The problem is easy to describe if not easy to solve.
UPDATE 9/5/24: Judging by Obama/Biden’s consistent efforts to undermine Israel, one knows too well “Whose side are they really on?” The present American administration and those fools blindly supporting it must eventually taste the innocent bloodshed on all sides their ceaseless condemnation of Israel continues to cause.
UPDATE 8/5/24: A new, 5 part history of Israel as laid out expertly and simply by Prager U.
UPDATE 8/1/24: It’s a long-held, repeatedly stated belief in these quarters that most human folly can be attributed to the inability of millions to differentiate friends from enemies. Israel, fully alive and intent on survival, knows well it has a friend in Donald Trump and an insidious enemy in every Democrat regime from Brandon/KamalaWorld on back thru Carter.
UPDATE 7/24/24: Falling on the deaf ears of an unhealthy half of Americans, Netanyahu has warned us once again that his fight is our fight, that Israel’s enemies are the enemies of ALL healthy, free societies. Those genuinely interested in the survival of that blessed way of life for themselves will, despite the Dem Party’s long history of subverting Israel, cheer on every successful advance in their mission to wipe out those enemies.
Today’s Dem Party, reliably sympathetic to those undermining America, Israel and civilized life in general. Know your friends, know your enemies.
UPDATE 7/10/24: One of many deep, dark downsides of BrandonWorld (and any Democrat administration of the last 40 years) is its reflexive animus toward and will to subvert Israel in its daily struggle to fend off annihilation. Send weapons? To Israel? Only if they promise to go easy on their executioners!
UPDATE 6/18/24: No good deed goes unpunished, especially with Israel. Even as Hamas was plotting the 10/7 slaughter, Gazans were being issued work permits in Israel allowing them to earn a living otherwise unavailable to them thanks to leadership focused only on terrorism, not the welfare of their people. Naturally, the brutalized Israelis are excoriated for withdrawing the enormous opportunities they have granted those nice Arabs/Muslims of the region.
UPDATE 6/16/24: In case no one noticed, Israel is actively at war with hostile forces coming from every direction.
[From freelance journalist Janet Levy]
“Israel is fighting a war on seven fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Judea and Samaria, the Red Sea, Iran and Iraq/Syria.
The U.S. has actively worked to undermine Israel’s offensive operations and refused to share satellite and other intelligence related to offensive objectives. It has embargoed or slow-walked munitions to Israel.
Treatment of the Jewish State by the International Community
Ponder this: There was never any pressure on Churchill to alert the Germans of the Allied bombing of Normandy. Such a move would have been viewed as suicidal and traitorous.
When the PFLP aided by Idi Amin’s Ugandan troops held the 248 hostages of an Air France flight from Tel Aviv at the Entebbe Airport, Israel’s valiant rescue operation was condemned by the U.S., the U.N., China, Russia, France and Mexico. It was criticized as “Zionist aggression” and a violation of Uganda’s sovereignty. In fact, JINO Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger (MHNRIP) put a temporary freeze on the shipment of military weapons to Israel and demanded that the U.S. be consulted before any C-130H transport planes were used outside of Israel.”
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
UPDATE 6/13/24: Satan’s oldest trick is the gaslighting narrative, attributing positive qualities to unvarnished Evil, somehow balancing it out morally with authentic Good. So it is with the utterly false moral equivalence repeatedly drawn between the Hamas/Palestinian terrorists and Israel. Most lately, the international MSM have turned the rescue of four Israeli hostages into outraged condemnation of wanton slaughter of those Hamas “civilians” holding them.
Four innocent Israelis free, but our tears are mandatory for those poor Hamas militants who somehow met their 72 Virgins in the process!
UPDATE 6/6/24: If peace is the goal for both Israelis and the Gazans, there is no other solution but Israel wiping out Hamas, winning the war thus allowing civilized policy to prevail throughout the Middle East. Those “homeless” Arabs perpetually claiming victimhood can either stop their war on Israel or succumb to well-deserved annihilation by the only free, pluralistic, genuinely charitable nation in the Middle East.
UPDATE 6/3/24: Joe continues to reach new lows with regard to Israel. There are no redeeming features to this imposter POTUS. Israel and we Americans count the seconds until Donald Trump becomes again the genuine leader of the Free World.
UPDATE 5/30/24: Shall we call the Gaza Pier, now in pieces and at large, Biden’s Folly? Or just total slapstick biz-as-usual for BrandonWorld? As has been said 1001 times and worthy of repetition 1001 more times due to the core truth it expresses, most problems in this world have to do with people or parties being incapable of recognizing who are friends and who are enemies. Biden’s latest boondoggle/failure/disaster having to do with building a “humanitarian” supply depot for those poor put-upon Gazans has literally broken up and floated away. American soldiers have been injured, virtually all the [let’s use that lovely word again] “humanitarian” supplies have been stolen, and the only competent hands present are those nasty Israelis who we are to believe are war criminals, brutal “colonizers” and everything that the saintly Arabs and “Palestinians” are not. This is reminiscent of nothing so much as the laughable Carter response to the Ayatollah’s fingers poked in his eyes and nose back in 1979? Are the American people awake enough to know it’s time to jettison the Three Stooges and bring in a Reaganesque leader to recover American dignity and restore sanity on a massive landslide scale?
To those self-righteous moral deniers pleading “PEACE!” in the Middle East, there is only one sensible reply: “You betcha…when Hamas is dust.”
A useless, waterlogged pile of rot, floating away into oblivion, the perfect metaphor for the Biden Presidency and, unfortunately, the American contribution to the Middle East war.
UPDATE 5/15/24: The false claim of Israeli persecution of “Palestinians” and the refusal to endorse Israel’s absolute need to wipe out its enemies is to cheer on another Holocaust. The Israelis do not have the luxury of being compassionate toward people programmed from infancy to hate them.
UPDATE 5/15/24: Biden’s refusal to back Israel unquestionably is not just pandering to his dominating Leftist base but in fact the influence of a prominent Muslim Brotherhood presence in his administration.
There is also the small problem of Joe being morally incapable of taking on anything that might be politically risky to him, even taking a vocal stand against antisemitism.
Advice actively unheeded by an open-minded, diverse BrandonWorld.
UPDATE 5/10/24: Biden’s unforgiveable betrayal of Israel comes as no surprise. Equally disgusting but hardly unexpected is the immense financial support subverting all liberty-loving societies coming from a powerful klatch of billionaires and organizations all dedicated to global domination. Or perhaps for some of them, it’s just a nihilistic yen to destroy. One can scoff at conspiracy theories until real-life James Bond villains become incapable of hiding their true natures.
UPDATE 5/9/24: A comprehensive, clear history of “Palestine” for those who find themselves hearing one time too many sympathetic remarks for Israel tempered with “…but what about the Palestinians and their rights and lands?”
This is Hanson right after 10/7, naively assuming America would have Israel’s back as they wiped Hamas out in swift retaliation. Alas, he underestimated the full consequences of a stolen election in 2020.
UPDATE 5/6/24: Regarding a separate Palestinian state adjacent to Israel: wasn’t one already granted them in the form of a totally modern, state-of-the-art, developed strip of land called Gaza around 2004-5, a place specifically for “Palestinians” to create their own civilized, self-sufficient nation? What a surprise that those people presumably so intent on independence and self-determination chose Hamas terrorism for their political leadership and created an impoverished terrorist base right next door to Israel. Sure has worked out well.
UPDATE 4/17/24: Fundamental choices face us, not the least of which are those regarding Israel. Our own fate and that of the entire free world depends on seeing things as they are, not as we wish them to be. One choice is waging heretofore unrealized peace in the Middle East via the Abraham Accords as begun during Trump’s first term. The alternative is the present BrandonWorld tinderbox, deliberately chosen by those millions of the hopelessly blind who missed the message that peace has nothing/nothing/nothing to do with capitulating to your sworn enemies. Since Carter’s clueless blunder of deposing the Shah and turning Iran into a Middle Eastern terrorist factory, we have each subsequent Dem Party administration to thank for the present-day crisis.
For those delusionists still insisting on a “two-State solution,” we invite them to make a choice about which of those “two States” they’d rather call home. To the surprise of no rational, self-interested human, Christians (and peaceful Muslims) in the region are fighting for the increasingly elusive privilege of being Israeli citizens.
UPDATE 4/11/24: If Israel goes, why not America? Think twice if you think Israel’s dilemma is just a regional problem. Encircled by Qatar, Iran and Iran’s proxy stooges lusting to meet those virgins in Halal Heaven, Islamic bloodthirst and the white-hot fever of global domination already extends to Europe and the U.S.
UPDATE 3/27/24: Biden, that “nice guy” and great humanitarian, is building a pier in Gaza which will be recalled to our everlasting shame as one more outrage in a genuinely Satanic legacy undermining the one nation in the Middle East founded and thriving on the eternal principles of human liberty and dignity. Finding common cause with our Moral-Midget-In-Chief subverting Israel and celebrating Islamic terrorism are brainless morons on our college campuses singing the praises of October 7 and calling for a return to those good old days when Arabs hijacking planes was in vogue.
UPDATE 3/20/24: Supreme Survivor nation Israel faces not only the hatred of the Arab/Muslim world but, more insidiously, the subversion of the American Left now controlling our major branches of government. With “friends” like Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer, who needs enemies?
UPDATE 2/14/24: One more facet of upside-down BrandonWorld is the zeal with which this administration manically throws billions and billions at the essentially corrupt and oppressive Ukrainian regime while waffling at the thought of aiding Israel, our staunchest and freest ally.
UPDATE 2/13/24: The media has been awesome in promoting Hamas’ mission of erasing Israel.
The rescue of some more hostages marks one more good reason for the Israelis to ignore their subversive enemies in BrandonWorld and continue to keep their eyes steadily focused on their life-or-death mission of wiping out Hamas.
Only the faces and names on the Left have changed, from BO & JK to Biden & Blinken. Otherwise right up to date, living in Obama III.
UPDATE 2/1/24: Shall we go over this again? The Israel/Palestine Two-State solution is delusional and does not involve two honorable, moral opponents in a little disagreement. This is good vs. evil, and like WWII, the enemy must be fully vanquished, totally.
UPDATE 1/26/24: The attempt to falsely label those defending themselves against genocide as being the bad guys is backfiring. Hatred of Israel has been unmasked as hatred of freedom and civilized society in general. Yet another lie of omission is the reality of those Arabs and Muslims who count themselves lucky to be among that substantial non-Jewish percentage of the Israeli population enjoying all the privileges of living in a Westernized, civilized society resembling little of the savage Arabic world surrounding it. They, along with all decent people, cheer on their leaders’ efforts to wipe out the cancer that is Hamas. Gaza is paying the price for voluntarily choosing terrorists for their leadership just as did the like-minded Japanese and Germans during WWII.
UPDATE 1/16/24: They’re waging lawfare from wet, dark holes worldwide harboring those Progressives obsessed with erasing Israel from the map. All those “murdered” Gazans! Thousands of children victims of Israeli genocide!! Apparently, the Progs haven’t gotten the message that hiding among and using the civilian population deliberately as shields is an integral part of Hamas warfare strategy. Do these clueless “luvvies” realize there would be no Israeli attacks on Gaza were it not for the Gazans choosing Hamas for its leadership, an organization whose sole raison d’etre is Israeli annihilation?
Take your pick. Ask any rational Arab Muslim living in Israel.
UPDATE 12/30/23: Real Man Of The Year: the IDF fighter putting it all on the line for Israel and the entire free, civilized world.
UPDATE 12/28/23: For the benefit of those of us still inexplicably outraged by 10/7, the New York Times attempts to jog our cold consciences for all those dead Gazans and waxes compassionate on behalf of Hamas by running an Op-Ed by…oh… a Hamas official. As journalist Robert Spencer darkly notes, “Hitler wasn’t available.”
UPDATE 12/26/23: Bibi’s modest “to-do” list in pursuit of real peace: wipe out Hamas, demilitarize Gaza and deprogram the millions of Arab fanatics brainwashed from childhood to lust for Israeli blood.
UPDATE 12/23/23: Why would the “Palestine” leadership want the headaches of statehood when they have one of the world’s biggest money machine con jobs already going? Their only rivals are those DC Dem “leaders” living the highest of high lives in plush, profitable luxury far, far, far away from their impoverished districts earmarked for all those welfare billions.
UPDATE 12/22/23: In the upside-down world of 2023, it’s predictable that the recent murder of 1200 Jews and ongoing hostage cruelty has only emboldened the Left and its mouthpiece MSM to step up their campaign portraying Israel as the Great Satan of the world. Those Islamic states bankrolling this legitimized genocide seem to have gotten off without so much as a hand slap from the “democratic” governments of the West, Biden’s American regime included. One is left only with the vague hope of honest historians of the future making irrefutable the disgrace of it all…and, in the present, a decisive elimination of Hamas by the unfettered Israelis.
UPDATE 12/20/23: The U.S. State Department is pushing for a “deal” between Israel and Hezbollah...”Let’s see, we’ll give you this big chunk of Lebanese real estate in exchange for a week of you (maybe, pretty please!) not lobbing any rockets onto that kibbutz near the border…” All diplomatic hot air absurdity belched out as if October 7 was just another day of happy harmony in the Middle East.
12/21/23: Ya don’t say: Hamas hospital boss has admitted his Gaza “medical facility” is really just another launching pad for rockets and related terror. Just more of the Arab terrorist strategy of hiding behind hapless civilians making any Israeli retaliation appear to be an assault on innocents, in this case sick people in hospitals.
UPDATE 12/19/23: Think twice about sending your dollars to Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres-MSF) now that it has outed itself as being an openly sympathetic front for Hamas while staying totally silent on the barbarity of 10/7.
The poor little boy with one too many fingers actually suffers from being an expendable photoshopped prop and cannon fodder for Arab terrorism.
A single agitprop actor shows off the many noble, innocent faces of the “humane” Palestinian cause. How dare Israel even exist to assault such goodness!
UPDATE 12/17/23: Bill Maher, in one of his occasional fits of sanity, speaks rationally and realistically of the Israel/Palestine problem. Among his points worthy of repetition, he echoes Dennis Prager recognizing that the problem persists because one side of this dispute exists not for peace but exclusively to see the other side dead.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Dems have a way of betraying their friends and shoring up their enemies. Or maybe those very real enemies of America are, consciously or unconsciously, operating in sync with the aims of the last shameful half century of Dem administrations (Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden, 1976-2023).
UPDATE 12/15/23: We hope Israel continues to disregard the brakes being put on its fight for survival by an illegitimate American President and his puppeteers.
Of course, Joe. Anything you say.
UPDATE 12/6/23: Get rid of the tunnels in Gaza, and Hamas and its sympathizers no longer have a means of literally subverting Israel and civilization in general. Like bugs in the light, they can only scatter when Israel follows thru with its predictably creative approach to making Hamas’s subterranean world obsolete. Naturally, our present administration and all its loyal constituency (64 % of American Jewry) will find the strategy of destroying Hamas inhumane. We continue to counsel the Israelis to approach current American “advice” with the same polite response that Elon Musk has for his fair weather corporate advertisers.
Admittedly, those nice terrorists will be putting Israeli hostages in those tunnels in hopes of deterring what could be an effective end to Hamas; but let us not forget, this is real war, and innocent people always get hurt in the process of winning them.
UPDATE 12/3/23: Going by this bit of pro-Palestine propaganda posted on Tik Tok , one is supposed to think of Gaza as one big sunny seaside summer resort before those mean old Israelis inexplicably started bombing them after Hamas “did something” on 10/7.
UPDATE 12/3/23: There would no Western “luvvie” tears to shed for Gaza/Palestinian civilians if there was no more Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO and the Mullahs of Iran. A daily dose of testimonial reality recounted by tortured Israeli hostages lucky enough to come back is in order for those too numb and dumb to understand the true nature of the war Israel and the rest of civilized society is in. We win/They lose is the only option.
It worked for WWII and the Cold War.
UPDATE 11/23/23: The disconnect of Democrats from their chosen leader’s continued self-abasing relations with Iran remains a source of disgusted wonder to those aware of the Mullahs’ direct link to beheaded babies and the ongoing hostage nightmare post 10/7.
UPDATE 11/17/23: Are we finally coming to that inevitable point when the spurious Two State Solution is finally abandoned? The Gazans have screamed out loud like their “Palestinian” comrades that they are not interested in, let alone capable, of responsibly running their own state in any effective, moral fashion. Handed Gaza alive and humming with Israeli infrastructure, the sole social goal remains war on their benefactors. If any glimmer of hope exists, it is that the other Islamic states have not rushed to Hamas’ side post 10/7 to keep the momentum going. Perhaps their little foray into 6th century barbarity was just a little over the top, even for their fellow Muslims?
UPDATE 11/15/23: That most all the pro-Hamas elements (including the MSM) is up in arms about Israel’s raid on the Gaza hospital indicates the IDF is onto at least one of the epicenters of Hamas terror. To which we sing, “Onward, Jewish Soldiers!”
UPDATE 11/12/23: Look if you dare. Know what barbaric evil Israel and the whole civilized world is up against which includes those masses of mindless apologists in the West, shouting in unison, “River to the sea, Palestine will be free!”
To Israel, we shout Go! Go! Go! And to those thousands of miles away counseling them to slow down, pause, be kind, we say GO TO HELL! And when it’s over, Israel has to realize more than ever that it does NOT need a corrupted American politburo to lecture them on the wisdom of the preposterous “Two State Solution.”
UPDATE 11/9/23: The “Two State Solution” debate has a long history that, as of 10/7, should be brought to an abrupt conclusion. If only one of the “Two States” wasn’t wholly devoted to destroying the other. If only. Of greater interest and importance is following the money trail that keeps that other “state” supplied with all they need to slaughter Israelis en masse.
A realistic and desirable solution is taking Gaza back and then finishing off Hamas for good.
UPDATE 11/1/23: Listen to the first 2 minutes of Caroline Glick’s broadcast describing just one instance of barbarity on 10/7 and consider whether turning Gaza over to the PA in 2005 (a “Two State Solution” in practice!) was a good idea AND whether Israel should be restrained in any manner from thoroughly wiping Hamas from the face of the earth by any means necessary? One might ask anyone supporting those American Democrat administrations (Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden) making nice with Iran or any of these jihad regimes whether they feel any sort of connection to or responsibility for what she has just described?
UPDATE 10/30/23: Norman Podhoretz’ description written 40 years ago of Israel’s dilemma is a bitter reminder of the thankless struggle waged daily by Israelis that never really changes. Do those American and other Western critics of the Jewish State recognize how and why Israel exists at all?
UPDATE 10/27/23: There is no reason to think BrandonWorld will do the right thing and simply get out of the way and let the Israelis confer on Hamas the punishment that fits the crime. But, we are pleasantly surprised to see some prominent Hollywood Wokesters taking a stand on behalf of Israel.
Of massively greater importance, Elite Academe has disgraced itself permanently and only relents when major donations are being stopped. There will NEVER be a good time for forgiveness and resuming those endowments. Forget about the Ivy League, Stanford, etc and start new schools based on basic Judeo-Christian values. And may those bastions of the corrupt Elite rot down to their evil roots.
One only hopes the electorate will take similar notice of those elected members of Congress who officially consider the Islamic terrorist cause of annihilating Israel a good thing.
UPDATE 10/20/23: We must win the war of information, telling the truth, an endeavor as important as moving the military on the ground and in the skies. The Gaza hospital hoax, blaming Hamas’ own slaughter of its own on Israel, is just the latest in a web of propaganda lies that do as much or more damage than the hardware of war.
UPDATE 10/18/23: From Caroline Glick, one of the consistently reliable journalists covering the Israel beat. Is the Biden administration really intent on crippling Israel and saving Hamas in the wake of the October 7 horror? All in the name of “humanitarian concerns” and “innocent civilians” of course. If so, is it unfair to say the blood of Israelis (and residents of Gaza for that matter) is on the hands of those insistent upon supporting Biden and his posse of appeasers and apologists? Not to mention the Woke ideas now permeating most mainstream thinking nowadays in the West.
UPDATE 10/10/23: How a relatively small band of savages managed to literally sail over and through the fortifications of the world’s most sophisticated self-defense security system and wreak historical havoc has to be answered. Now, the question is “What to do?” The answer now, as it was when the free world faced the evil German/Japanese axis, is “Go to war. And win.” Sorry, no other choices available.
No more “Two-State Solutions” and other suicidal approaches. Israel gave them Gaza, and, in cruel understatement, it hasn’t turned out well. Why should it when land is not the goal of these particular enemies? The goal of radical Islam is not real estate or self-determination of a decent people but death to Israel and all infidels. A problem easy to describe, impossibly difficult to solve. Then again, we did beat the Nazis and Japanese. Sad to say, Americans and their chosen leadership were different then, and THAT is really the problem. As America goes, so goes the world.
Could it be more obvious that land is not the issue?
UPDATE 10/10/23: Israel’s (and our) war is with Iran, not just their satellite thugs in the Arab terror network doing their dirty work against all infidels. One needn’t be an expert on foreign policy affairs to state with absolute certainty that all American relations with the Mullahs need to stop cold. Amazingly, the White House is hesitant even to freeze the $6billion bribe proffered to them last month to keep them “contained.”
If blame is to be placed, it starts with infuriating clarity in 1979. At that watershed moment, Carter betrayed the Shah and gifted the world an oil-rich, Middle Eastern rogue terrorist base (or a “state of concern” as the sensitive, polite, kind, considerate Clinton/Albright team felt obliged to rename wanton killer regimes like Iran and North Korea). It followed logically that, between 1992-2000, Clinton made the thoroughly likeable mass murderer Arafat his most frequent guest at the White House. 2008-present, Obama and Biden have seamlessly followed thru on this Democrat policy of perpetuating Middle East chaos, literally subsidizing Iranian nuclear development and bloody terror while actively, overtly expressing nothing but contempt for Israel and her leaders at every opportunity. The consistent Dem Party intention seems to be destroying the one civilized society in the Middle East, thereby loosing uncontrolled terrorism on the rest of the world.
Remember the shock/dismay when it was all about that madman Trump and his access to the nuclear codes? His unprecedented success in crafting the Abraham Accords is just one more reason they need to destroy him and his game-changing presence.
All analytical discussion aside carried on at a safe distance, the hideous reality of what has just happened grows harder to stomach as graphic details emerge, the death count mounts; and now far into the future, there will be all those beheaded hostages dumped out of trucks in the middle of the night on backstreets, expendable blackmail bargaining chips in the hands of terrorists bankrolled by U.S. taxpayers. Our most hearty congratulations to BrandonWorld, its brain-dead voter base and all their Democrat predecessors…and welcome to 1979 redux.
Elections have consequences.
Alert to all those straight-ticket Dems who have given us Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden: Subsidizing/appeasing terrorism is bad for your health.
10/9/23: Thus far, just an accusation, but it is not far-fetched to believe that weapons found in Israel in the wake of the Hamas assault are from the full-scale armory heedlessly left behind in the Afghanistan fiasco. If so, those responsible (the current occupant of the White House and his military advisors) have Israeli blood on their hands. And then there’s the $billions delivered last month and in 2016 by the Obama/Biden regime to the Iranian mullahs. To add gas to this conflagration, we are told Biden and his stooges are waiting patiently for evidence of the Iranian connection to the attacks. Can’t be too careful when you’re looking like direct, wanton, indifferent accessories to war crimes. Will there at least be accountability from the American electorate? Frankly, we don’t expect it from the parties named and the half of the American population who gave and continue to give them power. Shall we go back to 1979 when Obama/Biden’s only rival for Worst POTUS ever allowed the overthrow of the Shah and installation of the present-day fanatics now freely splattering blood all over the Middle East? Note that the Shah’s exiled son and those working toward his restoration are vocally on the side of the Israelis.
Oh. Did you hear something? I’m feeling like an ice cream cone and a nap.
10/8/23: Perhaps Iran’s unabashed support for yesterday’s Hamas attack on Israel might give pause to those American voters applauding Biden’s recent $6 billion payout to Tehran. Not to mention Obama’s infamous $billion pallets of cash. Why do Libs & Leftists still think appeasement and groveling before barbarians buy them safety? And when do those cowering apologists recognize this is not a complex question but a very simple, clear choice between civilization and savagery?
UPDATE 9/15/23: For those of us in our teens during the 1960s, every other required reading selection was by John Steinbeck: “Grapes Of Wrath,” “Of Mice & Men,” “The Pearl,” “The Red Pony,” “East Of Eden”….
Now we read that his support of the Vietnam War suddenly canceled him off the cultural radar. It follows that his unqualified support of Israel against her Arab enemies, distancing him yet further from the Leftists controlling the arts world, has a very personal, fascinating story behind it.
John Steinbeck, (1902-1968), American anti-communist & champion of Israel.
UPDATE 9/12/23: One of the genuinely great actresses of our time has gifted us with a critically acclaimed portrait of the steely Golda Meir.
UPDATE 9/10/23: Capitulating to the world’s most accomplished Jew killer since Hitler has not produced the “peace” the world leaders involved promised. The Oslo Accords opened wide the gates of Jericho, Gaza and portions of Judea and Samaria to Arafat’s terror network courtesy of gatekeepers Clinton and Rabin, and the results have been unsurprisingly catastrophic.
Heartwarming comity among two useful idiots and a monster.
UPDATE 7/15/23: A team of Israeli doctors this week miraculously saved the life of a decapitated “Palestinian” boy whose skull actually was separated from his spine in a bike accident. Perhaps those claiming moral equivalency between Israel and the “Palestine” hoax should ask themselves how often a team of “Palestinian” doctors have saved the life of any Israeli or, more to the point, if they would even save an Israeli life, given the same circumstances.
UPDATE 6/13/23: For those FULLY behind Israel’s right to independent statehood, Henry Kissinger has always been the equivalent of a RINO on the international level. Time is showing his touted eminence is a bit tarnished on multiple fronts, specifically in regard to being a sincere champion of the Jewish State. Making big showy deals and coming off historically as the Great Peacemaker is all that mattered for him. Those going along with this fable are confronted with the hard, cold fact that the only real peace is full preparation for war and keeping the unrepentant enemy permanently aware of that.
The man quoted as saying, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”
UPDATE 4/27/23: Not like any other nation on earth, Israel is 75 and stands proudly alone with America. Both have thrived on freedom protected by law, not government controls and “democratic socialism.” Recognizing the clear difference between her enemies and friends, the Jewish homeland’s inevitable move from Left to Right over its lifespan has proven to be a matter of common sense and survival, not political whim. Despite a ceaselessly hostile world, Israel is THE miracle of modern times.
UPDATE 2/17/23: One of the code words robotically spit out by garden variety Israel bashers in empty protest is “Settlements!” This is just one more expression of the popular lie “Israeli occupation of Palestine.” This libel will be put to permanent flight on the day the entire Palestine lie is exposed and the criminals behind it are deprived of their unwarranted credibility.
UPDATE 1/3/23: Bibi now provides his own take on what the (good & bad) fuss has been about. His detractors will continue to seek to destroy him and the principles of a sane, civilized society he has helped advance and preserve in Israel and, by example, everywhere.
UPDATE 12/29/22: A headline reading “Benjamin Netanyahu Sworn In As Next Israeli Prime Minister” is a welcome heart stimulant in this depressing era of Bidens, Pelosis, Putins and Zelenskys.
UPDATE 12/4/22: Is there anything done since January, 2020 by BrandonWorld that doesn’t have the specific purpose of destroying every positive move made toward peace, prosperity and freedom, both here and abroad? Anything? Biden/Blinken’s disappointment in Bibi’s return is palpable as their goal for the Middle East is dismantling every positive move made by Trump in the region.
UPDATE 11/30/22: What could be a more reassuring headline for Israel than to see: “Bibi’s back?” Translated to its plainest meaning: Israel has wisely reverted back to strong leadership that recognizes its enemies and will governs to ensure the country’s survival and enable the astonishing productivity of its people. Shamefully among those enemies is the dim-witted American imposter POTUS, his evil handlers and media lapdogs, propping up and even rewarding the “Palestinian” frauds.
UPDATE 11/15/22: For how long must we listen to those lamenting in robotic , meaningless fashion about “settlements” and Israeli “occupation” of “Palestinian” land? That even includes Israeli Leftists who have helped turn “settlements” into a dirty word. For “Palestinians” and their useful idiot supporters, Israel is just one big “settlement” that should be razed.
UPDATE 11/8/22: Bibi’s return has prompted the now-familiar hysterical shrieks from predictable places about “the end of democracy!” while those well disposed toward stability, prosperity and security in their daily lives cry “Right On!” (in all senses).
Lest one forget, good leadership exists to protect a teeny tiny Mediterranean country which continues to benefit BIGLY the world in virtually every field of human endeavor. The internet is bursting with sites listing Israel’s incredible, miles-long list of achievements, one of the latest being non-invasive heart surgery. And (lest we forget again), all recent Democratic administration’s betrayal and shameful hostility toward this second greatest land on earth stand in stark contrast to one recent President’s admirable, steadfast alliance with the Jews.
UPDATE 11/3/22: Israel has come to its senses and re-chosen the leader committed to their nation’s survival and not annihilation at the hands of those who’d love nothing more than wiping them out. Hooray! Bibi is back, and the Middle East appears to be back on track to move ahead from where Trump and his Abraham Accords were paused. May this week’s midterms provide an equally welcome blast of sunshine and optimism on these shores.
UPDATE 10/30/22: Bibi appears poised to return to the Israeli helm. Dare we hope that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (dosed with universally common sense) is sweeping the earth?
UPDATE 10/14/22: Like Trump before her, Truss has proven her allegiance to Israel and not to the “Palestinian” frauds by proposing a move of the Brit embassy to Jerusalem.
UPDATE 8/24/22: Israel an “apartheid” state? Not according to one Black South African.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
UPDATE 8/9/22: It’s hardly news that “Palestinian victimhood” has always been about money and power for a few PLO fat cats. Just like in all those Dem-controlled American cities. And like denizens of our Inner Cities, nothing but permanent impoverishment for the “Palestinian” pawns used as magnets for all those billion$.
UPDATE 7/19/22: The fate of the Middle East will take a decidedly positive turn when the world admits that “Palestine” is a totally fake entity created for the purpose of extorting billions for a newly-hatched “oppressed people.” And good, old-fashioned anti-Semitism provides the scapegoat to blame for all the suffering. America’s nightmare Inner Cities run by Democrats vacuuming in billions from the Fed for the permanently poor originated and still operates on the same principle.
UPDATE 7/14/22: The loyalty of most Israeli Arabs to their country and the free way of life they enjoy is THE object lesson in who the good guys are in the Middle East. Given the choice ruthlessly denied them by “Palestinian” leadership, any sane Arab would be wise to choose Israeli citizenship over any other country in the region.
UPDATE 7/3/22: Some of us are wise enough to distinguish our enemies from our friends and count that as one of the main reasons we are still around to discuss it. So it is for Israel and their sensible rejection of that oh-so-reasonable Palestinian ‘Two State Solution.”
This MRI shows a big, invasive cancer growing.
UPDATE 6/17/22: Hating the Jews is as old as history itself. And in this case, history not only repeats itself periodically but is an endless continuum of attempted annihilation.
UPDATE 5/14/22: Will Jordan’s existence ever knock the jambs out from under the Big Lie firing the massive “Palestinian State” scam?
UPDATE 4/17/22: When the reality of “Palestinian” violence against Israelis finally goes mainstream, the phony narrative of “settler violence” will finally fade into well-deserved obsolescence.
UPDATE 3/27/22: We will just have to gut it out for the next 3 years until the Democratic Party comes to its senses and puts up candidates that aren’t intent on destroying America and Israel. That depends upon Democrat voters themselves, and we wish them well in their recovery from the psychotic breakdown that inflicted anti-Semites Carter, the Clintons, Obama and now Biden on us.
UPDATE 3/12/22: Israel adds to the murky narrative of the Russia/Ukraine situation by joining in the reflexive condemnation of Russia while discounting the false propaganda put out by the Ukrainians about Babi Yar being bombed (it wasn’t), a notorious site of WWII Jewish genocide now a shrine. There are no purely good guys in this drama although the reality of millions of displaced Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invaders tilts things unquestionably in their favor. What the government leaders are up to will hopefully come clear before there is any more suffering of innocents.
UPDATE 2/17/22: Old but pertinent news as “Palestinian” leadership continues to use all those grifted billions to annihilate Israel rather than provide anything that might improve the quality of lives for the Arabs that make up their constituency. Despite this permanent war on her existence, Israel is defiantly making strides toward peaceful co-existence with its other Arab/Islamic neighbors.
UPDATE 2/14/22: The preference of a majority of Arabs to enjoy the proven benefits of being Israeli citizens rather than “Palestinians” is studiously drowned out by those pushing the Hate Israel/Apartheid/Genocide narrative.
UPDATE 2/13/22: Good News From Israel: fascinating scientific research to enhance the senses, hearing sights, feeling shapes, is of particular benefit to the blind & deaf.
UPDATE 2/8/22: Just one more reality from this Orwellian upside-down world: major violators of human rights are none other than the Left’s “Palestinian” darlings.
UPDATE 2/7/22: The highly selective humanitarians of Amnesty International and its supportive enabler the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) have, after “careful study” by “researchers” determined that Israel has no right to exist. And after taking about a minute to read a summary of this august organization’s assessment of Israel, it has been determined by no less an authority than myself that Amnesty International (and the ADL), a woefully mislabeled “human rights organization,” has no right to call itself anything except a shameless propaganda organ for the Woke Left.
UPDATE 1/22/22: No one is more deserving of admiration than Israel, but its fanatic lockdowns and mandates reveal the same fatal flaw killing economies, spirits and lives throughout the formerly free world.
Maybe they’ll relax and take a different tack in the face of registering the world’s highest per capita infection rates despite their manic 100% vaccination/Zero Covid goals. Could it be those vaccinations are playing havoc with people’s immune systems rather than reinforcing them?
UPDATE 1/20/22: Once more for those insisting Israel is illegally, immorally “occupied land.” It IS occupied land, occupied legally and historically by the Jewish people whose history there dates back millennia. That’s thousands of years before Mohammed ever breathed or a single one of his Muslim followers ever dreamed of slaughtering Infidels.
UPDATE 12/29/21: Another Arab in touch with reality declares Israel much preferable to live in over “Palestine,” (whatever amorphous entity that is this week).
UPDATE 12/21/21: Common sense and a strong sense of self-preservation seem to be running rampant among Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem, 93% of whom prefer Israeli over Palestinian rule.
There is also the perk of living in a culture that provides miraculous medical and other life-saving services to ALL its citizens. Ask a blind Nazareth Arab woman just gifted sight by Israeli surgeons in a first-of-its-kind operation. Like communist dictators perennially seeking the best medical help in those nasty capitalist countries, so do the Palestinian Authority bigwigs go to Israel for their “essentials.”
None of this is lost on Christian Israelis who are more than happy to live in a Jewish society that genuinely upholds universal human rights for all its citizens.
UPDATE 12/21/21: The most cursory look at the so-called “Palestinian” yearning for statehood confirms that the only goal has always been to annihilate Israel, not the autonomy of Arabs living in the region.
UPDATE 11/6/21: The Left and its various power-mad appendages around the world have had a special hatred for Israel since the Balfour Declaration (really a letter written on November 2, 1917) proposing a national home for the Jewish people. The miraculous success of Israel and its will to not only survive but prevail remains a perpetual sharp stick in the collective eye of its detractors. Not the least of these anti-Semitic foes have been the so-called “peace groups,” many of them the tiresome dregs of the American Left allied with Jew haters everywhere. Such social pests exist only to disparage all progress like the Abraham Accords that might strengthen ties in the Middle East between Israel and neighboring Arab states. Much to their dismay, Israel is not going away.
UPDATE 10/20/21: Hardly news, but negotiating for “peace” is the last thing the “Palestinian” thugocracy wants. Best for Israel to go on as always defending its miraculous little strip of land from the permanent, sworn enemies surrounding them while continuing to change and improve the entire world from within its borders.
UPDATE 6/18/21: Israel is a a truly diverse nation, not the Orwellian variety of “diversity” that makes a show of celebrating all sorts of colors and creeds while allowing One and Only One (Leftist) political ideology.
UPDATE 6/10/18: American Jewry’s blind allegiance to the Religious Leftism over the very existence of Israel continues apace.
If anything good can be said about the Nazi Holocaust, it is that it hardened the resolve of Israeli Jews to survive against all odds. This resolve lives and breathes and thrives before our eyes in 1001 miraculous ways, and all mankind stands to benefit from it.
While highly prosperous (and spoiled) American Jewry seems bent on self-destruction, embracing political leaders like Obama & Clinton who would betray them in a trice to today’s Islamo-Nazis, Israel’s day-to-day struggle against those same forces of extermination has made their lives precious and creative, leading-edge achievement a routine, ongoing miracle.
Meanwhile, the intelligentsia of the West and even within its own borders continues to sniff and pout about Israel’s sin of self-defense and indestructible self-determination. After surviving Hitler and Arafat’s “Freedom Fighters,” what’s a few snotty intellectuals and pampered fools?
2 Replies to “Israel: still making the desert bloom.
For those Western Progressives intent on its destruction, we direct them to Riyadh and Damascus for their next medical checkup…and glass of clean water.”