset,” the boundlessly stupid Debbie Wasserman Schultz suggests the need for a sub-category here titled Dumb Dems. Suffice it here to warn Dumb Deb not to get too comfy parroting the lies routinely vomited out by Hillary such as “Hitler Rally, Madison Square Garden, 1939!!!” or the totally discounted “Russia! Russia! Russia!”

UPDATE 11/7/24: Intimidation of anyone or anything aligned with MAGA by BrandonWorld bullies now includes even the Bucks County PA McDonald’s that hosted DJT just prior to the election. Now that the political winds have suddenly shifted, so will the frequency of such nasty incidents. And who are the “fascists” again?

UPDATE 11/3/24:

UPDATE 10/26/24: An epithet of desperate last resort, now a standard talking point of a warped political faction calling wolf (“Nazi!!!!”) one too many times. 

UPDATE 10/9/24: Whatever today’s Dem Left says, count on the opposite being the truth and any vile accusation made against their political opposition being a confession. Count on it.

UPDATE 10/8/24: Kamala was off the chart this week, cluelessly virtue-signaling on social media about authorized million$ going to suffering Lebanese while totally ignoring Americans in the North Carolina digging themselves out for days from Helene’s catastrophic wreckage.  To top herself, she managed to squeeze in a totally politicized assault on a rather busy Gov. De Santis literally as Milton was bearing down onto Florida. This is a stupid and callous woman, an opaque, soulless void, absolute corruption blinded by the pursuit of absolute power. The only positive takeaway is this brain-dead hand puppet’s wide-screen self-exposure of her heartless/clueless approach to flesh-and-blood humans in crisis. This is Presidential material for those who see Trump as “an existential threat?”


UPDATE 9/6/24: It is a deep hatred for Trump and his MAGA constituency that animates today’s Dem Party Of Projection, certainly not a vision of a UNITED States prospering in freedom, peace and harmony. And so it has always been.

One Party’s embarrassing history, and it’s not the GOP.


UPDATE 7/29/24: One marvels at the sudden viral use of the word “weird” to describe JD Vance and virtually any principle or position associated with conservatives. The Dems want “weird?” They need look no further than the nearest mirror.

The gift of drawing such pleasure and hilarity from the little things…like Venn diagrams, yellow school buses, craters on the moon, bearded men in dresses and what can be, unburdened by what has been. 

UPDATE 11/8/22: The Leftist compulsion to project their own wicked works onto their conservative detractors has gone off the scale as expected electoral Armageddon approaches. In real life, they are the ones who “shred the Constitution” and are “lawless.” And it should be regularly pointed out that their cries about any right-leaning “threat to our democracy” actually means “a threat to Democrat power.”

UPDATE 11/6/22: Desperate late-night irritation Jimmy Kimmel is going all-out to congratulate himself by claiming he’s bravely sacrificed “half” of his audience in hating nightly on Trump and his supporters. Ho hum. Just one more Lefty projecting his inner Big Ugly onto others, oblivious that HE’s the Big Ugly. Get out the mirror and allow him to watch himself create his own stink by proudly standing in his own pool of vomit.


UPDATE 3/25/22: Projection of their own guilt onto their enemies continues to be the modus operandi of the self-obsessed Dem Leftists in the headlines. In so doing, they reveal exactly who THEY are.

UPDATE 6/5/21: A Yale psychiatrist lecturing on “The Psychopathy Problem of the White Mind” gives us a window into projection and the psychopathic problem of the Leftist mind by excitedly describing the catharsis she’d experience “unloading a revolver into the head of any White person that got in my way.”

ORIGINAL POST 12/24/17: Recall, if you will, the lavishly lipped, lock-step Hollywood Liberal Julia Roberts and her not-terribly-witty use of “between ‘reptilian’ and ‘repugnant’ in the dictionary” to describe those awful Deplorables known as Republicans. Reluctantly taking a cue from this clueless, uninteresting and wildly overpaid Tinseltown fixture, we wish to point out that the word “Democrat” falls alphabetically between “demagogue” and “despicable.” Not so far from “divisive” and a considerable distance from “decent.”

One could get into petty name-calling full-time, but refreshingly, we have a tireless POTUS eager to Tweet it all out for us in the wee hours. We have been gifted with a politically incorrect entertainer who routinely goes into that taboo territory foreign and uncomfortable for most of us, the domain of the insult over which he is master. What’s most maddening for Trump’s opponents is that this supposedly inconsequential, annoying “clown” is actually making life better for all Americans, whether or not they’re ready to accept the painful reality of more money in their pockets, burgeoning portfolios and a growing immunity to both domestic and foreign enemies. We are becoming more prosperous, and we are becoming safer.

While Trump continues crossing Rubicons and Delawares  Making America Great Again, his deranged opponents continue to morph full-blast into the desperate Party of the Boomerang. In their efforts to expose and destroy The Donald and the welcome changes in both style and substance he is bringing, they shine the light more fully on themselves. The more fevered the Party of Projection becomes about impeachment, the  more they are exposed and the closer to obsolescence they creep.

On this blessed Christmas, we are awash in gratitude for their generous, unintentional transparency.  More to the point, we Normals are rapidly becoming freer to live the dream, simply TO BE LEFT ALONE to enjoy our lives, liberties and various pursuits of happiness. This is our New Year’s resolution: to leave Les Despicables behind…and move on. They will not be missed.

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