AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 2/16/23: What sends a stronger message than visual humor? The satirical caricatures of the amazingly prolific A.F. Branco are daily treasures, each, at a glance, doing the work of a thousand printed editorials. For more of Branco, go to
UPDATE 2/16/23: Whether an observant Christian or Jew, consciously religious or not, each of us is guided by the Judeo-Christian tradition as laid down in both the Old & New Testaments. Historically and in practice, the two books are complementary, and one is incomplete without the other.
Contrary to the cynical claim that religion is the cause of all strife, the basic shared values of Judeo-Christianity laid out in both Bibles still provide the common force that unites and stabilizes a flawed humanity, albeit tenuously at this moment on the historical timeline.
We are currently witnesses to a society that seems determined to abandon those codified values, and increasingly normalized insanity is the result.
UPDATE 2/17/23: Calling this Woke era a mass assault on reality provides as good a diagnosis as any.
UPDATE 2/16/23: Budapest finds itself this week engaged in bloody street fighting brought on by imported packs of terrorists sent in from outside to sow social chaos. Free, independent Hungary is a natural target for the subversive Color Revolutionaries fomented by Marxist/One World types pushing violence and disinformation. The overriding goal is to undermine freedom-minded governments like Orban’s or legitimate uprisings against tyrannical regimes.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 2/18/23: Lest we forget: the results of Election 2020 remain an open question in the minds of tens of millions of American voters. And that question has been posed once again to the Supreme Court. Looking around America, we’re seeing the dire consequences, not just of a stolen election but of a stolen, disintegrating country.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 2/12/23: Some Dems (but hardly all) are making the connection between rampant urban crime and decades of corrupt Dem control that perpetuates dense cesspools of Inner City lawlessness. The urban Godfathers of post-Great Society America have demonstrated that there is immense political power and mountains of graft to be had owning whole desperate populations of the permanently unstable and poor.
Honest, decent Dems will eventually leave the Party realizing that preaching DEI, handcuffed law enforcement and other new variants of Liberal “compassion” is a refusal to face the harsh reality of crime and punishment.
UPDATE 2/18/23: “Cleaning up” the uniquely off-beat writings of Roald Dahl for purposes of removing “insensitivity” is, pure and simple, murder of free expression. Creative artists and free thinkers of all kinds, take note.

UPDATE 2/15/23: J.K. Rowling continues to be figuratively burned at the stake for refusing to bend to the Woke gender Nazis. Now a longstanding Orwellian distortion, their idealized “inclusion” is actually exclusion of any contrary opinion or criticism.
UPDATE 2/14/23: Any great surprise that 23 Baltimore schools surveyed produced precisely zero students meeting even minimal math proficiency? Chalk up one more achievement of DEI displacing competence and merit.
All 3 Rs are casualties.
UPDATE 2/16/23; The response (or lack of) from BrandonWorld to anything serious is consistently worthless or, to be more realistic, actively evil. The physical devastation of a real environmental disaster in Ohio has been countered with the same indifference as real Chinese espionage on (and above) American soil. Real things, real people, reality itself is inimical to dystopian BrandonWorld.
UPDATE 2/12/23: Like a virus on the loose encountering no immunity to fend it off, BallonGate illustrates BrandwonWorld’s total disinterest/incompetence in providing America with any defense. In Biden and Austin we enjoy all the protection available from two holograms. Meanwhile, like cats hovering over a trapped, terrified mouse, China calmly, purposefully ponders all the options available.
UPDATE 2/16/23: The public’s faith in American medicine continues to erode. What IS with all these sudden deaths of the young and previously healthy? And doctors themselves are proving to be increasingly half-witted, Woke, unskilled, unscrupulous…and likely to be very bad for your health.
UPDATE 2/18/23: A risky position to take in almost any social situation nowadays, but…here goes…the masks were/are/will be useless against the Wu-Flu. But like much bilge that has defiled common sense nationwide, it makes people feel like they’re “doing something” when doing nothing would be healthier.
UPDATE 2/15/23: At the prompting of WHO and the CDC, physicians are being encouraged if not ordered by the Fed to note the Covid vaccination status of all patients in order to track and bring the villainous unvaxxed out of hiding.
UPDATE 2/16/23: There must come a point when everyone must stop pretending that transgenderism is normal and not mental disorder. We are living in a Twilight Zone of altered reality in which truthtellers are considered criminals subject to fines, imprisonment, dismissal from employment, social ostracism and even worthy of liquidation.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 2/16/23: Since it’s suddenly become the potential tinderbox for another World War, Ukraine (or The Ukraine as it is still termed by descendants of those who left its often hellish circumstances for America more than a century back) proves to be a long-running, fascinating tale of political intrigue.
UPDATE 2/12/23: Will those virtue-signaling dimwits with Ukrainian flags on their lawns & lapels ever figure out they’re on a self-destructive path, for both themselves and hapless Ukrainian civilians?
This war most likely would never have happened if those virtue-signalers most dismayed by Ukrainian suffering had voted for a sensible American candidate projecting strength as a deterrent to foreign aggression.
UPDATE 2/16/23: We are sadly approaching a world where attics and basements will no longer be piled high with cartons stuffed with tangible ephemera revealing the hidden mysteries/histories of people’s lives. Some of us persist in saving old magazines, records, sheet music, photographs, souvenirs, books on paper…stuff we can touch. What will our children and grandchildren and their descendants make of a collective past surviving only as two-dimensional A-I “progress?” The outlawing of printed books in “Fahrenheit 451” takes on a chilling new reality as one man’s memories are condemned as another man’s useless clutter. Burn all that rubbish, go digital!
UPDATE 2/16/23: BrandonWorld is one big Mad Tea Party, now incorporating Fetterman Nation, a place where an obviously disabled mediocrity can win a US Senate seat and promptly check himself into a hospital for “clinical depression.” This is all without serious questioning by both the people who voted for him and those who stand to profit from one more incompetent placeholder puppet doing their bidding.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 2/16/23: No cars, no cooking with gas. As promised by our kind Big Brothers & Sisters at WEF, we will have nothing and be happy about it.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 2/18/23: Trump announces he’s visiting the Ohio disaster site, and FEMA suddenly reverses and promises to help out. Are Americans listening and getting which political philosophy sides with them?
UPDATE 2/17/23: Everything’s fine! Everybody go home! Everybody resume normal life and drink the water! All good! Bad cough you got there! And no, you’re not getting any help from your environmentally-conscious government!
UPDATE 2/17/23: It’s positively edifying that a real environmental disaster has taken place right in Middle America, not the totally made-up, projected sort like “Climate Change” designed to scare people into surrendering all their personal rights to centralized, dictatorial government. And yet…and yet, nary a peep for a good ten days from those big-hearted Green Generals of Climate War far, far away from all the stink, stench and very real human suffering. One could get into personalities, but a picture is indeed worth all the pointless words one can summon in response to startling indifference that really amounts to heartless evil.
Always good in a crisis, Transportation Secretary “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg somehow didn’t so much as make mention of this little problem for 10 days. He did strike a blow instead for social justice, lamenting that construction workers in certain locales were just too damn White. Any shred of genuine concern wedded to actual action taken on behalf of East Palestine, Ohio by BrandonWorld has yet to materialize.
Mayor Pete’s last telling display of solid leadership mettle was his response to seriously disrupted supply chains a year or so back…and…and…and…an announcement he was taking two months paternity leave to coo and chortle with his newly adopted babies.
And there’s that laughably fake bike ride staged to emphasize a finely-tuned sensitivity to the environment, a sensitivity somehow absent when there’s something seriously amiss with real people’s air and water.
One has every confidence he will be serving the American public with equal competence and compassion on this one. Can it be this silly creature has been and remains a leading Dem contender for the White House? Is half of America really that brain-dead?
UPDATE 2/16/23: To rational minds, it comes as no surprise that the real world continues to spin. Amazingly, the air, water and other natural resources are in no danger of burning/freezing despite the tiresome shrieks from the Henny Penny profiteers of Climate Change, Inc. The most hysterically vocal of that pack take issue with any positive outlook on global climate with the exception of East Palestine, Ohio where they assure us that everything is indeed perfectly fine and as it has been for millennia.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 2/17/23: One day Obama’s primary legacy/curse of ID politics will be seriously studied and verified to be one of those moments like the French Revolution when the world went mad. Thanks to compulsory hiring for color/gender/victim status rather than merit and competence taking over all levels of business life, routine daily life for consumers has become dangerous. In the name of “diversity, history is being erased worldwide; racial discrimination against Whites has become an acceptable norm. Dare we hope for a majority of the population recoiling from and rejecting this ominous “transformation?”
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 2/12/23: Mirroring Mao’s Cultural Revolution, BLM and campus Black Studies have canceled some of its most devoted advocates for the crime of second thoughts or even a trace of deviation from dogma.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 2/17/23: Italy’s new PM was elected on a platform of controlled immigration, and her poll popularity after 100 days indicates the people are happy with her. God willing, Americans vote with the same common sense goals in mind and hold their candidates to them.
UPDATE 2/17/23: One of the code words robotically spit out by garden variety Israel bashers in empty protest is “Settlements!” This is just one more expression of the popular lie “Israeli occupation of Palestine.” This libel will be put to permanent flight on the day the entire Palestine lie is exposed and the criminals behind it are deprived of their unwarranted credibility.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 2/16/23: Could it be that the ultimate failure and horrendous damage done by every Leftist regime has to do with it having nothing to do with what real people need and want?
UPDATE 2/14/23: We are experiencing a different kind of destructive revolution tearing our country apart. This one is top-down, not from the oppressed lower strata but from the highest echelons of power…but always in the name of the peasants and have-nots.
UPDATE 2/16/23: Why are nasty battle axes like Ardern and Sturgeon suddenly leaving? Are they personally fearful of paying at the polls for bad policies? Or have the willing sheeple been judged ready by the big string pullers to accommodate something worse…like full-frontal dictatorship?
UPDATE 2/18/23: If one didn’t know better, it would be easy to think that Biden and Obama before him are working secretly on behalf of our worst enemies. Like “Manchurian Candidates.” If one didn’t know better….
UPDATE 2/17/23: In case the use of “crime family” to describe the Bidens draws objections, let’s make mention of Big Guy’s brother Jim who, thanks to his familial ties, brokered a 9 figure deal with the Saudis. But remember Joe knows nothing of any of this.
UPDATE 2/14/23: It’s become a toss-up whether to post any Brandon utterance under “Biden” or “Lies Of The Week.” So long as he remains a figure of newsworthy prominence, it will be a weekly dilemma. He is not unique among Leftist frauds who have built questionable careers & reputations entirely on tall tales and dissemblance; “every word…is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.'” It’s a talent of sorts that thrives only with a receptive mass audience of the dangerously naive, outright fools or like-minded liars. Unfortunately, there are enough of all mentioned to allow a negative quantity like Joe to rise as high as he has.
The JoeKer
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 2/16/23: Nikki Haley spouts many of the right memes that make conservatives think she’s an answer to their prayers, but her consistent tendency toward Rinoism should give conservatives pause. High praise from no less a villain than Klaus Schwab and his WEF should disqualify her permanently.
Four years of Trump following through on policy has spoiled the game of deception that defines RINOs like her and the Bush GOP. They say the right things but, in the end, inevitably cave easily to or actively promote the wrong ones.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 2/14/23: The obvious incapacity of both Biden and Fetterman did not matter to millions of vacuum-brain voters and has certainly never mattered to their wives who had the chance to take their ailing husbands out of the spotlight. Instead, fully cognizant of their spouses’ cognitive infirmities, both opted for what they were sure would be the reflected glory and power of having partners in prominent positions. To eyes that see clearly, the only reflected image of both is heartless ambition and astounding irresponsibility.