AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 10/1/21: What are the outstanding characteristics of those of us who love America? Among many things, it’s reliance on the solid common sense embedded in our DNA that puts freedom and the truth above all else. Conversely, it is the erosion of our trust in that common sense within ourselves that leads us dangerously astray. G.K. Chesterton lamented “The only thing surprising about common sense is how uncommon it has become.”
Fortunately, we still have some noble examples of that uncommon sense in public life-Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Tucker Carlson-who still speak out and act fearlessly on behalf of all free Americans. They lead and inspire by example. God save and protect each individual one of us from betraying what is best in ourselves.
UPDATE 10/1/21: It’s edifying to observe the evolution of those on the Left at serious odds with their own bad ideas and lies who, to one degree or the other, find themselves moving in a commonsensical direction toward the truth.
These “second thoughts” (as David Horowitz terms them) recall the faithful Communist intellectuals of the 1930s like Arthur Koestler and Andre Gide, disillusioned and transformed by “The God That Failed.” Read Orwell’s “Homage To Catalonia” for a similar tale of transformative disenchantment. In the turbulent odysseys of such recovered souls lies hope, exceptional and rare though these stories are.
UPDATE 9/29/21: Apparently the majority of New Yorkers have gone all “rightwing extremist” in that they see in moderate Democrat mayoral candidate Eric Adams the possibility of lower taxes (meaning a vigorous, business-friendly, job-producing economy that also just so happens to produce a thriving real estate market and ample affordable housing); AND law and order & public safety (meaning a strong police presence underpinning no-nonsense crime deterrence).
Since the George Floyd circus made policing and law enforcement passe and serial criminals heroic victims, nationwide homicide rates have risen an unthinkable 30% in the last year. Coincidence? Hard to figure out?
How mysterious it must be to today’s moronic Democrat mainstream that sane people prefer prosperity and a decent social order to the surefire social chaos and tyranny guaranteed by utopian/socialist frauds like a Di Blasio or AOC.
Whether Adams proves to be the commonsensical godsend the City desperately needs to survive or just another slippery political animal remains to be seen. Whatever his fate, Americans everywhere wishing to retain a semblance of civilized life will be calling for a different sort of leadership than that offered by what has become the mainstream Democratic Party.
UPDATE 10/2/21: The book WHEN HARRY BECAME SALLY warns of the dangers of what has become one more outpost of Identity Politics with its express goal of creating confusion and sowing permanent civil discord. Not surprisingly, the book has been canceled by Amazon as impermissible “misinformation” despite discussing the subject of transgenderism not just as a controversial issue but also as a compassionate look at desperate, suffering people.
UPDATE 10/2/21: Like it or not, we are living the scary reality that China is now calling the shots for much of what runs our economy and foreign policy. Has anyone informed the delusional empty suit prop in the White House who still believes he matters to anyone in any significant way?
UPDATE 9/27/21: When Master Planners like John Kerry operate from the Big Lie premise that “climate change” is THE existential global crisis and not Islamic terrorism or expansionist ChiCom tyranny, ANY violation of human rights is just one more of those insignificant eggs that need breaking to make that tasty totalitarian omelette. The real mortal enemy of all human life that serial political criminals like Kerry neglect to mention is himself and his fellow Marxist Mafiosi Elite looking down with utter contempt on the rest of us.
UPDATE 10/1/21: As Covid has been and remains one of the greatest gifts ever to fall into the Left’s lap, it comes as the worst possible news that the “pandemic” is kaput, and things can return to normal now. Naturally, this is the last thing the usual culprits want to hear, and they are working fulltime to see that these glad tidings never come about. What is the Left without a fearmongering crisis to keep the submissive herd in the corral?
UPDATE 9/30/21: Yes, the cure has been worse than the disease.
UPDATE 9/26/21: The estimable Clarice Feldman opines that our otherwise nice friends/neighbors/family who stupidly insist on voting for their own demise are just too busy (and intellectually lazy) to read beyond charged headlines and scary comic book graphs.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 10/1/21: One worrisome byproduct of religion’s decline in guiding most people’s lives is that atheists and agnostics are more likely to be conformists who accommodate themselves to tyranny rather than answer to God. With that in mind, Dennis Prager poses the question, “Who would be most likely to hide a Jew if Nazis took over America?”
Most likely, the Good Samaritans among us are to be found among the religious rather than (as a vivid, present day example) those herd creatures eagerly acting out the mask/vaccine charade just to get along. The more secular the society, the more susceptible to tyranny.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 10/1/21: We’ve heard it already, but Time Magazine, not exactly known for love for Trump or conservatives in general, exposes (again) the decidedly premeditated plot to steal Election 2020.
And California is busy making sure that stolen elections through that very same unchecked mail-in voting becomes a tradition in UniParty America.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 10/1/21: Upcoming Columbus Day offers a fresh new stir of the racial pot, heavily seasoned with lies, distortions and convenient deletions that comprise the main ingredients of the now-standard Woke narrative. That meme is that Chris was just the first of a horrible, unbroken line of White sadists & murderers leading up to the present who exist only to wage fulltime mayhem and destruction on the non-White American population.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 9/30/21: 2021 has become the new “peace in our time, 1938,” giving the green light to unchallenged Islamic jihad. Thanks to Biden’s catastrophic abandonment of Afghanistan, the gates of hell are now opened wide for international terrorism to plunder and murder at its whim.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 9/30/21: Any doubts about Leftism operating as a religion sanctioned by God, get a listen to the newly installed Governnatrix of NY proclaiming vaccines and her universal mandates a command directly from…who else?…God. [“Be my apostles.”] It is thereby declared by Cuomo’s worthy successor, speaking as the Deity’s earthly rep: I’m sending in the National Guard and imposing martial law and whatever else forces you uncooperative little bastards back to work where we need you. No Atlas Shrugging on my watch!
UPDATE 10/3/21: Let’s see: trillion dollar spending sprees cost “zero.” Post audit results? Joe Biden actually won MORE votes in Arizona than previously counted. All those hordes pouring unhindered over the border are “dreamers.”
Another day, another Democrat fabrication. You know what they say about serial liars and moving lips.
UPDATE 10/1/21: Since we are being sensory overloaded with disaster every day from BIdenworld, one gratefully welcomes the concise Cliff Notes edition of this epic horror film script. Merciful are just a few, clear words keeping the nausea and vertigo at bay while still allowing us to retain some grasp on things. For the masochistically inclined hungry for more specifics, feel free to float around in the bilge that is our political ether these days. But do take a good, sturdy paddle, trusted herbal remedies and a hazmat suit.
UPDATE 10/1/21: We are seeing “Animal Farm” in real time when our Elite Wokesters in DC & Hollywood make the old “anti-fascist” sounds of Stalinists while living, behaving and being the fascists they claim to hate.
Translated to Orwellian: “four legs good, two legs bad.” Now, that the Elite four leggers have taken on the ways of the enemy, it’s “four legs good, two legs better.”
UPDATE 10/2/21: Having Joe Biden as POTUS is so bad it can actually be comic.
UPDATE 10/1/21: Easy, casual corruption and serial lying is a way of life for the Bidens as demonstrated by Big Guy Joe and his sloppier alter ego Hunter, brought down from the attic for public view like Dorian Gray’s monstrous real self. The collective jaw drops at the reality of this (literally) braindead Nowhere Man publicly calling Afghanistan “an extraordinary success” and his pride & joy Hunter “the smartest guy I know?” Some call it “genius criminality.” Those of us made from coarser fiber just call it criminality, amoral mediocrities allowed to get away unpunished for the only thing they know how to do and be.
UPDATE 10/1/21: Hopefully soon he and his toxic policies will be history for New York as common sense and reality replaces the battered wife romance New Yorkers have with their committed communist mayor. For the record, it’s interesting to note his background as revealed by the crimson Red FBI file of the former Warren Wilhelm, Jr.’s mother. So akin to the Obama story: communist parents, absent father, the assumption of a new “ethnic” name to get ahead in Leftist politics.
UPDATE 9/29/21: For those of us who don’t feel comfortable with serial liars totally versed in Orwellian Doublethink, help is on the way in the form of this video, compiling Fauci’s casual lies and ever-evolving views on things. This is the man who gave all those closet totalitarians worldwide the gift of Covid Panic and the fatal willingness of millions to be locked up and locked down for “safety.”
And why has there been so little mention of the obvious conflict of interest of Dr. Tony Fauci, the Covid scam’s most visible public relations mouthpiece making pillow talk with Dr. Christine Grady (aka Mrs. Fauci), the woman heading up the NIH’s bioethics department, regulator of….wait for it…which drugs, treatments, research are officially ok and which are not?
Presenting America’s Dr. and Mrs. Big Nurse. They decide what’s good for you, little Mr. & Mrs. Nothing Public …but more much more importantly, what’s good for them and the corporate and Deep State interests behind the curtain.