UPDATE 8/30/24: Poor Little Sir Keir, the latest PM clearly no friend to the average Brit shunted aside in favor of unassimilated immigrants, is feeling …
BITA(Bitten In The Ass): Epitaph of “Nice” Leftists
UPDATE 9/26/23: Clueless Libs and hardened Leftists have successfully created their wished-for mad, mad, mad WokeWorld. The problem is they suddenly find themselves living with …
The Self-Indulgent Vanity (and MADNESS) Of “White Privilege,” “White Guilt.”
Vanity of White Privilege, White Guilt UPDATE 9/22/20: The nice White neighborhoods of Minneapolis, [and Dallas and wherever else the privileged, guilt-ridden cozily reside] now dotted with …
Jobs, not mobs. Throw in law and order, and you have one choice in November.
Listening to those “concerned,” “compassionate,” “woke” [and GUILT-RIDDEN] souls anywhere to the Left in this writer’s social circle need to answer a question: “What are your political …
“The bells rang at Mt. Rushmore. The witches’ sabbath is coming to an end soon.”
As the Left desperately seeks to be our absolute slave masters (regretfully having missed the opportunity in the country’s earlier years), we are about to …
Hard facts, not wishful feelings
The anarchy of the present, aided and abetted by our prosperous friends, family and neighbors of Woke Prog Post-Modernist Robotry, is not easily solvable when people’s way of dealing …
If they lie about The Virus/Israel/Fill In The Blank, they’ll lie about everything.
UPDATE 5/17/20: We find ourselves beset by a worldwide plague of destroying hundreds of millions of healthy lives to save (maybe) thousands of the sick. …
Americans Refuse Not To Work!
UPDATE 9/8/20: Some of us knew in the beginning (see the original post from months back below) this unprecedented shutdown of the world’s motor on …
A CoronaCrisis Road to Serfdom? A warning.
UPDATE 4/13/20: Forget about China. Forget about England. The Orwellian nightmare has arrived in CoronaCrazed America. Adding a diabolical Stalinist touch to the already sinister …