AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 11/4/22: Has the gigantic fraud on every imaginable front been exposed, and is our upside-down nation about to be righted? Are we on the brink of a seismic shift all freedom-loving, commonsensical Americans will celebrate?
Our sanity and physical survival demands eradication of the Party of lockdowns, vax/mask mandates, suicidal Green New Deals, runaway inflation, wide open borders, CRT and gender counseling in grade schools…One could go on, but this simply cannot go on.
UPDATE 11/2/22: The Red Wave is hitting social media as well as (hopefully) the halls of government. Much to the regret of the totalitarian Left (now in full control of the Democrat Party), Musk’s move to Free The Bird promises a resurgence of free speech. What a relief but how tragic to ponder the very notion of “the comeback of free speech in America.” Without free speech, America does not even exist.
UPDATE 11/5/22: Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has become a national phenomenon thanks to her fearless approach to her critics and clear expression of MAGA ideas. Her political history is all over the place, from Republican to Obama to MAGA. Like any politician and even Trump himself, she is to be assessed for what she ultimate DOES. At least she has given it all serious thought and is able to discern what works and what is folly. Then, as with all politicians, we wait to see if those good ideas are put into action.
UPDATE 11/5/22: When it hits them in the pocketbook, even Hollywood retreats from Woke. Can we expect the day when love of the country also plays a part in what they’re putting out?
UPDATE 11/2/22: One can rail at those guilty of abusing power, but those most accountable are the fickle, confused, unprincipled masses who have put them there, again and again. As far back as can be recalled in our lives, only Reagan has had the charismatic clout to inspire 3 terms and some continuity of his good policies. Naturally, GHWB squandered that third term gift handed him by RR and gave us up to the Clintons. Back and forth, back and forth we go. Will the electorate ever learn to stick with what works and provide themselves with some stability?
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 11/5/22: It’s safe to read from Brandon & cohorts’ threats to anyone planning to challenge the upcoming election that the fix is in with mail-in voting providing all the votes necessary for key Democratic wins a day or two later. It worked in 2020; why not now?
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 11/3/22; In California we are treated to all the horrendous consequences of Woke/Progressive/Leftist/BigGov “thinking” (which isn’t “thinking” at all).The good news is that Californians suffering the consequences in their children’s schools and in the general quality of life in LA are waking up…and on their way to the polls to clean house.
UPDATE 11/5/22: The CDC has effectively canceled itself as an organization of honest medical professionals and reliable source of even minimal credibility. The last few years have made that clear.
UPDATE 11/3/22: When The Atlantic puts out a pleas for “Pandemic amnesty,” there is reason to believe that justice and retribution for the whole Covid travesty at last is nigh.
UPDATE 11/4/22: For those who retained some rationality in 2020-2021, it’s not news that we were all being forced like lab rats to participate and even celebrate a giant social experiment conducted by mad scientists.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 11/2/22: The Holocaust has through the years proven to be an historic horror that actually excites & titillates virtue-signaling Lefties while other greater, equally brutal genocides of Marxist or Islamic origin, not so much. One perfectly nice Liberal friend actually has said with some pride, “I just can’t read or see enough about the Holocaust” while remaining aggressively ignorant of Marx’s bloody-handed descendants. Hitler’s excellent adventure has become the sole conveniently easy standard against which shallow observers judge anything they personally dislike. Once again, the morality of the Left has exposed its outrage as highly selective…and meaningless.
UPDATE 11/1/22: The estimable Daniel Greenfield of FrontPage has framed Alice’s 21st century PC Wonderland as nightmarish Halloween dress-up every day. This is in keeping with the Orwellian state of our world where truth and reality are no longer absolutes but ever-changing at one’s convenience.


UPDATE 11/4/22: Our society has plunged to new depths of criminality against humanity in normalizing the castration/mutilation of gender transition surgery.
In hopeful response, Florida is leading the way in outlawing the rage for inflicting these medical procedures on minors.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 10/29/22: We are strongly advised that the new British PM is no conservative but rather a protegee of the bigtime WEF Globalists. With the death of the Queen, the ascension of the weak Greenie King in her place and a One Worlder heading up the government, Orwell’s 1984 England is looking less and less like fiction.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 11/5/22: About those batteries. 178 miles in 15 hours. Just saying.
UPDATE 11/4/22: Answering the simple question about where the battery power for electric vehicles originates should make the Greenies an extinct species overnight. But that would be asking too much of those easily entwined in Green Gospel.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 11/2/22: Kanye West is already a target for the Cancelers as a Black man with conservative views. Unfortunately, he has given them red meat in characterizing bad guys not simply as bad guys but as Jewish bad guys. This is a display of ignorance that helps to undermines his overall credibility. Meanwhile, antisemitism coming from the Left merits nary a whisper of disapproval.
The friendship between Kanye & Candace Owens has everything to do with moving Blacks to a political philosophy that serves their best interests. Her alliance with him is based on his refusal to be one of the Left’s Good Progressive Negros.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 11/2/22: One of many signs of BrandonWorld’s dangerous perversion is choosing to vilify a rapidly liberalizing Islamic nation (Saudi Arabia) while actively cheering on an increasingly savage one (Iran) (which also happens to hate us).
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 11/5/22: Chuck Schumer, rock-solid Democrat protector of our borders and national integrity, but that was then before he and his Party figured out that New Democrats can be imported.
UPDATE 11/3/22: Israel has come to its senses and re-chosen the leader committed to their nation’s survival and not annihilation at the hands of those who’d love nothing more than wiping them out. Hooray! Bibi is back, and the Middle East appears to be back on track to move ahead from where Trump and his Abraham Accords were paused. May this week’s midterms provide an equally welcome blast of sunshine and optimism on these shores.
UPDATE 10/30/22: Bibi appears poised to return to the Israeli helm. Dare we hope that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (dosed with universally common sense) is sweeping the earth?
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
UPDATE 11/2/22: America’s and Israel’s symbiotic relationship demands attentive tending if the Jews are to survive.
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 11/5/22: Experience teaches us that things need to hit rock bottom before a sleepwalking public wakes up to the consequences of not trusting their own survival instincts. If elections predictions are correct (not to mention public actions being taken all over the country), they are responding to the truth rather than to what the “experts” tell them is for their own good.
UPDATE 11/2/22: Liberals just can’t get themselves to recognize the obvious dangers of the Beijing-Biden connection. Nothing to see here, say that gaggle of ostriches who believe, like Joe, that the ChiComs really are our friends.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 10/30/22: Like everything connected with or in the vicinity of Nancy Pelosi, nothing ever smells quite right, and that includes the now-notorious Affaire du Hemp/Hippie/Hammer which bears looking into a little more deeply than officially reported. Read the strange sequence of events from the time the cops finally arrived to an open front door to two men struggling over a hammer to one attacking the other to police actively interceding. Wha?!

What’s that word again? You know, for reveling in other people’s misfortune? (Just asking for a friend, of course). Hillary might think about withdrawing that tweet after seeing Elon’s response and the strong possibility Nancy’s consort was paying for IT in her absence with some local low-end trade. And not for the first time.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act