January 6: Tyranny vs. A Nation Of A Trillion Sparks

UPDATE 9/6/24: According to totally honest, thoroughly patriotic, 100% objective Dems, assorted Leftists/Obama-Biden-Harris fans and ALL lovers of Democracy, was there ever a day in all of human history worse than J6? The universally accepted, completely verified, justifiably unchallenged answer is a firm, established NO!, but there are some dark days that have come close…such as Pearl Harbor, Noah’s Flood, Mt. Vesuvius, the day that meteor hit that wiped out the dinosaurs, the election of Donald Trump…to name only a few.

UPDATE 5/23/24: The J6 “insurrection” narrative, like the rest of the Big Lies drowning us, slogs on, now boasting a convicted Big Name present at the Capitol on That Day, a grand nephew of William F. Buckley, Jr. and grandson of L. Brent Bozell, Sr., founding fathers of the 20th century American conservative movement.

UPDATE 2/20/24: With the J6 DC gulag in full operation, Navalny’s murder now mirrors our own descent into Stalinist tyranny.

UPDATE 2/6/24: There’s no business like show business, and politics is just that. Conniving principals including RINOs Kinzinger and Cheney have now clearly admitted in a PBS documentary that, with the assistance of Big Network execs, they set out to sell J6 to the American public as tv entertainment, a Perry Mason drama about an unprecedented, historic attack on America akin to Pearl Harbor or 9/11. In reality, it has been a Soviet-style crackdown on political dissent, complete with early morning FBI/SWAT raids on innocent citizens and the imprisonment in a DC gulag of more than 1000 “insurrectionists” without trial.

The Selling of J6, starring GOP commissars Liz & Adam. 


UPDATE 1/26/24: We are expected to believe the J6 protest against certifying Election 2020 was an “insurrection” meriting the arrest and prolonged detention of thousands while a Black congressman’s deliberate attempt to stop a vote by pulling a fire alarm is nothing to see according to a judge.  How odd that we are hearing the term “two-tiered justice” so often these days.


UPDATE 1/18/24: The topsy-turvy narrative of J6-portraying peaceful patriots as traitors, comparing a 4 hour riot to 9/11 or Pearl Harbor, framing the shooting of an unarmed girl as an act of heroism-is beyond frightening in its insidious power to turn reality on its head. Those hundreds rotting away in prison without a trial will be more than happy to verify this hyper-Orwellian twist in our history.


UPDATE 1/6/24: On the third anniversary of J6, Part 2 of Epoch Times’ documentary THE REAL STORY OF JANUARY 6 premieres. Here is the link to Part 1.

UPDATE 1/4/24: The real issue of The People against Obama/BidenWorld is the choice between tyranny and freedom. The use of legal AND brute force backed up by lies surrounding J6 is only one of many fronts in the war on the most basic rights of Americans and the rest of the free world that depends upon us.


UPDATE 12/23/24: The culprit behind the plan to violently overthrow the government.

UPDATE 12/1/23: Pelosi’s daughter caught on video casually explaining the demonic strategy of pushing the false J6 “insurrection” narrative. In her twisted words, “You’re going to be able to laugh about this one day.”

UPDATE 11/19/23: The J6 tapes, largely suppressed up to this point, are now out and available for public viewing. Shall we all look again at the police firing some sort of exploding grenade into a tense but peaceful crowd? After that, things don’t seem to square with the portrayal of those in that crowd as staging a planned, violent “insurrection unlike anything Washington has seen since the Civil War!!!!” Tell us another one.

Let real justice be done and the J6 inquisitors pay dearly. The first order of business for a Trump administration should be release from jail and 24/7/365 mass media vindication of the unjustly jailed political prisoners. May the two most visible RINOs be the first to face full disgrace for their self-serving charade.


UPDATE 10/18/23: There must a full accounting for the ongoing J6 inquisition/gulag at some point when the BrandonWorld tyrants are out of power. The full truth of unlawful detainment without a trial and outright torture of political dissidents must become mainstream knowledge.

UPDATE 9/27/23: Nothing suspicious about J6 video star Ray Epps suddenly being charged at this very late date (last week) with a misdemeanor, pleading guilty and walking free. The man is on camera actively, repeatedly screaming at those around him, on both January 5th and 6th, to storm the Capitol at different spots in the crowd.

Meanwhile, how many dozens of Trump supporters guilty of nothing more than being present that day have been arrested, locked up to rot indefinitely while awaiting insanely long jail sentences already being handed out? How convenient that this one obvious rabble rouser, already sympathetically profiled in the NY Times on July 13, 2022 as “the unwitting face of an attempt by pro-Trump forces to promote the baseless idea that the F.B.I. was behind the attack on the Capitol” has also warranted his very own exoneration segment on “60 Minutes,” prominently advertised as “undermining conspiracy theory.”  Naturally, Tucker Carlson, most prominently on record for pointing all this out, is now a fulltime target for cancellation and discreditation. Nothing suspicious here.

UPDATE 9/24/23: Peacefully, patriotically showing up to protest a crooked election on J6 doomed Matthew Perna to BrandonWorld’s boot stomping on his face and, ultimately, suicide at age 37. He, his family and the rest of decent America can only look forward to full accountability from a distinctly un-American Democrat Party regime and those blind fools among the electorate actively applauding this tyranny. Yes, it can happen here but not as predicted by those useful idiots on the Left.


UPDATE 9/23/23: The purpose of the J6 “insurrection” myth from the start has been to vaporize all resistance to a criminal administration intent on establishing permanent UniParty rule. It’s no longer confusing why there has been such enthused assistance from RINOs who, like their Dem counterparts, are not about to give up the perks of power available to them under the pre-Trump status quo. The Orange Man has spoiled everything with his insistence on smaller government and more self-generated prosperity for everyone, including the poor. His MAGA agenda undermines the power of both Dems and RINOs controlling whatever crumbs are allowed to drift down to their permanently dependent constituencies.

Our best hope of recovering our most basic rights is laying bare the plot to entrap the entire MAGA movement on January 6 with a false flag/Reichstag Fire riot, orchestrated and exploited to discredit and destroy Trump and his followers. Pelosi has lied, denying she spoke with former Capitol Police Chief Sund regarding the deployment of the National Guard to prevent a riot. A riot is precisely what was desired, goaded on by an army of FBI informants and plants in the crowd, best represented by one Ray Epps, captured on video goading the crowd on “INTO THE CAPITOL!” Yet somehow, he continues to walk free. The symbolic little slap on the wrist just given him purely for optics fails to offset the massive criminal injustice of the Biden/Pelosi gulag full of innocent people guilty of nothing more than simply being in the Capitol’s vicinity that day…and being vocal Trump supporters.


UPDATE 9/12/23: Tucker Carlson is asking all the questions that the Deep Staters most dread, particularly about J6. May he and Trump and all truth tellers supporting them travel safely through this trial by fire.

The question arises again: Why isn’t Ray Epps locked up in the Biden Gulag? Answering that would be the beginning of the end for this American Reichstag fire, a false flag operation designed to suppress all dissent and any opposition to the Leftist Democratic Party.


UPDATE 9/8/23: Dressed as George Washington and walking peacefully in and out of the U.S. Capitol on the wrong day can get you a year in prison. Ask Issac Yoder. Conservatives sensed immediately on J6 that the fiery demonstration of public outrage against a stolen election would be utilized as a major propaganda point disabling all future dissent. Little did we suspect the UniParty (including RINOs like Romney & Cheney) would go so far as installing its very own DC gulag and stage public show trials, dragging out incarcerated, tortured occupants one by one on the premise guilty until proven innocent. The big question hanging in the air: will there ever be another uncorrupted election allowing this newly activated American tyranny to be routed?

Insurrectionist and part of the plot to violently overthrow the government.

UPDATE 9/3/23: There is a major crime upon innocent humanity taking place under our noses, specifically against American citizens. For Democrats, it’s all part of a relentless drive to become a permanent UniParty dictatorship as demonstrated by their zealous pursuit and severe punishment of anyone attached to the J6 Capitol incident. The larger, overriding goal is suppression of any citizen’s protest or objection to this regime’s policy. The latest outrage is the suicide of a legally hounded 22 year old (a teenager as of 1/6/2021) guilty of nothing more than non-violently wandering in and out of the Capitol that day. This is the stuff of cruel tyrannies abroad once considered unthinkable in America.


UPDATE 8/29/23: There is yet more testimony validating the “conspiracy theory” that J6 was a pre-planned move by the Dems to incite a riot and thereby invalidate all objections to Election 2020. For that matter, how better to silence ALL opposition to the prevailing narrative of a ruling regime? How beautifully this agit-prop plan has served their purposes of discrediting Trump and his MAGA followers. How long can this be denied when planted rabble rousers like Ray Epps are caught on video unambiguously encouraging invasion of the Capitol?

UPDATE 8/22/23: The horrors of the J6 Gulag in America’s capital proudly run and perpetuated by the current administration stands out as among the most un-American, shameful, criminal features of BrandonWorld. Those on the Left famous for their passionate championing of human rights have selectively decided this isn’t a problem.

UPDATE 8/12/23: If ever an honest history is written of America leading up to its dissolution into a UniParty banana republic, Nancy Pelosi,  in close concert with Obama, will stand out as one of the leading players in the Dem Party’s seizure of absolute power. Her sinister presence behind the curtain, orchestrating January 6 as the means to destroy Trump and MAGA, is now on record in an interview with former Capitol Chief of Police Stephen Sund and Tucker Carlson.

UPDATE 7/14/23: Oh, for the good old days of Hoover’s trusty, fearless G-men…which may be a bit of romantic mythology in itself. But one could still confidently believe then that the FBI was there to protect Americans from genuinely hostile outsiders, not serve as attack dogs on political foes of the administration in power. No longer, certainly with a dissembler and Deep State player like Christopher Wray as G-man #1. His assertion this week that FBI infiltration in suspect groups and organizations is “ludicrous” is itself totally ludicrous, considering their well-documented history of planting double agents and even being active organizers of criminal activity within infiltrated organizations.  J6 is just the latest and perhaps among the least honorable assignments in that checkered history.

UPDATE 6/11/23: As demonstrated by the inhuman jailhouse treatment and obscene sentencing of Stewart Rhodes, J6 is BrandonWorld’s Reichstag fire, the disaster the Nazi Party secretly created then seized upon to rationalize the destruction of all political opposition.

UPDATE 5/23/23: What is the story with Ray Epps, the provocateur most obviously captured on video, circulating like a buzzing insect in the crowd to goad an angry mob into the Capitol? Why is he free and being actively protected while scores of others guilty of no more than wandering quietly through the Capitol for minutes are in jail and waiting endlessly for trial?

UPDATE 5/23/23: Those exercising their most basic rights of free speech, protest, assembly are branded as “threats to democracy” by an illegitimately elected, actively criminal regime. Are we still living in America?

UPDATE 5/13/23: There is nothing more disturbing in our national crisis than the Americans incarcerated for their exercise of free speech and non-violent protest. There is no other suitable word more descriptive of this travesty than “Gulag,” directly analogous to the most murderous political regime of the 20th century. Is there anything more evil than the enforced silence surrounding this persecution?

UPDATE 3/31/23: A glimmer of light has broken through with the release of the most famous “insurrectionist” now revealed to be guilty of virtually nothing criminal like most of those being hounded by the J6 inquisitors, Sooner or later, it must be made officially clear that the Buffalo Horn man and the others illegally robbed of their American rights have only been convenient  small fry substitutes for the Big Game: Donald Trump and the whole MAGA movement.

UPDATE 3/27/23: Comparing January 6 to the Civil War is analogous to a quickly extinguished kitchen stove fire and an entire city burned to the ground. One lasted 6 hours with minimal property damage and ended 2 lives; the other raged 4 years, laid waste to a whole quadrant of the nation and killed more than 600,000. Those making that wildly hyperbolic comparison have used the incident to form one more hostile front in Obama’s Woke/Progressive Civil War promising “transformation.” This lie coming from the political Left and its Trump-hating collaborators is the real insurrection, an ongoing war on America and its fundamental founding principles.


UPDATE 3/18/23: The video of the “vicious, violent insurrectionist” with buffalo horns being peacefully guided like an honored guest through the Capitol by on-duty security surely might be pertinent to proving his innocence of a crime he didn’t commit. Unfortunately for us all, we are living in a “transformed” Obama/Biden America, not the country we thought we had that constitutionally guarantees a legal defense containing ALL factual evidence.

UPDATE 3/12/23: One of several video versions first available this morning of a choir of actual J6 prisoners in the DC Gulag, interspersed with DJT reciting The Pledge. The choir of 20 different prisoners was recorded individually by phone. The final visual message is SUPPORTING CERTAIN PRISONERS DENIED THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.”

UPDATE 3/8/23: The facts about J6, now out there for all eyes with the release of thousands of hours of videotape, paint a radically different picture from that crafted these last two years by the Trump-haters of both Parties.

All those for whom Trump did and still does pose a major threat-especially treacherous RINOs like McConnell-are predictably against the public actually seeing the newly released video evidence of  peaceful, respectful Trump supporters walking quietly through the Capitol and even being escorted cheerfully through the building by the Capitol police. 

So far, not one fuming TDS sufferer has offered up any tangible response refuting the video evidence wiping out the myths of a violently intrusive QAnon Shaman (on video, wandering about, conversing and taking selfies with Capitol Police); or a panicky, fleeing Senator Hawley (on video, escorted out with a group of other Congressmen): or a murdered Officer Sicknick (on video, walking about after the claimed fatal assault on him). 

TDS sufferers are doubling down on their accusations, doing whatever they can to discredit Carlson’s overall assessment drawn from the released tapes. We are being force-fed yet more of the looped video footage focused entirely on a distinct minority of violent, planted thugs specifically present to incite the crowd, turning a peaceful demonstration into a melee.

The Democratic Party and its supporters (RINOs included) know well that minus the emotional agitprop value of “violent insurrection,” Trump and his followers will emerge stronger than ever, leaving the way open eventually to turning the tables; fully investigating Election 2020; freeing those illegally imprisoned Americans guilty only of acting like honorable characters in a Frank Capra film; not to mention the grotesqueries of the Covid Horror Show. No lie of either omission or commission has gone untold in service to destroying the entire Trump/MAGA voting constituency.

In too many frightening ways, America has become the USSR, China, Cuba and North Korea. God willing we find our way back to the land of the free and home of the brave.


We have been warned that any unapproved conclusion drawn from the video record of the fictional “insurrection incited by Donald Trump” may result in an unwelcome home visit by a newly formed “mostly peaceful” concern calling itself “Nancy’s Kneecappers.”


UPDATE 2/23/23: Already evident from a previous J6 documentary is that Capitol police, unprovoked, fired grenades into a restless but peaceful crowd. This runs counter to the entire narrative of a planned, violent attack on the Capitol and, as the Trump-haters would have us believe, the entire American way.

UPDATE 2/21/23: Handing over all that J6 footage to Fox’s Tucker Carlson  seems promising and a real problem for the Congressional inquisition panel. At the same time, those like Mike Lindell considering Fox as eager to hide the truth are going to court for everyone to gain equal access to the video. God willing, the truth will be told, the DC Gulag victims freed and justice served at last. This is as evil as anything foisted upon America by BrandonWorld since 2020.


UPDATE 2/21/23: Can the release of the thousands of hours of video put the lies surrounding J6 to flight or recover the lives of the unjustly imprisoned? Will those invested in the Big Lies surrounding Election 2020 and J6 ever admit to what they’ve advocated?


UPDATE 1/24/23: The line between our legal system’s civil and criminal charges is being blurred. While the former is about financial penalty, the latter is about loss of liberty for the convicted. If the line is blurred, a prosecutor can turn simple civil infractions such as “trespassing” or “parading” violations into draconian, criminal jail sentences even without a trial or official sentencing. This is the case for nearly one thousand J6 political prisoners currently under lock and key. In ignoring and distorting our legal system purely for its own political purposes, BrandonWorld has effectively suspended America.


UPDATE 1/17/23: New 2 hour police bodycam footage (and hours more yet to come) provides a greater chance of learning what really happened on J6. This is almost certain to prove detrimental and highly unwelcome to those pushing the Trump-inspired violent “insurrection” narrative. Liz Cheney & Friends will be suddenly unavailable for comment.


UPDATE 1/13/23: If justice is to be served, the truth told and the innocent hostages of J6 released, the American people must see ALL the surveillance video of those 4 hours. This will expose the undeniable presence of trained, government agitators; the needlessly violent police action against peaceful demonstrators including the deaths of Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland; circumstances surrounding the deliberate opening of Capitol doors inviting unforced access. It all needs to be seen and not dependent upon the shifty stories of those profiting politically off the fabricated “insurrection” drama.

UPDATE 1/12/23: Millions of Americans have become prisoners of the fear infecting our daily lives courtesy of the Deep State. We’re reminded of its intentions to dismantle America and control what remains of it most concretely by 930 hostages, branded “domestic terrorists” who remain in literal captivity with no hope of rescue in sight. They are the convenient scapegoats of January 6 denied even the most basic rights of American citizenship and banished out of sight to a literal penal colony within our own borders. Who did what that day is left to mere speculation in service to permanent State propaganda without any court of law to sentence the guilty and/or free the innocent. In perpetuating this fear via lawless crackdown on any dissenting citizen, the rest of us are held hostage by a newly installed American Mafia, resembling nothing so much as all those totalitarian Red regimes that have terrorized, enslaved and killed 100 million (and counting) souls over the last century.

UPDATE 1/2/23: “Yeah, what about Ray Epps? is a question asked multi-million times by those who have seen his blatantly obvious videotaped calls for “into the Capitol!” amidst a rightfully suspicious crowd shouting back, “Fed! Fed! Fed!” And yet he walks free, even is heralded by the J6 Inquisition panel as “a good guy.” What gives? What about Ray Epps?


UPDATE 12/13/22: The best hope regarding the ugly J6 tyrants is that they are stripped bare and disempowered by the revelations of re-emerging free media. Hope against hope, a Republican Congress will not allow the witch hunt and brutal political incarceration to continue.

UPDATE 11/21/22: Are Wray and his corrupt FBI about to feel the heat, nay scalding burns long postponed by an administration and its toady mouthpieces determined to hide the truth over 1/6?

UPDATE 11/16/22: Questioned whether there were numerous FBI plants pretending to be Trump supporters on 1/6, FBI Swamp Dweller Wray failed to answer. Meaning, the answer is Yes.

UPDATE 10/22/22: J6 has been a golden showcase for Trump-haters in general but for wannabe celebs hungry for pity and attention, it’s been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No one has exploited the mendacious J6 narrative more than one cop named Michael Fanone who got roughed up that day and suddenly qualified as a darling and drinking pal of such Trump-hating celebs as Joan Baez.

At the time, he claimed to almost be beaten to death and still persists in spreading the lie about fellow cops “murdered” that day. America’s most famous folk-singing avatar of non-violence should have dug a little deeper into Fanone’s decidedly violent, bullying past as a nasty cop harassing a perfectly innocent Black lawyer from Howard University named Michael Maddox in 2009. Read all about it even though Fanone’s 15 minutes ran out long ago, and it’s seriously doubtful if Joan and her pacifist pals are still returning his phone calls.

UPDATE 10/14/22: Was it all a staged set-up? That Pelosi’s daughter and son-in-law were on hand with a professional camera crew suggests this was not just business as usual but a planned scenario. How convenient to have her daughter’s cameras present and focused right on the Mafia moll Speaker herself standing up for “democracy” on behalf of the American people, heroically threatening to “punch out” Trump in the midst of the melee. Great theatre, diabolical manipulation of the national narrative.


UPDATE 9/29/22: One persistent view from upside down is this Ray Epps character, visibly and audibly on countless videos encouraging people to “go into the Capitol!” on J6 shortly before things got messy. Yet he remains free, unindicted, uninvestigated while hundreds of peaceful attendees rot away in the DC Gulag.


UPDATE 9/21/22: Liz Cheney and her cohorts in DC (including the FBI) have no intention of giving up the J6 narrative, designed and perpetuated solely to erase Trump and his followers from American political life. Naturally, the kangaroo court showcasing MAGA “extremism” is now suddenly due to resume just in time to affect the upcoming midterm elections. No telling what newly fabricated “evidence” this “October Surprise” will yield to scare off anti-Brandon voters.

UPDATE 9/14/22: Operation MAGA-Fascist is well underway, the only purpose being to eliminate all significant political opposition to the Brandon Mafia, and J6 continues to be their most effectively fabricated prosecution evidence available. Its latest bit of Nazi theatre has been surrounding Mike Lindell’s car and confiscating his phone. No one is safe, particularly the most vocal, visible figures of the Trump/MAGA movement.


UPDATE 9/1/22: Dr. Simone Gold, a founder of America’s Frontline Doctors and present in DC on J6, describes her ongoing imprisonment including a bout of solitary confinement in the American Gulag.

UPDATE 8/25/22: Finding the truth in her J6 farce is not the motive of the self-inflated, now- deposed Laramie Liz. There is nothing on her mind but a predetermined verdict of guilty, ideally to be followed by Capitol (sic) punishment to decapitate his political career and erase the MAGA presence from American life. So it’s hardly surprising she’s found delusional alliance with the Dem enemies of her enemy.  A Republican who was REALLY effective, showing up her father and his whole disappointing generation of RINOs, must be taken out by any means necessary.

UPDATE 8/14/22: Now officially designated “An Enemy Of The People,” Trump’s base has only grown and become more solidified against increasingly desperate DC establishment forces.

UPDATE 8/11/22: In order to achieve a Trumpless America, J6 has expanded its activity in a way that, unsurprisingly, makes a joke out of “rule of law.” The Mar-A-Lago raid is the latest lawless move by the Deep State that lives only to kill Trump either figuratively or literally in order to preserve BrandonWorld’s power.

UPDATE 8/9/22: The Gestapo raid on Mar-A-Lago is corrupted FBI participation in the J6 Kangaroo Court, all which is solely about eliminating any opposition to the Deep State cancer. This has been furiously metastasizing in response to the unexpected election results of 2016. They keep trying, getting transparently more brutal with each attempt; yet somehow, the Orange Man just keeps on.


UPDATE 7/31/22: Since everything about the J6 kangaroo court is to push Trump & MAGA down the memory hole, it has to be galling to see his increasingly positive polling and rumblings of a return bigger than ever. 

UPDATE 7/28/22: Even the Wall Street Journal and NY Post are piling on Trump with distortions and flat-out lies about J6. All this despite a)his offer days before of the National Guard turned down; b)his speech beforehand entreating people to “march peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol; c)his tweets during the melee imploring people to respect the Capitol police. Facts don’t matter; only the narrative fashioned for no other purpose than to permanently crush dissent.

UPDATE 7/26/22: Read a note from a J6er, his life ruined and facing prison time simply for showing up that day. The USA as we have always known and loved her is starting to look scarily like the USSR.

…and counting, arrests now past 800, mostly charged with trespassing and “parading.” Taken to court, “insurrection” just won’t fly, but let’s be tyrants while we can. 

UPDATE 7/24/22: What a gift to the enemies of MAGA. No National Guard as offered by Trump, the Capitol police firing grenades and rubber bullets into a tense but still peaceful crowd, Capitol guards opening the doors and waving in the curious, all those suspicious characters salted throughout the crowd. What of those multiple suicides by Capitol police?

Some minds will never be changed, so deep is the irrational hatred and fear of Trump and the MAGA movement. Nevertheless, some will be swayed by new films such as “Capitol Punishment” or by watching Epoch Times’ “The Real Story of Jan. 6.” Possibly the best hope will be real trials with real evidence out in the open to eradicate the lies of the purely political staged show trials now disgracing the country, torturing hundreds of unjustly terrorized or  detained citizens. For one more awaiting trial, it’s too late. Unable to face more unjustified torment, a man named Mark Aungst guilty only of peaceably entering the Capitol briefly on J6 has committed suicide. When will the nightmare end and justice be served?


UPDATE 7/22/22: A genuine in investigation of J6 is overdue. The law is being brutally and selectively weaponized against people guilty of little more than trespassing or “parading” while provably guilty parties are walking around free and unquestioned. Who are the authentically bad actors who turned a protest into a riot and a perfect weapon to destroy Trump and the entire MAGA movement?  Watch the Epoch Times documentary. 

UPDATE 7/18/22: A Texas couple guilty of being in DC on January 6 and nothing more were raided at dawn by hundreds of SWAT and other terrifying jackboots. This is America?

7/14/22: The J6 inquisitors are now extorting damning testimony from defendants, most likely in exchange for leniency in sentencing. At least one is not playing ball.

UPDATE 7/13/22: That certain mendacious young lady, hoping to endear herself to the J6 goons and Trump-haters in general, apparently had desperate money problems and looked to the Trump people for help. She was also considered unreliable, a “leaker” and was removed from consideration for a job with the Trump camp down in Florida. Why do we think no one in either or any camp would now touch her?

UPDATE 7/10/22: The tyrannical power to imprison & torture American citizens by one Matthew Graves in the J6 Justice Department is something out of the Soviet/Nazi playbook. Including Donald Trump himself among his victims is the ultimate wet dream of this swarm of unchecked tyrants.

UPDATE 7/8/22: If anything is to be gained from the J6 circus, it is visible proof that the sole purpose of the entire thing is to drive any trace of Trump into extinction. His MAGA revolution, making promises and keeping them, is a mortal threat to both Establishment Repubs and Dems whose power derives entirely from keeping The People dependent upon them.

UPDATE 6/29/22: The name of a 25 year old former WH Chief-of-Staff’s assistant is today on the lips of every foaming-at-the-mouth Trump-hater. The “bombshell” lie easily refuted by those actually present will now be repeated endlessly until assumed to be true while testimony of firsthand witnesses from the Secret Service will be actively ignored/suppressed. Regarding this latest useful idiot making a 15 minute name for herself, one must note that most sober individuals would have to go online to bring up the name of that other woman who, like this one, was plucked out of obscurity to fabricate a nasty story in order to destroy a conservative, in her case a Supreme Court candidate. Once that sad sack’s fable imploded, she returned to richly deserved anonymity as will this one.

Anita Hill still remains a name easily recalled since the Clarence Thomas “high-tech lynching” was front page news for weeks way back when and actually continues unabated today with the current piling-on after the Dobbs ruling. The Left reserves its most vicious attacks for uppity, conservative blacks/gays/”victims” for whom they claim exclusive ownership.

We have been instructed that all women are to be believed, but some of us make an exception for those who lie and make up things in hopes of being lauded and famous for a few minutes. Unknown to these obtuse loser ladies, they will find themselves fussed over briefly then summarily junked after producing a few defamatory fake news sound bytes for the WorldWideWeb.

This kangaroo court has been neatly summed up by its principal target: “Fake Stories… No Cross Examination, No Real Republicans, No Lawyers… Unselects Should Be Forced to Disband.”

League of Loser Ladies

UPDATE 6/28/22: Hmmmmm, the list of mysterious J6 deaths just got longer. Now added to a fatal stroke and four suicides claiming Capitol policemen present that day, we have the sudden demise of the Senate Sergeant-At-Arms. Something smells bigtime. All just as understandable and transparent as Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide.”

UPDATE 6/28/22: If you want real “insurrection,” just turn an ill-conceived blanket ruling back to State legislatures as the American Constitution decrees. For the double-standard, tantrum-throwing Left, the Constitution and laws in general are only worth following on issues they support. Anything else is cause for nationwide riots and threats of…you got it!…insurrection. 

UPDATE 6/26/22: Are we going over the brink to full Stalinism or will the unthinkable abuses surrounding the Pelosi/Cheney show trials scare us back to being America?

UPDATE 6/25/22: When the FBI raids a private home at dawn and uses armed force to terrorize a Texas couple for being [nonviolently, lawfully] at the Capitol on J6, we are no longer living in the America we grew up in. As the couple in question say, “We just wanted an honest election,” apparently a statement of criminal intent and treason in BrandonWorld.

UPDATE 6/15/22: Dr. Simone Gold, admirable founder of America’s Frontline Doctors and vax resister finds herself jailed and fined for peacefully showing up in Washington on J6. A football coach is fined 100K for saying that ruined businesses, billions of dollars and lives lost during a year of George Floyd riots were a tad worse than a claimed J6 “insurrection” that was over and done with within a matter of hours.  As the lives lost on the scene were a couple of female Republican protestors, they don’t count. And it’s doubtful the mysterious deaths of several Capitol policemen within the next few days (1 from a stroke, 2 from suicide!) after the event will be deemed worthy of full investigation. What’s big time wrong with this picture?

UPDATE 6/14/22: There is no other purpose for the J6 Show Trials have than to eliminate any memory or future sign of  Trump and MAGA. If they succeed, it is a death knell to any semblance of the America the world has known as a beacon of liberty.

Dark Force Dick’s Dreadful Daughter.


UPDATE 6/12/22: The blatantly political gambit of J6 Trump-haters from both Parties will serve either to destroy any opposition to the Swamp OR expose their plan for the all-consuming power-grab it is. Show trials don’t sit well with Americans unaccustomed to being denied their most basic civil rights…that is, unless we have really become a passive nation of post-Covid, brain-dead sheep.

UPDATE 6/9/22: A Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate has been arrested and removed from the ballot for the crime of being present in Washington on January 6.  Reportedly, there is video of him as part of a crowd vocally supporting and encouraging the protest.  No mention of whether he entered the Capitol; however, anything that discourages dissent or prevents participation in the electoral process meets with the full approval of those currently in power, specifically those active in the show trials just beginning. The bad news is the clear intention of the January 6 gangsters to permanently control American elections. In response, some optimistically opine this is suicide for the Donkey brigade. Pray for the latter.

6/8/22: We’re not in Kansas any more. We’re not even in America.  The forces running this kangaroo court have made it clear that no objection or questioning of Election 2020 is to be allowed. The Stasi-like arrest of Peter Navarro, hauled off from an airport in handcuffs and leg irons and his ensuing detainment and threatened indictment, is the stuff of a U.S.S.A.

UPDATE 5/9/22: The January 6 commissars are losing control of the narrative, and the desperation now shows in threats of life imprisonment for simply entering the Capitol that day. This is how far down BrandonWorld’s DOJ has sunk.

UPDATE 5/2/22: The January 6 Gulag remains in full tyrannical force as attested to by letters of the unjustly imprisoned.

UPDATE 4/29/22: If there is any justice left in America, treatment of those hounded and imprisoned for ALLEGED January 6 infractions has to be a source of lasting shame and embarrassment. And grounds for a major tribunal, investigation and suitable punishment for those exploiting the event while obscuring what really took place. 

UPDATE 4/15/22: Video evidence is now available showing that Capitol officers casually allowed a peaceful crowd of hundreds to enter the Capitol on January 6. So much for the violent mob storming the Bastille. Things did get messier in other spots, but nothing to warrant the Dem-controlled DOJ response of rounding up dozens of peaceful participants from all over the country and confining them to a DC gulag for over a year without specific charges or trial.


UPDATE 3/17/22:  A Stalinist/Cultural Revolution nightmare involves the recruitment of a teenage boy to  snitch on and testify against his father who was present at the Capitol on January 6. A chilling demonstration why destruction of the strong nuclear family is so essential to totalitarian ends.

UPDATE 3/15/22: In Matthew Perna’s tragic fate lies the potential fate of all Americans declared political enemies of the State for exercising their most basic rights. 

UPDATE 3/10/22: You can hear it from the NY Times off the record on a Project Veritas video. So it must be true…unless you are firmly in the TDS camp. According to a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who was there (and unknowingly recorded), the so-called “insurrection” was heavily seeded with FBI informants deliberately pushing for a riot that turned into an unpleasant commotion that benefited only those determined to falsely discredit Trump and the whole MAGA movement. For this particular individual, it came off as a raucous party, totally overblown into an “insurrection” by the Trump-loathing MSM and its BigGov masters.

UPDATE 3/3/22: Unable to withstand the cruel, unjustified hounding from Brandon officialdom over his non-violent presence at the Capitol on January 6, a young man named Matthew Perna has hanged himself. 

Try as the media and a goodly portion of brain-washed Good Americans might try, they cannot be allowed to ignore the inhumane detention of honorable dissenters being held up as a warning to anyone questioning this administration’s actions. Those actions include the fraudulent election that put them in power. Coupled with the wanton abuse of the American people by their own government in the name of “health’ and “safety,” there’s no better way to describe our present predicament than the onset of a Soviet America, gulags and all.

UPDATE 2/22/22: To those who think it could happen here, it’s already happened. The Stalinesque response to January 6 and the placement of those dissenters in a D.C. Gulag sends the same message as that just delivered from Mad King Justin. Dare to dissent and you’ll find your bank accounts frozen, your pets confiscated, your property smashed, your bodies beaten, yourself on your knees and bound for lock-up. This week includes the case of one Facebook poster who broadcast the January 6 debacle, now subject to something predictably awful from Pelosi’s Black Shirts in the Judiciary.

UPDATE 2/11/22: Dinesh D’Souza feels the heat that drives the January 6 narrative and the ice-cold determination of the Brandon administration and the Deep State behind it squashing all dissent over Election, 2020. All their power lies in the suppression of any revelation contrary to their manufactured “fact” of Brandon beating Donald Trump fair & square in November, 2020. Absolute power is not something the absolutely corrupted will let go of without the use of absolute force. Totalitarians are by definition a desperate, brutal lot. 

UPDATE 2/11/22: The sustained police beating of an unconscious, dying woman trapped under a fleeing stampede of protestors at the Capitol on January 6 has been deemed “objectively reasonable.” Just as the shooting of an unarmed woman by a Capitol officer that day has been officially deemed objectively unworthy of investigation. On the other hand, the Capitol officer who died of a stroke one day later after NOT being hit by a fire extinguisher as claimed was given a hyper-publicized send-off with all the trimmings, lying in state in the Capitol rotunda like a national hero. Not to create any additional, unnecessary controversy, but how is it that several Capitol police officers committed suicide over the course of the days and months afterwards. Surely nothing to see here.

UPDATE 2/8/22: Criminalizing political dissent is now officially in the works as a kangaroo court looms for 1/6 defendants.

UPDATE 1/30/22: One misses Newt’s presence in DC, but his commentary provides a big boost to anyone currently in office. Assuming the Republicans regain the House in November, we must reassert the rights of Americans that have been literally trashed and withdrawn by the current Administration, particularly those driving the “Insurrection” narrative (with full cooperation from the Woke Media). Those guilty of turning America into a Stasi state must be brought up on charges and given a public trial which is much more than they’ve granted their political enemies. In such an honest public forum, the real details of what happened is appearing more and more to be a planned false flag trap intentionally laid for those dissenting the election results that day.

1/27/22: Still no day in court establishing definitive proof, but sober investigators firmly believe the notoriously conspicuous Ray Epps was part of an FBI plan to turn January 6 into a false flag operation. How long must we wait for the Big “Insurrection” Lie to be exposed?

UPDATE 1/22/22: Any sign of light and truth breaking through the January 6 “insurrection” fog is a godsend. Who REALLY is Ray Epps and why are the Pelosi inquisitors suddenly so eager to get him to testify before the their partisan committee? What phony narrative have they hatched to cover up their odd scrubbing of his name from their Most Wanted List after his appearing on video as one of the most vocal rabblerousers involved?

UPDATE 1/13/22: The war on Trump supporters and/or those opposing the Brandon administration is not confined to those unfortunates caught on camera in DC on January 6. Now it’s angry parents at school board meetings, fighting for their children. We are all domestic terrorists now. 

UPDATE 1/9/22: Who is Ray Epps, the guy caught on camera, too enthusiastically pushing the crowd to breach the Capitol? And yet he’s not in jail like hundreds of others who were concerned , peaceful citizens wandering into the camera frame at the wrong time. Epps’ attorney says he’s also just a nice, concerned citizen with no links to the FBI and their scheme to plant rabblerousers (like Ray Epps caught on camera) in the January 6 crowd; so it must be true.

This is no longer J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI. Sorry to say they are evolving into our Woke/Deep State version of the Soviet Cheka (Secret Police). Find me the man, and I’ll find you the crime, in this case, a made-up one going by the name of “insurrection.” January 6 has become the collective, all-purpose crime committed by 70+million Americans who voted for Trump and would again in a heartbeat.

UPDATE 1/8/22: OK. Let’s dispense with “whataboutism” which means nothing anyhow to the shameless frauds and failures comparing the “insurrection” that wasn’t to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. So, let’s just ask, “What about January 6?” which means having to ask the real questions leading to the full truth about what really happened beginning in November 2016 on thru November 3, 2020, January 6 and beyond to the troubled, ongoing aftermath.

As usual, we’re witnessing projection on steroids as the plague of illegitimately elected frauds accuse 70+ million Americans of trying to subvert honest elections. Get out the mirrors!!!

So many questions conveniently going unanswered:

Who exactly is Ray Epps?  And why isn’t he on any FBI Wanted list or rotting away in the D.C. Gulag? Who else was planted in the crowd by the Feds?  Are the Feds in this case the FBI?

UPDATE 1/6/22: Hats off to DJT and Lindsay Graham for their responses to Brandon’s pathetic read-out from his teleprompter. Politicizing and exaggerating the gravity of a few hours of disturbance in the Capitol a year ago will do nothing to secure our borders, revive an economy and a whole populace still oppressed and depressed by mask & vaccine mandates. It will not bring back the businesses, trashed cities and millions of lives still callously being ruined in the name of “safety” and “health.” How moved we are to see the phony poseurs shed such copious crocodile tears in purely symbolic reverence for their invented “hallowed democracy” while the real America, its people, are suffering directly due to intentionally destructive policies. The faux solemnity exhibited deserves only jeers of contempt in response.

Kamala’s ludicrous comparison of January 6 with December 7 and September 11 is a step into Wonderland. Only in the stupidest of worlds does one need to refresh her memory and that of those shallow souls prone to take anything she or her colleagues say seriously. But let’s do it anyhow with a few un-doctored photos and simple, irrefutable stats.

Remember Pearl Harbor? December 7 was the beginning of a World War that lasted 4 years and claimed over 50 million lives worldwide. Immediately makes one think of January 6. Not.

September 11 claimed 3000 lives that day in 2001 and launched America’s ongoing war with radical Islam that over the millennia can realistically boast millions of infidel corpses with vows of more for Allah. But January 6 was JUST AS BAD!!, says one hollow Hollyweirdess speaking for unbalanced shrews everywhere.

Right. January 6 comparable or worse than 9/11. No question.

January 6 lasted a matter of a few hours after which Congress was back in business doing its mischief to complete the coup that started on the first day of Donald Trump’s Presidency. No one was murdered except for a couple of Trump supporters (which doesn’t matter) while 1 Capitol policeman died of a stroke several days later and 4 Capitol policemen on duty that day would subsequently commit suicide. (Did someone say “suicide?”)

It got a bit more contentious elsewhere, but this would be enough to land you in solitary confinement for a year with no end in sight. 


Of greatest immediate significance to the serious-minded are those hundreds of participants, peaceful bystanders at the Capitol that day, plucked violently from their homes all across America by this administration’s version of the KGB/S.S. They are now languishing in a D.C. gulag, yet to be charged or tried for any significant crime beyond trespassing. The biggest political jackpot hit by the administration consists of 70+ million American citizens now permanently put on notice that any political dissent seriously critical of those now in power could result in similarly harsh repercussions.

UPDATE 12/29/21: The Big Lie that January 6 was a “violent insurrection” must be countered. For those shocked & assaulted by a stolen election, it was a momentary convulsion of rage that did virtually nothing to impede the workings of a corrupted electoral process and the soulless politicians at work. It either must be exposed and discredited, or we face a repeat on an even grander scale in 2022 and 2024.

UPDATE 12/21/21: As the murk clears and facts emerge, the January 6 “insurrection” is looking more and more like a “Fedsurrection,” a contrived false flag operation traceable back to the Deep State as has long been suspected.

UPDATE 12/16/21: If the Supreme Court had not relinquished its public responsibility to hash out the very real evidence of election fraud publicly in court (even unsuccessfully), there would have been no January 6 incident. Anger was palpable in both Washington that day and across the nation among those 70+million voters who found (and still find) themselves robbed of their voice. Trump’s conveniently overlooked admonition to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard today” was not enough to quell the justifiable unrest.

This is all to the great delight of the Left and Trump-hating  RINOs, hiding the electoral corruption behind self-aggrandizing, hyperbolic accusations of “violent insurrection.” Getting rid of Trump The Spoiler and resuming the cancerous expansion of government power in D.C. was and remains their goal; and if vilifying and suppressing dissent is the means to their long-range ends, all the better.

UPDATE 12/10/21: An American gulag holding brutalized January 6 dissenters (guilty of nothing more serious than trespassing…if that) is the chilling reality of the Brandon administration and the Sovietized Democrat Party running it. If even “decent” Democrats refuse to acknowledge this, they are only as “decent” as “good” Germans were 80 years ago.

UPDATE 12/5/21: A stolen election, legitimate protest, gross injustice in response, double standards, hypocrisy, official BigGov lies and unabashed tyranny make up the agonizing, still unfolding tale of January 6, now given some serious attention on film in “Capitol Punishment.”

Little makes the blood boil more than the selective outrage exhibited over the so-called “violence” of an overblown trespassing incident while the destruction of private businesses and loss of human life by Antifa thugs during the “peaceful” George Floyd riots is literally ignored. Ditto the epidemic looting in California now considered perfectly ok if the theft doesn’t exceed an arbitrary limit. 1960s anarchist Abbie Hoffmans’s Third World America of “Steal This Book” has now become one of the major planks in the mainstream Democrat Party platform. As usual, proudly detached liberals supposedly shocked by all this wring their hands but will continue to vote for their criminal-friendly Party whose radical members will look the other way when these loyal Libs find themselves raped or ripped off. Refusing to look in the mirror, the willfully oblivious pretend they haven’t a clue about what has caused and perpetuated our crime-ridden, impoverished Inner Cities. 

While the GOP must emerge as the Party of Parents, the Dems are welcome to burnish their image as the Party of Crime.

UPDATE 11/20/21: Nothing like making an example of the most theatrical optic of the “violent insurrection” that wasn’t. Mr. Buffalo Horns, the harmless QAnon oddball, Jacob Chansley, has been sentenced to 41 months in jail after having spent nearly a year in solitary. That’ll teach ’em. As long as he doesn’t tear those tags off the prison cell mattresses, there’s a very good chance he might get paroled in 40 months. Truth, Justice and the American Way, 2020-21.

UPDATE 11/7/21: The worst attack on our republic since the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 or the fall of Troy…and the worst charges filed are for “trespassing” and “parading?” Tucker Carlson’s documentary draws us closer to the likelihood of an FBI set-up, a false flag operation designed to legitimize the elimination of all political dissent. Meanwhile, hundreds stripped of their basic American right to a swift trial by jury rot away in an Dem Party-created American Gulag.

UPDATE 11/2/21: Facts about who really did what on January 6 are becoming increasingly a problem for those Democrats/Leftists/RINOS who have cooked up the ridiculous “day of infamy” narrative to destroy all political dissent and opposition. There are innocent American citizens guilty of little or NOTHING  being held in what has become the American gulag now, and they must be released and the true story told of who put them there and why.

UPDATE 10/28/21: Information and the truth are the only real weapons with which to fight tyranny founded on lies. So, good news that the real culprits and intentions behind the so-called “insurrection” are seeing the light of day, allowing the public to get a full-frontal view of the enormous hoax at work. Tucker Carlson’s forthcoming documentary on January 6 is meeting predictable hysteria from all the right parties, including that RINOest of Trump-hating opportunists, Liz Cheney. 

10/19/21: Truth about 1/6, damaging evidence against the real perps, emerging at last?

UPDATE 10/18/21: The absurdity of equating 1/6 with 9/11 has only exposed the panicked reaction of dysfunctional political personalities (from both Parties) terrified by the idea of Americans functioning independent of their control or influence. It’s especially true of RINO snobs like Liz Cheney, George Will or George W. Bush, supposedly Shocked! Shocked! at January 6 but simply flustered at their newfound irrelevance in the face of a Republican Party that has found its grassroots base spokesman in a declasse builder from Queens.

UPDATE 10/9/21: It’s falsely declared a “Big Lie” by the biggest liars on the planet that Trump actually won Election, 2020. The depth of this Big Lie has carried over conveniently to the January 6 hoax seamlessly attached to the Big Lie as an “insurrection.”  One suffers nothing less than gut-wrenching disgust that the major culprits at work remain in power and that good people are suffering at their villainous hands. 

UPDATE 10/1/21: We’ve heard it already, but Time Magazine, not exactly known for love for Trump or conservatives in general, exposes (again) the decidedly premeditated plot to steal Election 2020. 

And California is busy making sure that stolen elections through that very same unchecked mail-in voting becomes a tradition in UniParty America.

UPDATE 9/24/21: For many of those thinking that showing up in Washington on January 6 was an American right of assembly and protest, the horror story/nightmare goes on. 

UPDATE 8/14/21: A conservative candidate for Congress, Jerrod Sessler, made a 24 minute video interview of a newly released January 6 prisoner, Karl Dresch from Michigan, who “walked right in” with the cooperation and approval of Capitol guards on January 6. He also details inhumane, unconstitutional treatment that includes being locked in a cell for more than a day at a time, being forced to take the vaccine or be denied a shave & haircut and, most significantly, the right to see an attorney. Among the “crimes” for which he has been charged: “parading,” walking up and down with an American flag.

Apparently, the visit by sitting Congressmen recently to the jail has forced those in charge to relax the severe treatment, and today Dresch is a free man. If he did not take the vaccine as he claims, he is also a principled man with spine. And if even one of the claims he has made on tape to Sessler is true, the most basic rights of Americans under this administration are no longer protected by rule of law.

UPDATE 8/7/21: So four Capitol cops that were present on January 6 suddenly wake up separately in unison one morning and decided to do themselves in? Nothing to see here…except a sinister cover-up scenario that should bring the ruling DC junta tumbling down. Will justice be done or must this wait for a Final Judgment none of us can witness in this life?

UPDATE 7/28/21: “We have turned a corner here; we are in totalitarian Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated.” GOP Congressional reps try to visit January 6 detainees, locked out; AG Garland ignores requests for an audience and fuller explanation of what is being done to unarmed trespassers now being treated as dangerous political prisoners.

UPDATE 7/28/21: Note well those questions that won’t be asked by the “Bipartisan” Committee such as “How can one justify treating a bunch of rowdy, unarmed trespassers on January 6 as badly or worse than 21 hijackers on September 11 would be treated?” Another question assiduously to be avoided: “What is this Soviet-style show trial other than a cabal of power-crazed political operatives intent on turning America into a One-Party dictatorship?”


Note all-powerful magic People’s Cubes at hand to those running the trial with the optimum efficiency and effectiveness their solemn task dictates.


Our nation suddenly finds itself in the midst of a second war on terror, launched against ALL those American citizens daring to challenge the political Party currently (and illegitimately) in power.

Looking very much like the latest release from Stasi, Cheka or the Iranian secret police.

UPDATE 7/23/21: It can’t happen here? Look again. Coming right up! Our very own American Soviet show trials!   

CHILLING STUFF. Welcome to the USSA as a January 6 protestor looks at 20 years in stir for a 10 minute walk-in/walk-out at the Capitol that day.

UPDATE 7/17/21: It’s imperative to grasp the real story of January 6 as a calculated manipulation of emotions. Drive the opposition to distraction, get a volatile reaction, declare martial law. Welcome to the totalitarian Twilight Zone. 

UPDATE 7/16/2`1: Michelle Malkin discovers how unfree Free Information access is when inquiring about no-fly lists. Prime examples are the fates of two prominent January 6 attendees, neither of whom entered the building. Just having been there could prohibit you from flying, traveling, moving, whatever else they decide you are to be denied for the criminal act of free speech, peaceable assembly, all things (when last checked) guaranteed by our Constitution.

Fence around Capitol coming down. Why are we doubtful that the Draconian persecution dogging all Trump supporters is following suit?

ORIGINAL POST 7/9/21: The bad behavior-trespassing, relatively minor property damage-of an unruly, unarmed  mob on January 6 has proven to be the greatest gift to the Left in recent years, second only to the CoronaCraze.  Totalitarian crackdown and legal threats on virtually any dissent from conservative Americans (specifically Trump/MAGA supporters) has resulted and descended like chains around our lives, based on accusations of a major crime that never happened.

Eager Leftists including the spineless Liberals in their camp, have latched onto the narrative of “violent insurrection” and “overthrowing the U.S. Government,” likening the event to 9/11 or, in the ravings of their hologram figurehead, “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Many visibly connected to the event are now rotting away in prison in tortuous solitary confinement for purposes of deprogramming without chance of bail or trial in the foreseeable future, not the stuff of traditional American justice but of Soviet gulags and routine Stasi terror. “The Lives Of Others” has become our lives. Fear, the life’s blood of those who would enslave us. is the order of the day,  How better to control a cowed public accustomed to liberty than floating doomsday lies and threats of a wide variety to force free people  to give up their God-given rights?

That’s where we are, and all freedom-loving Americans are asking themselves where are we headed? How do we fight this?

One is grateful that individual musings such as these can still be written, that information still flows freely on the Internet. But what of the millions dependent upon employers in the corporate, academic and other worlds which have gone Woke, demanding adherence to this prevailing orthodoxy of today’s Democratic Party Left? This is “Darkness At Noon,” “1984,” “The Trial,” all works of fiction based on historic, poisonous reality that appears to be seeping at present into our collective bloodstream. One can only keep living and speaking out however and whenever possible, if for  no other reason than for one’s own individual sanity. Sometimes, it only requires two like-minded souls to provide that spark of exhilaration that deeply shared values and viewpoints provides. Our greatest hope lies in making ourselves a nation of a trillion sparks, igniting a fire to reduce this looming tyranny to ashes, forever.


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