The fate of HCQ is the fate of America…meaning: we should be led by those who choose what is proven to be or possibly be beneficial to people; but there are those who deliberately choose to thwart or withhold what is beneficial in order to acquire power over people. Such is our politics.
UPDATE 12/26/24: Legitimate studies are clearing away the fog deliberately surrounding the memorably horrific Covid response and letting the truth be told of Ivermectin’s & HCQ’s proven benefits.
And then some.
UPDATE 7/5/24: Will wonders never cease! Ivermectin is proving to be not only effective at putting the Chinese flu to flight but at fighting cancer. Wild conjecture: the campaign against Ivermectin/HCQ has been just one more Big Lie as deliberate as a “competent, sharp, cogent” Joe Biden.
UPDATE 6/13/24: Contrary to the good word of the Fauci/BigPharma cartel making billion$ off the Holy Vax, Ivermectin and other cheap, easily available remedies for a myriad of ailments (including Covid) have been proven to work just fine.
Ignore that “horse de-wormer”, they told us. We are your sole source of truth.
UPDATE 11/22/23: Millions have been forced to take untested “vaccines” while cheap, proven alternative medications have been suppressed, even criminalized. The FDA and government sources in general have proven themselves a bit less-than-trustworthy in the handling of all future PLANdemics.
UPDATE 6/25/23: Banished from consideration and branded as “misinformation,” Ivermectin is considered a miracle drug by reputable doctors actually practicing medicine on real patients unlike political operative/profiteer/grifting bureaucrat Fauci. This drug’s discoverers won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its benefits to humans suffering from malaria and other parasite-related maladies, not merely a “horse de-wormer” as derogated by those in government and the media connected to Big Pharma and its billions of dollars in “vaccine” revenue. In the case of Covid, a sane response would have been to encourage experienced doctors and scientists to try every and anything and allow real results to be made public. When politics and profits take precedence over science, we have the social and medical devastation of the Covid response.
UPDATE 6/22/23: RFK, Jr. and Joe Rogan discuss the blatant fraud committed by Big Pharma and its media/political cohorts in high places, discrediting HCQ and Ivermectin to save their $200 billion dollar “vaccine” windfall.
UPDATE 6/7/23: It’s time to look again at HCQ (and Ivermectin), and the curious determination of our medical establishment to suppress it despite its proven benefits. Failure to do so at present is about hiding the monumental crimes committed during the Covid Response fiasco. Repeat: the Covid RESPONSE fiasco, not Covid which was a nasty flu that predictably claimed lives as nasty flus have always done.
As the man says, it became political, not a medical, issue because he recommended it.
UPDATE 4/20/23: One more crime committed in the last 3 years begging for major punishment has to be the active suppression of HCQ, dooming countless lives that could have been saved.
That accomplished, real science must examine why all the suppressed Covid remedies have been anti-malarial medications. Science is something that never entered into the mendacious pronouncements of the man who modestly dubbed himself “The Science.” We await justice and, on top of retribution, the restoration of trust in medicine.
One more real scientist deliberately ignored.
UPDATE 4/6/23: What if real scientists told us that Ivermectin is actually tailor-made for treatment of ailments like Covid? Not just “horse de-wormer?” It’s a crime yet to be tried that there has always been a cheap and readily available medication for what needn’t have become a “pandemic.”
For your own good, of course.
UPDATES 3/29/23: As originally stated on this post, the history and future of HCQ run perfectly parallel to the history and future of freedom. Its overwhelming benefits suffering fanatic suppression is a model for all political tyranny crushing healthy life. Never Trump, Never HCQ, Never Over, meaning permanent Covid fear.
We all learned: if Trump recommends it, it must be banned. Reputed poison by association.
UPDATE 2/23/23: Despite attempts to suppress real scientific research and results, Ivermectin has been shown in 95 different studies to be VERY effective in treating Covid. Bad news for the power/profit goals of the BigGov/BigPharma axis, but good news for sick people.
UPDATE 1/6/23: The suppression of Ivermectin, truly a miracle drug, by the most influential forces in our government and media brings to mind the Wicked Kiwi Witch’s classically evil declaration of totalitarian authority: “Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.”
As originally stated in this post, telling the real truth about such officially vilified things as HCQ & Ivermectin tells the whole story of the sinister Great Reset underway in our lives.
UPDATE 12/28/22: Evidence continues to emerge of Ivermectin and HCQ being legitimate treatments for early stage Covid. Their suppression at the height of the hysteria was and remains the work of BigPharma fearful of cheap, easily available, effective AND competitive alternatives to their seemingly (worse than) useless vaccines.
UPDATE 11/27/22: Malaria? High use of Ivermectin? Low Covid incidence in Africa? One needn’t be a medical professional to connect some dots here. Sooner or later, the hoodwinked public will demand the easy availability of these cheap, provably EFFECTIVE alternatives to the umpteenth booster rolling off BigPharma’s money-making assembly lines.
UPDATE 10/20/22: One must wade through a lot of sensational, hysterical stuff these days, but the active suppression of cheap, alternative treatments for Covid rings totally true. Hiding behind fake concerns for human health, the alliance of BigGov/BigPharma/Big Bucks (Gates/Zuckerberg) knows a huge power/money grab when it sees it. Just one more chilling aspect of RFK, Jr.’s THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI.
UPDATE 9/23/22: Combatting illness and saving lives is no longer the essence of medicine so long as the censorship and outright banning of Ivermectin continues.
UPDATE 9/6/22: Bad news for the vax fanatics. According to an actual SCIENTIFIC study by SCIENTISTS, it is established that Ivermectin is an effective preventative for Covid. Y’know, that stuff all the armchair “scientists” reading off CNN & MSNBC teleprompters told us was a “horse de-wormer.”
UPDATE 8/27/22: Where is the justice for those who died because our Expert class slimed and banned HCQ and Ivermectin as treatments? This is one of many criminal acts that must be addressed when we’ve awakened from this nightmare and take active steps to make the whole truth known about the Covid Response disaster.
UPDATE 5/27/22: California, shining the light of disinformation on misinformation, still leads the way as it prepares to save us from HCQ, Ivermectin and all those cheap, available, effective alternatives to BigPharma’s cash cow “vaccinations.”
UPDATE 5/14/22: Despite widespread reports of positive reports of Ivermectin’s use combatting Covid, the determined campaign against “Vaccine” alternatives continues. Forget about the new Disinformation Governance Board. The American Fed has already established itself as our Orwellian Ministry of Truth, dictating like that totalitarian woman running the New Zealand lockdowns to “Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.”
4/25/22: Dr. Ben Carson once again has called out the foul scandal surrounding official banning & bad-mouthing of therapeutics that might “compete” with the officially approved “vaccines.” You don’t suppose this has anything to do with the potential billion$ in lost “vaccine” revenue by Big Pharma and dilution of centralized power wielded by the NIH, CDC, WHO and the soulless “experts” speaking for them?
UPDATE 3/27/22: When officialdom honors a doctor on one hand while simultaneously doing a criminal investigation into his worthy work on offering alternative treatments for The Virus, you have a mentally ill society. The good/bad deed in question is that terrible/wonderful remedy/horse dewormer Ivermectin.
UPDATE 3/25/22: As stated in the original post on HCQ, determined dismissal and even criminalization of alternatives to “official” remedies (like “vaccines”) is a study in totalitarianism and its terrible consequences. Simple, cheap (and often effective) remedies such as aspirin have been smeared as “disinformation.” Common household hydrogen peroxide, heavily diluted and dispensed as an aerosol, has been shown to be an effective antidote to preventing and even fighting respiratory infection. THIS IS NOT TO ENCOURAGE DIRECT INHALATION, but rather one more remedy like HCQ or Ivermectin, blackballed by “the experts,” that has real curative possibilities in some cases.
In an atmosphere of genuine science that benefits humanity, all options should remain open. Cases and symptoms vary in severity, and one remedy ineffective for one may prove life-saving for another. Unfortunately for all of us, our trust has been undermined by arrogant “experts'” dismissing and even outlawing simpler cheap options while exclusively pushing the so-called “vaccines” that have put $billions in their pockets and those of their corporate cronies. The thinking public is on its own, now forced to proceed with rational caution and only their own good sense for guidance. By their own hand, the “experts” are now to be considered dangerous until proven otherwise.
UPDATE 3/16/22: The war on HCQ and other alternatives to the Vax/Mask scam continues to rage. Has it been mentioned that this has never been about the common good but rather the insatiable power pursuits of bloodless corruptocrats? Science and truth, you ask? Fuggedaboutit.
UPDATE 3/12/22: Tennessee does itself proud by moving to make Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine legal.
UPDATE 2/28/22: Where is the outrage that those straying from the official line of treatments for Covid have found themselves on the receiving end of legal threats, censorship, disbarment, excommunication? Not only HCQ and Ivermectin have been “officially” declared taboo and punishable even to be mentioned, but even Vitamin C as well. To those still addicted to their indoctrination, Dr. Big Brother (Fauci & Co.) in cahoots with their profiteering Big Pharma & MSM comrades still insist that only The Vaccine and their line of approved medications are acceptable.
2/17/22: That people have to go to court to get an FDA approved drug administered to their dying relative AND get refused is a crime beyond description. It becomes clearer with each horrific incident that the whole Covid lockdown/mask/vaccine thing has never been about promoting health or saving lives. This suppression of free scientific inquiry, HCQ being a prominent case in point, is a hallmark of the worst tyrannies; and we’re heading to that Stalinist state of affairs when even a stated opinion can lead to severe punishment. All dissent, scientific or otherwise, is now branded “terror” or “misinformation.”
Behold the Science Establishment, 2022.
UPDATE 2/9/22: Things are going really Soviet as one more eminent physician and researcher from Maine, Dr. Meryl Nass, finds herself on the receiving end of license suspension for prescribing Ivermectin. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of Monroe NY has been there from the start, successfully treating thousands with HCQ, and he’s still at it. How can HCQ, Ivermectin and other drugs long ago approved and successfully used in various treatments be suddenly declared dangerous or even illegal?
Will the sheeple allow themselves to hear the truth and recognize the deliberate lies they’ve swallowed? We are far past the point where this is to be considered just “caution” on the part of any conscientious scientific/medical establishment. This is Stalinist tyranny.
UPDATE 2/5/22: As posited at the beginning of this post topic, our future pivots on the ability for all medical possibilities to be available for treatment of…whatever. This goes hand-in-hand with free speech and free inquiry without which we are the U.S.S.A. Since when in the formerly free world have legitimate treatments for the seriously ill suddenly, pointedly been aggressively smeared (as “misinformation”) and forbidden from even casual mention or suggestion?
This is kiosk in a Mexican airport.
UPDATE 1/27/22: The Brandon administration seems to be outdoing itself in directly assaulting, even killing those Americans it has decided are enemies. The State of Florida and its residents are Enemy #1 this week with the deliberate outlawing of monoclonal antibody treatments for Covid patients. Suddenly, another viable alternative to Brandonista BigPHarma vaccines is being actively suppressed and smeared as medical “misinformation.” One treatment fits all. Big Brother knows best. Not merely politics, but pure evil.
UPDATE 1/21/22: To allow and encourage free use of the cheap, available alternative treatments for Covid would be to admit the whole lockdown/vaccine/mask routine has been a scam and a lie. It’s the old trap laid for themselves by serial liars. They are never going to back down now, even when the result is people dying unnecessarily.
UPDATE 1/5/22: Coordinated suppression of Ivermectin & HCQ’s effectiveness is only the departure point for this illuminating and disturbing interview with Dr. Robert Malone. Note to world: ignore only in the event of trusting “experts” over embracing the truth and what fortifies liberty and benefits people.
UPDATE 12/19/21: Eminent neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson offers common sense now falling on deaf ears en masse: “’We should be using every tool available to us to fight the pandemic,’ meaning not just vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, but also therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. ‘Let’s look at all of these things. … And let’s throw the politics out.’”
If nothing more, for the sake of kids now being jabbed without hesitation, there must be research, long-range testing.
So long as the masses slavishly follow those for whom there is political and financial profit to be made, the dystopian nightmare will continue and even get worse.
UPDATE 12/18/21: Trying something cheaper and more effective than The Vaccine can get you fired or arrested. We’ve gone Through The Looking Glass.
UPDATE 12/7/21: Who says “Follow The Money” doesn’t explain a LOT about why HCQ, Ivermectin and a number of other cheap, easily available, long-proven safe remedies for Covid are practically criminalized while Big Pharma vaxxing is being forced on the public? For the skeptical, read the transcribed conversation between high level bureaucrats contained in RFK Jr.’s expose, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Unlike Eric Hoffer’s lament about good causes inevitably devolving into rackets, Covid was never a “good cause” but a racket from the start.
UPDATE 11/17/21: If, thanks to all the available, inexpensive remedies for treating covid, the so-called “pandemic” suddenly ended, so would the Great Reset now underway thanks to the “safety” of enforced mass paralysis. You don’t suppose sliming and canceling these alternative treatments have anything to do with crony capitalist Big Pharma profits, do you?
UPDATE 11/13/21: Linking the survival of freedom and America with the acceptance of cheap, easily available covid antidotes like HCQ and Ivermectin is not far-fetched when looking at the iron determination of the Brandon administration and its allies to seize absolute power on the pretext of a “pandemic.” The last thing our Elite superiors want to hear about are simple, legitimate solutions to ANY problem. And the first thing they want is that the masses of stupid individuals slavishly following and enabling them remain stupid.
UPDATE 11/6/21: Using Ivermectin in India and Japan (which has suspended injections in favor of the drug) has decimated Covid infection rates. Who you gonna believe? Discount at your own risk.
UPDATE 11/4/21: The shocking, widespread resistance of the medical establishment to cheap, plentiful and provably effective supplements goes hand-in-hand with the rejection of ivermectin and HCQ as antidotes to Covid. Perhaps medicine has really become all about power, one more reason the doctors and scientists most loudly touting “medical science” have lost all credibility. Most of us have good reason to believe it’s all about something FAR removed from altruistic, medical or scientific motives. Like maybe, perhaps, possibly, could it be…money?
UPDATE 10/19/21: Guess what? Aspirin has been indicted for trying to violently overthrow the U.S. Government…Oh wait, got my villains mixed up. Aspirin is to be denied entry to the local Shop-Rite for refusing to show its vaccination papers….Oops. Sorry. Getting so confused trying to keep all these bad guys straight. OK. Here’s the dope…Hmmm, bad word choice. Here’s the real story: aspirin might, like those nasty, untouchable concoctions HCQ and Ivermectin, be an effective antidote to Covid symptoms. But don’t dare take it until you get permission from Dr. Fauci or one of his assistant stooges.
UPDATE 10/5/21: Besides HCQ and Ivermectin (more about its history here), there are a multitude of other existent and developing options for prevention and treatment of Covid and other viruses. This is welcome news to the rational and anathema to those control freaks who continue to dine out on mass lockdowns and restrictions.
UPDATE 9/26/21: Do most people know that the developers of the villainized “horse medicine” Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for what amounts to a miracle drug that eradicates parasites in both humans and animals?
Despite relentless mass media censorship of information about self-medication for The Virus, there is plenty of information about what’s available, evidence of their effectiveness and why they work.
UPDATE 9/16/21: When the tale is fully told, there have always been inexpensive drugs and educated self-medication as an alternative to hysteria, lockdowns, masks and the further division of the country. Zinc, Vitamin C, Ivermectin, HCQ.
UPDATE 9/7/21: Australia continues on its shocking totalitarian way as leading politicians now threaten the unvaccinated with a total withdrawal of healthcare. We are seeing a seemingly free, Westernized society suddenly frozen into the rigidity and control of the worst communist dictatorships. When offered some nice-sounding perk like “socialized medicine,” be prepared to find that “free” service rationed or totally withdrawn at the whim of the benevolent Single Payer.
UPDATE 9/7/21: Ivermectin has fully joined HCQ as the pharmaceutical pariah/whipping boy and latest projected “misinformation” meme of the rabidly pro-vax/mask/lockdown Left. The latest is a fake story floated by MSM bigs about an Oklahoma overdose epidemic of this “horse medicine.”
UPDATE 9/3/21: Ivermectin and HCQ continue to be obsessively slandered, slimed & discredited like any human enemy of the Woke Progressive agenda. This fervent campaign to discredit legitimate medical professionals genuinely seeking solutions and those patients who have seen their Covid symptoms allayed by these long-approved drugs must be heard. And how lethal as claimed can Ivermectin be if the CDC prescribes it for Afghan refugees?
UPDATE 8/4/21: The shameful record of our benevolent BigGov attacking cheap, available solutions to most cases of The Virus. Why, one asks? “Power, born of ignorance and fear,” one can authoritatively respond.
UPDATE 7/25/21: Medicine, science, people’s health is the last thing on the minds of those intent on suppressing information about cheap, available solutions to their exploitable “crises.”
UPDATE 7/17/21: More evidence that HCQ works (3 times higher survival rate) demonstrates that real science has been ignored and a major crime against humanity committed for the sole purpose of political power.
UPDATE 7/6/21: Fauci knew all along that HCQ is a legitimate option for treating Covid. Finding out why HCQ and other available cheap treatments have become taboo sheds all necessary light on what’s been done to us by him and those using him as their instrument of political control.
UPDATE 6/20/21: Ivermectin is one of the other most prominent (and provably effective) drugs alongside HCQ that has become the pharmaceutical equivalent of a January 6 MAGA supporter now rotting away in solitary confinement. Contributing to this politicization of medicine, the AMA now punishes dissent from the prevailing pc orthodoxy, doing MUCH harm contrary to the Hippocratic Oath all doctors take.
UPDATE 6/9/21: Wonders be! HCQ boosted Covid survival by 200% in one controlled study. Lesson learned (by some): do what works, not what’s politically correct. THAT is following the science, not the corrupt, seriously flawed human beings posing as high priest “scientists” during this entire insane episode.
UPDATE 6/4/21: The remarkable Israelis have come up with what promises to be a quick cure for Covid. Has it occurred to anyone that necessity is the mother of invention and that all life doesn’t have to stop while industrious human genius (free people in free markets) cooks up that necessary invention? Or, God forbid, tries things like HCQ and Ivermectin, already proven effective and easily available for use?
Most importantly, will the public remember this the next time or fall for the totally politicized, totally unscientific Big Scare again?
UPDATE 5/31/21: The remarkable Israelis have come up with what promises to be a quick cure for Covid. Has it occurred to anyone that necessity is the mother of invention and that all life doesn’t have to stop while human genius (operating as a free people in a free market) cooks up that necessary invention? Or, God forbid, try things like HCQ and Ivermectin, already proven effective and easily available for use?
More importantly, will the public remember this the next time or fall for the totally politicized, totally unscientific Big Scare again?
UPDATE 5/28/21: The authors and pushers of the narrative discrediting the use of HCQ and Ivermectin to counter Covid clearly hate science, hate truth and hate life. Don’t tell the Great Dr. Fauci and his ilk, but those “Trump drugs,” villainized here , are saving lives in India.
UPDATE 5/9/21: Astonishment here that Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who successfully prescribes the taboo Trump-associated HCQ and zinc to his Covid patients, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Though this honor has lost much of its credibility and prestige thanks to its preference for predominantly anti-American Leftist frauds as its honorees (Arafat, Menchu, Obama), it’s refreshing to see a real hero get well-deserved praise and recognition.
UPDATE 4/14/21: Would it be of interest to those naysaying HCQ that chlorinated swimming pool water kills Covid in seconds? Just sayin’.
UPDATE 2/9/21: The ongoing campaign by the medical establishment (and its parent Big Gov Establishment) against easy availability of HCQ and zinc to prevent & treat Covid will prove in any honest court of law or public opinion to be criminal negligence, medical malpractice, a deliberate assault on humanity in pursuit of political power. Truth again proves to be the mortal enemy of the TrumpHaters now in the process of assuming absolute control over all aspects of our lives.
![By most honest accounts, an unbeatable combination.](
UPDATE 2/2/21: It’s becoming clearer that one can understand all the unsettling elements of the current “Transformation” in the story of HCQ over the last year. For those seeking the suddenly hard-to-get HCQ, there is AMERICASFRONTLINGDOCTORS.COM, recommended online by Dennis Prager. Time will tell how long this site is allowed to operate. The arrest of Dr. Simone Gold (a founder of America’s Frontline Doctors) in connection with January 6 provides further chilling evidence of Covid’s politicization, the eager criminalizing of anyone connected with HCQ.
UPDATE 1/30/21: The title [The Fate of HCQ=The Fate of America] for this post now is more appropriate than ever. Based on the prevailing anti-Trump political climate, not on real science or whatever benefits are to be gained by the public, the politically correct AMA has withdrawn its previous(see 12/14/20) endorsement of HCQ. Despite the proven benefits provided by real scientists and medical professionals treating real patients like Dr. Stella Immanuel or Dr. Zelenko referenced below, politics continues to override real science and the market place. Unsurprisingly, both Immanuel and Zelenko have been specifically targets of character assassination. We shall see if a new development of a nasal spray effectively combatting the CCP virus from Israel will also be shredded into irrelevance…or hailed as a triumph of the Biden administration’s briliant, compassionate foresight. Farewell to the free choice of the free market. Now the State will decide how, what, when, where, if you may buy or sell anything.
UPDATE 12/27/20: The aforementioned Dr. Zev Zelenko, suffering the collateral damage of being an advocate of HCQ [and of Trump by such association] has his own website full of studies documenting with real science and real patients successful treatment of the Chinese virus using HCQ. As said, the Trump-haters are entitled to their opinions but not their own facts. But we are far, far past the point of naivete believing there is any honest opinion coming from the anti-Trump crowd. Or, for that matter, the slightest interest in facts. In FACT, quite the opposite. Objective reality, real truth higher than any opinion, is Enemy #1 of the Master Planners, the Great ReSetters.
UPDATE 12/23/20: Hardly an accident that the world’s second largest factory producing the basics for HCQ manufacture has been destroyed by fire in Taiwan. The corruption attending virtually every aspect of the CoronaCraze is telling, not least of all the criminal benefits the whole manufactured crisis continues to provide. And hardly an accident that a bomb has exploded in Nashville in an attempt to destroy any potential evidence of electoral malfeasance. The two currently active prongs of assault on America-Covid lockdown and electoral fraud-must be protected and prolonged, by violence if necessary.
UPDATE 12/14/20: Oh! The AMA has suddenly decided HCQ isn’t poison after all but really ok (like it’s been for decades) to prescribe now that Trump doesn’t appear to be President-Elect. This is the eminent gatekeeper and guardian of that profession whose millennia-old Oath is “First do no harm”….(lately expanded upon with the addendum “…unless it’s politically .expedient.”
UPDATE 12/10/20: The original post here (8/23/20) identified the predicted fate of HCQ as the fate of America because the Dem Left long ago decided that any policy, idea or product associated with POTUS DJT is to be immediately ridiculed and rejected. If that’s the case, and we’re cursed with a Biden Presidency, it appears that all Trump’s stellar achievements on America’s behalf are to be jettisoned with the same cold contempt as HCQ: the Border Wall; relaxed regulations and low taxes creating a boom economy and record low unemployment for minorities; most of the Middle East aligned with Israel, not gunning for its annihilation. Odd what common sense and a devotion to liberty over mythical Outcome Equality can accomplish, but don’t upset the Left with a vision like Things That Work. They would find themselves exposed and discarded as the obsolete and useless destroyers they are.
UPDATE 11/29/20: The crime of mass Lockdown in pursuit of “safety” meets the judgment seat of facts. Likewise, HCQ effectiveness in combatting the virus is once again evident to those actually interested in medical solutions and not political power.
UPDATE 10/26/20: Beware “Experts” indeed, especially those allied with a Leftist agenda of mass control. Fauci knew full well about HCQ and approved of it years back. Yet worldwide lockdown and adamant propagandizing against HCQ for common use was “the good doctor’s” prescription for what should have been a manageable epidemic. Think of the lives needlessly shattered and lost, the businesses ruined, the non-Covid patients left untreated, all still in force. Repeating: this is no mistake; this is a crime. Will things change once we are past the election when Trump can exert his full power to fully open the country again?
UPDATE 9/6/20: For all those waiting to come out of hiding until a vaccine for Covid is found, here’s a cautionary tale of Bill Gates’ messianic impulses gone awry. For many, like Kamala, TDS is reason enough not to trust to trust any vaccine that might come out soon. If Trump’s for it, I’m ag’in’ it. Must be bad…that is, until it’s forced on everyone by UN Globalist Democrats like W.H.O…or Bill Gates.
UPDATE 8/29/20: As with virtually all political corruption, HCQ and the whole elaborate Covid Scam, FOLLOW THE MONEY.
UPDATE 8/25/20: Countering the Dr. Death Democrats into euthanasia, abortion and the multitude of morgue-like perks of Leftism, this administration offers the “Right To Try” legislation permitting experimental drugs and treatments for the seriously ill with nowhere else to turn. Its bureaucratic opponents bear a remarkable resemblance to those who have made HCQ hard to get, just one more stab at “Getting Trump.” Therein, another world of difference between what is offered this November at the ballot box: hope, not hemlock; gratitude, not grievances.
ORIGINAL POST 8/23/20: In the slanderous smog of disinformation deliberately created around the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) lies the whole perverse story of today’s Democratic Party, the life-and-death choice Americans face in the upcoming election.
Here from an earlier post with important links:
“Not for the first time in both recent and long past history, a lethal virus hits the world, but in unprecedented panic, the entire society is shut down. Responsible leadership encourages all preventive and curative options be explored. The long-established (and inexpensive) drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) used for decades as effective medication for malaria among a number of other serious ailments is mentioned by President Trump as a hopeful antidote. Not only is the reaction scornful from the usual suspects but mere mention of the drug and its documented success both present and past are censored on social media, and every effort to find a solution via information or availability of the drug is criminalized by predictably Dem officials. [But…but…I thought curing this nasty thing was what “we’re all in this together” for.]”
Restating the obvious: here is an INEXPENSIVE DRUG on the market for decades PROVEN SAFE FOR USE as treatment and/or a preventive measure for a variety of serious ailments including malaria and lupus. Suddenly, when publicly suggested by Trump as a proven prophylaxis for the WuFlu in its earliest stages, it has been branded by the Leftist-controlled medical bureaucracy (WHO, Fauci & Co.) and its slavish MSM mouthpiece as poison, withdrawn from use, its dispensing by medical professionals outlawed and subject to severe punishment wherever enforceable in Leftist domains. For hardcore Dems like Kamala Harris’ sister, suffering from lupus (and an HCQ user!), Trump’s endorsement is spun as a malicious attempt to deplete the drug’s supply on the market by diverting it away from worthies like herself (to Covid sufferers!). No good deed goes unpunished or undistorted in ProgressoWorld.
The “social murder” of Cancel Culture is not just for individuals considered dangerous to The Dem Cause. Real solutions to real problems, effective products in the marketplace such as HCQ, are targets for defamation, erasure, liquidation, destruction. For this Party there is nothing, no lie left untold, no rule unbroken that deters them in their quest to regain power. Is it any mystery why, from the start back in March, the prolongation of this medical epidemic is one of the main platforms of today’s Democratic Party? Any means to their ends, even the needless death of American citizens.
It’s an old story, the drama (and its heinous results) of promised paradise for the mindless masses. That there is any adult who cannot stop and ask themselves why and how this continues to come about suggests a deeper problem here and around the world: there are many people past the age of 21 who will never be adults. Rather, millions of voting “grown-ups” remain stuck in the infantile phase of personal development, caught up in one huge collective tantrum of I WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT!! They are unsatisfied children, oblivious to the consequences or results of their unreasoned demands. For them, politics is not about freedom and the achievement of independence. It’s not Get Out Of My Way! Leave Me Alone! and Let Me Live!, but only, Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
Given the chance, this disaster will be rectified by an administration that exists to solve problems and get out of Americans’ way. The appointment of Dr. Scott Atlas to eventually replace the execrable Fauci and his minions is an encouraging move. Perhaps one day rational and honest doubters may wince at their perverse enthusiasm for self-serving politicians like Show Boat Andy and applaud the ones that actually solve the problems.
The bottom line is that we can now add an enormous percentage of the Covid dead (some legit data suggests potentially 40-50% could have been saved by HCQ) to the 100 million+ souls who have perished prematurely over the last century in pursuit of socialism/communism. Those willing to doubt this are free to enjoy the grim consequences. Unfortunately, that means the rest of us must go down the drain with them. What better motto for socialism/communism than “Share The Misery”?
51 Replies to “The Fate of HCQ/IVERMECTIN=The Fate of America”