AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 5/20/22: America has thrived as a meritocracy, founded and sustained on countless individual “jobs well done.” There is no greater gift available to anyone than being free to fully utilize one’s inherent talent. If “doing good” for others is a serious goal, what’s of greater benefit than recognizing, encouraging, helping talent along as the roadmap to a satisfying, productive life? Do-gooders (of a certain political Left-leaning persuasion) constantly push for permanent infantile helplessness and dependency. In so doing, they are the destroyers and sworn enemies of self-reliance, the basis of a prosperous, civilized society.
UPDATE 5/16/22: Freeing Twitter from its Kafkaesque cage is meeting bumps in the road. According to DJT, Twitter is damaged, corrupt goods not worth buying, and he predicts that Musk will back out.
UPDATE 5/22/22: Biden’s attempt at insult has backfired bigtime. “ULTRA-MAGA” is proving to be the new rallying cry of the conservative base. Make that ULTRA-MEGA-MAGA.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 5/19/22: Are we to be a country underpinned by laws or a tinpot regime run on the evil whims of a Marxist Mafiosi? The next elections will be the test.
UPDATE 5/16/22: Pennsylvania ruling mail-in voting unconstitutional is a good start. Perhaps another 49 states, and we’ll have something that approximates a fair election, on a single day, called Election Day.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 5/19/22: De Santis is looking like the man we’re looking for to carry on from where Trump was stopped.
5/21/22: Seems that abortion is the Dem solution to solving the baby formula shortage their policies have created. Too many mouths to feed? Kill any potential newcomers who might hog the “fair share” coming to those already inconveniently here.
UPDATE 5/20/22: The spawn of the Baby Boomers aka Millennials are so alienated from the most basic premises and gifts of the American experience that they are already proving to be the polar opposites of their grandparents aka the Greatest Generation. God save us from what we have we created. Should we be surprised that the future is to be populated by miserable people exhorted by their elders to be terrified of that future?
UPDATE 5/18/22 The war on the young is escalating. Any reasoning person grounded in the most fundamental elements of living a full, satisfying life has to fear mightily for them.
UPDATE 5/21/22: Taking in all the evil that China perpetrates on its own people and plans for the rest of the world is good cause to worry. We have been warned by the perpetrators themselves, and we’re suicidal fools for not listening. More to the point, we’re fools for not recognizing those totalitarian measures fully in place in China are already actively implemented here. Does anyone recall the last two years of locking down a whole, free society on the pretense of “good health” and “safety?”
UPDATE 5/20/22: Health redefined. Words and their definitions are everything without which we are slaves to those who control those words and meanings. Of late, words like “health” and “science” have undergone a frightening transformation now blithely ignored by millions of clueless Americans.
5/15/22: If you try it once and it works, why not try it again? Makes perfect sense. That goes for lockdowns necessitating mail-in voting which results in elections with outcomes miraculously known ahead of time. Stay tuned for the fall edition of vaccines/masks/lockdowns…and the likelihood of another stolen election.
UPDATE 5/15/22: Sooner or later, the “vaccination” mania must be acknowledged as the mass crime against humanity it has been. When real science holds sway again, the medical damage on display should send the deniers running for cover if there’s justice in this life.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 5/20/22; Is there any sinister element or regime out to destroy America that Dems aren’t eager to appease, embrace and even assist? Cuba is the latest recipient of BrandonWorld’s generous aid and comfort.
UPDATE 5/19/22: The screechy DisInfo Diva has just been relieved of her duties as mistress of the newly minted Ministry of Truth. Word is that the whole grotesquerie is on “pause.” This could be cover for frantic repackaging it as something less ridiculous and easier to sneak into American life than the laughable launch product recently flacked. The only acceptable fate for such an overtly Orwellian nightmare is euthanasia and deep, permanent burial.
UPDATE 5/17/22: No stopping the Truth Ministers rewriting history to suit their narrative regardless of how far afield from hard facts. In their revisionist fantasy world of ID politics and permanent chaos, facts are only what they choose to make up for the occasion.
5/19/22: When half the American electorate correctly sees disaster and the other half cheers it on as a marvelous success, you are being gaslighted and dragged down the rabbit hole to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. This is more than civil war. This is a mainstream rejection of reality once existent exclusively in scary science fiction.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
5/18/22: The Great Uniter, purportedly on hand in upstate NY to comfort and heal after the Buffalo shooting, has only succeeded in surpassing his own nasty essence fueled by senility. What else to expect from the propped-up figurehead of a fully corrupted Party? Other than advancing an agenda of permanent racial strife and all out civil war, what use do Blacks (or any of the many phony “victim” groups) have for the Dems?
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
Bankrolling terror is just fine with blindly loyal Dem voters. How else to explain the indifference to enabling Iranian nuclear capability with billions of dollars in service to our own suicide? And the presence of new hostages held by the Ayatollahs? Haven’t we been here with that one before? Worked wonders for the great peacemaker Carter in ’79-80. Nothing to worry about in 2022.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
This Congressman from Louisiana, Mike Johnson, bears watching, This is a public servant addressing the real, pressing problems of the day. Here on illegal immigration. See above in this week’s abortion post; his grilling of a brain-dead abortion advocate.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 5/20/22: It’s Fascism 101, old stuff from the likes of an Obama or Warren, now their puppet Brandon. Classic, Mussoliniesque fascism is best described as seeming to be free to run your own company…but not really. Make it impossible for businesses to function competitively in the free market through exorbitant taxation and/or crippling regulation. And whatever big bribes can be elicited to go easy. Then for the ignorant public, deflect blame for the inevitable shortages and high costs back onto the businesses themselves! Win, win! Take all the bribes and graft and credit for whatever gets to the consumer. Then, for all that inevitably goes wrong, point a finger at the greedy capitalists. Think insurance companies brought to heel by ObamaCare or, lately, gas/energy prices and baby formula. And then there’s always those bad actors in Putin’s Russia! Russia! Russia! What would present-day Dems do without the former Soviet worker’s paradise as their current fall-guy?
UPDATE 5/20/22: $11 million in payments to Hunter Biden (and the Big Guy) from China, and there is nothing to see here? No serious move toward investigation, impeachment, removal by his own Party and assorted partisans? Are we so corrupted that limits on criminal behavior by our elected leaders and their cronies (including relatives) just don’t exist?
UPDATE 5/20/22: BrandonWorld stinks from the head down, and hardened brain cells have nothing to do with it. He and his entire brood have been on the take for 50 years.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 5/20/22: Hillary has been publicly fingered by her former campaign manager as giving the ok to spread the Russia! Russia! Russia! lie about Trump. Will it matter? Is there more Arkanicide in the works?
Follow the money…er…I mean The Science.
UPDATE 5/15/22: Will history provide ANYTHING legitimate to excuse the whole lockdown/vaccine/mask assault on the entire world as led by the likes of corrupt bureaucrats like Fauci?
UPDATE 5/20/22; “Full of love” phony Catholic Pelosi has run into a little problem with her parish priest, no less the Archbishop of San Francisco who has banned this abortion enthusiast from receiving communion. There is comfort that serial liars infesting and now defining the Dem Party are being called out. There must come a point where spin and dissemblance meets that overdue stone wall…that falls on them.
5/19/22: The GOP is approaching Prog parity with the Dems. Odd they haven’t learned that real conservatives win elections (assuming the Dems are not allowed to pay 2000 Mules to steal them).
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act