UPDATE 2/4/25: For those in doubt about Trump’s statement blaming the DC airline disaster on DEI, consider the lawsuit against the FAA alleging it turned …
“Class Struggle” obsolete? “Identity Politics” too overtly nasty? Try CLIMATE CHANGE!
As Trump’s low tax/limited regulation/free market capitalist economy surges and record numbers of Americans (especially minorities) are working, the Left finds itself seriously short of …
Minus Identity Politics and their war on the Individual, what has the Left got?
As the Trump train continues steadily down the track and real economic/social progress is made, the obstacles posed by the desperate Left become clearer. …
Identity Politics-
To gays, blacks, browns, women, victims of the world:
give us your money and vote. Otherwise, get lost.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color …
UPDATE 6/13/21: Democrats like Joe Biden and most of his millionaire fellow Lefties are all for high taxes for everyone else but themselves. Socialism: lovely …
Liquidating America’s Kulaks: That’s you & me.
UPDATE 12/18/20: Thanks to the CoronaCrazed mandates of masks and lockdowns and now the evident corruption of our electoral process, any semi-conscious American can legitimately feel discouraged, …
Democratic Party suicidal? Stupid? No. Just gambling on the mass stupidity that will enable their Permanent Majority.
The Obama legacy is one of the Democratic Party hurtling toward a one-party, totalitarian America. Welcome to the U.S.S.A…unless. Trump appears to be the one …
Antisemitism-Infanticide-Marxism mainstreamed by Dem Party. Why not? It’s votes that count!
UPDATE 8/29/22: Antisemitism in today’s Democratic Party is very much alive and actively driving sensible Jews to recognize where their true friends and advocates reside …
The Jew, The Shmoo and the suicidal virtue of ditching God for “Social Justice.”
Remember Al Capp? L’il Abner? The Shmoo? That was the amiable creature who delighted in providing every imaginable need for the citizens of Dogpatch while, …