AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 9/27/23: Tulsi Gabbard makes the irrefutable case for Trump and against the forces determined to destroy him.
“The political prosecution of Trump is an obvious attempt by Biden/Dem elite to drain Trump’s attention and resources. Their actions expose their utter contempt for democracy and the rule of law—and makes laughable all of their verbiage about ‘protecting democracies around the world.'”
UPDATE 9/26/23:
Do a good deed, a mitvah.
UPDATE 9/24/23: In Ukrainian-born Congresswoman Victoria Spartz(R-IN), we discover a stunningly welcome new voice.
UPDATE 9/29/23: The Republican debates are not producing an alternative to Trump. The Never Trumpers and Big Money control freaks may be fishing for the un-Trump, but sensible voters are sticking with him. Queries political adult Newt Gingrich, “Do you want to see Joe Biden re-elected or do you want to help Donald Trump?”
For anyone genuinely interested in turning back the dark forces overtaking us, Trump is the only choice.
UPDATE 9/30/23: A whole society rolling over for lockdowns and carried away in the hysteria of Climate Emergency, Gender Spectrums and Critical Race Theory/BLM will at some point be forced to look in the mirror and see its own insanity. Are people willing to admit to being such fools?
UPDATE 9/28/23: There’s a meme circulating about “how often men think of Rome,” meaning: a sober contemplation of a parallel American decline and fall. As things in BrandonWorld continue to go downhill daily, such dark thoughts are not unjustified.
UPDATE 9/25/23: Those anti-social traits and behaviors (Cluster B) once isolated and treated on the fringes of an otherwise stable society have become mass mainstream norms. The unsurprising result is finding ourselves in thrall to the sick leaders we have voluntarily chosen. Have not most totalitarian nightmares begun in free elections at the ballot box? Do not elected tyrants reflect the irrational mob that has put them in power?
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 9/28/23: THE overriding issue these days is corrupted elections. Does all the campaigning/politicking matter if the result is sinister Deep State ventriloquism, the voice of tyrants replacing Election Day vox populi?
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 9/27/23: Nothing suspicious about J6 video star Ray Epps suddenly being charged at this very late date (last week) with a misdemeanor, pleading guilty and walking free. The man is on camera actively, repeatedly screaming at those around him, on both January 5th and 6th, to storm the Capitol at different spots in the crowd.
Meanwhile, how many dozens of Trump supporters guilty of nothing more than being present that day have been arrested, locked up to rot indefinitely while awaiting insanely long jail sentences already being handed out? How convenient that this one obvious rabble rouser, already sympathetically profiled in the NY Times on July 13, 2022 as “the unwitting face of an attempt by pro-Trump forces to promote the baseless idea that the F.B.I. was behind the attack on the Capitol” has also warranted his very own exoneration segment on “60 Minutes,” prominently advertised as “undermining conspiracy theory.” Naturally, Tucker Carlson, most prominently on record for pointing all this out, is now a fulltime target for cancellation and discreditation. Nothing suspicious here.
UPDATE 9/24/23: Peacefully, patriotically showing up to protest a crooked election on J6 doomed Matthew Perna to BrandonWorld’s boot stomping on his face and, ultimately, suicide at age 37. He, his family and the rest of decent America can only look forward to full accountability from a distinctly un-American Democrat Party regime and those blind fools among the electorate actively applauding this tyranny. Yes, it can happen here but not as predicted by those useful idiots on the Left.
UPDATE 9/26/23: Clueless Libs and hardened Leftists have successfully created their wished-for mad, mad, mad WokeWorld. The problem is they suddenly find themselves living with the consequences, and it upsets them: floods of illegals (and the attendant crime spike) in their own back yards, ridiculously expensive electric cars forced upon them that don’t work, vaccines/masks/lockdowns ruining billions of lives, Woke race theories that benefit no one except the hucksters flakking them…
It hurts, Monsieur Lib? Quel surprise.
Being religiously devoted to their fundamentally false, inevitably destructive ideas, there is little chance confirmed Leftists will relent. Instead, they’ll try again, congratulate themselves on getting their noble lies out there in WokeWorld, far away from any consequences they might have to suffer themselves.
On an optimistic note, there is a rational segment of the population that is demanding a turn-around, insistent that healthy life must thrive. Which side will prevail?
UPDATE 9/28/23: NYC is on its way to full-blown, lawless Californication, and those residents who voted for both Di Blasio and Adams remain disconnected from what they have wrought.
9/30/23: Standing up to trans tyranny, a prominent Irish writer has found himself without many of his friends, a home, a marriage and a career. Reading this account of unrelenting attack from the Gender Stasi and its willing supporters in the court of public opinion, one feels we have gone beyond approaching danger to an omnipresent, dystopian nightmare beyond imagining.
Writer Graham Linehan.
UPDATE 9/30/23: Abandoning cursive writing for the young has not only shut off much of essential history and culture from them but robbed them of one more physical connection to thought and expression. Is all literary and artistic expression going to be just pushing buttons in the future? Or more pitifully, just voice activated artificial intelligence? Yet one more crime visited upon children by a Woke Brave New World.
UPDATE 9/28/23: Those uppity parents demanding control of their children’s education and development are at it again, thankfully.
UPDATE 9/27/23: Our parents went to war against the German/Japanese Axis of Evil. China/Russia/Iran are most likely, separately or together, to bring us the 21st century version of uncontained hell on earth. In sheer numbers and relentless, rigid totalitarian oppression of their own, China poses the greatest threat.
UPDATE 9/24/23: Kissinger and Nixon bringing communist China in from isolation seemed like a good, far-seeing plan 50+ years ago, but their One China agreement has ultimately served to undermine Taiwan. Robbed of its rightful name, this little island is in reality Free China while Red China is the world’s largest and most dangerous totalitarian regime.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 9/28/23: One more lethal consequence of the stolen 2020 election is an emboldened Putin feeling free to invade the Ukraine and put the whole world, America in particular, on the sharp edge of a sword. One naturally sympathizes with the Ukrainian people, and aid to them seemed from the beginning a natural. As the war grinds on, serious doubts have arisen about where those billions are really going. Is Zelensky just the front man for an historically corrupt Ukrainian government, playing us for fools? That aside, what does “winning the war” look like against a nuclear power willing to do the worst with its arsenal?
No good guys in this one.

UPDATE 9/28/23: The move is on to make “Woke” a forbidden word because of its sarcastic power to accurately describe the current politically correct narrative turning millions against one another: “gender “spectrum,” “climate emergency,” “DEI(diversity, equity, inclusion)”. To restate Orwell’s chilling observation:”
Forced to wear a coat & tie, but forever a slob, just lipstick on a pig.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 9/26/23: While hard reasons for not embracing an EV future multiply, hardened Leftists are faced with yet another failure of their Utopian, zero-carbon fantasy. But not for them to give up the dream. Happily, for the average person faced with the expense and general non-workability of the whole idea, our internally combusted way of life looks very good, even supremely virtuous considering the incredible benefits granted 6 billion people all over the real world, not Greta’s fictional Green planet.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 9/29/23: A final obit on chic race hustler’s Kendi’s rise and fall. Good riddance…until the next high-priced offer for self-abnegation and racial absolution is presented to stupid, guilt-ridden White Libs.
UPDATE 9/24/23: We’re told, very convincingly, by Robert Menendez that making a fuss over his pockets full of influence-peddling cash, is all about his being Hispanic. Racism!! Uh huh, ok, Bob. Sure.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 9/27/23: More evidence out that the whole Kavanaugh inquisition, jointly led by the late and unlamented Dianne Feinstein and lamentable VP imposter Kamala Harris, was one big lie. The Munro-Leighton woman, one of several fake accusers, never even met the man. It becomes increasingly clearer by the day that the Deep State, spearheaded by today’s Dem Party, will do ANYTHING for power, anything.
UPDATE 9/29/23: Exactly how bad does it have to get before even Joe’s most brain-dead voters realize they’ve put a gun to their own empty heads?
UPDATE 9/29/23: Looking forward to the day, strategically estimated to fall well short of Election Day, 2024 when the “Big Guy” and his slimy relatives are suddenly forced to abandon Washington DC and figure out how much of their ill-gotten wealth must go for legal fees and financial penalties.
Joe “Hill” Biden on the picket lines with the United Auto Workers is an absolute PR coup for a Leftist politician (once laughingly passed off as a “moderate”) who, like “blue-collar” Michael Moore, became influential and rich selling anti-capitalism. Oh, and being basically a bought-and-paid-for agent of Red China where all those American union jobs have been farmed out.
Just to reassure us that he hasn’t “gone Yid.” And a sign of the man’s moral purity. [A special Oscar to Bibi for playing “friends” with an incontinent skunk.]
UPDATE 9/24/23: Joe’s time is running out as Dems prepare to jettison him. We hold our collective breath awaiting the name of his replacement.
This way to the glue factory?
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 9/26/23: Although deserving praise for his policies on behalf of parents resisting the trans propaganda of Woke school boards, Glenn Youngkin has placed himself in conservative limbo when advocating the removal of the Civil War Reconciliation Monument that honors both North and South soldiers. What could be a gesture more symbolic of caving to the BLM/DEI crowd than this?
Youngkin has been busy crafting a conservative stance, very possibly with an eye out for being the GOP nominee in 2024, but this accommodation to the race baiters betrays a serious chink in his bona fides.