AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 8/2/22: These dozen minutes of pure American spirit bring all of life’s mundane difficulties into perspective.
UPDATE 8/1/22: The original Constitutional concept of states being largely independent of the Fed is central to disabling the toxins of power metastasizing in Washington. The Electoral College is the most obvious example of this, the Supreme Court’s recent decision returning a major issue to state legislatures another. A hopeful development is the new initiatives being taken by the states to oversee and enforce election laws.
UPDATE 8/1/22: Calvin Coolidge provides a reminder of what our leaders are supposed to be. Typically, our elected class gives the term “politician” an obscene name. Note that Silent Cal’s success was based on the wisdom, “Less is more.”
And then there’s this wonderfully persuasive argument for NOT remaining silent.
UPDATE 8/2/22: Doing everything possible to destroy and erase Trump & MAGA from view is THE Dem (and RINO) Party platform and promise for Americans. Unbeknownst to them, this is of less than no benefit to most decent people who want to live prosperous, free lives, and it has to come back to haunt them not only in the upcoming election but for the long haul.
8/6/22: As opposed to a few (Democrat & RINO) snots in Washington hailing “Our Democracy” in order to control everyone’s lives, the irreplaceable Thomas Sowell suggests “We The People” be represented by our state legislatures. What a novel concept. We’re a republic, not a democracy. Check the Constitution or pay the price of living in an American dystopia hell.
UPDATE 8/4/22: This is the sad place where we’ve landed. To quote an unnamed, wise source: “Practically everything of importance in this country’s history is commemorated in some sort of song. Songs of the American frontier, half myth, half history tell a story more moving than dates and facts and figures…A disquieting thought is that this generation too may be judged someday by the songs it writes and sings.” As Matt Walsh points out, this is NOT Gershwin, Porter, Kern, Berlin or Rodgers. This is dreck, a dismal. reflection of our times.
UPDATE 8/3/22: Katharine Hepburn is credited with saying that her business would be wonderful if you didn’t have to deal with people. And so it is with life in a free society that spawns too many clueless, blind, head-in-the-sand morons ruining things for the rest of us normals.
UPDATE 8/6/22: When average Joe & Jane stop imitating the blatant hypocrisy of the Leftist narrative as displayed daily by high-living, virtue signaling celebs in politics and show biz, the rest of us have a fighting chance to retain our independence. Otherwise, we are one big, slowly sinking society of idiots dragged down into the quicksand of entrenched ignorance.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 8/1/22: Soothsayers on staff at the USPO just predicted that the House & Senate will be securely in Dem hands by mid-November thanks to millions of mail-in ballots being whipped up in some back room just in time to steal the midterms.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 7/31/22: Since everything about the J6 kangaroo court is to push Trump & MAGA down the memory hole, it has to be galling to see his increasingly positive polling and rumblings of a return bigger than ever.
UPDATE 7/31/22: Allowing bad actors free access to children’s souls renders parents & family irrelevant. One J6er is living the Stalinist nightmare of having his son-turned-DOJ-informer turn him in for simply showing up on January 6, not even entering the Capitol.
UPDATE 8/6/22: There is madness, confusion and ultimately tyranny in the acceptance of NO commonly accepted wisdom, beliefs, borders, boundaries. This is anarchy, nihilism, chaos. Change and pervert the language (such as with the pronoun insanity), and we become isolated strangers from one another in a society ripe for conquest.
UPDATE 8/3/22: The faux controversy over Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is a staged set-up. Like the almost identical, pointless Ukraine junket also starring the Pelosi Players, it’s supposed to give BrandonWorld some image of gravitas in foreign affairs. Considering that American dignitaries have been regularly visiting there in recent months, the whipped-up attention (even praise!), given to Pelosi this visit is, like everything that matters to today’s Dems, one more play for midterm votes. Actually, it’s one more fruitless attempt to make BrandonWorld look like it has the vaguest interest in standing up for American interests.

UPDATE 8/6/22: Loss of trust in a thoroughly compromised medical profession predates the Covid fiasco which only has brought this out into the open. What is more unsettling than legitimately viewing doctors and nurses as adversaries, not sources of hope and healing? Does every visit to the doctor’s office now require an advocate?
UPDATE 8/5/22: Hope springs eternal for scoundrels, but it just may be that that new and improved Covid “emergency” just isn’t panning out.
UPDATE 8/4/22: The reality-challenged will continue to ignore the success of Red states that relaxed Covid restrictions and allowed life to go on. Surely those ruined businesses and millions of upended lives were all for the good. There is also the irrefutable example of Sweden that put a lie to the so-called benefits of “Zero Covid” madness that swept the world over the last couple of years. Seeing the vax/mask mandates still in force and silly individuals still sporting their face coverings voluntarily is a sorry reminder that a mental illness pandemic still rages.
UPDATE 8/6/22: As disturbing as the posted figures are on adverse vaccine reactions (VAERS) , they are most likely lower than the actual number of injuries and deaths incurred. If only a fraction of the horror stories depicted on THIS VIDEO is real, we are looking at the denial and cover-up of a major crime. Not for the faint-hearted to watch.
UPDATE 8/2/22: Where and when is the compensation for those fired, refused medical care, generally harassed for a “vaccine” that both Fauci & Birx admit was “overplayed?”
UPDATE 8/1/22: Is it ok to express a little doubt about The Vax when the most prominent pushers of the stuff-Fauci & Biden-have caught the bug? In Sleepy Joe’s case, twice…and counting. I know, I know, all together now: they would’ve died or suffered worse symptoms without having had the jab. O thanks be…and what a crock. Could it be some people are prone to get sick and in varying degrees and in millions and millions of cases, not at all? Is it ok to suggest that simple, cheap remedies like HCQ and Ivermectin might’ve saved lives? Is it possible the Vax compromises the immune system? Most likely, this has been all about Big Pharma having a monopoly on treatment and politicians psychologically scaring the general population into a submissive blob. The long range damage is loss of trust in virtually anything our once-trusted institutions have to say about anything. We always knew about politicians, but doctors and the entire medical establishment? Not to mention, all of “science?”
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 7/31/22: Regarding the leak about revisiting Roe vs. Wade, there is the overwhelming stink of corruption and coverup. Is it Elena or one of her deputies? Is it that longtime suspicious actor himself, the Chief Justice? Functioning as it’s supposed to function-upholding the Constitution as clearly written, not rewriting or “interpreting” it-the highest court in the land has now become a new target for the Left to destroy.
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 8/4/22: It should be a matter of some concern that Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega (he’s still around?!!!) just welcomed in Russian troops to his Central American workers’ paradise. Why is this not news? In the good old Cold War days, such reports used to trigger not-so-little things like Cuban missile crises.
UPDATE 8/4/22: To those who persist in viewing the Ukraine and its leader as angels to the Russian devil, look more closely. The ties to corruption and the brutal denial of basic rights for Ukrainians under the canonized Zelensky plays havoc with the frantic virtue signaling among the bleeding heart Lib set. Yes, we’d all love to see Putin driven back to his sickbed in Moscow, but what is the Ukrainian way of life under its own corrupt leadership? All those blue & yellow lapel pins and cupcakes and flags flying are being quietly taken inside, even by the usual softheads at the NY Times.
UPDATE 8/4/22: A Nobel Prize, Congressional Medal of Freedom and an all-expenses paid trip to DisneyWorld (plus a 2 lb bag of M&Ms) should be awarded to a student trolling a teacher with his pronouns, “Banana” and “Rock.”
UPDATE 8/5/22: Since the installation of the Delaware Demento, we’ve been subjected to one long course of gaslighting, insisting that we’re not really in a bad Twilight Zone episode. Of course, we are in a bigtime bad place, and the origins of the BrandonWorld rot stinking up the place are not so hard to trace.

UPDATE 8/3/22: Tulsi Gabbard is about the only Dem these days consistently right about anything. Most recently, it’s outrage against BrandonWorld’s endorsement of puberty blockers and the whole mad Trans(a)Genda. She is the welcome American counterpart of those UK health workers who have been blowing the whistle on trans activists forcing their crazed practices on British children for two decades. At last, they are all being heard.
UPDATE 7/31/22: One should applaud young lives and minds saved when some “gender-affirming” clinics are being defunded and closed in Britain. It is quite literally a crime to derail a child’s normal sexual development, difficulties and all, with puberty blockers and trans indoctrination. That such interference is considered by many to be “humane” and “progressive” is just one more example of our era’s true madness; and the young are the most vulnerable and tragic victims.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?.
UPDATE 8/5/22: The creepy crawlies of the Schwab/Soros variety have global designs of totalitarian control, and in America, their job is being done for them by today’s Democratic Party (and their RINO allies) focused entirely on a UniParty society focused entirely on eliminating the Trump/MAGA movement. Tragically stupid fools that they are, RINOs wrongly assume that their shared hatred of Trump will yield them an equal share of the spoils.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 8/4/22: Again, that definition of madness: keep doing what doesn’t work. So it is with the Green crowd, demanding yet more billion$ to develop those purported “renewables.”
UPDATE 8/1/22: What?!! Oil is a RENEWABLE natural resource?!! Read all about it. This is indeed news to a world conditioned to look upon the black gold as a rapidly depleting, “dirty” energy source.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 8/2/22: If Blacks or anyone of any race, color or creed in this world wants to be treated like everyone else, they will have to admit they can be called out for being total screw-ups just as fairly as being praised for excellence. Lloyd Austin appears to be our Secretary of Defense due entirely to the fact he is, firstly, Black and, conveniently, a mediocre Organization Man in the right place at the right time. And, to the point, an eminently untalented one.
Patton, Eisenhower and MacArthur are cringing in their graves.

BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 8/1/22: The imminent takeover of European cities by Islam should have been a warning to America, but Woke is Woke wherever it exists to destroy civilized life as we know it. Minnesota, specifically Minneapolis, has become America’s moldiest petri dishes allowing this social virus to spread. Another classic Middle American setting now almost fully morphed into a No-Go zone is Dearborn, Michigan.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 8/3/22: The blindness persists of American Jews who have a greater allegiance to Leftism than to Israel and the fundamental, high purpose of life she embodies.

AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 8/5/22: God has stepped up and declared His deep distress over the present choice of American leadership. Perhaps not only his scheming handlers but the Highest Authority have decided that the demented sad sack has outlived his usefulness.
UPDATE 7/31/22: The Biden post seems as good a place to present this montage starring Lloyd Bridges. Not that this could ever happen.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 7/31/22: Honoring him now with an official portrait in the National Gallery and fussing over him as they might still do, Fauci is still the benign, banal face of supreme evil. Let us count the ways and in as vocal fashion as possible.
UPDATE 8/2/22: Never has a character so small in moral stature and talent come this close to absolute power in American politics. The combo of a vacuous, demented Biden and an equally vacuous, giggly Harris is a sad reflection of our times…and of those American people who put them where they are.
UPDATE 8/5/22: There he goes again: as detached from reality as ever with nothing of value to contribute and still garnering oohs and aahs from an audience as detached from reality as he is. And all still proud of it.
UPDATE 8/6/22: “The Peeewww” (Whoopi and Behar’s daytime tv coven) has supposedly named two “conservatives” as co-hosts. Naturally, they’re both Trump haters which eliminates potentially 80 million Americans from their audience. So “democratic” and “non-partisan” these people.