Harsh weeds choking out healthy, desirable vegetation.
UPDATE 2/3/25: The Dem Party conclave electing its new leadership is not a SNL skit but insane reality beyond parody. a clear indication that the suicidal Woke and Prog virus comprise a fanatical religious faith impossible to give up. But great fun to observe from afar.
Beyond parody. Reality specifies that there are only two sexes, but the message hasn’t gotten through to the DNC. Signed, Schmegeg. He/Him/His.
UPDATE 1/30/25: Hegseth’s focus on exposing and demoting Milley is a healthy step in the direction of justice served for outright treason. Afghanistan will remain a permanent embarrassment to America, an advertisement for weakness that emboldened the evil leading to a massive loss of life in the Ukraine and Israel. Pardoned does not mean forgiven or spared from disgrace and shame.
UPDATE 1/29/25: So many useless, annoying weeds, so little time. This week, tireless (and basically useless) DEI media whores, AOC and Al Sharpton.
Memory lane. Submissions now being accepted reading out loud the contents of the ginger gentleman’s mind during this encounter.
UPDATE 1/24/25: Biden’s glorious 3rd act aria. Good riddance to Joe. To Tony, Liz & Mark: check your email Inbox for a special invitation to a Congressional hearing.
UPDATE 12 /26/24: The seers of the Democrat Party, comprising the most toxic weeds in our beautiful American garden, are proving to be as suicidal and insane as Einstein so nicely defined them: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
But ssssshhhhhhhh!
UPDATE 12/21/24: When Shakespeare put the line “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers” into a character’s mouth in “Henry VI , Part Two, he was actually acknowledging the law and those professionals practicing it honorably as the only buffer between civilized society and chaos.
Of late, that profession as practiced recently by Leftist activists amounts to a reign of terror undermining justice, “lawfare” used as a weapon to silence all dissent and political opposition, Donald Trump and his MAGA movement in particular. The latest is the ACLU, cheered on by the usual Trump haters like Rachel Maddow, with its big plans of tying up the entire MAGA agenda in ceaseless litigation on local levels nationwide.
Alas for these scoundrels, the worm has turned and the Left’s evil campaign is now meeting an enthusiastically engaged army of tough legal warriors sporting real legal expertise in service to protecting the basic rights of anyone or anything the Left has targeted as a political foe. This verifies Trump’s statement that they’re after all of us, and he’s just in the way. Thank God for him and for the indispensable pugilistic style and tone he has set. Judging by the election results, a resounding Silent Majority of Americans agree.
In the person of one Trump attorney, Mike Davis, we offer two sterling examples of that new strategy and style designed to neutralize and ultimately destroy the Left’s legal tyranny over private citizens. Trump has prevailed against unbelievable odds, and American Normals no longer consider it necessary to be willing participants in our own destruction.
A warning: you started it; we’re going to finish it.
To Fani Willis: “Lawyer up, darling…As she likes to say, ‘Nobody is above the law.'”
To “Big Tish” James, “Listen here, sweetheart…we’ll put your fat ass in prison.”
UPDATE 11/20/24: A post metaphorically entitled WEEDS IN THE AMERICAN GARDEN OF FREEDOM couldn’t be a better place to start piling up the coming mile-high mountain of reports on BrandonWorld accountability for its countless misdeeds. As Trump’s Cabinet choices and his administration’s full intentions become official policy, The Swamp and its various MSM outposts are looking like Krakatoa on the verge from all the trembling/shaking/shuddering/whimpering nests of bad actors about to face the music.
The steadily burning bonfire of pulled & pitched weeds provides just the right visual heralding the coming MAGA conflagration. Likewise, expect more shots of the Hindenburg over the next four years.
UPDATE 11/18/24: Oh no! Half of LA? A third of NYC?!! Fleeing Trump’s Weimar Amerika?!!! PULEEEEEZE don’t do this to us!! But don’t let the door smack you in the ass on the way out.
UPDATE 11/18/24: Know your friends, know your enemies. DJT must be enjoying the sight of these frauds, flat on their faces, prostrate, begging, kissing the ground before him. Here are two of the biggest smear-artists-turned-conciliatory grifters in the MSM, now with comic self-importance offering to “open communications” with the suddenly reformed Fascist. Yet one more jaw-dropping bit of delusional chutzpah from a pair DC Swamp whores, desperate to do anything that’ll salvage their ratings, now daintily alighted at the bottom of the MSM septic tank.
Nothing like a good grovel the morning after.
It’s a laugh witnessing the frantic desperation of the Left post 11/5, calling room service (alas, in vain) for their very own Joe Rogan or Rush Limbaugh.
Tried before. Remember Al Franken & Air America, the attempted Rush of the Left?
They betray the obvious blindness about themselves, their incapability of tolerating the authentic, rollicking diversity that explains the popularity of a Rogan or a Rush.
UPDATE 11/15/24: If they won’t make good on their promises to leave the country, the Trump haters are doing the next best thing by removing themselves from social media. Boy, that’ll show ’em! From X and free speech platforms everywhere comes the din of 1001 celebratory champagne corks popping like firecrackers at the departure of self-extracted weeds Joy Reid, Don Lemon and Jamie Lee Curtis. If only they really had the self-control to stay away for good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im-AKltLteE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dittoville.com%2F
UPDATE 10/14/24: This WEEDS post is an all-purpose place to dump those Leftists acting out their toxic worldviews. Very handy when witnessing this bizarre display from someone who is now considered future Presidential material, thanks to the talent for tyranny she demonstrated as a Blue State Covid governor.
And they claim JD Vance and Trump are “weird?” Yet more projection by an American political Party Of Projection gone ’round the bend.
UPDATE 7/25/24: The latest gaslighting mantra from the Left is that the American public is being kept in the dark about Trump’s medical records surrounding the shooting (…or should we say, for their sakes, “alleged” shooting?) Rich stuff coming from those who’ve pretended for years that their fake POTUS was “sharp as a tack” and at the height of his magnificent powers.
The latest example is BrandonWorld’s lapdog FBI director Wray’s floating the absurd notion that Trump may not have been hit by a bullet. This is somewhat less than reassuring, coming from the head of the agency that historically has existed to protect America from subversion. Now the FBI itself is a mouthpiece of subversion. One more bit of projection and outright deception from the people claiming the Trump/MAGA movement challenging their tyrannical ways is out to destroy “democracy.” Mendacity and corruption at the highest levels.
UPDATE 5/23/24: Are we surprised George Clooney’s Muslim lawyer wife has actually thrown her chic trousseau and Hollywood connection behind the whole wickedly absurd business of trying Israel in international court for “war crimes?” For her madly self-loving, desperately virtue-signaling Hollywood “activist” zombie husband, it’s just a feather-by-association in the dunce cap of a hollow mannequin striving to be “relevant.” As someone once said about him, “Sometimes class does skip a generation.” Among other things, that certainly explains his choice of spouse.
Cartoon characters pretending to be honorable humans.
UPDATE 5/14/24: Hanoi Jane is just helpless promoting herself as some sort of heroine when she is in fact a perpetual embarrassment to herself. Most recently, this heavily botoxed octogenarian tumbling ass-over-tea-kettle toward 90 has been burning up with envy for Greta Thunberg’s saintly status as the Left’s Climate Change cover girl. Like any of these sadly visible camera whores, she gets away with it thanks to being good press copy. Admittedly, here I am writing about her, but not in praise or admiration. Equally unimpressed with her wonderfulness are some Vietnamese lawmakers making a fuss over L.A. County’s recent declaration of Jane Fonda Day. “But why?” asks no one of even the most minute awareness and decency.
Lest she forget the fun she had with the Viet Cong…not to mention her all-time most memorable quote: “If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist. . . .I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism.” 100 million corpses and counting, Jane. Or hadn’t you heard?
UPDATE 4/12/24: This WEEDS IN THE AMERICAN GARDEN OF FREEDOM post proves a very handy drop-off spot when determining where to put those special Michelle-Antoinette folk who have not really earned a regular fulltime post and presence of their own. Such a special almost-human confection is the incomparable Sheila Jackson Lee, here revived and celebrated once again (thanks to recent astronomical musings on The Sun and The Moon) for living up to that unmatchable assessment of her intellectual assets: “dumber than a bunch of rocks caught in the hubcaps of a slow bus going the wrong way on a one- way street in the middle of a flood.”
Her authoritative grasp of astronomy has not been limited to just the sun and the moon.
UPDATE 4/6/24; Joe Rogan admiringly terms “The View” a “rabies-infested henhouse.”
UPDATE 12/18/23: Paul Krugman continues to demonstrate how a Nobel Prize, a secure pulpit at the NY Times and general acclaim by Leftists as an economics genius amount to less than nothing when the man opens his mouth and routinely spouts meaningless nonsense and outright fables.
UPDATE 11/24/23: Show biz MENSA member and comedy legend Kathy Griffin meows like a cat and moos like a cow to deal with her Trump-induced PTSD. Whatever. Imagine when he gets to be POTUS again.
UPDATE 10/29/23: Bill Maher, previously referred to in these pages as an “ugly, almost-human life form” (which accurately describes him most of the time), seriously soiled himself this week, equating new Speaker (and devout Christian) Mike Johnson with the Maine psycho-killer. Like the occasionally correct smashed timepiece he is, here is Maher a few years back in a sane moment, contradicting his own present insanity, calling out a fanatic Lib for making precisely the same equivalency between Christianity and Islamic terrorists.
UPDATE 6/15/23: A longtime toiler in the hallowed halls of Race Grievance, Inc, Keith Ellison remains the quintessential establishment termite and fraud acquiring and exercising legal power to undermine the police and the laws they (and he) are sworn to uphold.
UPDATE 6/1/23: Hanoi Jane withered and ugly, desperate to be Greta, has morphed into the vengeful, bitter harridan that always lurked under that stylish Hollywood brat veneer.
Now just a silly, old thing.
UPDATE 4/7/23: Philadelphia Mayor Kenney continues to be just one more typical big city political machine drone highly selective in what gets his attention…and funding.
UPDATE 2/28/23: One (a Chinese Cultural Revolution survivor) is telling the truth as she actually lived and witnessed it with her own eyes. The other (a multimillionaire race hustler) is a conniving “intellectual” crafting a fake reality to take advantage of the burgeoning opportunities for celebrity, power and money in the race industry.
UPDATE 2/27/23: Angela Davis, high-earning ($20-50K a pop) star of the Black Marxist lecture circuit, has suffered the shock of her profiteering race-baiting career to learn she had a White ancestor on the Mayflower. The big question has arisen: will she be paying herself reparations and how much from all those million$ accrued toiling busily in the plush vineyards of Marxism, Inc?
UPDATE 2/14/23: The obvious incapacity of both Biden and Fetterman did not matter to millions of vacuum-brain voters and has certainly never mattered to their wives who had the chance to take their ailing husbands out of the spotlight. Instead, fully cognizant of their spouses’ cognitive infirmities, both opted for what they were sure would be the reflected glory and power of having partners in prominent positions. To eyes that see clearly, the only reflected image of both is heartless ambition and astounding irresponsibility.
UPDATE 1/25/23: The greatest threat to America comes from within, from those Americans who hate freedom and think nothing of transforming us into a monolithic, totalitarian slave state. Is this not treason, a betrayal of all those- present, past and future-grateful or longing to live as free individuals? Sadly, the word traitor now accurately applies to millions of malcontents, ordinary folk wholly dedicated to a totalitarian future, not just Benedict Arnold or that stray spook in government selling military secrets for money and/or glory.
UPDATE 12/27/22: Charlatan “scientist” Neil DeGrasse Tyson already has his own MA Hall of Shame post and, now with his child-hating Tweets ruining Christmas for any youngsters unfortunate enough to read him, has attained Ugly Grinch Weed Status in America’s Garden of Freedom. He joins all those who make a self-aggrandizing point of hating Christmas and Santa Claus.
UPDATE 11/12/22: Although his End Of The World prediction hasn’t quite panned out, it is instructive to hear everything the mercurial Bill Maher fears about conservative Republicans. God willing we soon see the day when things are really as “bad” (GREAT actually) as he fears.
UPDATED 8/19/22:
ORIGINAL POST 12/20/15: With America, mankind has proven it can create an almost perfect society, a workable, vital version of Eden. Live and Let Live. The complications always arise with the inevitable weeds in this and every other Garden.

In our case, the weeds are those Eden inhabitants who for a complicated number of psychological reasons feel impelled to seek and exert absolute, corrupt power over others. And there are those who seek power (or at least security) vicariously through their chosen figureheads. How else do you explain greedy mediocrities like Hillary or Barack and the deluded, privileged millions who insist on turning their (and everyone else’s) lives over to them? The swallowing whole of fictions like “Climate Change” as an excuse for One World government?
The alternative remains the principle of the individual soul and his responsibility to take on the world however it’s handed to him and make the most of it without interfering in or obstructing other lives. Every law, every decent political theory should exist solely to protect the individual’s desire to thrive and bloom. Destructive mass movements are all rooted in the destruction of that individualism, usually starting with fostering dependency on the State. Crisis! Big Brother will save you! Think Obamacare, Climate Change legislation.
There’s a good reason why “Atlas Shrugged” remains the second most popular book of our times behind only the Bible.

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