UPDATE 8/30/24: Poor Little Sir Keir, the latest PM clearly no friend to the average Brit shunted aside in favor of unassimilated immigrants, is feeling …
Baltimore’s Kim Klacik draws focus to the Democrat Inner Cities centerpiece
UPDATE 10/13/20: It’s catching. A good, brave soul named Joe Collins is challenging Maxine Waters and the wildly hypocritical, long term permanent-poverty scam being pulled on urban …
Kristi Noem: looking ahead to 2024 (maybe)
UPDATE 5/7/24: Kristi Noem’s latest exposed blunder, making up a story about meeting Kim Jong Un, is a major tell. Like the stomach-churning dead puppy/smelly …
The Fate of HCQ/IVERMECTIN=The Fate of America
The fate of HCQ is the fate of America…meaning: we should be led by those who choose what is proven to be or possibly …
BITA(Bitten In The Ass): Epitaph of “Nice” Leftists
It hurts, Monsieur Lib? Quel surprise. UPDATE 1/17/25: It really sucks for the MSM when their lying, malicious history of being the lapdog mouthpieces for …
Withstanding the onslaught of the Master Planners
What keeps a person going in difficult times? It varies from person to person, but clearly a daily sense of purpose, underpinned by a long range view of …
America at the crossroads: Blexit or Bleakness
UPDATE 1o/24/20: If the latest figures of 46% Black support for Trump are true (or even half true), this is ecstatically good news, not simply for Trump …
The Self-Indulgent Vanity (and MADNESS) Of “White Privilege,” “White Guilt.”
Vanity of White Privilege, White Guilt UPDATE 9/22/20: The nice White neighborhoods of Minneapolis, [and Dallas and wherever else the privileged, guilt-ridden cozily reside] now dotted with …
The Sinister Message of Mask Nation
Check out what prominent Democrats had to say about “vaccines” before THEY were in a position to weaponize their use against the public. …