Stop him and the whole new Children’s Crusade before you find yourselves banished to the cornfield. UPDATE 11/27/24: Within the first 3 minutes of …
The Left and The Children: trotting out another Victim Group…and political pawn.
UPDATE 6/13/21: Good advice for parents who want to regain possession of their children and fortify them to become real leaders and masters of their …
Infantilized America: Giving in to The Children.
UPDATE 8/6/21: We’re paying the price for lionizing children, conferring on them the fleeting sop of “self-esteem” instead of letting them learn about both the …
Cult of Personality
For permanent infantile Obama (DemProg) Worship, invoke The Children.
UPDATE 12/15/21: The children of the Demmed include those millions of knee-jerk Leftists (and Liberals who vote for them) well over 21 whose collective …
UPDATES 11/24-12/1/24
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 11/25/24: The ordeal of winning a war (and we ARE in a war) is not a cakewalk. …
UPDATES 11/17-24/24
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! Right here-home, sweet home-facing east, every morning as day dawns. Acquired in 2016 in a tchotchke shop in …
UPDATES 11/10-17/24
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 11/11/24: This is as chuckle-worthy as that photo from 8 years back, showing Hillary on the eve …
UPDATES 11/3-10/24
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 11/6/24: Victory is entirely his and ours-the Presidency, the Senate, the House. 1001 wrongs inflicted on …
AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 11/6/24, 4am: THANK GOD! Welcome back, America. “…back from, almost literally, the dead.” UPDATE 11/5/24: On this truly …