AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 12/15/23: In response to the disastrous Congressional panel exposing the shocking amorality of a trio of Big Name college presidents, Heather MacDonald puts academe’s Woke Virus under the microscope (Part One and Part Two) and pinpoints the wider societal plague it represents.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 12/11/23: Considering how far down we’ve gone since 2020, it will be well worth the anarchy and widespread agony that surely awaits us if an honest election can be pulled off, and Trump returns to the helm in Washington.
We await potential good news in November. But brace yourselves for the mother of all temper tantrums.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/14/23: One expects Orwellian gestures like erasing our history from Wokies like Army Grand Poobah Lloyd Austin, but RINOs who fold to these mad demands are equally culpable. In the case of the call to bring down the Confederate Reconciliation Monument in Arlington, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has shamed himself ( 9/26/23) going along with this outrage. Now, a third party and the most important one has spoken, and that is The People, standing 100 to 1 on the local level in Virginia AGAINST this wanton gesture worthy of Stalin or Mao.

12/13/23: “At [Claudine] Gay’s Harvard, if your speech supports the conservative position, the thinnest allegation against you can destroy your career. If you support the woke narrative, even the most explosive allegations against you can be buried.”
So much for their refusal to take a stand against calls for Jewish genocide, citing “free speech.”
UPDATE 12/13/23: The failure of the Harvard & MIT boards to follow UPenn’s lead and fire their morally neutered Presidents is a sign that nothing will change on the campuses and the ongoing indoctrination of the young. The Obama Doctrine declaring everyone either an oppressor or the oppressed has taken hold and bodes ill for us as a UNITED States of America. Like the chaotic universities of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and those in Germany preceding the rise of Hitler’s Weimar Republic, we have every reason to fear for our country’s future.
His great legacy.
UPDATE 12/11/23: The rot exposed by the Stefanik interrogation of the Woke college presidents reveals a mortal danger to the whole survival of our free society that transcends merely our K thru College educational institutions, rewarding not excellence & achievement but racial/gender/political identity. The result is a world of hollow serfs operating at the whim of their ideological masters.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Looking back with honesty at the mass lockdown response to the man-made Wuhan flu, we are looking at both the biggest mistake ever by the blind well-meaning and the biggest crime ever by those who knowingly stood to profit financially and politically by it. Read about it and weep…and be very wary of those who continue to claim it was a good thing and worth repeating.
Following the experts of science.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 12/14/23: Yes, it’s a given that we should help the Ukrainians drive Putin out and back to Moscow. No, handing Zelensky more unaccounted-for billions in questionable aid is not doing that for the Ukrainians. Where is the money actually going? Who is actually running this war against Putin? It’s a good bet that a Trump administration would be asking these questions and making sure the war was being fought to win…and won. For Biden, it is deliberately prolonged virtue-signaling theatre and very likely blackmail paid out to cover for his Crime Family’s Ukrainian hanky-panky.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Virtually all major premises underlying the major Leftist/Woke stances-a climate/existential crisis , the gender spectrum and Covid pandemic, claims of systemic American racism and an encroaching Trump dictatorship, an honest Election 2020-are lies, all lies. So it goes with this disturbingly effective political strategy, and one can bet the farm that they will just continue to make it all up as they go along.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 12/15/23: If fear is the main ingredient necessary to control the masses, no manufactured terror offers would-be totalitarian tyrants more power than “existential climate emergency.” Marxists and Nazis have had to gin up hate and resentment by villainizing the rich or some other group of people while the Green tyrants play on the guilty consciences of the masses [Green Guilt] themselves to subjugate them.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 12/15/23: The core of Obama’s satanic legacy is a toxic ingrained Identity Politics by which the young and malleable mutate and re-define themselves from day to day. Today, a Pro-Hamas Muslim, tomorrow a trans woman, the next day Black, the following day perhaps all three even though born a White Christian male. No more influential example exists of such a sinister human amalgam than Obama himself.
UPDATE 12/13/23: In case anyone hasn’t caught on that Anti-Racism/Identity Politics is the New Racism, check out the HyperWoke Boston Mayor’s “Electeds of Color” Only Christmas [oops! HOLIDAY] party invitation. Presumably, White members of the City Council will be turned away at the door.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 12/13/23: Anti-racism, one currently prominent outpost of that all-encompassing faith called Leftism is one more new secular religion of politics blighting our lives. And, by the way, as racist as the social blight it pretends to oppose.
UPDATE 12/11/23: One more consequence of Jimmy Carter’s treachery in undermining the Shah of Iran is the loss of a safe harbor for Jews in a major Middle Eastern country. Iranian restoration of the Shah’s son and his supporters would be cutting off the head of the viper that subsidizes much of the ceaseless war against Israel.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 12/13/23: Now that that inconsequential, far-away southern border crisis has suddenly, literally moved its boundaries way up north into Woke New York, where are all those “Hate Has No Home Here Signs”?
Now tinder for the fire.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Dems have a way of betraying their friends and shoring up their enemies. Or maybe those very real enemies of America are, consciously or unconsciously, operating in sync with the aims of the last shameful half century of Dem administrations (Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden, 1976-2023).
UPDATE 12/15/23: We hope Israel continues to disregard the brakes being put on its fight for survival by an illegitimate American President and his puppeteers.
Of course, Joe. Anything you say.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/14/23: As sensible, decent millions have said to each other and themselves after hearing from the President of a 400 year old university whose motto is reputedly Veritas: “Do you oppose Jewish Genocide? ‘It depends’ is not the right answer.'”
Not the right answer.
UPDATE 12/13/23: Harvard goes a step further disgracing itself beyond Claudine Gay’s recent self-exposure before Congress by covering for her earlier plagiarism. Among those whose work was stolen and uncredited by Woke academia’s #1 Poster Girl is conservative Black scholar Carol Swain.
UPDATE 12/11/23: It looks like Harvard is only digging its heels in deeper and rallying around their already compromised DEI/Affirmative Action President rather than facing the amorality of Wokeness she has exposed about herself and them. And a Jewish Lib Dem Party Congress hack does the usual bit of Leftist projection by taking interrogator Elise Stefanik to task for daring to challenge the same moral rot of a JEWISH college President on the now infamous panel. The latter is a perfect example of the American Jews’ need to turn friends into enemies in desperate loyalty to their higher religious faith of Leftist ideology. In the eyes of the Left, being on the same side of an issue with conservatives is MUCH worse than anything else, even including anti-Semitism.
Despite this well-publicized full exposure and an encouraging outcry from the general public, it is too soon to claim, as some have, that this is “the death of Wokeism.” Such ingrained irrationality and fanaticism is not so easily rooted out from the warped groupthink of the brainwashed masses.
UPDATE 12/11/23: The celebration of light, goodness, truth infusing both Chanukah and Christmas provide uplifting metaphors for what unites Christians and Jews.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Projection on steroids: the Left and its delusional fellow travelers in Hollywood and cheaper environs are bracing themselves for an assured Trump “dictatorship” beginning January, 2025...which apparently is a new idea for him and will take a whole second term to accomplish. Meanwhile, sensible, grounded, self-reliant people yearn for the good life enjoyed between 2016 and 2020.
Somehow about-to-be-ex-pat-well-maybe-not Barbra lived quite safely and profitably through his warm-up reign of terror (and fake Russian dossier farce and frivolous impeachments and a stolen election and endless legal persecutions and even a private home invasion greenlighted by her Happiness-Thing Called Joe) the first time ’round.
UPDATE 12/15/23: Among the Big Lies of our time, the myth of “Palestine” and “Palestinians” is a stand-out. The entire hoax is the invention of a full-blown murderous psychopath going by the same playbook as Black American Democrats representing millions of people kept permanently poor and angry on urban plantations to attract sympathy and wild profits from a gullible world of guilt-ridden fools. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, it’s been a whole industry fueled by historically primitive antisemitism and the prospect of creating overflowing Swiss bank accounts for those running the scam.
Wild Bill, speaking plain ol’ Western commonsense, tackles the myth of “The Palestinian.” Gotta love the Hebrew subtitles. Some Jews (excluding that idiotic 64% of American Jewry) DO know who their friends are.
UPDATE 12/14/23: There exists a certain skepticism about this tidbit regarding Hunter’s refusal to answer that subpoena, but we will be checking Snopes when all reliable information sources are made available.
UPDATE 12/12/23: Follow the grifty/grafty doings of brother Jim and wife Sara down one more of Bidenville’s filthy alleyways.
UPDATE 12/11/23: As the dirty deeds of Hunter and the whole Biden Crime Family creep closer and closer to incriminating Joe himself, the Dem Party politburo is almost certainly breathing a huge sigh of relief. They are quite done with this utterly corrupt, now senile puppet who has served his purpose and needs to be quickly junked.
Coming soon: look for Joe atop a heap of discarded, useless garbage.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 12/11/23: We’ve long considered George Soros the chilling incarnation of a James Bond heavy, subsidizing terror through Iran against Israel a cause dear to his black, sclerotic heart.. Being a Jewish anti-Semite only adds to the pungent distaste his presence on the world scene provides.