UPDATE 6/13/24: Restating the obvious: blame for the ongoing, escalating war on Israel and America by radical Islam can easily be placed squarely in the lap of each and every Democratic administration from Carter on, obsessively currying favor with, subsidizing and groveling before Iran. Reagan’s deterring presence immediately sprang the hostages back in 1980, but the Dems insist that the entire Middle East remain locked in the Mullahs’ cages.
UPDATE 5/17/24: The Leftist mob’s seemingly “new” enthusiasm for killing Jews (and Israel in particular) is nothing new at all but just a continuation of that longtime shared antisemitic (and all-encompassing hate-filled) bond between the Left and radical Islam.
Marx’s Brain Children, his inclusive/diverse Big Terror Tent, certainly including Radical Islam.
UPDATE 2/22/24: The Democrat Party has forged a 21st century Axis of Evil, an alliance of the growing radical pro-Hamas Squad in Congress and those Party “moderates” [from Joe on down) who persist in secretly subverting Israel at every turn. Quarrel as they might appear to do, this is minor contention between two like-minded predators after the same innocent prey.
UPDATE 12/5/23: Every other day there is a new article on what, to some, seems to be the newly discovered alliance between the Left and radical Islam. It’s no news that Islam has always specifically hated infidels-ALL non-Muslims-but the Left has never discriminated among which group it hates so long as that group functions freely and healthily and, therefore, merits infiltration and destruction. The Left exists to kill all free, healthy life, so joining hands in hatred with Islam has always been a natural.
UPDATE 11/21/23: The natural bond between radical Islam with Leftism comes as news to many, but sharing the same hatred for Western civilization is a natural in this modern age of “intersectionality.”
UPDATE 11/14/23: The Biden administration and those who continue to insist it provides the proper approach to keep America and Israel safe are living under the dangerous delusion that there IS some substitute for victory in this war. For the entire post WWII era, the modern Democrat way of waging half-assed war against a foe that exists entirely to destroy free, peaceable life has yielded only wasted American lives and emboldening of whatever omnipresent evil force exists in the vacuum left by American inaction and indifference. During the 1930s and 40s, ordinary citizens of the Free World were fully aware of the life-and-death threat posed by the Germans and Japanese. Since that decisive, two-front victory, the descendants of those same, sensible ordinary folk have come to believe that the bad guys just went away forever with V-E/V-J Day, determined to ignore the very real combined threat of present-day Communism and Islam. Despite those tens of millions murdered and billions enslaved and even 9/11 over the last century, we are supposed to believe that our greatest concerns now should be “climate change” or “personal pronouns.”
A terrible reckoning is nigh for those stuck on this unsurpassed stupidity, not to mention the rest of sane, sensible society helplessly watching the world going to hell.
The Watermelon has already been the perfect visual description for Green tyranny and now has become as “a symbol of Palestinian resistance.” Why not? The shared hatred of pluralistic, free societies and overall goals of global control are identical. Green outside/Red inside. Perfect.
UPDATE 11/9/23: The Left and Islam’s shared hatred of all things free and healthy explains this philosophical marriage-made-in-hell.
UPDATE 11/1/23: China is yet one more Communist regime forging a kinship with violent, America/Israel-hating Islam. As repeatedly stated and verified by reality, the natural bond there is a shared hatred of all things free and healthy in this world.
UPDATE 10/28/23: The Gaza attack on Israel is just one of a whole history of direct assaults that happens to be the bloodiest thus far. None of it would be possible without the enablement by the American Wokesters, once a fringe influence, now firmly established at the very center of American political power. To the obtuse intellectual, radical Islam and Leftism are considered opposite sides of the political spectrum, but they are in fact joined at the hip by their mutual hatred of freedom, America and Israel specifically.
UPDATE 7/9/23: Explaining the riots in France, you have two blights on society in evidence: socialism and radical Islam. Government handouts as a corrupted way of life and inherent hatred of things Western. Blending the two, what could possibly go wrong?
UPDATE 4/20/22: Logical the Left that identifies and allies itself with Islam loathes the Jews, so no surprise the NY Times would publish an article on the eve of Passover & Easter proposing the cancellation of God and the Bible.
UPDATE 9/10/21: The admirable, invincibly courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali restates the obvious regarding the natural alliance of the totalitarian Left with radical Islam. The devastating Afghan surrender ending in an American rout is the perfect scenario demonstrating how the former continues to give new life to the latter.
UPDATE 6/25/21: An article asks the question, “What do the Cancel Culture and Islamaphobia have in common?” Look no further than the natural alliance between the synergistically compatible tyrannies of the Left and Radical Islam. Some would opine it’s a matter of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” and both hate America, Israel, every incarnation of freedom on this planet with equal intensity.
UPDATE 6/13/21: The romance of the Left with Islamic terrorism and its attendant anti-Semitism is showcasing a new happy alliance: 120 Gender Studies departments have come out for Hamas in their war of annihilation on Israel! Any objection from these “Gender Warriors” to the systemic Islamic subjugation and enslavement of women? Nah. Details. Hating Israel (and its penchant for freedom over “equity”) comes first.
UPDATE 5/29/21: To understand the life-and-death politics of the world’s two freest, most productive nations, look no further than the BLM/Hamas/PLO axis of evil. In both theory and practice, these poisonous entities are natural allies, counterparts of one another in their respective wars on America and Israel. The last century’s bloody history provides a precedent with the Hitler-Stalin pact. How much damage these evildoers accomplish in mutual support and how long they last before they turn on one another remains to be seen.
A good start in fighting them is recognizing the self-hating traitors within Israel & America enabling their lethal mischief. In America’s case, it’s today’s anti-Semitic Congressional Squad now calling the tune to which nice ol’ Joe and his whole Party is currently dancing. Less obvious and more disturbing is the blind following of mainstream Democrats down whatever evil path their mad leadership takes them. Democratic Party loyalists righteously think of themselves, after all, as the Party of FDR and JFK, Hubert Humphrey, social consciousness and all-round, big-hearted niceness.
Why does hearing their “moderate” figurehead praise and pander to a sworn anti-Semite NOT give them doubt or pause? To quote our discerning Puppet Prez addressing Congress’ vicious anti-Semite Rashida Tlaib directly, “I admire your intellect, I admire your passion, and I admire your concern for so many other people…”
Is there something confusing here? The sudden nationwide physical assaults on Jews in our major cities coincides with Biden’s destruction of Trump’s solid peacemaking progress in the Middle East. Is it stretching the point to think that hating Israel goes hand in hand with hating Jews?
Anyone with a pulse and little in common with sociopaths would be wise to cut through the fog surrounding the phony narrative [Settlements!! Colonialism!! Apartheid!!] of these vocal Israel haters in Congress and recognize their indifference and deliberate denial of the atrocities of Hamas and the Palestinian terrorists against not only Israelis but against their own people. Don’t take my partisan word for it. Ask an Israeli Arab unimpressed with Tlaib’s “intellect” and more clued-in to the lies and hypocrisy surrounding her projection of Hamas atrocities onto Israel.
Sound familiar? Think BLM and its Democratic Party enablers projecting their own created & perpetuated Inner City crime and poverty onto “White Supremacy,” law enforcement in particular. It’s Israel’s fault over there; in America it’s “systemic racism.”
The evil Unholy Alliance viewed through an Orwellian lens as “freedom fighters” continues to obscure the origins and motives for manufactured chaos here and abroad. Hooray! Antisemitism is back in all its genocidal glory, and many of its most prominent enablers and advocates are Jews, not to mention ALL those blind mainstream Democrats with very few exceptions who just won’t admit their Party has literally gone to the devil.
We approach a point of no return for both America and Israel. Unlike Jews fleeing Europe either for America or Israel in the last century, there is no longer anywhere else to go. It is fight or perish.
ORIGINAL POST 12/13/15: The contradictions of Liberal/Left/Progressives apologizing, capitulating, even championing Islam are utterly lost on them. One needn’t waste good breath pointing out how none of them could tolerate life under Sharia’s restrictions for 5 minutes. Apparently their shared hatred for America, the West, Judaeo-Christianity and anything civilized in this world overrides all else, even their own survival. For example, take Barack Obama. Please.
Michael Savage said it best: Liberalism is a mental illness.