AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 6/11/22: There are compelling arguments for Trump stepping aside in 2024, but there are even better reasons to cheer him on for four more years, paving the way for 8 years of De Santis. If the honest electoral process can be retrieved, we will get America back for another generation…and keep it. Dare we hope that the electorate reacts rationally to the multiple, undeniable miseries of BrandonWorld and brings this about?
6/11/22: American spirit and the nation’s character and direction are all about values as lived day to day. Are we virtuous (or sane) enough to survive? Judging by Uvalde at the moment, no.
UPDATE 6/7/22: Millions of us are living with a profound sense of social malaise unlike any we’ve experienced in long lifetimes. How to describe it in recognizable terms? There is the amorphous, claustrophobic helpless sense of Kafka’s stultifying Amerika. We move daily through toxic gray clouds, residue of a post-Covid, brain-washed mass mindset. Wokeness, White supremacy, gender spectrums, reparations, lockdowns, masks have left us Sovietized.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 6/9/22: A Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate has been arrested and removed from the ballot for the crime of being present in Washington on January 6. Reportedly, there is video of him as part of a crowd vocally supporting and encouraging the protest. No mention of whether he entered the Capitol; however, anything that discourages dissent or prevents participation in the electoral process meets with the full approval of those currently in power, specifically those active in the show trials just beginning. The bad news is the clear intention of the January 6 gangsters to permanently control American elections. In response, some optimistically opine this is suicide for the Donkey brigade. Pray for the latter.
6/8/22: We’re not in Kansas any more. We’re not even in America. The forces running this kangaroo court have made it clear that no objection or questioning of Election 2020 is to be allowed. The Stasi-like arrest of Peter Navarro, hauled off from an airport in handcuffs and leg irons and his ensuing detainment and threatened indictment, is the stuff of a U.S.S.A.
UPDATE 6/9/22: One isolated pushback against the Californication of America has come, of all places, from California! SF DA Chesa Boudin, a criminal’s best friend in high places, has been recalled, and now Friscans can either choose a supporter of law and protector of the public or, like New Yorkers, just change the packaging for more of the same old manure.
UPDATE 6/8/22: Beware the so-called “natural” remedies. Alternative sleep remedy Melatonin poisoning in children has multiplied more than five fold over the last decade.
UPDATE 6/11/22: A documentary “The Hong Konger” and revisiting the Tiananmen Square massacre drive home the essentially deadly nature of the ChiComs.
UPDATE 6/9/22: Is a ChiCom invasion of Taiwan inevitable or avoidable, even given the sinister alliance of BrandonWorld with Beijing?
UPDATE 6/8/22: If no new crisis is immediately available to exploit to political advantage, call Covid!
UPDATE 6/9/22: Young Australians are suddenly dying at an abnormal rate. At what point are the anti-anti vaxxers going to pause and think seriously about things?
UPDATE 6/9/22: Despite being at virtually no risk getting or suffering symptoms of Covid, children age 5 and younger are being forced by government officialdom to be “vaccinated.” Besides potential damage to their young bodies, they are getting early conditioning to BigGov coercion. If unnecessary shots are compulsory, why not total control of their lives?
6/9/22: Be afraid, be very afraid of those who act to save us from ourselves out of “compassion.” And don’t forget the great results of “good intentions.”
UPDATE 6/5/22: Unsurprisingly, hyper-Prog California leads the way in continuing to criminalize anyone disagreeing with the establishment’s Covid narrative. Remember lockdowns? Remember millions of businesses and lives flushed away in the name of “safety?” Remember the suppression of any alternative treatments that might cut into “vaccine” profits or undermine the totalitarian mindset that drove Fauci and BigPharma over the last two years?
UPDATE 6/8/22: Perhaps the words of one rational parent who lost a child to a maniac’s actions, not the gun he was carrying, will carry some weight.
And there is this grieving mother who has retained her common sense despite personal tragedy.
UPDATE 6/8/22: Uvalde is proving to be a bellwether for what ominously looks like America’s decline. As asked elsewhere (Ma): “Are we virtuous enough to survive?”
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 6/9/22: To date, Matt Walsh’s “What Is A Woman?” is the best response yet to the LGBT fabulists insisting they are telling the truth about the fluidity of “gender” or promoting something of any value.
UPDATE 6/8/22: Guess what! Hollywood isn’t Leftwing! They said so themselves!
6/7/22: One more distinguished professor is forced to quit academe or face wrath of the Prog mob. We are all on trial now for daring to voice any opinion contrary to the prevailing narrative.
UPDATE 6/5/22: “Toxic Positivity” sums up the gaslighting madness of telling the brain-dead that being fat is beautiful; being gay is an achievement of “pride;” that making fossil fuels (and everything else) unaffordable is a wonderful side-effect of Green “transitioning;” that there is absolutely nothing stupid or destructive on the approved Progressive agenda one can do, say or think that should create “shame.” The truth is that this is just another Orwellian approach to forcing people to admit 2+2=5.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 6/5/22: Ever hear of Mouse Utopia? We are all programmed lab rats now, just about to devour one another.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 6/5/22: Fossil fuels are working just fine. The planet is not dying. People at all economic levels are thriving, inflation is minimal and things are affordable because the competitive free market is operating minus excessive government interference. Or so it was before Election 2020 was stolen, and the Dark Ages of Brandon roared into being on January 21, 2021.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 6/8/22: There’s way more than a camel’s nose in the tent up in that Islamic American city formerly known as Minneapolis. Like it or get your infidel throat cut.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 6/8/22; Every new Progressive and Leftists in general bursting upon the scene insist they are something new and different, a garland of roses, when they are still the same old strangling, ugly weeds their predecessors were.

UPDATE 6/9/22: For consistent production of wrong-headed gibberish spewed out and hailed as wisdom, nobody surpasses Tom Friedman…except for fellow Gray Lady fraud Paul Krugman.
UPDATE 6/8/22: There are only so many ways of describing the unfortunate occurrence that happened to the Presidency and to the country. His name is Joe, and he is that proverbial accident that is no longer waiting to happen.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 6/8/22: OpenTheBooks investigation reveals hundreds of $millions in royalties paid out to the Vax gang, including the beloved Dr. Tony.
UPDATE 6/7/22: Mention of Jackson Lee’s latest little bit of gifting herself the armed protection she vociferously denies the Little People is just an excuse to gleefully repeat this priceless description of the pride of the Congressional Black Caucus: “dumber than a bunch of rocks caught in the hubcaps of a slow bus going the wrong way on a one way street in the middle of a flood.”
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act