DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 5/22/22: It’s not just tea leaves or entrails. Authentic signs signal that sanity is making a comeback. …
UPDATES 5/15-22/22
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 5/20/22: America has thrived as a meritocracy, founded and sustained on countless individual “jobs well done.” There …
UPDATES 5/8-15/22
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 5/14/22: Irving Berlin is not called our Songwriter Laureate for nothing. “God Bless America” still leads a …
UPDATES 5/1-8/22
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 5/7/22: For most of us, who is worthier of honor than our mothers? UPDATE 5/5/22: Free speech …
UPDATES 4/24-5/1/22
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 4/30/22: Despite skepticism in some quarters about Elon Musk’s motives and long-range plans for Twitter, complaints about …