AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 5/22/22: It’s not just tea leaves or entrails. Authentic signs signal that sanity is making a comeback. And no one has been harmed by the presence of the world’s richest & most newly-famous man making rationality cool again.
This is a take-no-prisoners fighter like we were delighted to discover in The Donald. No accident he shows welcome signs of becoming an authentic American hero in our time. (But don’t be a pothead, Elon. It will “blunt” your edge and is definitely a bad example for the young and stupid.)
UPDATE 5/25/22: There are sane voices, even Trump enthusiasts, who convincingly opine that he shouldn’t run again and let De Santis take over leadership of the MAGA fight.
UPDATE 5/28/22: Hardly a coincidence that marijuana has been a major accessory to the Marxist politics of destruction besieging us since the 60s. Now it’s legalized, mainstream, legitimized, and the negative results should give pause to those claiming it’s no better or worse than taking a drink. Hardly the whole story, but it has to be figured into what sends a lunatic like the Texas shooter over the brink. Not to mention all the other drugs so readily and routinely supplied by doctors like the SOMA cubes of Huxley’s pharmaceutically pacified “Brave New World.” (See #10.)
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 5/27/22: But we can dream, can’t we?
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 5/25/22: There was a time when “So goes California, so goes the USA” was a good thing. Quite the contrary at the moment.
UPDATE 5/25/22: We are reaping the whirlwind bigtime by having raised what are accurately described as “excellent sheep.” Disenchanted Yale prof and writer William Deresiewicz has focused his good, clear thinking on the destruction of true independence and individuality in the young, particularly those most highly & prestigiously “educated” ie indoctrinated. Not surprisingly, another of his books is entitled, “The Death Of The Artist.”
UPDATE 5/25/22: The Left has always pulled out “The Children” card to disguise whatever poison they are feeding us and calling it the milk of human kindness. The ominous reality is that they are the worst abusers and exploiters of the young. Even the distinctly un-paternal Bill Maher is dismayed at the whole gender bending disfigurement of the young and the use of them as guinea pigs in the “vaccination” horror show. Perhaps the mindless Woke are waking up to these unpunished crimes.
5/24/22: The manufactured baby formula shortage is two-faced DoubleThink from the BigGov bureaucracy: handwringing on full display in the same sweeping motion of confiscating essentials from the youngest of the young.
UPDATE 5/28/22:
UPDATE 5/28/22: Any history and future examination of the Covid fiasco must look into the World Health Organization (WHO), not merely out of curiosity but to save what remains of a free society.
UPDATE 5/25/22: As previously stated and reinforced by the added subtitle to this post, they’re going to try it again because it worked like such a charm the first time out. Believable scenarios abound. The Frankenstein story, man playing God to his own severe detriment, provides a cautionary tale and moral for the horrors to come. What balanced person hasn’t asked himself, “How come I’ve never heard of this new & improved gain-of-function ‘monkeypox’ until a few weeks ago?”
UPDATE 5/22/22: The new treaty with WHO that Brandon is about to sign is major trouble for what’s left of the free world. Giving that Marxist-controlled bureaucracy (World Health Organization) power to dictate universal “health” policy for America is the Globalist dream of permanent, universal lockdown. Lockdown: rhymes with totalitarianism. Gives a horrific up-to-date meaning to the term “Shanghaied.” [Definition: To induce or compel someone to do something, especially by fraud or force.]
UPDATE 5/27/22: California, shining the light of disinformation on misinformation, still leads the way as it prepares to save us from HCQ, Ivermectin and all those cheap, available, effective alternatives to BigPharma’s cash cow “vaccinations.”
UPDATE 5/28/22: Like the Parkland (Florida) shooting a few years back, the Uvalde (Texas) police were unprepared and even unwilling to do their stated, professional duty and use force to protect the public. In this case, nearly an hour elapsed while pleading parents outside begged for action as 19 children and 2 adults were slaughtered. The issue is indeed guns: the responsible, experienced public getting accustomed to using them to deter armed murderers and, in these all-too-real-life situations, kill them. One armed off-duty cop didn’t think twice about running into the school building to evacuate dozens.
It has yet to occur to too many Americans that they are shirking their adult responsibility and privilege to use the Second Amendment to defend themselves. Those intent on eliminating guns and universal gun use are the ones bearing the responsibility for future bloodshed of the innocent.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 5/25/22: The singing exhibitionist hired and fired as Czarina of Disinformation has proven herself to be a great truth-teller when it comes to describing the real purpose of her former job. No great surprise or disappointment that the majority of Americans are still awake enough to reject the Orwellian Truth Ministry just proposed and now suddenly “paused.” Maybe they realize that “disinformation” has become the catch-all for anything those in power don’t like. Not terribly American.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 5/28/22: There’s no crisis prominent Far Leftist Dems won’t exploit, and real victims of evil are just grist for their self-aggrandizing mill. Obama, Biden and O’Rourke are the latest cases in point.
UPDATE 5/28/22: Hillary fearlessly dodged gunfire in Bosnia, was named after Sir Edmund Hillary and wanted to apply to be a Marine but was foiled by chromosomes. And now we learn that Joltin’ Joe would have been a Ruler Of The Queen’s Navee had he chosen to accept his appointment to the Naval Academy. There is no fantasized deed of derring-do beyond these people, and the rest of us can only look on with humbled silence.
UPDATE 5/25/22: What sort of delusional fools seriously believes either that Joe Biden is the legitimate POTUS or that he is capable of carrying out any responsible leadership position? Not one carefully scripted appearance goes by without making this painfully obvious, the latest being turning each post-tragedy appearance into a talking points stump speech. Aside from his incompetence, the essential, petty meanness of this ghoul becomes more obvious by the day.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 5/25/22: Finally, the full import and terrible consequences of the Clinton legacy begin to seep through into undeniable, public consciousness. Hillary’s bloody fingerprints all over the Russian Collusion hoax is just one item on a rap sheet going back through 3+ long decades of Clinton corruption. Let us count the ways, starting with Election, 2016/Russian Collusion and working backward from there. One day, some day, somehow, there will be justice. But the real damage will have been done. This magical pair has managed to lower the bar by miles of what’s minimally acceptable even in a traditionally dirty field like American politics.
UPDATE 5/27/22: Like an unhealed sore, the damage done by Fauci & Co. in the name of “safety,” “health” and “the science” will haunt us far into the foreseeable future. With medical experts so infected by corruption and incompetence, where is trust, where is reliable authority?
UPDATE 5/27/22: Obama and Beto O’Rouke have taken the occasion of 21 people murdered in Texas to grandstand their personal favorite political points. They are quintessential Leftists, thriving on misery like a vampires on blood, letting no suffering go by that can’t be exploited for some self-serving purpose. What does it say about those who continue to consider them “leaders?”
UPDATE 5/28/22: No exit from political life will be more cheered than that of Liz Cheney, and her welcome departure is looking ever more likely.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 5/27/22: The Congressional coven known as The Squad continues to be a blot and stain on American politics. Alas, somebody has voted for these Marxist anti-Semitic America haters and will gladly do so again.