UPDATE 1/3/25: Biden’s final string of pardons, including mercy for cold-blooded killers as further torture for their victims’ surviving families, should linger as a reminder of the rotten smell decent folk have had to endure daily for the last four years. Ah, the high virtues of Leftist “tolerance” for the bad and persistent subversion of the good, another expression of the “exalt your enemies/destroy your friends” folly that characterizes Leftist thinking.
Lingering Leftism.
UPDATE 7/29/24: Leftist tolerance is an oxymoron; there is no tolerance ANYWHERE left of center in today’s America. Actor James Wood’s story is that of millions of Trump supporters, a covert, pariah identity and stance best kept under wraps. Conservatism is, quoting Woods quoting a friend, akin to being gay in the 1950s. Don’t ask, don’t tell…or suffer the consequences of social ostracism, job termination or, in Wood’s case, major career destruction by his own POS agent. Luckily for Woods, the unemployable actor, he has found huge success both critically & financially as an Academy Award-winning producer of “Oppenheimer.” If that was not well-known until now, it has everything to do with having to “take one for the team” and not have his name publicly associated with the film until AFTER the Oscar voting. That story included below.
UPDATE 12/7/23: Have loyal Democrats ever asked themselves why unabashed antisemites like Omar and Tlaib would never run as Republicans but easily find safe harbor and legitimacy in the American system as Democrats?
UPDATE 7/15/22: The Left’s tolerance for criminals has melded into an outright embrace. In Britain, car theft has effectively been decriminalized. Why, you ask? Minus private property and laws protecting it, there is no social order or any individual liberty, only chaos. Get it?
UPDATE 5/30/21: A dangerous tolerance for a New Racism is evolving naturally out of the Leftist worldview of Identity Politics, that longed-for American Civil War II, a chaotic society entirely made up of Victims and their Oppressors. As a late and unlamented BLM firebrand exulted recently, “The white man will not be our equal, but our slave. History is changing. No justice, no peace #BLM.”
So it has come to this:
“Bring back racism!” proudly screeches the Woke manager of a St. Louis Popeye’s (named after that spinach-fueled navy vet known for overt displays of male chauvinism and physical White Supremacy. Must change that name!)
Unfortunately, there might be some legal obstacles to this little commercial exercise in Wokeism. Astute legal scholars have managed to unearth the fine print in our legal history detailing an obscure Civil Rights Act from 1964 that forbids such discrimination. But why should this New Racist care? In his lawless alternate reality of defunded police and canonized career criminals, the working motto is, no matter what I do, “I’m Wokey, so no pokey for me!” Domestic anarcho-terrorist relic of the 1960’s Bill Ayers poetically expressed it as, ““Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.”
UPDATE(4/2/15): With the Indiana “Outrage,” they’re claiming discrimination on the basis of their Political ID’s. The slippery slope is that any of us(including them) could be forced to do business with people we simply don’t like. A personal approach would be to say it’s not their color/sexual orientation/gender that I don’t like. It’s the content of their characters. I wonder if this sort of bullying “gets better?”
ORIGINAL POST 5/8/12: Claiming membership in some designated “victim” club supposedly exempts those members from any criticism: Obama, Sharpton & Jackson are black, so obviously we’re all racists who identify them as the shakedown artists and socialist gangsters they are; Dan Savage is gay, so obviously we’re all homophobes who point out what as a bigoted little bully he is; Sandra Fluke is female, so obviously we’re all misogynists who correctly identify her as a freeloading, pathetic wimp; Elizabeth Warren isn’t/never was/never will be a Native American, but obviously we’re women-hating bigots who call her the whiter-than-white Affirmative Action hustler she is. The cover is blown. No more race/gender/orientation/victim cards. They have as much currency as confederate money from now on. Perhaps character content over Elite Victimhood may start to count for something again.
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