AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 10/17/21: America is only a free nation when the INDIVIDUAL’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are the bedrock of its existence. To quote Thoreau: “There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly.”
UPDATE 10/16/21: Heartening news: the Biden Mafia has overplayed its hand, and the people are getting a bit uppity.
UPDATE 10/17/21: The only believable campaign promise worth listening to is that backed up by action, not hot air. DeSantis’ Columbus Day proclamation and attendant stance on the whole Cancel Culture surrounding it justifiably brings him one step closer to the Presidency within the next 7 years.
UPDATE 10/17/21: Now that responsible parents have been openly slandered (“domestic terrorists”) and threatened by the Biden Mafia, could it be that fighting for children across all Party lines is the great unifying factor to turn the tide engulfing us?
UPDATE 10/16/21: Gruesome claims have emerged about the use of kidneys cut out of live, aborted babies to create the Pfizer vaccine. Like Planned Parenthood caught on video covering up ITS callous marketing of aborted baby body parts, denial and damage control are being met with legitimate skepticism. If true as reported and considered ok for the sake of “science” (and money), we have really lost our souls.
UPDATE 10/17/21: The ubiquitous MADE IN CHINA label is only becoming more a sign of America’s slide into dependency.
UPDATE 10/17/21: Ultimately the best reason to pass on the “vaccines” is that natural immunity is vastly superior to what could pan out to be a Jim Jones Kool-Aid exercise. Not a pretty picture for those millions honestly believing they’ve protected themselves, not only from Covid but from the social pressures attached to the whole vaccine/mask travesty.
UPDATE 1`0/16/21: The absurd (and criminal) illogic of universal mass vaccination/masking (including the young) has met a roadblock when even the NY Times admits the risk of Covid in children is minimal. All of no concern whatsoever to those high on the power they hold over an ignorant, cowed public.
UPDATE 10/11/21: The mindless, totalitarian police state tyranny of Australia is here, in Red State Wyoming and doubtless spreading elsewhere. Watch a courageous, 16 year old girl named Grace (with her father on hand) politely, calmly refusing to wear a mask to her school classroom and being met with threats of force and intimidation by a whole battalion of braindead, soulless cops and school officials, bureaucratic bullies all.
Most striking is the tactic by the “authorities” of projecting their own abuse of power onto this girl, locking down the entire school and excoriating her for “[restricting] the movement of over a thousand students who are not allowed to leave their classrooms because you’re trying to get back into the classroom.”
Psychologically, they are acting out the national vaccinated/unvaccinated drama, villainizing her in the eyes of those thousand other students as the source of their misery, making her a visible example of what happens to the disobedient and uncompliant.
This is America? For some, focusing on mask tyranny is considered peripheral and not significant enough to be made a pivotal issue. But it is. If compulsory masking is not the visible, universally imposed mark of submissive obedience to whatever arbitrary decree the the State imposes, what is? Do our otherwise liberty-loving friends believe it will stop at just masks? Denying children entry to school, locking people away in their houses and refusing to let them go to work or worship or carry on their lives isn’t blatant tyranny?
UPDATE 10/15/21: Trillions of dollars in “Building Back Better” costs zero? Something good “For The People?” Tell us another one.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 10/17/21: Barry Goldwater was excoriated and eventually routed in the election for uttering the sentence below in accepting the Republican Party nomination in 1964. His simple statement rings truer than ever. If conservatives and patriots are to prevail, obsequious moderation is not an option.
UPDATE 10/15/21: The dystopian nightmare that we are living through folksily laid bare. Thank God some humor and music manages to elude the Woke censors.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 10/14/21: Warning: Green energy as preached (but decidedly not practiced) by the our superior ChiCom role models is filthy and lethal. And useless. Other than that, it’s the way to go if you’re one of those prone to following anything suicidal the Left promotes.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 10/17/21: Unfortunately, the worst of the Sixties is not only still with us but actually guides present-day events. Ayers was into CRT and permanent civil war before these sociopolitical toxins were cool, and he is considered by many to have been the one from the start whispering into Obama’s ear who in turn now whispers into the ear device adjacent to Biden’s empty cranial cavity.
UPDATE 10/14/21: Our befuddled Presidential impersonator just called Chicago lesbian pol Lori Lightfoot “Mister Mayor” One is directed to the Woke Etiquette Directory to see if she should be insulted or respond, “Thanks, bud!” and slap him on the ass like male sports teammates do.
UPDATE 10/11/21: Fauci is now a full-fledged Hollywood STAR! (and malignant, highly paid bureaucrat), complete with a Disney hagiography now in full Tinsel Town promotion mode, garbage-filled swag bag(box) included. There’s no business like show business especially when draping one of the most destructive conmen of our history in the holy garments of total fantasy and slobbering idolatry. Too bad that, contrary to baseless praise from MSM critic-stooges, the viewing plebe public think this phony “hero” and his Hollywood lacquer job is one big steaming pile.
UPDATE 10/17/21: Kamala’s content meter, already at zero, has managed to descend to uncharted depths of vacuity with her laughable confab with “kids,” actually child actors paid to look almost awake and interested in her breathless gasps about exploring outer space. What better topic for this empty, weightless creature of vast inconsequence?
UPDATE 10/11/21: Tell a lie or inflict assault enough, and the jaded observer becomes numb to shock or outrage. So it is with repeated revelations about the Pelosis and their transparent, lifelong grift.
UPDATE 10/16/21: The most malignant treachery is that which comes from within one’s own ranks. So it is with the false perception that so-called “mavericks” within the Republican/conservative media are somehow coming around to Woke ways. In truth, they are and have always been RINOs, Republicans & conservative In Name Only. Such sleazy culprits as WAPO’s “conservative” Jennifer Rubin and others like her are simply well-paid Dem operatives.