UPDATE 8/15/24: Being a man and raising a son to be a man is not for the faint-hearted. Such is the real world, completely foreign to those idealizing and pushing for a neutered society.
UPDATE 8/1/24: The deliberate corruption of all our most cherished institutions and customs is well underway in the name of “equity.” Nowhere is it more obvious than in the blurring of the sexes. The motive driving the forced inclusion of men in women’s sports is identical to that driving forced inclusion of girls into the Boy Scouts, now renamed simply Scouts. The goal in both instances is the neutering of society, denying and erasing natural sexual differences, one more front in Obama’s Permanent Civil War waged to “transform” America.
UPDATE 2/15/24: In this troubled time when we are lectured that boys and men are vessels of “toxic masculinity” and privy to all the advantages in an oppressive “patriarchal” society, a new movie called “Holdovers” provides a refreshing reminder that boys are as much (or more) in need of support and positive role models as girls.
UPDATE 2/8/24: The rather hilarious shot of the tampon dispenser very pointedly placed in the toilet displayed by Megyn Kelly and her guests is not the recent creative work of some refreshingly normal Connecticut boys but dates back a bit. Looking down this post to 5/25/23, we happily make note that even boys in HyperBlueWoke Oregon take strong issue with the insane notion that boys aren’t boys and girls aren’t girls.
UPDATE 2/3/24: It is a sad commentary on the state of the union when the destruction of a tampon dispenser in a school boys bathroom within 25 minutes of its installation stands out as the most positive, cheering sign of healthy life and spirit to report this week. The fainting couch/smelling salts response of the squeaky school principal should speak instructive volumes to parents about the sorry lot of simps “educating” their children. Give the anonymous perp(s) a medal!!
To the normal boy(s) responsible, Bravo!!
UPDATE 12/21/23: Rearing children has always been life’s greatest challenge and achievement, especially so nowadays for those determined to mold healthy boys into real men.
UPDATE 11/30/23: The politicized cudgel of “toxic masculinity” being inflicted upon men spells suicide to a society dependent upon strong males who view themselves as courageous and protectors of the undefended.
UPDATE 5/25/23: Gee, can’t imagine why normal boys are ripping tampon dispensers off the wall of their bathrooms and junking them in the toilet. The clueless school administration and their confreres across the country are not getting the message and instead chastise and threaten to punish the boys for their “perplexing” behavior.
UPDATE 5/18/23: Senator Josh Hawley has written a book called “Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs.” While the Prog Left jeers and continues to wage war on natural masculinity in men and boys, real men continue to be stalwart fathers and do the heavy lifting to keep our society safe and prosperous.
UPDATE 4/12/23: The war on binary sexuality, male and female, is just one more nihilistic, Leftist tactic to destroy objective reality, the reference points shared by all sane people in a sane society.
Does anyone with even a smattering of historical insight realize that Holocausts and Marxist bloodbaths are inevitable when those 1001 reference points are no longer in place? In the immediate wake of the Nashville shooting and the scheduled Trans Day of Vengeance, we are treated to Joe’s surreal “Proclamation on Transgender Day Of Visibility:”
“Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul — proudly serving in the military, curing deadly diseases, holding elected office, running thriving businesses, fighting for justice, raising families, and much more.”
Most disturbing to observe here are not the evil doings of the powerful propagandists force-feeding this to the masses but the presumably sane public passively accepting themadness.
UPDATE 8/13/21: The Woke Left’s war on boys, men and masculinity in general must be won, or we are literally a neutered civilization. For those of a certain generation and before, some of the best guides and touchstones remain Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and their many wonderfully rowdy, unruly, untamed, adventurous, brave compadres in classic literature. Is it any accident that such a real-life figure recently occupied the White House to the utter delight of one political demographic AND, simultaneously, the utter despair and rage of another part of the electorate?
UPDATE 1/27/19: Some perfectly nice, well-mannered Catholic schoolboys become the latest target of hate from the Proglodytes. Disappointment (or just flat denial) ensues at the failed attempt to destroy yet some more of those despicable White Males.
ORIGINAL POST 9/18/18: A boringly predictable rant by a boringly predictable Liberal/Leftist/Progressive touchstone in my social circle has made it all clear: “Let’s be serious here. We’ve got a real problem in this country with men attacking women.” So speaketh one loyal foot soldier/drone in the Left’s War on Boys & Men the day after the Blasey-Ford/Kavanaugh testimony.
Apparently, this 70-something American girl/ former teenager/ ex-coed/ wife/ mother/ grandmother/ schoolteacher/ Medicare recipient and lifelong practitioner of permanent Victimhood reared in the metropolitan NYC area, has just discovered that sex and its complexities play a part in human affairs. And it is a matter of great, grave concern to her. Girls and women must be protected (except by Conservative men with guns). Boys and men must be brought to heel, and no one is exempt from punishment. Except those boys and men who are visibly, vocally on the Left side of the playground. Heedless rock stars like Bill Clintons and Teddy Kennedys are not problems. On the other hand, perceived enemies of the Left like Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh must be destroyed. Past indiscretions common to virtually all males must be brought to light, their sordid histories scoured, if necessary going back thru the teen years to toilet training. And if there is no discernable black mark there, make it up! Totalitarian China and her social credit scores, Kafka and his looming Castle keeping tabs on private lives, psyches, souls have nothing on these people.
There are many issues at stake in our political lives, but perhaps none is as fundamental as the War on Masculinity, the determination of the Left to turn all boys and men into the cooperative eunuchs of Progressivism. The social engineering ways of the Left have taken special aim at boys and men for decades, branding natural, healthy masculinity as “toxic,” characterizing the males of the species as the archvillains in their Marxist march to Utopia. Masculinity and individualism are the ultimate enemies of aspiring tyrants.
The Ford/Kavanaugh circus just witnessed has larger ramifications than simply the Supreme Court. We’ve seen the gleeful ends to which the Left will go to destroy its opponents and take absolute power over our lives. The outcome of this battle will determine all the other fundamentals: free speech, free association, free economic markets, private property.
COLD FURY, steeled determination is required. Do we and our appointed leaders have what is required? Do enough Americans, true men and women, share these views, possess the fire to protect our lives & liberties? The midterms will tell.
The irony is that a movement labeled “feminism” strives to
– turn women in boorish, pathetic imitations of real men, and
– acculturate out of women the sacred nurturing instinct to protect their young, born and unborn.