AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 8/10/22: It’s hard to argue against Trump’s Truth Social statement that we are “A Nation In Decline.” Hate him (and us!) as they do, they cannot refute a single claim made in his statement. We are slipping into unchecked tyranny, and those currently too blind to see, will find themselves wondering how they suddenly lost all the rights they took so blithely for granted. Perhaps experiencing a sudden loss of mobility, livelihood, liberty will bring some to an inner resurgence of American spirit. Cynically and realistically, it’s more likely they will rationalize their predicament as a good thing. “Anything’s better than having Donald Trump as President!” God sees all things, including fools incapable of seeing themselves.
8/11/22: UPDATE 8/13/22: Looking forward to the political obliteration of the odious opportunist Liz Cheney with phenomenal firebrand Harriet Hageman. Listen to this woman and cheer hopefully for the future of the country.

8/11/22: As Ruth King accurately states, the popular David McCullough books and tv appearances are the best available antidote to CRT and the other Hate America propaganda poisoning curricula via the Left’s Long March through our entire educational system.
UPDATE 8/9/22: Living the American spirit goes inseparably with the willingness to fight and die for it. Short of bloodshed, rational people build movements, and it behooves us to know about how that has been done successfully throughout our history. Bayard Rustin and his part in cementing a real civil rights movement during the 60s has never been so worthy of study as the present.
UPDATE 87/22: Medal of Honor winners reflect on the heroism that earned them their richly deserved acknowledgment. “It’s about men and women who value something so strongly that they’d be willing to die for it.”
UPDATE 8/19/22: Fundraising for The Donald is through the roof after the Gestapo raid at Mar-A-Lago. For those J6ers and their cronies hoping to see “the noose tightening,” “the walls closing in,” he has a word for them: sad. Another word for them: boomerang.
UPDATE 8/13/22: You still think people without learned morality are born innocent and are inherently good despite unspeakably bad choices and worse behavior? For lack of a good local clergyman or psychiatrist, you “Better Call Saul.”
UPDATE 8/13/22: As predicted, lockdowns have had the effect of turning millions of the industrious into lay-abouts. The price our society pays for this justifies sloth being listed among the 7 deadly sins.
UPDATE 8/11/22: It can and IS happening here thanks to those who believe what they’ve installed in place of Trump will provide them with the good life. It’s all about how willingly the masses reject freedom in favor of tyrants’ lies. There would be no tyranny without the full cooperation of useful idiots.
UPDATE 8/10/22: A major blind spot for the brainwashed citizen in a totalitarian climate is giving equal importance to politics (all about getting elected) and government (that which keeps a society afloat and sailing along). When a majority of the governed see the vast difference and make their voting decisions based on nitty-gritty government, not the entertainment of bread and circus politics, life holds great promise indeed.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 8/10/22: There is no Dem election strategy involving issues positively affecting people’s lives. There is only a strategy of litigation and prosecution against a certain 1600 lb orange gorilla who just won’t leave the room.
UPDATE 8/7/22: Rumor has it that we’re again about to be caught in the throes of a national “emergency” requiring everyone to shelter in place in their basements while printing presses will be running 24/7 to provide each victim with roughly 1000 pre-addressed, postage-free ballots. And while the presses are running, expect stacks of fresh, new Benjamins to tide everyone over. For those refusing to admit Election, 2020 was a Big Steal, it’s a convenient, comforting lie that that elections can only be stolen by Repubs or conservatives this time around.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 8/11/22: In order to achieve a Trumpless America, J6 has expanded its activity in a way that, unsurprisingly, makes a joke out of “rule of law.” The Mar-A-Lago raid is the latest lawless move by the Deep State that lives only to kill Trump either figuratively or literally in order to preserve BrandonWorld’s power.
UPDATE 8/9/22: The Gestapo raid on Mar-A-Lago is corrupted FBI participation in the J6 Kangaroo Court, all which is solely about eliminating any opposition to the Deep State cancer. This has been furiously metastasizing in response to the unexpected election results of 2016. They keep trying, getting transparently more brutal with each attempt; yet somehow, the Orange Man just keeps on.
UPDATE 8/10/22: What, if anything, would Beijing Biden be doing differently if China were actually pulling his strings? Why else would the ChiComs feel free to be buying up American farmland without a single batted eye in Washington? One can only imagine the profound unease of the average Taiwanese, knowing the current U.S. administration is in the ChiComs’ pocket and poised to do absolutely nothing on behalf of Free China.
UPDATE 8/13/22: Turns out it was all a big boo-boo. So sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
UPDATE 8/10/22: Identity Politics is actively destroying the integrity of the medical profession. We will all be paying dearly for the lie that “systemic racism is responsible both for racial disparities in the demographics of the medical profession and for racial disparities in health outcomes.” Like science in general, medical professionals themselves are now party to their own destruction as they allow themselves to accept that lie…and get paid for it as a bonus.
UPDATE 8/9/22: Mask mandates have returned in full force in CA, including schoolchildren who have nearly zero chance of even being infected by The Bug, let alone dying. And MonekyPox is the latest faux crisis tapped to terrify the nation into another lockdown. It’s never been about health.
UPDATE 8/7/22: If the widespread horror stories about vax reaction are even partially true, they demand close examination. They can’t all be hoaxes as studies are proving. The American population has just been subjected to one gigantic experiment, and we have been the willing guinea pigs. Meanwhile the multi-jabbed, multi-boosted assisted living Great Pretender from Scranton has tested positive for nearly two weeks.
UPDATE 8/7/22: The Donald just promised to rehire all military fired for refusing the jab. There are millions more of the unjabbed denied employment or even medical care who’d be more than thrilled for similar justice and will vote accordingly. One poll indicates millions of those who acceded to it and now regret their decision. Ending the vax madness once and for all may well prove to be a major reason for Trump’s second term and a resounding finale to BrandonWorld. Let it be, let it be.
To the military, cops and millions of others let go for resisting the jab, a one-letter revision on an old Trump catchphrase:
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 8/8/22: What, coming from the now fully Leftist Democratic Party, ISN’T a hoax these days?
UPDATE 8/11/22: The fanatic push for gender spectrum ideology in thousands of schools is an Orwellian gaslighting of the young. To force a young mind to accept that 2+2=5 is to erase the existence of objective reality and truth any balanced person needs to approach a chaotic world confidently. This is the path to enslavement of an entire population of confused, easily controlled adults.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 8/13/22: To restore the FBI to the level of respect it commanded (if not always deserved) in the G-Men days of J. Edgar Hoover (hardly a saint), it may have to be razed and rebuilt from the foundations.
UPDATE 8/9/22: The Mar-A-Lago invasion judge named Bruce Reinhart, giving the go-ahead to the raid, has direct connections to Jeffrey Epstein. This gung-ho Obama supporter and documented Trump hater (see his 2008 Tweet) once represented several of the sex trafficker’s employees in need of a little legal help.
UPDATE 8/8/22: The IRS has cheerily announced there are 87, 000 new positions available for spying on your fellow countrymen. To avoid any negative connotations one associates with the words “spy,” “squealer,” “shock troops,” “stooge,” “Stasi” or “Gestapo,” you’ll go by the more respectable title of “auditor.”
And if Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago has been raided by the FBI, who of us is safe and protected by what we thought were our Constitutional rights? What is the FBI now but just an instrument to be used against political dissenters? Without dramatic exaggeration, we are devolving into the U.S.S.A.
De Santis on Twitter: “The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.”
UPDATE 8/8/22: Control the food supply, medical care, energy, and you control everyone.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 8/9/22: The founder of the Weather Channel has the nerve to state, “It’s the weather, stupid.”
UPDATE 8/9/22: On the sage advice of “experts” in WatermelonWorld, reputedly modern societies like Germany will be huddling together for warmth in small rooms like cavemen this winter. The Green Sri Lanka disaster is just the first of many such societal suicides until common sense returns when the “experts” (read “Leftists Master Planners”) are sent packing from society to celebrate themselves in their own caves.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 8/13/22: For decades, he has been a man marked for execution by Islamic officialdom. It was only a matter of time until some younger psycho would follow up on the Ayatollah Khomeini’s original order. “A religion of peace,” as the sagacious George W. Bush and millions of like-minded fools in the West still graciously term it, even in the wake of 9/11 and now what appears to be the bloody finale to a lifelong bad dream.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATIONY/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 8/8/22: “Sanctuary City” New York Mayor Adams suddenly panics at the arrival of several dozen illegals from Texas which is overrun with thousands daily. His Honor deems one little busload “horrific” and, wildly projecting, “using innocent people “as political pawns to manufacture a crisis.” But, hey, no problem if those U.S. Treasury funds are redirected to Gotham. Show me the money!!
UPDATE 8/9/22: It’s hardly news that “Palestinian victimhood” has always been about money and power for a few PLO fat cats. Just like in all those Dem-controlled American cities. And like denizens of our Inner Cities, nothing but permanent impoverishment for the “Palestinian” pawns used as magnets for all those billion$.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 8/13/22: To save the country from the Trumps, a raid on Melania’s closet was particularly justified. During the AG’s press conference there was noted “…the delicious smell of Chanel No. 5 in the air.”
UPDATE 8/10/22: A new “identity” for those who love America including a growing number of Democrats just now coming to their senses.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 8/10/22: Remember the Clintons’ sacking of the White House upon departure in 2000? Remember their stooge Sandy Berger stuffing documents from the Archives in his socks for Billary? No Stasi raid for them, only a piddling fine and all roadblocks cleared for Hillary’s failed trip back to the White House.
UPDATE 8/13/22: Until the last mask is burned and all the mandates junked permanently, one must keep looking at this nasty little bit of a guy who became the “expert” authorized to turn Americans into serfs.
UPDATE 8/9/22: Washington’s own Snow White, taking time out from mothering all her Dem dwarves in Congress, warbles a sing-songy, condescending version of “It’s A Small World After All” after meeting all sorts of nice little Asian people on her Far East junket. “Beautiful Diversity!” she sighs in her best pandering, politically correct accent.
UPDATE 8/10/22: At the moment, an elite klatch of noisemakers are dominating the airwaves in calling for the guillotining of Trump & MAGA. This unpleasant yet notably small cabal are currently dominated by one soon-to-be-retired Republican Congresswoman and her has-been father in a borrowed cowboy hat. Liz & Dick will undoubtedly frame their impending political demise as martyrdom to truth, justice and the American way, but the disappearing Cheneys will be vaguely remembered as a pair of sour grapes unhinged by loss of power and influence.
Take heart at the dynamic onset of Hurricane Harriet about to sweep away this failed Repub and his devious daughter into the ash bin of history.
UPDATE 8/8/22: As best illustrated by the obsessed, Trump-hating Cheneys, RINOs are proving to be as insidious as any Leftist enemy of conservatism in practice.
UPDATE 8/7/22: Until Trump came along to challenge and force the Republican establishment into full exposure, millions of conservatives over the last 35 years thought they were voting for the best men and women to lead the country. One by one, the most heralded Republicans of their respective eras have proven to be unworthy of the literal votes of confidence they were given. Lately, the most jaw-dropping disappointment is the Cheney clan, now unfortunately into a second generation of public disservice. Judging by upcoming primary polls, this disgruntled dynasty may be about to go over the cliff into oblivion.
UPDATE 8/7/22: It won’t be long before the Cheneys and other Trump-hating RINOs are remembered only for the low level to which the Republican establishment fell, making the rise of Donald Trump not only possible, but imperative. For that refreshing bull in the china shop, we are indebted to them. In the bargain, the whole “insurrection” farce will be exposed for the massive lie it is.
UPDATE 8/13/22: No one holds all-round weapon of mass destruction George Soros in higher esteem than George Soros as his recent WSJ op-ed attests. That all the usual Progs rush to the defense of this indefensible former Nazi operative screaming “anti-Semitism!!!” is one more indication that much of the world has discarded its moral compass along with its will to live.