AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!

UPDATE 3/1/22: DJT singles out NY Congresswoman Elise Stefanik as someone to watch for the future. “At this rate she’ll be POTUS in six years.”
UPDATE 2/28/22: Trudeau’s winged monkeys took a bit of the fun out of the Truckers Convoy, but the spirit has spread and is literally on the road here in the States. Support it wherever, whenever and however you can.
UPDATE 2/28/22: In active opposition to lockdowns, mandates and an unusually oppressive political climate, some have managed to maintain some normalcy and now are rebuilding the disrupted parts of their lives. Few have been untouched by the compulsory caging and wedges intentionally driven within marriages, families, friendships and professional relationships.
UPDATE 2/27/22: Is it unwarranted pride that we Americans are blessed to speak and communicate through all existing media in English, the language that has given the world its greatest documents promoting human liberty and progress?
UPDATE 3/1/22: In years to come, stories will abound of people dealing not with germs, real and imagined, but of withstanding a mass madness unlike anything few Americans have ever witnessed. If anything is to be learned from this trying episode, it is that our greatest enemies more often than NOT lie right in our midst, not outside ourselves and our borders. Regaining trust and an optimistic view of human nature and our institutions will be slow going.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 3/3/22: Unable to withstand the cruel, unjustified hounding from Brandon officialdom over his non-violent presence at the Capitol on January 6, a young man named Matthew Perna has hanged himself.
Try as the media and a goodly portion of brain-washed Good Americans might try, they cannot be allowed to ignore the inhumane detention of honorable dissenters being held up as a warning to anyone questioning this administration’s actions. Those actions include the fraudulent election that put them in power. Coupled with the wanton abuse of the American people by their own government in the name of “health’ and “safety,” there’s no better way to describe our present predicament than the onset of a Soviet America, gulags and all.
UPDATE 3/5/22: Republicans have Ron De Santis and others acting out the principles and policies that promote the best for people’s lives. The Democrats’ pickings are substantially slimmer, Tulsi Gabbard being exceptional in the Donkey ranks. Perhaps she remains positioned as a Democrat on the hunch that there are still many in that camp retaining a modicum of common sense but severely hampered by the ignorant terror of ever pulling the lever for a Republican.
UPDATE 3/5/22: Some of us look upon the future with dread as today’s college students are being indoctrinated by the millions to be tomorrow’s sheepish Woke adults eternally craving Safe Spaces.
UPDATE 3/2/22: Lest anyone forget in the flurry of attention focused on the Ukraine, China is hungrily eyeing Taiwan. The cost of allowing the ChiComs expansionism to progress is potentially greater than the Ukrainian incursion. And then there’s Iran and the rest of radical Islam to worry about.
In cozy collaboration with the Russian bear, China’s expertise in internet technology and its many possible uses against the public would almost certainly guarantee some scary cyber warfare scenarios.
Those in touch with reality sorely miss the strong presence like Trump as a deterrent to our enemies. Unfortunately, the rational are neutralized by those oblivious fools relieved to have anyone else in his place, even a corrupt, doddering hologram like the one floating about the Eastern seaboard between the White House & Wilmington.
UPDATE 3/5/22: Since the Chinese plague itself is faltering as an excuse to impose vax/mask mandates (and generally curtail people’s most basic liberties), there’s a handy new fire-breathing dragon Big Brother is out to slay on our collective behalf. That peril is “MISINFORMATION!!!!” Note the official word choice from the Surgeon General’s office demanding Big Tech reveal the names of “exactly how many users saw or may have been EXPOSED to instances of Covid-19 misinformation.” A new virus! A new crisis!
Behold the replacement of the suddenly obsolete Dr. Tony The Fouch with the equally reliable Dr. Vivek Murthy, now chief medical propagandist….er…Surgeon General under the Brandon administration.
UPDATE 3/4/22: One needn’t be a medical/biological professional to feel some trepidation about the “warp speed” with which mass inoculation was thrust upon a frightened and pressured public. VAERS figures alone verify that this was dangerous to many immediately, and time will tell what delayed effects may be visited upon the “vaccinated.” Particularly distressing is the tyrannical pressure brought to bear on everyone to “take the jab.” and the ruinous social and economic consequences for many who have refused.
UPDATE 3/2/22: Life insurance companies are finding themselves stretched to unprecedented limits by a glut of payouts for deaths among working-age people. To protect their assets, there will almost certainly be serious investigation into the causes of this mortality spike in the dramatically younger demographic, something public officials and their BigPharma cronies pushing untested “vaccines” are not likely to welcome.
UPDATE 3/2/22: When SNL admits to The Scam, The Fraud, The Insanity, The Catastrophe that has been the last two years, we’re on the road again to normal.
UPDATE 3/1/22? Have you heard? Natural immunity is cool. We are now treated to a bit of newly revised science fresh off the propaganda presses from the same “experts” who told everyone the vax and masks were IT (but just in case, stay at home, go broke, go crazy). Now the message is: Get the virus. Get over it. Get on with your life. Or as Miss Litella always said:
UPDATE 2/28/22: Where is the outrage that those straying from the official line of treatments for Covid have found themselves on the receiving end of legal threats, censorship, disbarment, excommunication? Not only HCQ and Ivermectin have been “officially” declared taboo and punishable even to be mentioned, but even Vitamin C as well. To those still addicted to their indoctrination, Dr. Big Brother (Fauci & Co.) in cahoots with their profiteering Big Pharma & MSM comrades still insist that only The Vaccine and their line of approved medications are acceptable.
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 3/5/22: The malady of incipient tyrants flexing their muscles is contagious. The latest saber rattling comes from Islamist autocrat Erdogan now covering Turkey’s internal decline by picking a naval fight with his Grecian neighbor on the Aegean.
UPDATE 3/2/22: No luxury of “trigger warnings” or gender-friendly pronouns for Ukrainians at the moment. Going to war, being on the receiving end of tyranny has a way of focusing the addled brain. So does the crystal- clear vision of leadership as admirably available in the person of Zelensky.
3/2/22: The fog of war continues to sow confusion. At the moment, the Ukes are winning the war in the media and the general public on both sides of the political fence in the West. Yay, Ukraine! Boo, Russia! The jaded amongst us are wary, cautiously conjecturing who are the really good guys, who are the bad guys. So far, Zelensky is coming through as a hero. Or are we being played, being sentimentally lured into World War by sinister parties directly linked (or not) to either Zelensky or Putin? A new iron curtain in the making? We can only pray that the genuinely good survives to revel in victory over evil.
UPDATE 3/1/22: It’s rash and too easy to call your enemies crazy. Putin is power-obsessed, but crazy suggests an unfocused, out of control, easily collapsible facade. Posterity will decide.
2/28/22: Who’s the real enemy and what is the overriding agenda? Who stands to gain from this Russia/Ukraine invasion? Putin seems to provide the perfect opportunity for Hollywood and lesser Libs to go off on an orgiastic frenzy of virtue signaling while still applauding the ongoing subversion of America and Europe. If Putin is routed, guess who will be perceived as war heroes, the leading edge of resistance? Certainly takes the attention off a year of disastrous failure on every front.
And then there’s John Kerry, so into Climate Change, his pet path to perdition, that he dares suggest the invasion and destruction of a country and its people is small potatoes compared to his own specially imagined Armageddon. Perhaps it’s his little-known heroic service in Vietnam that has left any concern he has for real human suffering undeveloped.
UPDATE 2/28/22: So what is this “New World Order” this woman says the Ukrainians are fighting for? We are a bit mystified, those of us thinking (or perhaps wishing to believe) the Ukrainians are heroic freedom fighters, not part of a Soros/Schwab globalist network. Is it her bad wording or has she just given away who really controls Zelensky and his government? Are we being gaslighted?
Whatever the real driving forces and reasons for this ongoing crisis, we can only truly distance ourselves from Putin’s madness by reinstating the energy independence we had up to the day Brandon & his handlers decided we needed to become Vladimir’s dependents.
2/28/22: Will those voters putting John Lennon’s Imagineers in power ever learn from and take responsibility for this Russo-Ukrainian”minor incursion” that has a good chance of kicking off a third go-round of that century-old game called World War?
UPDATE 2/27/22: When Russian collusion profits them, nobody does it with more gusto than the Dem Progs. Take for instance Jen Psaki, sporting a hammer-and-sickle hat for yucks with Russia’s chief propaganda minister in 2015. And that’s the ever-clueless John Kerry standing by, creating fab optics for those still dining out on the Trump-Putin collusion that never was.
UPDATE 3/2/22: Rest easy: Sleepy Joe’s got it covered. Putin will “‘never gain the hearts and souls of the *Iranian* people.'”
And if you’re still worried about him, relax. We’ve got Kamala for backup:
“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that’s wrong.”
And should either of these stalwart leaders of the free world falter in their sworn duties, no worries. Third in line is the alert, totally appropriate Nancy to head the column of American progress.
Nancy’s big “burn pits” moment, now destined for immortality alongside the Big Rip. One wag compared it to the reflexive, salivating excitement his dog displays at the sound of crumpling cellophane.
UPDATE 3/2/22: Biden’s entire SOTU speech was an exercise in gaslighting, telling us he’s just dandy, and everything is dandy because of him when quite the opposite is true.
UPDATE 2/28/22: One frustrated writer understandably resorts to using the term “gaslighting” to express his confusion about everything connected with the Ukraine incident. Is it to be WWIII or just another hot news item that will cool in a very short time? What we do know is the word “Ukraine” would not be in the headlines if Election 2020 had been handed to the real winner. Nor would our border be overrun; nor our energy independence be snuffed out and gas prices sky high; nor would the most destructive elements of Leftism like race-baiting and climate hysteria be gaining such disturbing traction on the American landscape as they appear to be. As bad as Canada, Australian, Russia currently are, our problems are the ones that demand our attention. As America goes, so goes the world.
UPDATE 2/28/22: The proper response to Brandon’s annoying yammering on about “restoring our souls” is that nothing would be as restorative to America and the world than sending a low-class boor like him and his handlers permanently back to his basement.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
Compelling, detailed video documentaries from Epoch Times:
“The Roots of the New Race-Based Marxism, gripping the West” (PART I)
“The Woke War on Reality and a Strange Fusion of Fascism and Communism” (PART II)
Available for free by Epoch Times. Register instantly with an email and password.
Equally riveting is THE DARK ORIGINS OF COMMUNISM in 5 parts
HALLMARKS OF TYRANNY from White Rose Magazine:
UPDATE 3/4/22: Progs in control always have “a good reason” to destroy freedom of people’s movements and the markets that keep us all alive and prosperous. For The Virus, it was “safety.” Without the “good reason” of “saving the planet” provided by the Marxist Green movement, there would be no cancellation of our own gas and oil production and sudden, renewed dependence upon Russia and the Middle East. What’s the word from those Lefties decrying Putin’s war on the Ukraine while calling for the shutdown of American energy production?
UPDATE 3/2/22: It’s not happenstance that killing American energy independence in favor of a Green makeover for the country was among the first of Biden’s assaults on us. Obama paved the way with his Green agenda’s seizure of power over the EPA. Will the folly of desperate dependence upon Russia for gas and oil going to open Lefty eyes to reason?
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 3/2/22: The true colors of Black Lives Matter are becoming harder for its idealist supporters to deny. Follow the money, follow the murderous criminal activity.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 3/1/22: Finding common ground is a hard-earned blessing, particularly nowadays as political factions worldwide are deliberately polarized. Cal Thomas has written this week very movingly of his bond with Bob Beckel, a simple human story well worth a read.
UPDATE 2/28/22: The perfect model characterizing Leftists that inspired has been the Mafia. Note that the site’s subtitle reads, “The Marxist Mafiosi Who Would Rule Us.” In that Godfatherish light, understanding Putin is like lifting feathers while dealing with him and his ilk is like eating tacks.
UPDATE 3/4/22: Daniel Greenfield of Front Page Magazine has spoken with eloquent hilarity on behalf of the sane American electorate, inviting, imploring one confused old pest yelling at America last Tuesday evening to just Go Away. And take your robotic claque with you.
UPDATE 3/1/22: Brandon’s State of the Union is nicely, accurately previewed by the Babylon Bee: a 90 minute dumpster fire.
UPDATE 3/1/22: It’s become an immediately common assumption (by everyone except for delusionistas like Stephen King) that nobody fears Biden. Not Russia. Not China. Not Iran. He IS a source of the sort of fear any responsible adult experiences leaving one’s senile uncle at home alone to putter with a can of gasoline and a book of matches. Even before the onset of his dementia, this pathetic figure illegitimately installed as POTUS was devoid of character, common sense or courage.
UPDATE 2/27/22: Without any rivals, Biden is proving to be the worst and most dangerous POTUS ever.
2/27/22: Object lesson in projection. Biden calls Americans delusional for not embracing his suicidal policies.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 3/4/22: We’re living through a world turned upside down by “experts,” and we look to our most basic inner resources and a Higher Power to show us the way back to Normal. The sudden absence of one Tony Fauci is a hopeful sign the return trip has begun.
UPDATE 3/4/22: The good people of the Ukraine are heartened mightily at tidings of “Biden’s Secret Weapon” being on the way. Perhaps as part of her rescue mission she’ll encore the now-memorable lesson in geopolitics she gifted us with last week.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act