AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 10/9/21: Staying sane and overcoming fear in this Orwellian Twilight Zone is THE great challenge for those who put freedom over mythical, malignant “equality” as the highest human value and the bedrock of any civilized life.
A Silent Majority of freedom-lovers, not wishy-washy centrists , are those who will eradicate the forces that engineered the stolen election resulting in the tsunami now engulfing us. They can’t win if we won’t surrender.
UPDATE 10/4/21: America is finished? America is “broken?” America is fundamentally racist and evil? Only to those who have no real core values and think nothing is worth fighting for.
UPDATE 10/4/21`: For freedom lovers it is imperative to understand the difference between a democracy and a republic, both in what each offers and how each operates. Spoiler alert: democracy is a surefire risk; a republic is the way to go if individual liberty is to prevail.
UPDATE 10/9/21: Sweden’s admirable laissez-faire attitude toward the virus, allowing life to go on as normal while dealing rationally and responsibly with the stricken, puts to flight the vaccine/mask/lockdown hysteria besetting virtually every other country worldwide. Most likely, natural herd immunity and people free from the toxic stresses of lockdown has made fools of those persistent scoundrels intent on milking a ginned-up crisis for all the political power it can yield. The same goes within the US as those most vaccinated States have shown an increase in infection while the “Deplorable” free states such as Texas & Florida report plateauing or decline in infection.
And why? We repeat ourselves: viruses are here to stay and will always strike the vulnerable while most people, infected or not, can go on with their lives. There is also the factor that the stress of lockdowns-unemployment, depression, immobility-wage a terrible toll on health and natural immunity.
The commonsensical truth of this is not welcome news to the Left eager to create and exploit a panicked populace simply because they can.
UPDATE 10/8/21: Vaccine/Mask/Lockdown madness with all the outrageous measures taken to enforce it is really the underpinning of the Great Reset underway. Why is natural immunity acquired after actually having the virus (and superior to any man-made vaccine) rejected by those driving public health policy worldwide? Why is a universal, easily administered quick test showing negative results not a common option? Because it has never has been about safety or public health. It is about control and political power.
10/9/21: To the delight of the Left and those psychologically and religiously inclined toward centralized control, apartheid is back, separating the “clean” (vaccinated & masked) from the unclean and noncompliant. The gravity of this artificially created social blight ranges from the absurd, distinctly unscientific practice of requiring the unvaccinated (AND many of the vaccinated) to wear masks in public…to the downright terrifying Gestapo tactics of nations gone mad like Australia and Lithuania, treating the uncooperative as dangerous criminals.
Behold the endgame of that once presumed “free” society Down Under infected by deliberately created panic. If they can make you take the vaccine, wear a mask and deny you your basic rights and privileges, what can’t they make you do?

UPDATE 10/5/21: Besides HCQ and Ivermectin (more about its history here), there are a multitude of other existent and developing options for prevention and treatment of Covid and other viruses. This is welcome news to the rational and anathema to those control freaks who continue to dine out on mass lockdowns and restrictions.

THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 10/9/21: The war on the family has taken a particularly sinister turn with the branding of parents fighting against CRT indoctrination in the schools as “domestic terrorists.” Among those prominentos spearheading this attack on parental authority and final say in their children’s education and futures are Attorney General Merrick Garland (and his professional propagandist son-in-law) and longtime Dem activist and VA Governorship candidate Terry McAuliffe.
This is just one more front in the overall war waged by the Left to divide & destroy us, adding parents and the nuclear family to race, class, gender, medical choice as demographics potentially ripe for division.
This is one more instance of dissent now being criminalized across the board as the Great Resetters, the Master Planners, find annoying obstacles to their agenda in the form of free Americans exercising their God-given, Constitutional rights.
UPDATE 10/5/21: Want an image of corruption in the military? Check out a major general bumping Afghani refugees (and American allies) to load a giant-sized souvenir vehicle onto a transport.
UPDATE 10/3/21: Sorry to say that the current transformative revolution taking place is more of the nightmarish French or fake “Liberation” variety (forced “equality” requiring totalitarian terror) rather than the American counterpart (individual liberty and responsibility leading to history’s greatest, happiest burst of human progress).
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 10/9/21: It’s falsely declared a “Big Lie” by the biggest liars on the planet that Trump actually won Election, 2020. The depth of this Big Lie has carried over conveniently to the January 6 hoax seamlessly attached to the Big Lie as an “insurrection.” One suffers nothing less than gut-wrenching disgust that the major culprits at work remain in power and that good people are suffering at their villainous hands.
UPDATE 10/9/21: Those we once considered “public servants” in government have now morphed, movie monster style, into soulless automatons pulling the major levers of power. An ominous specter.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 10/8/21: Environmentally Woke Europe and all those Third World countries going Green should provide a warning to those Americans who helped install a regime that has already deprived us of fossil fuel energy independence. Don’t like fracking and oil pipelines? Love the high prices that come with scarcity? Remember those silently frozen wind towers and solar panels inoperative under overcast skies and mounds of snow that had all those Texans shivering last winter? Enjoy!

ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 10/9/21: Permanently incited civil war in a variety of forms and guises is the means; socialism is the goal. United we stand, divided we fall. And the Left no longer feels the need to hide its destructive intentions.
UPDATE 10/7/21: Can it be that once impeccable charity organization, the Salvation Army, has gone Woke and confessed publicly that there is “little doubt as to whether racism has impacted The Salvation Army in policy and practice?” Yes, it can be. Another sad instance of the Left’s reverse Midas touch as bluntly described by our real President.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
10/3/21: An unprecedented 30% jump in murders during 2020 (most of those Black Lives) don’t seem to Matter all that much to those celebrating the empty symbolism of…um…Black Lives Matter.

IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 10/9/21: Not that Fake News by the MSM is exactly news, but Trump has sensibly challenged the Pulitzer Committee to rescind its Prize from those reporters whose “deeply researched” screeds on “Russian collusion” have proven to be One Big Lie. Not that that will make much of a difference to those so totally tangled in lies that they daren’t recant a sentence. Admitting such would be the end of them in the court of public opinion.
UPDATE 10/4/21: Just to restate the obvious: that “cost-free” $3.5 trillion being floated by the Dems is actually going to cost…here goes…$3.5 trillion…and then some. And it’s coming out of your pocket. Just saying.
UPDATE 10/8/21: We’ve known since POTUS Campaign, 2020 who the prime puppet is, but the omnipresent question remains: who are the puppeteers?
UPDATE 10/9/21: Mrs. Bill Clinton, going hip/glam by the single name of Hillary, has written a novel that might as well be called Hillary Is Here To Save The World You Suckers But You Were Just Too Damned Stupid To Let Me Do It!
She’s toyed with being a sanctified woman of the cloth; she’s toyed with being the most powerful politician on earth. Why not a fictional thriller from this talented teller of tall tales and aspiring Marine/Yankees fan who survived a hail of stray Bosnian bullets after this kinda sorta Jewishish prodigy started off life being named after a famed mountaineer?
UPDATE 10/9/21: Experts in high places like Washington DC and Hollywood? Trust them…at your own risk.
UPDATE 10/9/21: With the fatal onset of Trump Derangement Syndrome, National Review lost its direction which led to them losing one of conservatism’s finest scholars and insightful commentators. Trump has an oft-employed term for this sorry ilk. It’s…you got it!… “losers.”
UPDATE 10/10/21: Decidedly UNgorgeous George is one of the significant villains behind the curtain who should never be ignored. The latest incident with his big, greasy prints (and funding) behind it is the attempted stalking/harassment/extortion of Senate renegade Kyrsten Sinema.