UPDATE 4/13/20: Forget about China. Forget about England. The Orwellian nightmare has arrived in CoronaCrazed America. Adding a diabolical Stalinist touch to the already sinister …
Communist China: Told ya so.
Bring back the good old days of full-bore totalitarian rule and terror! Free enterprise? Capitalism? Independence? Pride and power of ownership? Free speech and expression? …
CoronaCrazed UPDATE 1/8/25: Trump’s NIH appointee, Jay Bhattacharya, promises to be the un-Fauci. His heroic, courageous alliance with those real medical professionals drafting The …
Permanent Crisis is the Left’s only fuel…and its only goal is power.
As usual, the Left (allied with the perverse Never Trumpers) never sleeps but can only plot, subvert and destroy. Where would our Green New Deal/Free …