
UPDATE 10/24/24: Daniel Penny’s legal persecution is sadly reminiscent of Bernie Goetz’ case 40 years back. The question still to be answered is whether citizens, in the absence of effective law enforcement, are allowed to use force to defend themselves against criminal assault.

UPDATE 9/21/24: It’s certainly no surprise the hollow gourd tapped to replace the equally ethereal Wilmington ghost declared during Oprah’s Kamala Infomercial that she plans to shoot anyone who breaks into her house.  That’s just a reminder that Dems like her anointed to rule over us are entitled to basic rights (like gun possession and self-defense) that the rest of us little people don’t really need or deserve. We are further reassured that SHE feels safe despite those failed (and oddly ignored) attempts to take out her chief rival.

Oprah is shocked, shocked, shocked at loose-lipped Pistol Packin’ Momala. More likely, she is having an unexpectedly negative reaction to the flood of verbal diarrhea, slowly, slowly engulfing the stage of O’s oh-so-cool Hollywood Happening.

UPDATE 9/14/23: Knowing full well she’d never get away with it, what is the real motive for Lujan-Grisham pulling the stunt of disarming New Mexicans for a month? Emboldened criminals in the Land of Enchantment must’ve been busy making special plans for the next 30 days. Perhaps it was a trial balloon for the gun grabbers lobby declaring, “Let’s just do it and see if there’s any significant resistance.” Happily, there was. 

Gun grabber and fancy dancer.

UPDATE 8/18/23: Destruction of the Second Amendment ranks high on New Jersey’s list of to-dos now that the Garden State can sue gun companies as “public nuisances.” 

UPDATE 8/8/23: As the outrageous case of the convenience store Sikhs demonstrate, protecting your own property and business and, for that matter, your life can get you in trouble with the law. Apparently, shoplifting and assault are no longer considered illegal. In the sage words of the scofflaw perpetrator in question, “There ain’t nothin’ you can do.”

As if we’re supposed to be relieved that everything is fine, we’re informed that the store employees will not be charged. Happy ending…until the inevitable next time this stupid lug or one of his many like-minded low-lifes walk in to help themselves.

UPDATE 6/19/23: The Daniel Penny case belongs squarely alongside the gun-grabbing move to criminalize self-defense. Making a hero out of a mentally ill, dangerous criminal and a villainizing a good Samaritan is an assault on common sense and morality in general.

UPDATE 5/4/23: Feel safer knowing our military is now so diverse?

UPDATE 4/15/23:

UPDATE 3/28/23: So now we have a biological woman who wanted to be a man making a name for herself  by shooting up a church school and killing 6 in Tennessee. Will we be hearing about the mental illness of gender dysphoria? Or, as usual, how awful guns are and that it’s all Republicans’ fault? Will this be classified as a hate crime against Christians?  Is “crazy” too harsh a word for her? Or should we focus on the really important issue of pronouns and respectfully say “him” or “them?” Is there even a glimmer of a chance we’ll hear about the necessity for innocent people to defend themselves against the evil and mentally ill?

Will we hear that this killing closely coincides with a planned“TRANS DAY OF VENGEANCE?” Read all about it here because it will be one of those news items that mysteriously disappear or fail to appear at all in the MSM. Or, on the contrary, the press will join in loudly applauding the shooter’s’ disgruntled Trans peers getting off on fantasies of Getting Even despite the horrific insanity in Nashville. The killer’s manifesto remains unreleased lest it reflect badly on the transgender propaganda madness that clearly played a major part in the killer’s derangement.

Trans genocide? Paranoid projection on steroids. Look at those faces. One needn’t be a shrink to identify insanity staring out at you. 

P.S. The “Day Of Vengeance” has been canceled, but not, of course, for rational reasons.  Amazingly, the organizers claim THEIR lives are in danger in the wake of the Nashville shooting. Funny that, considering one of their own mentally fractured cult just slaughtered 6 innocents, presumably in self-defense!  And why not? If Jane Fonda and lesser-known rabble publicly applaud violence in service to their noble causes, what’s your beef? True madness freely runs amok in our culture.


UPDATE 7/16/22: No society can last long that not only prohibits but punishes self-defense. One only hopes it’s the politicians enforcing such madness who don’t last long.

UPDATE 7/7/22: With their usual deep thinking, the GunFreeZoners are calling for…what else?…more gun confiscation laws to save us. They missed the message that the Highland Park loon managed to slither gracefully around one of the nation’s most tangled webs of magic solutions like laws, restrictions, background checks, red flags and easily killed a lot of people for his own perverse pleasure. Their fresh, new solution: make it impossible for law-abiding normals to protect themselves! What’s that old definition of insanity again? 

UPDATE 6/24/22: The bottom line for gun control advocates  is not protecting people but controlling them en masse by NOT allowing them to protect themselves. Just dial 911 & wait for the cops to arrive…like in Uvalde. Second Amendment defender Marjorie Taylor Greene has choice words for a prissy Britisher proud of the fact that they only have mass stabbings and no shootings in their green and pleasant land.

UPDATE 6/8/22: Perhaps the words of one rational parent who lost a child to a maniac’s actions, not the gun he was carrying, will carry some weight.

And there is this grieving mother who has retained her common sense despite personal tragedy.

UPDATE 6/8/22: Uvalde is proving to be a bellwether for what ominously looks like America’s decline. As asked elsewhere (Ma): “Are we virtuous enough to survive?”

UPDATE 5/28/22: Like the the Parkland (Florida) shooting a few years back, the Uvalde (Texas) police were unprepared and even unwilling to do their stated, professional duty and use force immediately to protect the public. In this case, nearly an hour elapsed while pleading parents outside begged for action as 19 children and 2 adults were slaughtered. The issue is indeed guns: the responsible, experienced public getting accustomed to using them to deter armed murderers and, in these all-too-real-life situations, kill them. One armed off-duty cop didn’t think twice about running into the school building to evacuate dozens.

It has yet to occur to too many Americans that they are shirking their adult responsibility and privilege to use the Second Amendment to defend themselves. Those intent on eliminating guns and universal gun use are the ones bearing the responsibility for future bloodshed of the innocent.

UPDATE 2/24/22: The Ukraine has been left particularly vulnerable by allowing itself to be disarmed some time back in exchange for so-called promises of security. Bad decision.

UPDATE 2/16/22: Ridiculous and dangerous precedent set as Remington is forced to pay $73 million to Sandy Hook families for manufacturing the gun wantonly misused by the maniac who did the shooting. This legal cave-in is one more serious body blow to the Second Amendment and to the basic rights of Americans in general.

UPDATE 2/3/22: The clever and enterprising J.P. Sears comes clean about a former blind spot he had about guns. 

UPDATE 1/3/22: Our descent into lawlessness and perhaps the total dissolution of America as we’ve known her is perfectly illustrated by a young Black thug’s random attack and robbery of an elderly woman in a prosperous Los Angeles shopping district. The woman’s outrage at her attacker is surpassed by utter disgust at the Leftist politicians allowing/encouraging this to happen. Today’s Democrats are the Party of Crime.

UPDATE 1/1/22: Sensible start to the new year as Woke, gun-loathing Hollywoodites (& other prosperous Los Angelenos) decide against the prevailing “More Gun Control!!” narrative and come out in big numbers to cover their own collective ass by physically defending themselves…the old-fashioned way.

UPDATE 6/18/21: Guilty of threatening a mob of thugs? What did the McCloskeys do that allows the authorities to confiscate their guns? Not an encouraging message here.

UPDATE 3/28/21; Since the country was founded, gun ownership was not just a privilege but the duty of responsible adults obliged to protect themselves, their families and their property. Perspective on firearms and self-defense seems to have changed a bit through the years. Now, we’re informed by our betters that they need to take away our guns for our “safety.” If a bald lie like that works on a stupid American citizenry, maybe it might work to shut down all businesses, ruin the economy, open the door to election fraud and total transformation of the country as we’ve known it for 250 years. Certainly worth a try!

UPDATE 8/12/19: A few facts and figures with regard to guns. The gun-grabbers, immune to facts, will undoubtedly continue to create their own reality surrounding the fundamental rights of Americans to defend themselves.

ORIGINAL POST 8/11/19: Liberalism/Socialism/Marxist/Leftism/Progressivism is replete with ideas about controlling people’s lives, taking away their basic Constitutional rights and private property. But “gun control”  has a special emotional appeal to the mindless flock. Like Climate Change/Saving The Planet, Free Stuff For All, it promises great moral rewards to its noble advocates. And one needn’t do anything! The government will take care of things, and I’m a virtuous person for supporting it!!

Alas, there are certain inconsistencies in this Leftist Gospel. Do we call for banning air travel each rare time an aviation disaster occurs? Drunk drivers kill all the time, but where are the impassioned calls for banning cars and bringing back Prohibition? The fact that mass gun killings still make headlines suggests the relative rarity of the mentally ill acting out their maniacal fantasies. There are hundreds of millions of guns in America that have no part in criminal activity.

But, in the frenzied impulse to “do something, anything!”, there has now been a call for “red flag” monitoring, much akin to the totalitarian social score report cards now implemented throughout Communist China. Thanks to hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras catching run red lights, jaywalking, politically incorrect opinions overheard, improper gender pronouns utilized in public, it’s no more guns for you…and off to the re-education camp!

Those swept up in the now-predictable anti-gun hysteria might pause at the ratio of lives & property saved & protected versus the number of times a lunatic sets out to slaughter a whole lot of people. Granted, one is not figuring in all those shootings in American Inner Cities and other gun-free zones proudly represented (and perpetuated), without exception, by the Democratic Party. But that’s the idea: where criminals have all the guns and good people are disarmed, the Donkey Mafia retains its power. It’s ALL about control.





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