AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
9/16/22: America, in its first 200 years the incomparable model for a society based on individual liberty underpinned by law, owes its existence to the equally incomparable legacy of Great Britain when she ruled the waves and genuinely civilized the world. Queen Elizabeth II was the last living vestige of that rich history, and her passing leaves one with a sense of loss, not simply of a person but possibly of an entire civilization.
UPDATE 9/12/22: Serious spinal problems will be putting a major pause in Noem’s political and personal life for the foreseeable future.
9/14/22: If average Jane/Joe voter would simply make the connection between the roots of the good life and the diametrically opposed political philosophies of conservatism vs. Leftism, the Left would be out of business. Unfortunately, self-defeating human irrationality is always present to ruin things, and the wild, dangerous ride along the the cliff continues.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 9/14/22: Operation MAGA-Fascist is well underway, the only purpose being to eliminate all significant political opposition to the Brandon Mafia, and J6 continues to be their most effectively fabricated prosecution evidence available. Its latest bit of Nazi theatre has been surrounding Mike Lindell’s car and confiscating his phone. No one is safe, particularly the most vocal, visible figures of the Trump/MAGA movement.
UPDATE 9/15/22: In numbers of lives lost to violence every day, our cities are about as safe as fighting in the Ukraine war. We can thank the ignorant voting public’s refusal to credit this matter-of-fact, year-in/year-out social suicide to the political Party that has deliberately been turning our cities into hellholes for decades. It’s known as “The Great Unraveling” in that midwestern shooting gallery known as Chicago.
UPDATE 9/17/22: Free speech on social media has scored a victory as a counterpunch to Biden’s push to step up legal censorship of anything falling under the ever-broadening definition of MAGA “semi-fascism” and “disinformation.”
UPDATE 9/15/22: Washed up in Leftist politics? Nowhere to go in the public realm to spread the cancer of Marxism en masse? Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League wants YOU.
At the ever-reliable, very vetted, totally balanced Babylon Bee, it’s reported that Kim Il Jong has been spotted among attentive young Ivy Leaguers diligently attending advanced classes in brainwashing.
UPDATE 9/14/22: Being a parent is particularly trying nowadays as full-scale Woke indoctrination is now the primary mission of mainstream public education. The good old Three R’s and McGuffey Readers are nowhere to be seen, accessible only to those few fortunate young people schooled at home by responsible parents.
UPDATE 9/15/22: The “death protocols” in place since the Covid takeover of medicine worldwide must be investigated, and those guilty of literally murdering patients and denying them their most basic rights must be brought to justice. One woman’s harrowing story of escape from a Texas (!) hospital determined to profit financially by her Covid death is the logical outcome of this plague of politicized “science.”
UPDATE 9/15/22: Despite ruining countless businesses and lives, Madame Zero Covid Kiwi has graciously declared herself the savior of her beautiful island country. I did it!! Everyone can come out now!! Trouble is, what she did was use a nasty virus to tyrannize an entire compliant population for two years, then take credit for the natural immunity that would’ve taken hold on its own (as infectious viruses do) and sent the plague packing. No, she didn’t save lives. She ruined millions of healthy ones and is now in full CYA mode pretending it was all for the good.
Who enjoys being a tyrant more than Nurse Jacinda Ratched, our warm & fuzzy “sole source of truth”? She is the inevitable brutal face of Marxism that MUST be forced upon people who, in their right minds, don’t like being serfs.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 9/17/22: Justice Kagan does typical Leftist projection saying, “If one’s own conscience is opposed to the requirements and responsibilities of the job, then it’s time to leave the job.” Naturally she means those on the Court with whom she disagrees. She has no plans to vacate. After all, she is, like all SJWs, right and supremely virtuous in all matters, “on the right side of history” as all one-track Leftist minds love to declare as The Final Word on the subject.
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 9/16/22: It’s not just happenstance that things are falling apart everywhere including our military. On the contrary, we are witnessing a deliberate weakening of our ability to defend ourselves, much to the delight of our enemies and their obvious collaborators in the present administration.
UPDATE 9/16/22: The word “Ukraine” has become just a daily news item for millions safely removed from Putin’s evil gambit; and for the usual suspects rallying reflexively without question to the perceived underdog, a great exercise for showing off those virtue-signaling feathers. But what has been the real story? Is it all one side wearing the black hats? Are we finally seeing the tide turning and a possibility of a full Russian retreat? Is a corrupted, detached American administration responsible for much of what has gone down and some seriously bad stuff ahead?
UPDATE 9/16/22: Who controls the language controls the culture. Now we have a Dictionary of Woke to translate the latest NewSpeak and DoubleSpeak into something old timers versed in real words and their meanings might recognize.
UPDATE 9/11/22: Enslaving, not saving, the true soul of America is, as Orwell would understand, precisely what the Pretend POTUS really means.
UPDATE 9/17/22: How perfect to have James Taylor singing his jolly ditty about drug addiction & suicide (“Fire & Rain”) as the upbeat, big name entertainment for the White House party celebrating the Inflation EXPANSION Act. Tell me another one, Joe!
UPDATE 9/12/22: Barack, the biggest lying fraud of them all, tells us how much better off we are in BrandonWorld, and all sane people laugh.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 9/16/22: One writer says that the instability brought on by the insane Green Zero Carbon policies currently turning the lights out all over Europe is a bad thing for Klaus Schwab and his Globalist master plans. Isn’t that precisely the chaotic scenario that would pave the way for his evil designs?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 9/14/22: The Big Lie about “clean” electric power is that producing it is as dirty (and then some) as what it’s supposedly replacing. Like all silent killers, the totalitarianism underlying the whole Green movement must sneak in quietly, cleanly, on tiptoe.
Follow the money…and the political power to be amassed.
UPDATE 9/13/22: Like most of Europe and now Brandon’s America catching up, the panicked French have resorted to shutting off the lights on the Eiffel Tower because…well, they haven’t gotten the message that they need to produce their own energy, not rely on Russia, the Arabs or whomever.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 9/17/22: If permanent civil war leading to total societal breakdown is the goal of our enemies within, they are well on their way to achieving it. The very reason CRT, BLM and their ilk exist is to establish an American self-identity as a rotten, racist hellhole despite the fact America has never been freer of racism than the present. A recent accusation of racism, using the N-word by crowds at a BYU volleyball game, has proven to be a total fabrication. But don’t expect the general public to know that any more than they will accept that George Floyd died of a drug overdose. The damage is done, one step closer toward fulfilling Obama’s legacy of permanent division in the American fabric.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 9/12/22: How quickly and easily we forget when the fundamental facts of life-good vs. evil-are peripheral to the average human herd animal. The fools haven’t a clue who their friends are and, more importantly, who their enemies are.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 9/15/22: One thoroughly corrupt, illegal election has enabled the invasion of MILLIONS of illegal immigrants across a wide-open southern border. “You are all welcome here!!” and “We embrace you!” trumpet all those big-hearted liberal yard signs way up north in wealthy, securely guarded communities. Then, 300 illegals are transported to Illinois and 50 to Martha’s Vineyard, and we suddenly have, respectively, an “Emergency Disaster!” and a “humanitarian crisis!” Those feel-good yard signs have quickly come down, and now the message is NIMBY! NIMBY! NIMBY! (Not In My Back Yard!)
Odd how selective the outrage of White Libs is when faced with the consequences of anything they advocate FOR OTHERS, including unchecked immigration. You like “sanctuary cities?” Coming right up! This is not a problem for the political Party they support but a strategy to create a permanent voting majority of imported “new Americans.” But don’t count on comfortable, self-satisfied hypocrites to question their own “humanitarian” motives.
UPDATE 9/15/22: For the really upscale NIMBY crowd, De Santis has made the totally inspired move of flying illegals to Martha’s Vineyard. Oh, what a big meanie he is. Word is that the Obamas are having all those extra bedrooms in their seaside MV McMansion spiffed up for the new arrivals. Or maybe they’ll just abandon the place and hide out in their new digs in Hawaii where the unwashed can’t touch them…yet.
P.S. Breathe easy. No need for Muffy, Tripper, Barry and The Mooch to scurry off to higher ground. The untidy “dreamers” have been shipped off to Cape Cod, so it’s now somebody else’s problem, and everyone can go back to feeling furious about Trump and his awful cages.
UPDATE 9/13/22: When will the Palestinian scam run its course, its leadership, laughing all the way to their bulging Swiss bank accounts, exposed and stopped?
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATES 9/13/22: Going back at least to FDR, the IRS has been the weaponized arm of the tyrannical Dem incumbent most effectively used against political opposition. The current Fake President is just the latest and now the greatest tax thug to intimidate and pulverize us all into a UniParty slave state.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 9/13/22: Clearly The Beast’s exquisitely fine-tuned ear was at its most sensitively tinny this week when comparing QEII to Nancy Pelosi as “somewhat like the queen, to be drawing an analogy here — get up every day, put on those heels she wears, suit up for a fight for the values and ideals she strongly believes in.” Oh. Just happens Mrs. Bill Clinton is also flacking her new book which somewhat like the novels of Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott and the Bronte sisters have something vaguely to do with Hils’ and her sad loser daughter’s admiration for ‘gutsy women.’ Included in the most recent roster of women they admire are vomit-worthy “entertainment” icons Amy Schumer and the hyper-gross Megan WAP Thee Stallion. Sooner or later, there will just have to be a special segment on HERSELF! Aside from dodging bullets in Kosovo, she has already revealed that “staying in my marriage” was a terribly brave thing for her to do but fails to mention that without being tied to a talented politician like Bill, she would be less than zero. In upside-down HillaryWorld, that spells “gutsy woman.”
9/16/22: Lest his central role in what is really one of THE crimes of all time be forgotten, Tony remains in the news and under closer and closer examination.
At the same time, the sensible, far-sighted and humane actions of his Swedish counterpart, Dr. Anders Tegnell, should be acknowledged, praised and kept front and center for when the tyrants decide it’s time for another lockdown.
UPDATE 9/15/22: Read Daniel Greenfield’s wicked take on the pair of fraudulent dunces currently holding positions #1 & 2 in our federal Executive branch, then scroll down Kamala’s post and gaze in wonderment at this human echo chamber just a heartbeat from the Presidency.
UPDATE 9/17/22: For the latest in White Liberal panic over getting a taste of the bad medicine they’ve prescribed for people and places they keep far, far, far away from themselves, check out the “emergency disaster” and “humanitarian crisis” currently underway in Illinois and Martha’s Vineyard.
UPDATE 9/14/22: The Obama Center in Chicago, now being built, is no longer called a Presidential “Library” because Presidential libraries are strictly limited in how large they can be, and who would dare build anything less than an eighth wonder of the world for Mr. “Sorta God?” The unwieldy physical lay-out and its complete disharmony with its surroundings on Chicago’s South Side is destined to be an apt monument to a disastrous Presidency whose pure rot and long term malevolence becomes more obvious by the day.
UPDATE 9/17/22: The Pope has further outed himself as a pawn of the most evil forces on earth. When he refuses to speak out on behalf of Hong Kong Cardinal Zen being imprisoned and silenced by the ChiComs, we are witnessing active collusion with the devil at the highest levels of the Catholic Church.