AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 7/19/22: Free speech mixed with comic genius informed by deep insight into human nature added up magnificently to Joan Rivers. She was kindred spirit to her equally outrageous friend Donald Trump both of whom said what we would have loved to say and, in his case, in heroic service to preserving our vibrant American way of life. Oh what she would have made of Biden, Harry & Megan, Kamala!!
UPDATE 7/19/22: One man against the world. Jonathan Issac. A true inspiration and role model for anyone forced to confront the Woke/Covid mob these days.
UPDATE 7/18/22: The bad news continues to pile up to such a height that one is forced to dissociate by habit. Grim daily tidings added to very real personal woes are so real that it seems no one is immune to misery or entitled to a moment’s relief to enjoy the blessings most of us have enjoyed throughout our lives.
Nevertheless, we must. Paraphrasing the Bible, you are commanded to be happy or die. It’s counsel well taken and undoubtedly at the heart of what allowed this country to be born and thrive so miraculously against all odds for these 250 years.
No Pollyanna pretense here. It’s a challenge, a gauntlet thrown down on a daily basis.
UPDATE 7/24/22; The lede is an upper: “De Santis welcomed like a pop star at conference for young conservatives.” That there ARE young conservatives and that there is a De Santis to provide leadership for them is a double dose of good news.
UPDATE 7/18/22: In “Atlas Shrugged,” Ayn Rand prophesized a worldwide walk-out, depriving the totalitarians of the talent and labor necessary to continue their destruction of people’s lives. This drastic move, “stopping the engine of the world,” seems less and less a fantasy of fiction and perhaps the only way to avert the active ruination of our free, productive way of life.
UPDATE 9/23/22: Reading an account of Adolf Eichmann’s capture and subsequent trial & execution in Israel, one immediately thinks of contemporary, mild-mannered mediocrities, perfect bureaucrats capable of committing unimaginable crimes against humanity on a mass scale under the guise of “doing good.” Unfortunately, short of being full-fledged, blood-spattered Nazis barking orders in guttural German, such monsters remain invisible to the general eye, hidden behind benign facades of what Hannah Arendt termed “the banality of evil.”
UPDATE 7/20/22: There is no greater greater mass delusion than the Left’s insistence on equity in life, that somehow people and outcomes of their lives should be “equal.” Not by chance, such a fantasy and the repeated vain attempts to make it reality have resulted in the torture and murder of hundreds of millions. As bad an idea as ever was.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 7/22/22: BigGov panic over independent states like Arizona demanding uncorrupted election procedures (like picture IDs) is as strong an argument for federalism as exists. States and their representative legislatures strongly asserting their independence may very well be THE path back to an America we recognize.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 7/22/22: A genuine in investigation of J6 is overdue. The law is being brutally and selectively weaponized against people guilty of little more than trespassing or “parading” while provably guilty parties are walking around free and unquestioned. Who are the authentically bad actors who turned a protest into a riot and a perfect weapon to destroy Trump and the entire MAGA movement? Watch the Epoch Times documentary.
UPDATE 7/18/22: A Texas couple guilty of being in DC on January 6 and nothing more were raided at dawn by hundreds of SWAT and other terrifying jackboots. This is America?
UPDATE 7/22/22: Centralized power is a bad thing as our wise forefathers knew and set the country up initially to have power shared both nationally (Washington) and locally (the states.) The same principle of separated power should apply to states and their cities since those immediately on hand are the ones who will suffer or benefit from whatever policies are in force. Sadly, New York City in Adams’ hands hasn’t gotten the message, and the boondoggle plan for revamping Penn Station and environs is handing the City over to Albany. Dumb move initiated for the benefit of some Cuomo cronies, and Gothamites will find themselves further marginalized nuisances at the mercy of a corrupt state government. But then, why should a City that voted itself a De Blasio followed by an Adams think that one through?
UPDATE 7/22/22: Has Frisco actually made a move toward rationality and self preservation in installing a “normal” DA in place of the ridiculous Boudin? Soros can’t be happy about this.
UPDATE 7/16/22: A new school like University of Austin offering a truly LIBERAL arts education to young people stands out in 2022 America like a beautiful garden in a South Side Chicago shooting gallery.
UPDATE 7/22/22: The “gender ideology” craze is much more than the male/female thing but a mass termite attack on reality so essential to destroying a society. Erase all lines, customs, traditions, beliefs commonly held to be true, and you’ve unmoored any sense of order. How better to conquer and control?
UPDATE 7/20/22: Hats off to Dr. Scott Atlas for risking his entire professional life shining a light on the heartless machinations of Birx and her fellow bureaucrats, shutting down millions of lives while continuing to draw their own hefty paychecks and exempting themselves from any related inconvenience. Is it of some interest that she has just declared that the sacred vax was “never going to protect against infection”? Coupled with Fauci’s simultaneously timed admission that the jab doesn’t work “overly well”, it’s looking like major CYA time. Yup. We’ve been had bigtime. Time to take the vax/mask thing out with the garbage for good and these wicked frauds with it.
UPDATE 7/19/22: All that power and control over millions is hard to let go of, and an express lane for the Covid Horror Movie sequel is now under construction at warp speed for the midterms. If truth means anything to counter this narrative, the vaccines/lockdowns/masks have actually proven to be a deadly plague of its own despite the robotically repeated mantra that it’s saved us all and continues to save those millions of the vaccinated who, mysteriously, are at least equally if not more likely to get The Bug than the dreadful “anti-vaxxers.” Could it be that the current mortality rate among the UNvaccinated is shockingly low while the dead and dying are almost exclusively those who Believed and took the jab? Doubtless, the Vax Faithful will cite figures proving they are the safe ones while the unjabbed remain the reviled villains of our age.
UPDATE 7/20/22: RFK, Jr. continues to redeem himself from an extremely checkered past and just being a Kennedy as he continues to hold Fauci to account for weaponizing science and medicine against billions worldwide.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 7/17/22: The murder of the Romanovs in 1918 remains the prime symbol of rational civilization’s first major surrender to communism, modern life’s most murderous curse.
UPDATE 9/17/22: Well, who knew? A woman CAN do anything a man can do as long as “she’s” allowed to make up “her” own definition of “woman.” (Pardon the use of singular pronouns, but I’m old fashioned.)
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 7/19/22: Sundance of Conservative Tree House outlines in discouraging long detail the master plan to turn us into a ChiCom society enslaved by total surveillance. In a nutshell, our only real recourse is a serious return to federalism, independent States asserting considerable power free of the centralized iron fist of Washington. We happen to have a certain governor who has masterfully demonstrated the power of that independence, not surprisingly the best bet for leading our rise from the ashes in 2024. The last governor who was President proved to be among the best of our lifetimes. Before that, the best ones were a war hero and midwestern haberdasher. Enough of entrenched DC pols.
UPDATE 7/17/22: The assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe is, to some, an intended prelude to World War in the mold of Sarajevo, 1914. The unthinkable has ceased to be impossible these days, but let’s hope this is just the conjecture of one observer of history.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 7/22/22: Literal darkness is falling over Europe thanks to measures of virtuous austerity being forced upon them (and us) by those averse to energy independence provided by abundantly available fossil fuels. How comforting that a German Green Party hack has shared that he has greatly reduced his own showering time. Beware of that nice-sounding message about “we’re all in this together.”
UPDATE 7/22/22: That 99% of the world doesn’t laugh out loud at the Demented Delaware Dunce Declaration of “CLIMATE EMERGENCY!” is THE problem. Imagine: hot weather in July.
UPDATE 7/20/22: Will the fools believing in a threatened Mother Gaia respond with equal concern about the quiet, little EVs and their gloriously exploding batteries. Fourth of July every day! Perhaps a few real experiences of such Local Warming might put the Global Warming nonsense in its well-deserved grave.
UPDATE 7/19/22: Blame America first and last is always the light guiding the Left, and Greenies in particular have overlooked that our coal production and use remain a diminishing fraction of what the rest of the world like China and India use. Foreign carbon emissions, particularly communist ones, are not the ones to worry about, so let’s make America go back to the Stone Age. But what about all that coal needed to generate the power for those magic EV batteries? The Central Committee will somehow make up their own facts, and if they have their way, coal will be King right here in carbon-free America! It all makes sense!
UPDATE 7/18/22: Those naive souls cheering on the the Green/Zero Carbon fantasy have not stopped to think what they might be missing when they are no longer allowed to own a car.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 7/21/22: They’re getting them younger and younger. Watch this shocking video of diapered, foul-mouthed Black toddlers screeching and physically attacking (Black) Minneapolis police officers like surreal, midget versions of violent Inner City teens.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 7/20/22: Hollywood has selectively plucked some Black Lives that Matter out of history. Stay tuned for “The Woman King,” a celebration of 19th century African Amazons aka Strong Black Women Who Matter. No matter that they were historically active in the slave trade and as brutal as any White Supremacist Slave Masters, but being Black in WokeWorld means never having to say you’re sorry.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 7/22/22: Peculiar that the Dems would unanimously vote down a bill toughening measures against child sex trafficking…unless that would play havoc with their uncontrolled Open Borders strategy to create a permanent majority, UniParty America. They do have their priorities.
UPDATE 7/19/22: The fate of the Middle East will take a decidedly positive turn when the world admits that “Palestine” is a totally fake entity created for the purpose of extorting billions for a newly-hatched “oppressed people.” And good, old-fashioned anti-Semitism provides the scapegoat to blame for all the suffering. America’s nightmare Inner Cities run by Democrats vacuuming in billions from the Fed for the permanently poor originated and still operates on the same principle.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 7/19/22: Say it ain’t so. Joe has been lying all along about Hunter and all the family corruption headed up by The Big Guy. It won’t matter soon anyhow because they’re going to have to junk him, especially now since even the NY Times admits the laptop’s for real.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 7/19/22: Birx comes clean about the dirt and blood she has on her hands. Lockdown Lady will be recalled unpleasantly as one of the villains ruining millions of livelihoods and lives, and she has thoughtfully put it all down for head-shaking historians to digest.
UPDATE 7/19/22: The heart leaps at the possibility that we may be losing him…at last. Or not. He may decide that he’s just too important to completely vacate the premises. Then again with MAGA back on track, disappearing might be a way to avoid the total scrutiny his reign of destructive dissemblance demands. A future devoid of his benignly malicious ilk is key to the survival of America as we have known it.
UPDATE 7/17/22: The suicidal folly of “Follow The Science” is nothing new. The Eugenics movement was touted as the last word in perfect social engineering, the prodigious brain child of Experts. A few brave souls like G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis recognized the evil afoot and foreshadowed the resistance today that must become mainstream if we are to avoid the next disaster handed down by The Science.
UPDATE 7/23/22: Peaceful transfer of power.