Russian collusion!!!
UPDATE 11/8/24: VDH offers particularly insightful takes on foreign policy and Trump’s unique (and surprisingly effective) approach to handling the dicey likes of Putin, Xi, the Iranian mullahs and Little Rocket Man.
UPDATE 10/22/24: It has been considered heartless heresy since the Ukraine/Russia debacle began to be suspicious of Zelensky and his motives, not to be confused with compassion for the very real suffering of the Ukrainian people. The exploitive and profitable alliance Zelensky has with BrandonWorld faces extinction with a Trump restoration, and his characterization as the noble David in this Goliath saga has become even more questionable with his threat to go literally nuclear if Trump vetoes Ukrainian membership in NATO.
Who’s the good guy (if any) in this picture? Who’s using whom?
UPDATE 9/30/24: Upon sober examination, the deification of Zelensky by American Leftists and the random good-hearted/naive crowd understandably moved by Ukrainian suffering continues to show crumbling clay feet. Like virtually everything pushed on us by the Left over the last four years, full investigation must take place given a Trump victory in November. Otherwise, the ACTUAL corrupt collusion of foreign powers in American affairs (and pocketbooks) will only metastasize further beyond its present toxic stage.
UPDATE 9/24/24: VDH rightly points out that America is showing the suicidal signs of every great civilization in decline, failing to side with its friends and enabling its enemies. Where is this better illustrated than in BrandonWorld’s despicably subversive treatment of Israel while actively shoring up Iran and its proxy assassins in Hamas and Hezbollah?
UPDATE 9/23/24: As we get closer to the much-desired possibility of a Trump restoration and a brokered peace deal between the Ukraine & Russia, Zelensky has given himself away publicly, actively campaigning this week on behalf of a continuing Biden/Harris golden goose instead of what he rightly fears will be a considerably less-generous Trump/Vance administration.
A newly installed President Trump would definitely be a godsend for the Ukrainian (and Russian) people AND a dry pipeline to all those Swiss bank accounts currently brimming with diverted BrandonWorld billions. Time will tell precisely who has directly profited from this ongoing boondoggle.
UPDATE 9/10/24: Recently, Putin and certain prominent followers of the Ukraine/Russia conflict have claimed that the Ukraine has really always been Russian territory, a fable justifying the recent invasion. We are to believe that during the Russian Revolution Lenin magnanimously gave this so-called Russian region its own distinct identity for the first time to add yet one more Soviet Socialist Republic to the whole happy totalitarian USSR mix, an asphyxiating confederation that has enslaved and murdered millions over the last century. How then to explain the existence of a distinctly Ukrainian culture and language with assorted related dialects going back to the Middle Ages and earlier?
In addition, the words “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian,” not “Russia” and “Russian”, were used by my own grandparents and their children, referring to the country from which they emigrated to America years before Lenin’s so-called original invention during the Russian Revolution beginning in 1917.
Verifying that the Ukraine is a legitimate country should not distract from its well-acknowledged internal corruption and what the motives of its current leaders (and their Dem Party American enablers) are. Zelensky’s recent phone exchange with Trump sounds positive, but suspicions are aroused by the eagerness with which BrandonWorld and its supporters have been sending all those billions to the Ukraine without any serious attempts to broker a ceasefire.
UPDATE 8/13/24: Ukraine/Russia, ChiComs/Taiwan, Iran/Israel, all historical conflicts under control with a strong American presence (2016-2020). Since 2020, it’s all threatening to boil over into WWIII? But why is that?
UPDATE 7/27/24: Only those Kool-Aid ingesting Donkey brigadiers still giddily high on their virtue-signaling blank check to the Ukraine will be surprised and/or disappointed when Trump actually bursts the balloon and ends the long-term Black Sea boondoggle. Already, by sheer coincidence as a restored Trump Presidency looms, Zelensky & Co. are suddenly “willing and ready” to see a deal brokered with Russia. Very reminiscent of the Iranian mullahs’ overnight change of heart back in 1980 as Carter was booted, and Reagan took charge.
Zelensky goes through Orban to connect with Trump. Orban’s skeptical look down at Zelensky’s “open hand” should speak volumes to those sentimentalists still sporting the gold & blue on their lapels and lawns.
UPDATE 7/10/24: Those genuinely interested in “peace on earth” will vote for a POTUS and policy based on the undeniable truism that preparation for war and keeping one’s enemies on permanent alert is the ticket, not disarmament and being “nice” to those determined to conquer and kill us. A little education about those 20th century tyrannies like the Soviets might provide a little realism and focus to those believing otherwise.
Bill Whittle, via the Daily Wire, offers a new 8-part documentary on the granddaddy of evil empires.
UPDATE 6/12/24: The Biden nightmare is approaching the cataclysmic stage in his determination to show what a resolute, effective warrior and international diplomat he most emphatically IS NOT. World War III is a concrete reality so long as this demented, corrupt sack of bones continues to be the Leftist Dem Party’s placeholder in the White House.
UPDATE 6/5/24: Zelensky’s vaunted heroism and idealistic motives have taken another major hit with his endorsement of a Palestinian state. Like all aspiring totalitarians, his sympathies lie firmly with those shakedown cronies around the world claiming victimhood while actively getting hyper-rich off tyranny and death. This is only validated further by his expressed reservations about a Trump restoration.
Fears a Trump Presidency? Supporter of a “Palestinian State?” Is the jury still out?
UPDATE 5/17/24: It’s just conjecture at this sorry stage, but there’s every reason to believe a strong American presence might have given pause to both Putin and Hamas, obviously emboldened by the Great American Void as embodied in one JR Biden to start wars of conquest and mayhem. Having set the stage for the misery of millions, destabilizing the entire world, how like Joe and his BrandonWorld masters to be pulling yet another Afghanistan, abandoning the victims of their malfeasance and reckless indifference.
Support for the Ukraine and its reputed hero-leader was at first a no-brainer, then a troublesome provoker of second thoughts. Well before Putin’s invasion, the country has been a cesspool of corruption and severely limited liberties, courtesy of said hero-leader/clandestine tyrant and those who put him in power. With or without Zelensky, Ukraine under Putin’s control will remain that same cesspool of corruption, its present leadership most likely fleeing abroad to spend some of those skimmed “humanitarian aid” billions sent by the American Left’s chosen leaders.
By contrast, Israel’s ongoing heroic history inspires confidence and promises more great achievements for the future. Despite current betrayal by BrandonWorld, Israel will just keep fighting for life and, God willing, winning once again despite the odds.
UPDATE 4/11/24: Elections have consequences. For Israel and the free world at large, the consequences are teetering on the unthinkably disastrous. This simply would not be with an American presence represented by Trump. How blithely his detractors forget there were no military kerfuffles of note in the years 2016-2020. Coincidence, of course.
UPDATE 4/4/24: There’s more than a little inconsistency in the positions those Left of center and more “moderate” Biden supporters take on Israel and the Ukraine. Zelensky’s Ukrainian war against Putin’s Russia arouses their David vs. Goliath sympathies as it always sides with the perceived underdog. Israel, a real David ceaselessly facing down the hydra-headed Goliath out to get her (including the present American administration), is constantly condemned as another big bad bully who must show mercy to those poor Gazans (who put Hamas in power and continue to support it).
UPDATE 3/20/24: Here is a fascinating bit of history that suggests that much of what has ailed the modern world since the early 20th century might very well be traceable to the tragically botched delivery of a child on January 27, 1859. That unfortunate infant was Queen Victoria’s first grandchild, destined to be Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany whose mental instability dating from his traumatic birth blew up a family vendetta into WWI. That senseless conflagration led to the Russian Revolution which has spawned global catastrophes beyond comprehension, plaguing us right up to the present.
UPDATE 2/24/24: The Ukraine debacle drags on. What are the legitimate reasons for continuing to send $billions there and what are the legitimate reasons not to?
UPDATE 2/15/24: One take on Putin as revealed in the Carlson interview: a passive aggressor.
Not so passive is his handling of dissenters as evidenced by the well-publicized liquidation of Alexei Navalny, a political opponent and vocal critic.
Nor is his totally subjective rewrite of Russian/Ukrainian history justifying his genocidal, expansionist goals. We are indebted to Tucker Carlson for making Vladimir somewhat less of “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” In highly technical terms, this is a very bad guy [which is not say we should continue sending unaccounted-for billions to Zelensky. Think “defense contractors.”]
UPDATE 2/10/24: Make of him what you will from Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin.
UPDATE 12/28/23: In Trump’s absence and the moral vacuum temporarily replacing him, evil is having a heyday and making big plans. History verifies that the power of deterrence plays no part in soft-headed Democrat administrations which consistently, by no coincidence, have always turned the whole world into a war zone.
UPDATE 12/26/23: If this doesn’t sound scary, what does? “China and Russia are more than just working together. They are forming the core of a new axis. Around this core are proxies and proxies of proxies, such as Iran, North Korea, Algeria, and a host of terrorist groups.” They hate us. They really hate us.
Such pleasant, benign-looking fellows. How bad can they be?
UPDATE 12/22/23: Reckless, “luvvie” Europe, minus all commonsense about preserving national borders and demanding basic assimilation from invading hordes of non-assimilating Muslims, has made itself a permanent war zone.
UPDATE 12/17/23: Like those “Hate has no home here” signs quickly vanishing as Western Wokesters get a firsthand taste of borderless invasion, the little blue & yellow lapel pins and lawn flags are becoming equally scarce as the stench of Ukrainian graft becomes too foul to ignore. On the face of things, it has always seemed a worthy, humanitarian cause, but the harsh reality of human greed at the heart of most power politics compels us to follow the dirty money.
UPDATE 12/17/23: We are a world embroiled in undeclared war. There are people who want us dead and/or enslaved, and emboldened by a leaderless, paper tiger America, they are VERY busy seeing to that end.
And then there’s the Russian bear VERY much on the move.
UPDATE 12/14/23: Yes, it’s a given that we should help the Ukrainians drive Putin out and back to Moscow. No, handing Zelensky more unaccounted-for billions in questionable aid is not doing that for the Ukrainians. Where is the money actually going? Who is actually running this war against Putin? It’s a good bet that a Trump administration would be asking these questions and making sure the war was being fought to win…and won. For Biden, it is deliberately prolonged virtue-signaling theatre and very likely blackmail paid out to cover for his Crime Family’s Ukrainian hanky-panky.
UPDATE 11/1/2/23: So all those Biden billions gone and still going out to Zelensky’s regime isn’t really for the benefit of suffering Ukrainians? “Stealing like no tomorrow” is the phrase used by an unnamed source in a Time interview. Being one of the most notoriously corrupt governments in Europe, it’s no stretch to envision huge amounts of Joe’s generous “humanitarian aid” pouring into the pockets of Volodymyr’s government cronies, not to mention into the modestly attired leader’s own Swiss bank accounts.
Luckily for Vlod, Putin chose to invade in the post-Trump world.
UPDATE 9/28/23: One more lethal consequence of the stolen 2020 election is an emboldened Putin feeling free to invade the Ukraine and put the whole world, America in particular, on the sharp edge of a sword. One naturally sympathizes with the Ukrainian people, and aid to them seemed from the beginning a natural. As the war grinds on, serious doubts have arisen about where those billions are really going. Is Zelensky just the front man for an historically corrupt Ukrainian government, playing us for fools? That aside, what does “winning the war” look like against a nuclear power willing to do the worst with its arsenal?
No good guys in this one.
UPDATE 9/7/23: So the Ukraine debacle is all about getting even with Putin for conspiring to steal the 2016 election for Trump? A weak theory. More likely, it’s a fabulous money-laundering scheme to keep the Biden/Burisma stink quiet and fill the Swiss bank accounts of certain Ukrainian politicians who wear designer T-shirts on otherwise formal occasions.
UPDATE 9/8/23: Must BrandonWorld make it so obvious that they operate by the motto, “America last!” What else to make of the Congressional move to delay funds for Maui and Florida relief unless more billions go to the Ukraine?
UPDATE 8/31/23: It will come as a shock to those soft hearts/soft heads sporting Ukrainian colors on their lapels and lawns that they have been cheering on a corrupt, dictatorial regime playing on the naive sympathies of Americans like a dancing monkeys on a leash.
Just 7 more. That’s it. I swear.
UPDATE 8/22/23: The Ukraine War has claimed countless lives and trashed a country for no other purpose than the political and financial gains of its corrupt leaders. It’s far past time that this horrific fraud be called out and stopped.
Hey, man. We’ve really got a good thing going here, haven’t we?! How many billions are we up to now? And those dunces think it’s about liberating a country!
UPDATE 8/5/23: Remember the war in the Ukraine? Compelling arguments, long ago clearly stated and obvious, make getting out of it advisable. This country is a cesspool with a long history of corruption and inhuman atrocity that cannot produce any benefits, least of all for the Ukrainian people themselves.
UPDATE 4/22/23: One has often heard the term “fog of war,” but few wars have been foggier than the Ukrainian debacle. Is Zelensky just a mask covering the faces of those more sinister forces running the show? Darkness and evil (including violent antisemitism) loom large throughout Ukrainian history, so nothing ugly should surprise us if and when a full accounting is ever done.
UPDATE 4/15/23: Rumor has it that Zelensky, Ukrainian folk hero and matinee idol of the Western Left, is in the war profiteering business, skimming million$ off of the American aid that’s going to buy Russian oil. Repeat: the Ukraine is buying RUSSIAN oil with American money. Last we read, Zelensky was calling other countries’ purchase of Russian oil “blood money.”
Those daring to see where their good will and dollars are going might think again about who the good guys are in this international boondoggle. Not to mention where this is all potentially leading.
UPDATE 4/1/23: Further insights into the Ukrainian war from distinguished Jewish Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky and from the archives detailing the country’s long, bloody plague of antisemitism.
Despite having a Jewish President, it’s not just history.
UPDATE 3/19/23: Major dilemma: do we continue to fund the Ukrainians against Putin while Zelensky’s shady ways cast doubt on his sincere wish to serve his suffering people? Hero or villain? For that matter, should we be involved at all?
UPDATE 2/26/23: One more week of wondering, “Are we on the verge of WWIII?” Nothing on this platter is edible: a high-profile media darling sandwiched between moldy slices of demented puppet and wild-eyed despot. What’s digestible about any of it? The mercenary middleman comes off best. At least he doesn’t have HIS finger directly on The Button…which hardly amounts to good news.
UPDATE 2/23/23: Does it make sense for America to prolong the Ukraine-Russian war by funding an historically corrupt regime growing rich on the back of a suffering country? What comes next? Biden’s arrogant (and boundlessly stupid) call for Putin’s removal is to be expected from a brain-damaged political puppet.
UPDATE 2/16/23: Since it’s suddenly become the potential tinderbox for another World War, Ukraine (or The Ukraine as it is still termed by descendants of those who left its often hellish circumstances for America more than a century back) proves to be a long-running, fascinating tale of political intrigue.
UPDATE 2/12/23: Will those virtue-signaling dimwits with Ukrainian flags on their lawns & lapels ever figure out they’re on a self-destructive path, for both themselves and hapless Ukrainian civilians?
This war most likely would never have happened if those virtue-signalers most dismayed by Ukrainian suffering had voted for a sensible American candidate projecting strength as a deterrent to foreign aggression.
UPDATE 2/4/23: Oh good. Maybe well be mired down interminably in another Vietnam or Afghanistan. Remember how well the latter was handled by Ol’ Joe, pulling out when things were actually somewhat contained and stable? Is there anything Democrats can do right when it comes to starting and/or finishing wars?
UPDATE 2/1/23: Those in the West wringing their hands and demonizing only Russia as the heartless villains of the Ukraine debacle need to be apprised of the history and background of the West’s significant part in making this war inevitable.
They should also look honestly at the lionized Zelensky’s active cover-up of the Biden crime family’s corruption in the Ukraine while using existence of that corruption to extort more $billion$ from BrandonWorld.
UPDATE 1/17/23: We are caught in the dilemma of wanting to see the Ukrainians live freely in peace while objecting to the continual flow of money to ultra-corrupt leadership diverting that cash everywhere except to where it actually helps drive out Putin and to benefit the Ukrainian public. Without ignoring them, what is the path to take? Sebastian Gorka offers insight in an interview with Epoch Times.
UPDATE 1/1/23: If one really takes stock of the deplorable 12 months just past, world-class shakedown artist Zelensky is a good choice as Time’s Man Of The Year. And what a loser of a year it was. As one writer astutely observes, it was all too much for QE2 who threw in the towel after 9 months of the annus horribilis just past.
Doing his act and including the whole, naively worshipful world as his co-star.
UPDATE 12/26/22: It’s getting clearer by the day how hopeless the Russia/Ukraine debacle is. According to this retired military man, there is no chance of the Ukrainians beating the Russians.
Putin’s standing as a tyrant and bully holds firm, but even driving him out of the Ukraine is no happy ending for anyone including the Ukrainians or the U.S. currently throwing mounting billion$ into the morass. Grand Old Diplomat Henry Kissinger’s characteristic recommendations for “permanent negotiation” will never be the solution for a war between a thuggish Mafia regime and its evil, expansionist foe.
Our pouring limitless amounts of money into the occupied Ukraine is playing into the hands of one of the most notoriously corrupt governments on earth (the Ukraine). It is virtually a certainty that those funds will be NOT be used against Putin but will mostly find their way into the secret bank accounts and pockets of a few conniving gangsters masquerading as “freedom fighters.”
This is one big, foreign mess to stay out of. But too late now.
UPDATE 12/22/22: Since the moment all those blue & yellow ribbons started appearing on all those lapels and Zelensky became the darling of the Progressive/Liberal set, the simple, emotional brute vs. underdog narrative of the Ukraine got murky. The suffering of the Ukrainian people is undeniable, but is their leader really begging for all that money on their behalf or just another political grifter exploiting the situation with big-hearted America as Chump #1?
A simple, accurate answer to the question, “Where is that money going?” would provide all the answers necessary. If Putin were to suddenly disappear back into Russia, the lives of Ukrainians would not be measurably better. Although he stands before Congress in his trademark man-of-the-people duds, comparing himself to George Washington fighting another American Revolution on the Black Sea, Zelensky already has a record of ruthless crackdowns on his people reminiscent of a scruffy bearded Cuban in military fatigues who likewise visited and charmed America 60 years ago while pulling a major fast one on the world. Those virtue-signaling useful idiots in the West sympathetically sporting the Ukrainian colors would find their compassion sorely tested if they were Odessa dissenters grabbed off the street Adolf/Fidel style and…disappeared.
Much to the disappointment of those not seeking romance but facts, Putin’s invasion has been a nightmare for the Ukrainian people AND a golden propaganda opportunity for the public image (and self-enrichment) of unabashedly corrupt Ukrainian leadership.
Regarding Zelensky’s personal wealth: Forbes reassures his admirers he is NOT a billionaire as claimed but worth a mere $20 million. Only a few years ago, he was worth a paltry fraction of that. Whether or not his wife recently went on a 40,000 Euro shopping spree in Paris remains a somewhat unresolved mystery of internet gossip. The real point of inquiry ignored by those prone to lionize politically correct scoundrels is how do “regular Joes” like a Biden or Zelensky become so unbelievably rich so fast once they get into politics?
UPDATE 12/15/22: Need we explain why Mrs. Zelensky doing a 40,000 Euro shopping spree in Paris is not a good look? You know, the wife of the t-shirted, sleep-deprived, heroic young stand-up- comic-turned-freedom fighter, sweating it out in hiding from Putin’s agents while raking in yet more billions from the U.S. and the EU.
UPDATE 12/8/22: Those who wish/think/hope the “surprise attack” on Pearl Harbor is not repeatable live in denial. Does the Afghanistan surrender and the disgraceful Commander-in-Chief overseeing that disaster provide any hint of unpreparedness? Does this empty human shell’s assessment of there being “more important things” than an overrun border offer at least a tiny clue of imminent danger?
UPDATE 12/3/22: Communism’s century of social devastation still remains modern history’s major blight on healthy human life. Natural disasters do not even come close to the misery and death visited daily on people by this authentic plague.
UPDATE 12/1/22: Now Zelensky’s openly selling the special privilege of bankrolling his country to corporate billionaires. This is definitely money to follow. Supposedly, it’s going to benefit Ukrainians, but one suspects this charitable pot will be swiftly emptied enroute with nothing left for a suffering people.
UPDATE 12/1/22: The Ukraine debacle is one more warning that the bullies must be deterred by strength before they’re emboldened to act like…bullies. Hint: Putin waited until Trump was gone to invade.
UPDATE 11/27/22: Well, well, now Zelensky’s asking $50 billion more for “infrastructure, pensions….” Again, the response is “Hmmm,” now with the more specific question, “Where is that money ending up? Is this all a big money laundering scheme?”
UPDATE 11/25/22: While every predictably bleeding heart poured forth with such fervor for the Ukraine’s plight this year, cooler heads were not so quick to rally behind what seemed to be a little David Zelensky fighting big bully Vladimir Goliath. Billions and billions and now more billions are pouring in, including from the now defunct FTX. Any problem asking where/to whom it’s all going and is this really about winning/ending a war and saving lives?
UPDATE 11/17/22: As long suspected, the narrative of lovely, peace-loving Ukraine beset by Big Meanie Putin is fraying at the edges, and the case for pulling way back is getting stronger. The suffering Ukrainian people may very well just be props in a war their notoriously corrupt leaders are only too happy to wage for the worldwide sympathy and financial benefits to be reaped. The latest is the incident of a missile fired into Poland, reported as one more act of Russian aggression but actually a deliberate false flag launched by Zelensky & Co. An accident they say. Perhaps. What is the full story here?
UPDATE 11/7/22: The list of BrandonWorld disasters is endless. Turning attention outward, a responsible Republican Congress must make some hard choices on the whole Ukraine boondoggle. It’s too late to scare Putin off from invading the country as would’ve been the case in a Trump administration. But it’s not too late to seriously investigate the folly of getting mired financially and possibly militarily in what appears to be a stalemate. Is this really a morally neat David-and-Goliath scenario or are we being played to view an historically corrupt Ukrainian regime as “the good guys?” One has to sympathize with millions of innocent Ukrainian civilians driven from their homes or killed, but politics is more often than not about corrupt individuals retaining power than it is about saving lives. Is it good and bad guys we’re looking at or is it really bad guys vs. worse guys?
What of the possibility of producing our own oil and selling it cheap to Putin’s biggest energy dependents in Europe and elsewhere? Would that not be a nifty, non-violent and profitable multi-win scenario for us and the Ukrainians? Admittedly, those Greenies of BrandonWorld from El Demento on down to the loony bicyclist next door screaming at you for owning a gas-powered car might object, but why should any sane person on the planet care what they think? The overriding truth here might be that turning around EVERY BrandonWorld policy points us once again in the right direction on all fronts. Yes, Virginia, it’s possible for some people to be totally wrong on everything, that the truth is always, reliably 180 degrees across from where such liars and bad actors stand.
UPDATE 10/16/22: Biden’s Day One cancelation of our energy independence has been nothing but a gift to Putin, canceling out whatever virtue the Fool-in-Chief may claim to deserve for supporting the Ukrainians. Like Obama said in a most uncomplimentary way about Joe…but then, what is Joe at all other than a puppet for the Man (Men) Behind The Curtain?
UPDATE 10/10/22: THE political story of our times (and of the last century) is our will to survive against the forces let loose by Lenin/Stalin and their clandestine collaborators around the globe. Putin’s story-how and why he came to be and persists-brings us up to speed on the Ukraine war which, in turn, is a product of the Clinton/Obama/Biden cabal. There’s lots and lots of money and power to be accrued. Oh, what a tangled web! And to think the prevailing narrative has been a Trump/Russia collusion. Talk about projection!
UPDATE 10/2/22: In the era known as B.B. (Before Brandon), there were negotiations and balances in the world of international politics. With Trump minding the store, Putin would never have dared do what he has done and plans to do. Install a demented zombie with a celebrated talent “to f–k things up” (as attested to by his former boss BO), and you’ve got a world teetering on the brink. More than anyone, the world can thank that indeterminate number of Americans suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome for this rather fragile state of affairs.
UPDATE 9/30/22: No decent observer wishes harm on the Ukraine and would love to see Russia out. But the sympathetic David/Goliath narrative is belied by this rough-and-tumble land’s ongoing history of super-dirty corruption.
UPDATE 9/28/22: Remember the robotic meme from Libs about the dangers of a madman like Donald Trump with his finger on the nuclear button? [This goes back to EVERY true defender of national defense since Barry Goldwater.] Somehow, they have little concern about a mental and moral vacuum named Joe Brandon into which a desperate Vladimir Putin may very well rush as his expansionist dreams and claims of “annexation” go up in smoke.
UPDATE 9/26/22: Will the Ukrainians beat back the Russkies? Or will Putin continue to wreak his devastation and bring it and other prospective satellites under his control?
UPDATE 9/22/22: The Ukrainians may very well liberate themselves by driving the Russians out. Who can object to that? But is the prevailing David & Goliath narrative, embraced so comfortably by the international intelligentsia, the full story here?
UPDATE 9/16/22: It’s not just happenstance that things are falling apart everywhere including our military. On the contrary, we are witnessing a deliberate weakening of our ability to defend ourselves, much to the delight of our enemies and their obvious collaborators in the present administration.
UPDATE 9/16/22: The word “Ukraine” has become just a daily news item for millions safely removed from Putin’s evil gambit; and for the usual suspects rallying reflexively without question to the perceived underdog, a great exercise for showing off those virtue-signaling feathers. But what has been the real story? Is it all one side wearing the black hats? Are we finally seeing the tide turning and a possibility of a full Russian retreat? Is a corrupted, detached American administration responsible for much of what has gone down and some seriously bad stuff ahead?
UPDATE 8/4/22: It should be a matter of some concern that Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega (he’s still around?!!!) just welcomed in Russian troops to his Central American workers’ paradise. Why is this not news? In the good old Cold War days, such reports used to trigger not-so-little things like Cuban missile crises.
UPDATE 8/4/22: To those who persist in viewing the Ukraine and its leader as angels to the Russian devil, look more closely. The ties to corruption and the brutal denial of basic rights for Ukrainians under the canonized Zelensky plays havoc with the frantic virtue signaling among the bleeding heart Lib set. Yes, we’d all love to see Putin driven back to his sickbed in Moscow, but what is the Ukrainian way of life under its own corrupt leadership? All those blue & yellow lapel pins and cupcakes and flags flying are being quietly taken inside, even by the usual softheads at the NY Times.
UPDATE 7/28/22: We knew when every bleeding heart type was wearing Ukrainian flags on their lapels that things weren’t quite as black & white as the Putin/Zelensky/Devil/Angel meme implies. When have they really been on the right side of anything? But who are we to put a damper on radical chic good works? Mrs. Zelensky has been given a spread in deep thinker and political heavyweight Anna Wintour’s Vogue! Who knew that ice-cold, Prada-wearing devil was all heart!? How lovely to have a coffee table companion piece to that bizarre “Rose Of The Desert” treatment given by Vogue a few years back to the chic wife of the Syrian tyrant Assad. Anna’s crowd goes where all the right people go for the au courant info and are rewarded with a clear conscience.
UPDATE 7/17/22: The murder of the Romanovs in 1918 remains the prime symbol of rational civilization’s first major surrender to communism, modern life’s most murderous curse.
UPDATE 7/15/22: Seeing Putin accurately as a brutal, expansionist villain does NOT make Zelensky a hero. Since the beginning of the Ukrainian invasion, there have been glaring questions about Klaus Schwab’s prematurely lionized protegee’s real motives and plans for his country.
UPDATE 7/15/22: It continues to grate that we discover American institutions and individuals we once admired turn out to be so rotten. How long can a house stand on a foundation infested with termites? The latest is “Mad Dog” Mattis whom Trump mistakenly trusted and built up to the public as a soldier’s soldier. Read the story and discover the truth about this creepy Deep Stater.
UPDATE 6/20/22: Covid, the ChiCom/Fauci collaboration in biological warfare, has chilling precedents dating back at least to Stalin. It would be hard to surpass the evil of Uncle Joe’s real-life intention to kill anyone he deemed an enemy (including prominent Russian expatriate dissidents like prima ballerina Anna Pavlova) and his aborted plans for a full-scale nuclear holocaust. Luckily, the monster was poisoned before being able to lay further waste to the world.
UPDDATE 6/11/22:
UPDATE 5/20/22; Is there any sinister element or regime out to destroy America that Dems aren’t eager to appease, embrace and even assist? Cuba is the latest recipient of BrandonWorld’s generous aid and comfort.
UPDATE 5/14/22: Churchill on war and peace: appeasement, failure to deter the buildup of your enemies weaponry is a guarantee for war. Had the West stopped Hitler’s Germany arming itself, there would have been no reason for WWII. In BrandonWorld, we are guaranteeing WWIII.
UPDATE 5/5/22: Unbeknownst to us, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have assumed the roles of America’s superhawkish foreign policy wonks all in for creating war with Russia. How else are they to justify the whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” lies and madness that has driven the Dem Party powermongers since Election Day, 2016? They are telling us, “We have always been right about Russia [No, they’ve been lying about Russia]; and we must continue our mission to save the world from them.” Not following through on this would expose them as heedless fools at best and, at worst and most accurately, ruthless liars minus even a minimum of concern for the consequences of their actions. Considering the looming presence of emboldened China, Iran and North Korea, we are looking at a potential tinderbox set to ignite WWIII.
UPDATE 5/2/22: Putin apparently has cancer, clarifying the likely motivation for his headlong surge into senseless destruction to be that of a megalomaniac driven to desperation by his impending demise. Vlad the Kamikaze. Xi just waiting and watching. Biden looking for the nearest men’s room or ice cream parlor.
UPDATE 4/23/22: The front page urgency of the Russia/Ukraine travesty seems to be fading while the human cost remains as bad as ever. Where on the moral compass history places the principals-Putin, Zelensky in particular-remains to be seen.
UPDATE 4/7/22: Whatever else might be worth learning about American interests and international affairs, we are digging our own grave by outsourcing energy production and most manufacturing to our sworn enemies. Think oil & gas from Iran & Russia; think all those MADE IN CHINA labels.
UPDATE 4/6/22: Former Australian PM Tony Abbott is one of the few present day statesmen worth listening to. His address praising Israel as an exemplary case of civilizational survival and warnings of totalitarianism’s progress in 2022 will be ignored at our own peril. In addition to taking in Abbott’s advice and minus a crystal ball, we also have the most reliable historians for reference. According to Clausewitz, the go-to guy for warfare scenarios, Putin may have short-sighted himself into his own political and literal grave.
UPDATE 4/1/22: The inspiring success of the Poles and their Solidarity movement that eradicated Communist rule 40 years ago remains an essential tutorial in overthrowing tyranny.
UPDATE 3/31/22: Foreign volunteers looking for derring-do romance, soldiers of fortune joining the Ukrainian Crusade, turn out to find things anything but romantic or even minimally worthwhile for anyone.
UPDATE 3/30/22: “Emboldened enemies, betrayed allies” sums up the Brandon Doctrine in 4 words. But don’t take our word for it. Ask Joe or any of his brain-dead faithful, and you’ll be informed that 2021 been the greatest year of any Presidency since Noah set sail in the ark.
Major suspicions should be aroused to find oneself allied with the Ukraine and, in so being, in bed with One World ghouls like Soros, Schwab, etc. At the same time, one needn’t be a Putin fan to recognize he is wrecking those Master Planners’ master plan of global domination . No wonder the anti-Putin meme has invaded the mushy brain of every virtue signaling Lib in the world.
UPDATE 3/27/22: Our greatest political journalist and commentator Victor Davis Hanson provides some clarity on the Russia/Ukraine conundrum.
Whatever is going on behind the prevalent narrative and why, Putin needs to get out of the Ukraine and let that country (and the rest of us) live and breathe again.
UPDATE 3/24/22: The bottom line is Ukrainians and their country are being trampled. The mystery yet to be resolved is why, but is it really a mystery considering the essential controlling nature of totalitarianism? There is little debate over Putin’s nasty nature. Once a KGB brute, always one, but one is pressed to ponder who else stands to gain from this Ukraine episode.
Perhaps the greatest riddle is Zelenksky. Widely portrayed as a patriotic hero, he is also a protege of the sinister globalist Schwab, Is this crisis just an opportunity to use the Ukraine as a model for the Great Reset? Is it not disturbing that he just nationalized all media in the same sweeping motion of banishing all opposition political parties? His hostile tone toward the Israelis is an indication that he is not a natural ally to America and Israel. Is he “Jewish” like former Nazi stooge George Soros is Jewish? His documented Holocaust denial does little to enhance his “hero” image.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainians themselves suffer.
UPDATE 3/23/22: The halo of patriotic heroism over Zelenksky’s head is not only tarnished now but has slipped off entirely. Banning all opposing political parties, none of whom is promoting Russian interests, is the act of the garden-variety tinpot dictator. Things are not what they seem when it comes to identifying good and bad guys in this political drama.
UPDATE 3/19/22: Peering through the fog of war, a few points of clarity provided by the ever-reliable VDH. Not so clear is the debate about Zelenksky. So which is he? Patriot hero or Soros puppet? Then, there’s the whole confusion about who’s for whom? There has been real “Russian” collusion but not exactly as depicted for the last 4 years. Was it actually Ukrainians and Dems allied against Trump?
For those genuinely sympathetic to suffering, one experiences only disgust at the senseless brutality of Putin’s assault on millions fleeing for their lives. Such is the ugly bottom line reality of this and most wars. For whatever reasons he has initiated this surreal fiasco, but it doesn’t appear Vlad has planned thoroughly. One hopes that events play out to drive him and whomever else stands to profit from this mad incursion back to their respective holes. Why the hell did he do it anyway? What’s to like about leveling and enslaving a country of such beauty and rich history? The question arises: if the Russians retreat: then what? “Peace” will have its consequences. And what’s the fate of the Ukraine as a permanent buffer zone between “us” and “them?” Thug or heroic leader, Zelensky has choices to make, and historical precedents could offer him some guidance.
UPDATE 3/15/22: For most of us, war is not blood and guts but, mercifully, just an abstract news item. Ukrainians fleeing the country, people living under falling bombs and missiles are living it concretely. Israel just suffered its worst-ever cyber attack which potentially affects everyone, in or out of a physical war zone. It’s folly to think this can’t and won’t happen here.
UPDATE 3/12/22: As verified by the reality of history, truth remains the first casualty of war. So it’s no surprise that the fog surrounding Russia/Ukraine is clearing to reveal…pea soup (as pilots term it when caught in zero visibility).
Most agree that Putin is a rather disagreeable character. Or do they? Some posit otherwise, calling Putin Russia’s Trump.
For most, it would seem hard to deny that the Ukrainians are a fiercely brave and admirable people. That heroism appears to be on full display in the person of their President Zelensky. If he actually survives to preserve Ukrainian independence and fend off the Russians, one will have to cheer regardless of what some insist is endemic corruption in Ukraine politics, including Volodymyr himself . Furthermore, prominent cynics express little faith in the apparent goodness of the lionized Zelensky. Confused yet? In a moral quandary?
Meanwhile, the conflict is providing the Brandon administration with an excuse for every domestic blunder it has created, an explanation genuinely believed by NO ONE registering a pulse.
It is also reassuring to NO ONE that Cackling Kamala is our secret weapon sent by God to restore peace and justice throughout the world.
It’s certainly easy to think these are potentially the worst of times, yet some of us are holding out for a miraculous dawning of the best of times. Are we up to turning night into day?
UPDATE 3/10/22: It’s too much for the Leftist/Liberal/Woke mind to condemn real evil. As usual, they must go into a fit of self-dramatizing heroics and fantasy ranging from Ukrainian flag pocket hankies to dreams of flying today’s version of the Enola Gay. All Walter Mitty heroics of absolutely no benefit to anyone.
UPDATE 3/8/22: Ukraine is not a crisis the Dems are willing to waste. The last thing they want is the last thing they wanted from Covid: an end to the “crisis” that served their totalitarian goals. What most concerns the current American leadership is: if the Ukrainians succumb to the Russians, are they going to suffer at the polls? And what does it mean if Russia loses?
Or are we already fated to lose whatever the outcome?
UPDATE 3/5/22: The malady of incipient tyrants flexing their muscles is contagious. The latest saber rattling comes from Islamist autocrat Erdogan now covering Turkey’s internal decline by picking a naval fight with his Grecian neighbor on the Aegean.
UPDATE 3/2/22: No luxury of “trigger warnings” or gender-friendly pronouns for Ukrainians at the moment. Going to war, being on the receiving end of tyranny has a way of focusing the addled brain. So does the crystal- clear vision of leadership as admirably available in the person of Zelensky.
3/2/22: The fog of war continues to sow confusion. At the moment, the Ukes are winning the war in the media and the general public on both sides of the political fence in the West. Yay, Ukraine! Boo, Russia! The jaded amongst us are wary, cautiously conjecturing who are the really good guys, who are the bad guys. So far, Zelensky is coming through as a hero. Or are we being played, being sentimentally lured into World War by sinister parties directly linked (or not) to either Zelensky or Putin? A new iron curtain in the making? We can only pray that the genuinely good survives to revel in victory over evil.
UPDATE 3/1/22: It’s rash and too easy to call your enemies crazy. Putin is power-obsessed, but crazy suggests an unfocused, out of control, easily collapsible facade. Posterity will decide.
2/28/22: Who’s the real enemy and what is the overriding agenda? Who stands to gain from this Russia/Ukraine invasion? Putin seems to provide the perfect opportunity for Hollywood and lesser Libs to go off on an orgiastic frenzy of virtue signaling while still applauding the ongoing subversion of America and Europe. If Putin is routed, guess who will be perceived as war heroes, the leading edge of resistance? Certainly takes the attention off a year of disastrous failure on every front.
And then there’s John Kerry, so into Climate Change, his pet path to perdition, that he dares suggest the invasion and destruction of a country and its people is small potatoes compared to his own specially imagined Armageddon. Perhaps it’s his little-known heroic service in Vietnam that has left any concern he has for real human suffering undeveloped.
UPDATE 2/28/22: So what is this “New World Order” this woman says the Ukrainians are fighting for? We are a bit mystified, those of us thinking (or perhaps wishing to believe) the Ukrainians are heroic freedom fighters, not part of a Soros/Schwab globalist network. Is it her bad wording or has she just given away who really controls Zelensky and his government? Are we being gaslighted?
Whatever the real driving forces and reasons for this ongoing crisis, we can only truly distance ourselves from Putin’s madness by reinstating the energy independence we had up to the day Brandon & his handlers decided we needed to become Vladimir’s dependents.
2/28/22: Will those voters putting John Lennon’s Imagineers in power ever learn from and take responsibility for this Russo-Ukrainian”minor incursion” that has a good chance of kicking off a third go-round of that century-old game called World War?
UPDATE 2/27/22: When Russian collusion profits them, nobody does it with more gusto than the Dem Progs. Take for instance Jen Psaki, sporting a hammer-and-sickle hat for yucks with Russia’s chief propaganda minister in 2015. And that’s the ever-clueless John Kerry standing by, creating fab optics for those still dining out on the Trump-Putin collusion that never was.
UPDATE 2/26/22: Putin is the one in the headlines this week. But the excitement of tyrants everywhere about the obvious senility and ineffectiveness of Dr. Jill’s boyfriend has reached new highs. Iran now joins the celebrants in anticipation of being handed full nuclear capability in the conspicuous absence of any official American deterrence or leadership.
Regarding Putin: those who really know verify that he is a lunatic and makes the world a somewhat more dangerous place. Still there are those embittered harridans in pants suits guzzling Chardonnay who will claim that Trump is Vlad’s BFF and probably the more sinister villain. Meanwhile the man himself demonstrates the presence & attitude that made Vlad The Invader opt for staying put in Moscow those four years between 2016-2020. Just a coincidence, of course.
Despite the current absence of an American presence on the world stage, the Ukrainians are not rolling over easily as planned. All true patriots are taking note. One can only hope this spirited resistance, standing alone in the world, will last. The clear-eyed souls, seriously interested in NOT repeating history’s mistake of confronting tyranny with weakness, agree that this would not have happened if Trump were President. As nobody can deny, it didn’t.
UPDATE 2/25/22: Is it 1938 again in Europe? Is the world about to find itself under attack on multiple fronts breached by Russia, China and Iran? Perhaps an evil axis of at least two if not all 3? World War III or perhaps just the new New World Order of disorder, chaos and death. Grim stuff to contemplate, but let’s not pretend things are going well.
UPDATE 2/25/22: “Perhaps a policy of deterrence and strength, rather than appeasement, works..” Behold the Obama/Biden Doctrine of appeasement. And for those trying to keep the whole Trump-Putin collusion thing going, here’s another quote: “Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer.” Any diplomatic words coming from Trump about Putin is based upon this wise strategy and knowing full well with whom he’s dealing.
All this is lost on the likes of an Obama or Biden who have no strategy except to do what’s best for the Global Collective, certainly not America. In response to a Putin or Xi or the Mullahs, Joe and that part of America ignorant of how to handle bullies has nothing to offer but words, words, words, and empty, dishonest ones at that. Trump, on the other hand, intends to win for himself and for America. And that’s why they hate him so.
UPDATE 2/24/22: Europe finds itself at war because no one, including Putin fears Sleepy Joe. Despite what he has assured the world in the past about his prowess on the international stage, the nasty old geezer is a loser. However, one should not discount the damage he and his clan of crooks are capable of doing. The Biden Crime Family, spelled H-U-N-T-E-R, have much to do with where the Ukraine finds itself today.
UPDATE 2/22/22: In case Trump’s detractors haven’t noticed, Putin never made even a suggestion of expanding his influence beyond Russian borders in the years 2016-2020. This is hardly by chance. The notion that Vlad The Aspiring Conqueror tried to interfere on Trump’s behalf is absurdity, quite the reverse of what stood to benefit him. Had Hillary won, we would have witnessed the present threats (and those of an equally expansionist China) four years sooner. As things play out and the full extent of Hillary’s collusion with Russia (among 1001 other corruptions) is undeniably exposed, one will be able to say Told Ya So; but by then incalculable damage to America and freedom at large around the world will have been done, not to mention innocent lives lost. But don’t expect any apologies from those doing the worst damage. For them, power is everything and doing the right thing counts for nothing.
UPDATE 2/19/22: The Ukraine matters because it’s strategically located, and it’s an astonishing motherlode of natural resources.
UPDATE 2/3/22: Will Vlad or won’t Vlad? Maybe. And will the Dems claim he’s scared of them if he won’t? Definitely. And is he (who always tells the truth) as stupid as the Brandon administration and tell us ahead of time precisely what he plans to do? Doubtful.
UPDATE 1/29/22: Our weakness as broadcast out loud worldwide by the presence of a nasty, senile Fake POTUS is too tempting for our expansionist enemies to ignore. For Russia, there’s the Ukraine. For China, there’s Taiwan. Putin’s annexation of the Ukraine is just for land and power optics since most of its best and brightest have long ago left. Too easy. God help them…and us while in the absence of strong, responsible shepherds, the wolves are helping themselves to every sheep in sight.
UPDATE 12/10/21: Anything from the pen of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn merits attention, and works written during his later American years in Vermont are being published now for the first time. Who knew communism in practice and its ongoing, devastating impact on our lives better?
UPDATE 5/1/18: A Happy, Happy May Day! The NY Times celebrates the many successes of Communism’s first glorious century, neglecting to mention the scores of millions of dead bodies, enslaved souls and the all-round misery it has gifted humanity.
UPDATE 2/2/18: How many ruined lives and dead bodies does it take to realize that Marx/Lenin/Stalin/Mao/Castro/Che/Ho/Chavez and all their fans and imitators around the world had/have REALLY bad ideas? Perhaps freedom might be a better solution…that is, if ruthless, heartless power and control over millions is not one’s goal.
ORIGINAL POST 10/28/17: If the recent birthday of the U.S. Constitution is something to celebrate, the centennial of the Russian Revolution, October 24, 2017, is not. (By conspicuously ignoring this landmark, the Russians themselves seem to agree).Marxism as world power politics based on envy, hatred, division, lies, tyranny and murder was launched a century ago; and all humanity within and beyond the former Soviet Union continues to be infected, leaving human liberty in permanent, potential peril. Those who doubt are invited to look upon scores and scores and scores of millions of corpses left in Marxism’s wake and still piling up in such remaining People’s Paradises as Cuba, North Korea, and China.
Who countenanced and described it better than Orwell with “Animal Farm” and “1984”? And within our own porous American borders, we are still plagued by those insatiable pigs, more equal than the rest of us, tirelessly promising Transformation and Equality for All Americans…while delivering only enslavement for the masses and total power for themselves.
Trump’s election represents America’s re-awakened will to eradicate those pigs from our politics and re-introduce the basic American concepts of INDIVIDUAL life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. NOW is perhaps our final opportunity to turn back an historical century of horror, the cancerous living hell Lenin & Stalin (and his Alinsky-inspired American counterparts Barack and Mrs. Bill) have envisioned for us.
My father was exiled to the Soviet Gulag. and through a miracle, he got out so I have a keen interest in this subject. Here are two relevant quotes, the first from historian Alan Charles Kors, the second from a broadcast by baseball announcer Vin Scully. I hope these are of interest.
From historian Alan Charles Kors’s “Can There Be an ‘After Socialism’?” for the Atlas Society, Sept. 27, 2003:
No cause, ever, in the history of all mankind, has produced more cold-blooded tyrants, more slaughtered innocents, and more orphans than socialism with power. It surpassed, exponentially, all other systems of production in turning out the dead. The bodies are all around us. And here is the problem: No one talks about them. No one honors them. No one does penance for them. No one has committed suicide for having been an apologist for those who did this to them. No one pays for them. No one is hunted down to account for them. It is exactly what Solzhenitsyn foresaw in The Gulag Archipelago: “No, no one would have to answer. No one would be looked into.” . . .
To be moral beings, we must acknowledge these awful things appropriately and bear witness to the responsibilities of these most murderous times. Until socialism—like Nazism or fascism confronted by the death camps and the slaughter of innocents—is confronted with its lived reality, the greatest atrocities of all recorded human life, we will not live “after socialism.”
It will not happen. The pathology of Western intellectuals has committed them to an adversarial relationship with the culture—free markets and individual rights—that has produced the greatest alleviation of suffering; the greatest liberation from want, ignorance, and superstition; and the greatest increase of bounty and opportunity in the history of all human life.
This pathology allows Western intellectuals to step around the Everest of bodies of the victims of Communism without a tear, a scruple, a regret, an act of contrition, or a reevaluation of self, soul, and mind.
Vin Scully’s broadcast. You should listen to this on You Tube. It’s priceless. It’s got a humorous component. When reading, remember it’s from a live broadcast of a baseball game.
“Perez, 25 years old, originally drafted by the Tigers. Lives in Venezuela. Boy, can you imagine you’re a young kid, you’re playing in the United States, you’re from Venezuela, and every time you look at the news it’s a nightmare… Socialism failing to work, as it always does, this time in Venezuela. You talk about giving everybody something free and all of a sudden, there’s no food to eat. And who do you think is the richest person in Venezuela? The daughter of Hugo Chavez. Hello! Anyway, 0-and-2.”
Aw, c’mon. Let’s give communism/socialism just one more try. What are we batting? 0-93? I’m sure we’ll get it right this time. By the way, I mention Vin Scully as virtually the only unchic, un-Progressive in Obama’s final passing out of Medal of Freedom party favors last fall. One more honor now rendered meaningless. Look up “Medal of Freedom” in the search function at the top of the left column. Vin must’ve been asking himself how he’d gotten mistakenly mixed up on that list.
As usual, you’re ahead of me. I figured you’d know about Vin Scully, but I really appreciate the context you created. As to the Alan Kors, it summarizes the goals of much of my creative work of the last twenty-five years. He received a Medal of Freedom as well, but I think it was from George W. Bush