AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 9/4/23: A rare sighting of optimistic news is more than welcome, and what’s better than someone successfully carrying out a good idea to the benefit of thousands, perhaps eventually, by example, of millions? In this case, a Black man named John Singletary running for office in North Charleston SC is determined to take the money out of the hands of those DC Dems and their local operatives vested in exploiting and perpetuating the urban misery of poor Blacks and seriously redirecting it to their benefit.
The issue nowadays isn’t so much that news is often bad, but that there is so much active resistance to good people actively doing good deeds.
UPDATE 9/6/23: The AP and its MSM colleagues have gone out of their way to slander De Santis with outright lies. However, he has surged again in the polls with a creditable, post-hurricane response, building upon an admirable record as FLA governor. Meanwhile, more unattractive red flags have popped up for Ramaswamy.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 9/9/23: In 2020, rather than Election DAY, we were treated to Fool Me 1.0, a mass mail-in voting Election MONTH, time enough to allow the miraculous appearance of just enough paper ballots in just the right states to provide an Electoral College win for the Democrats. Lo and behold, a concerned MSM is treating us to an equally miraculous appearance of Covid 2.0; and being an election year, Fool Me 2.0 looms ominously on the horizon. How else is a UniParty senile puppet candidate to steal a second election? The American electorate falling for this brings us once again to the edge of the cliff.
There is one, and only one, hope.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 9/8/23: Dressed as George Washington and walking peacefully in and out of the U.S. Capitol on the wrong day can get you a year in prison. Ask Issac Yoder. Conservatives sensed immediately on J6 that the fiery demonstration of public outrage against a stolen election would be utilized as a major propaganda point disabling all future dissent. Little did we suspect the UniParty (including RINOs like Romney & Cheney) would go so far as installing its very own DC gulag and stage public show trials, dragging out incarcerated, tortured occupants one by one on the premise guilty until proven innocent. The big question hanging in the air: will there ever be another uncorrupted election allowing this newly activated American tyranny to be routed?
Insurrectionist and part of the plot to violently overthrow the government.
UPDATE 9/3/23: There is a major crime upon innocent humanity taking place under our noses, specifically against American citizens. For Democrats, it’s all part of a relentless drive to become a permanent UniParty dictatorship as demonstrated by their zealous pursuit and severe punishment of anyone attached to the J6 Capitol incident. The larger, overriding goal is suppression of any citizen’s protest or objection to this regime’s policy. The latest outrage is the suicide of a legally hounded 22 year old (a teenager as of 1/6/2021) guilty of nothing more than non-violently wandering in and out of the Capitol that day. This is the stuff of cruel tyrannies abroad once considered unthinkable in America.
De-civilization=Collective suicide.
UPDATE 9/6/23: Jordan Peterson is being canceled for daring to state that this is a WOMAN named Ellen Page claiming to be a man named Eliot Page. Here, she proudly shows off and glamorizes her double mastectomy for the benefit of other confused, gender dysphoria sufferers like herself.
UPDATE 9/7/23: It is heartening to hear from knowledgeable sources that Chinese world domination is not necessarily inevitable, that regimes like the ChiComs, rooted in and devoted to evil, have the very real potential to destroy themselves.
Reality or wishful thinking?
UPDATE 9/6/23: The uselessness of the lockdowns & masks have forever marred our faith in establishment medicine, science…and the common sense of our fellow citizens in general.
UPDATE 9/7/23: While the Dems and their Deep State operatives are gearing up to revive lockdowns/masking and steal yet another Presidential election, angry resistance is simultaneously making its voice heard and coming to the fore.
UPDATE 9/6/23: They seem to be warming us up for the Big Covid Comeback. Are Americans that devoid of common sense to long for the good old days of lockdowns and masks…and stolen elections?
UPDATE 9/4/23: Oh gawd, the world-class fraud and liar is back.
UPDATE 9/3/23: Not by chance have the effects of marijuana use gone hand-in-hand with Leftist/counter-cultural thinking since the 60s. Now that it’s legalized, everyone is obliged to take it in via the second hand pot smoke now permeating every imaginable setting in places like New York and San Francisco. Not cool, man.
Courtesy of the same health fanatics who insisted we all wear masks for two years.
UPDATE 9/6/23: Judging by some bills recently introduced, California is determined to become the totalitarian replica of China, removing visitation rights for divorced parents refusing to “affirm child’s gender identity.”
Replacing parents with The State, no longer confined to primitive foreign lands in times of yore.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftisst Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 9/7/23: So the Ukraine debacle is all about getting even with Putin for conspiring to steal the 2016 election for Trump? A weak theory. More likely, it’s a fabulous money-laundering scheme to keep the Biden/Burisma stink quiet and fill the Swiss bank accounts of certain Ukrainian politicians who wear designer T-shirts on otherwise formal occasions.
UPDATE 9/8/23: Must BrandonWorld make it so obvious that they operate by the motto, “America last!” What else to make of the Congressional move to delay funds for Maui and Florida relief unless more billions go to the Ukraine?
UPDATE 9/5/23: We have gone through the Looking Glass, crossed the line from rationality into TotalNonsenseLand. No southern border, men can be women, funny money printed up by the trillions, lawless cities, a demented figurehead in the White House, a Woke/DEI military replacing a fighting force, global lockdowns for “health” reasons, modern technology outlawed to “save the planet,” legal suppression of anyone raising an objection to this suicidal trajectory….
The Deep State/One World types, best represented by the inexplicable, unthinkable Obama episode, happily carry on the creation of this fog of lies & illogic, progressively emboldened to go as far as they are allowed to destabilize us. It’s all made possible by the obtuse Leftist citizenry slavishly backing them up, even to the point of their own self-destruction.
When we have no country left, when Obama’s “transformation” is complete, there will be no going back.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 9/8/23: We’re in trouble when the masses have come to believe all these wildfires are the revenge of Mother Nature on filthy, fossil-fuel burning modern civilization. Once locked into such absurdity, it’s the rare individual who can admit that there’s little to it other than psychotic political operatives deliberately setting fires.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 9/6/23: Much to the dismay of those fans of sanctuary cities and lawn signs professing “hate has no home here,” reality has set in, and desperate cries of NIMBY!! are too little, too late. Mayor Adams and the clueless New Yorkers who put him in office are this week’s Exhibit A. Meanwhile, bravo to those struggling border governors like Abbott keeping those busses rolling to the Luvvies up north. You asked for it, you got it!!
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 9/7/23: Beware of those organizations still hiding behind wholly obsolete reputations as justice enforcers like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), now fully evolved into one more Woke/Leftist Mafia protection racket rivaling AntiFa, BLM and SPLC.
UPDATE 9/6/23: The paramount feature of Liberals/Leftists is their irrational yearning to be controlled and keep others in the cage with them. Freedom perceived within themselves and in others is simply intolerable. They DO love their chains.
UPDATE 9/8/23: At last, a scientific breakthrough providing a diagnosis and prescription plan for America’s Most Prominent Alzheimer’s Patient. “The data” (remember that impressive scientific term from Covid?) proves that a regular regimen of ice cream for certain nasty, demented old men will make them likeable, empathetic and worthy of leading the Free World.
UPDATE 9/6/23: To those who actually think Jill Biden is bright/industrious/self-disciplined enough to be the one calling the shots behind the curtain, orchestrating all those Executive Orders on Day 1 and the methodical dismantling of the country since, think again. Whoopi Goldberg’s nominee for Surgeon General is the authoress of the historic “breakfast tacos & “bogedas” tribute to her little brown friends and neighbors. No, it’s the clean, bright, articulate one and his puppeteers pulling the strings.
Present at the transformation/destruction.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 9/7/23: The importance of recent revelations suggested by a Tucker Carlson interview is not about Obama being gay but wholly about the lies and deception characterizing his entire presence on the American scene. Who IS this person?
UPDATE 9/3/23: At the heart of what’s befallen our country politically is the Big Orwellian Lie, passing off very real totalitarian tyranny as “nice” progressivism/liberalism/socialism.
So it has been with the candidates put forth by the Party of progressivism/liberalism/socialism, and none has been more covert, a bigger living lie than Barack Obama. As more continues to be revealed about this phantom personality, those attuned to truth and objective reality nod their heads in creeped-out recognition while those religiously possessed by their progressive/liberal/socialist faith dig deeper yet into total denial. Quite the opposite of the post-racial President he was sold as, his legacy is one of permanent civil war. He is America’s Trojan Horse, our Manchurian Candidate, and we are paying an increasingly terrible price for allowing him in.
UPDATE 9/8/23: As if any mention of her name isn’t bad enough, we’re treated this week to the news that Nancy will run for re-election…on…are you ready?…“San Francisco values.”
San Fecesco values, the perfect Democratic Potty platform.