AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 6/17/22: The Edmund Burke Foundation has just drafted a Statement of Principles for National Conservatism. One can benefit mightily from getting reacquainted with such seditious things as national sovereignty, rule of law, free enterprise, the Ten Commandments…you get the drift. Great ideas! Conversely, we must discard the bad ideas now creating mass havoc and get ourselves back on track. We’re long overdue for an awakened New Majority of Americans who will permanently embrace the eternal verities.
UPDATE 6/14/22: We are now in the midst of a hostage crisis impacting many, many millions more people than Carter’s Iranian 1979-80 disaster ever did. The light at the end of the tunnel then turned out to be Ronald Reagan. The worst case scenario now is more of what we’ve been forced to endure since November, 2020. The dream of at least half the country would be the return of Donald Trump which would a hoot and a major sharp stick in the evil eye of the Swamp cyclops singly focused on eliminating any trace of him since he routed Hillary back in 2016.
HOWEVER, for all the fun and solid achievement Trump promises, DeSantis could just as well be the man for the long run: young, durable and already fully proven to be the future of the conservative movement and currently our best hope for the country’s survival. The sensible and sane will rejoice at either Trump II or DeSantis I. All depends upon an overwhelming majority of Americans being as fed up as they should be and that this hostage crisis goes into its final death rattle in 2022 and 2024.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 6/15/22: Dr. Simone Gold, admirable founder of America’s Frontline Doctors and vax resister finds herself jailed and fined for peacefully showing up in Washington on J6. A football coach is fined 100K for saying that ruined businesses, billions of dollars and lives lost during a year of George Floyd riots were a tad worse than a claimed J6 “insurrection” that was over and done with within a matter of hours. As the lives lost on the scene were a couple of female Republican protestors, they don’t count. And it’s doubtful the mysterious deaths of several Capitol policemen within the next few days (1 from a stroke, 2 from suicide!) after the event will be deemed worthy of full investigation. What’s big time wrong with this picture?
UPDATE 6/14/22: There is no other purpose for the J6 Show Trials have than to eliminate any memory or future sign of Trump and MAGA. If they succeed, it is a death knell to any semblance of the America the world has known as a beacon of liberty.

UPDATE 6/12/22: The blatantly political gambit of J6 Trump-haters from both Parties will serve either to destroy any opposition to the Swamp OR expose their plan for the all-consuming power-grab it is. Show trials don’t sit well with Americans unaccustomed to being denied their most basic civil rights…that is, unless we have really become a passive nation of post-Covid, brain-dead sheep.

UPDATE 6/17/22: Who is Ron to object when today’s most promising African-American emigre throws his support behind him for POTUS? Equally nice to hear Elon cast his vote for new Conservative Congresswoman star Mayra Flores.
UPDATE 6/14/22: What a switch for Americans, specifically Californians fleeing TO Mexico for a better life!
UPDATE 6/17/22: The Boudin recall came about because of Asians sick of lawless disorder of radical Leftist politics. See battered faces below of Asian crime victims from last week’s post. Leftist lives matter, not more conservative ones even if they’re the endlessly pandered-to “minorities” the Left claims to champion.
UPDATE 6/12/22: There was a time when expressing oneself and offending someone else was a matter between individuals. Now it’s an officially punishable crime to think thoughts not in keeping with another person’s outlook. It can get you fined, jailed, canceled, maybe killed. How things have changed in the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
UPDATE 6/17/22: “Lockdown, The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom.” Sounds like a book worth reading if only for the title that already says it all.
UPDATE 6/14/22: As time passes, the long range damage of lockdowns and the rest is confirmed in the stats and the real lives ruined.
UPDATE 6/12/22: Why would government agencies like the CDC and its Covid cronies give up the sweeping “emergency” powers it was granted over the public since 2020? Big surprise they’re gung-ho on a permanent state of “emergency.”
UPDATE 6/17/22: Slight, very small, almost imperceptible surprise that a former Pfizer VP has spilled the beans and said the whole universal vaccine mandate thing is all about control…and money. One assumes he has both a fulltime food taster and security detail on staff.
UPDATE 6/17/22: Perhaps money has a lot to do with vaccine mandates when two Federal judges are compelled to recuse themselves because they own Pfizer stock.
UPDATE 6/16/22: The deadly price paid by the young for the various poison barbs of Covid Response has yet to be fully tallied. Without coming off as hysterical, are we seeing a rise in vaccine-caused injuries and deaths? Relatively young, seemingly healthy movie stars suddenly are dying in their sleep; even younger rock stars have come down with facial paralysis. Athletes drop from heart failure and blood clots. Not even worth a look? Or would that open a Pandora’s box of doubt surrounding the whole vax/mask worship that infiltrated our lives like the deadly virus they were purported to contain and prevent?
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 6/12/22: The Supreme Court is under attack, not simply ideologically, but literally. Conservative Justices have been alerted that their lives, their families, their property are now targeted for any random physical attack that might befall them and that the Brandon administration is chuckling to itself and looking the other way.
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 6/17/22: Gaslighting is insidious and totally natural to the psychopath intent on disarming and destroying his enemy with subtle subterfuge.
UPDATE 6/17/22: This woman’s story of her own child’s body, soul & mind being secretly stolen away from her by a school district is horror out of the most sinister scenarios devised in fiction by Orwell and in reality by Stalin & Mao.
UPDATE 6/16/22: The bizarre use of people’s mixed-up sex lives as a political weapon and blight upon stable norms comes all the way from the top these days. The young and malleable are the real victims of this exploitive, evil plague. This medical assault on young developing bodies includes a growing campaign to lower the age for children to receive hormonal treatments. Is this the result of legitimate gay rights having been pushed far beyond reasonable limits to encourage any and all deviancy, no matter how destructive? By inevitable association, this plunge into legitimized perversion will victimize those gays who have only wanted basic civil rights, not license to subvert society.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 6/16/22: Epoch Times interviews Naomi Wolf who has sharp observations about Americans transformed into Covid cult followers and social media addicts. In many American states we are still living under “Emergency Law” which will allow those bad actors in government (from the senile top down to power-mad governors) to re-enact lockdowns, set up quarantine camps for the “unvaccinated,” suspend elections and normal life in general. America has changed, not least of all into a disturbing collection of passive individuals ready to accommodate tyranny from their government.
UPDATE 6/12/22: Thanks to the created Covid crisis, the Great Reset has taken a gigantic leap. Aside from the show of totalitarian control from BigGov and its cronies in the creepy boardrooms of Davos, it has been a windfall for billionaires creating shortages and miraculously providing products the next day to fill the desperate need. On the same principle, the Green energy boondoggle plans to put the pedal to the floor by trying to eliminate fossil fuels from the market and filling the void with Green technology. A few get rich, the masses scrape by on crumbs from a Mafia-controlled market place.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 6/17/22: To be kind, we’ll call Brandon’s “great transitioning” from fossil fuels to electricity just a delusional myth, not the bold-faced lie that the whole Green future is. Those Greenies in government and their cronies in industry stand to reap $billions and unlimited political power from crippling our fossil fueled way of life and aren’t about to tell the truth. Listen to a few facts and continue to enjoy your modern conveniences before the frauds take it all away in the outrageous name of “saving the planet.”
UPDATE 6/12/22: Do the fools (known in some circles now as “climate primitives”) jumping on the Green Energy Edsel realize that electric cars are powered by batteries charged from burning coal? Do they know that they will spend more time charging their “clean” cars on the average road trip than they do sleeping? Earth to Greenies: battery power comes from “somewhere” that’s a bit hot and messy.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 6/16/22: Brainwashing confused, tormented people into believing they’re in the wrong bodies is reaching epidemic levels and is just one more deliberate attack on mental stability in the general population, most specifically among the young. This is just an outpost of Identity Politics, further dividing/alienating people not just from others but from their own most essential nature.
UPDATE 6/12/22: Identity Politics was given life and legs by the so-called “post-racial President,” and Biden has been installed to see that it grows into the permanent civil war it was intended to be.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 6/17/22: Hating the Jews is as old as history itself. And in this case, history not only repeats itself periodically but is an endless continuum of attempted annihilation.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 6/18/22: Nobody’s perfect. But everyone hasn’t publicly demonstrated again and again that he’s a serial liar, a plagiarist, a bigoted, contemptuous creep (scroll up and down the full length of this post going back to 2013) over the years and continues to do in his brain-fried incapacity as our illegitimate POTUS. Nor has everyone shamelessly, cluelessly acted out perverse, totally inappropriate activities with young girls for cameras worldwide without any sense of restraint. Is it fair to question the character of a man both of whose surviving children are drug and sex addicts? Is it reasonable to be repelled by such a person?
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 6/17/22: Fauci’s affection for Rand Paul continues to swell to record levels as the latter relentlessly grills the former on the royalty payments coming his way from BigPharma.
UPDATE 6/17/22: Good news. The Singing Big Sister of the briefly “paused” Disinformation Board has been replaced by…ta-da!…the Giggly One! Kamala Walla Bing Bang’s perfect record of being “honestly useless” in everything she does should make the whole Orwellian endeavor…well…a laughing stock.
UPDATE 6/17/22: Like all dissemblers, laughing is the best defense when really up against it. Bill Barr is fake-laughing at the evidence of Election 2020 fraud in “2000 Mules.” The day approaches when he’ll be crying and pleading ignorance.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act