AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 12/25/21: Evil is running amok in our world, and for Americans, that world has provided us with blessings beyond the wildest imaginings of our predecessors, going back millennia. These blessings now are seriously threatened by those currently in political power determined to suffocate freedom and install permanent controls. 21st century versions of Stalin, Mao and Hitler and their only-slightly-less-proficient imitators blight our beautiful skies.
How can God exist when such fearful misery perpetually looms? Maybe it’s the principle that our blessings come with responsibility. Nothing is free and easy but must be earned constantly, sometimes at the dearest cost. We must summon up the courage to fight every day, each of us in our individual way, to eradicate evil and doubt from our lives and our country. Therein lies the essence of our political differences: one faction thinks things should be guaranteed and fixed; the other is grounded in the reality of flawed (since Eden) human nature and knows that things must be eternally tended. It’s the hard way but the only way.
May God grant Americans and people worldwide the wisdom to choose the challenges of liberty over the “peace” of obedient enslavement. And may Longfellow’s classic Christmas Day lament and subsequent hope for a better world uplift your spirits and grant you the unencumbered blessings of freedom…which include the magic of a very Merry Christmas!
UPDATE 12/20/21: There are solid economic, political and spiritual reasons why a majority of Americans love Trump and want the benefits of MAGA back. No one knows better than David Horowitz the enemies of freedom, prosperity and human goodness.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/21/21: As the murk clears and facts emerge, the January 6 “insurrection” is looking more and more like a “Fedsurrection,” a contrived false flag operation traceable back to the Deep State as has long been suspected.
UPDATE 12/24/21: The covid edicts have now gone through the looking glass. In Chicago, eating a muffin for more than 10 minutes in the wrong place could ruin your life.
12/22/21: No surprise that the Dems’ deliberate destruction of our social order is not playing well with their constituents. The average city dweller does not have the luxury of hiring private security details to protect him from out-of-control crime. Nor should he have to. As expected, there are now grassroots demands for Wokesters like SF Mayor London Breed to reverse direction and go back to what works, what has always worked. Newly elected NY Mayor Eric Adams is destined to do the same if New York City is to recover from the wreckage left behind by DeBlasio.
UPDATE 12/24/21: Ignoring the threat that China poses is just one more suicidal symptom of a Brandon Presidency. For reasons why this is happening, start with Hunter’s laptop.
UPDATE 12/21/21: The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by thousands of real scientists and health professionals, offers an effective and beneficial approach to the ChiCom virus. Thus, it’s understandable that the Fauci cabal desperately have gone on a full offensive attack to prevent real scientists from undermining their created crisis and great power-grab available to them. In their words, “There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down.”
As things have played out, real science and healthy people have proven to be the curse of those inflicting lockdowns, masks and vaccine mandates here and abroad in presumably free countries like Australia and Israel. SO much money to be made, so much power to be wielded.
UPDATE 12/24/21:
UPDATE 12/24/21: It’s doubtful there’s any serious rethinking the whole mad “Vax or Die” narrative even though fully jabbed Danes account for almost 80% of the currently infected while skeptical, unjabbed Deplorables account for less than 10%. Could it be the “vaccine” is making people MORE vulnerable to infection?
UPDATE 12/24/21: Sanity will prevail when simple self-administered tests become routine and easily available. Since perpetuating the panic means more money & power for the BigGov/BigPharma axis, it’s no mystery why these relatively cheap, easy tests are almost impossible to find. And why the indisputable REAL SCIENCE of natural immunity (one mild dose and done) is something those in the know would like to keep under wraps.

UPDATE 12/24/21: Dare we hope for a return to a sane, normal way of life or have the majority of formerly free people completely abandoned the notion of freedom for a paranoid world view haunted by perpetual vaccines, social distancing and masks? The psychology of the obedient herd is the driving force behind all political tyrannies, and we can only pray something breaks this mass psychosis.
UPDATE 12/21/21: As of a week or two back, multi-jabbed loud mouth stock advisor Jim Cramer was ready to sic the Marines on anyone unvaxxed in order to force them into his Holy Vaxxed state of grace…but, lo and behold, he’s just tested positive. I’m sure there’s an explanation to go along with his presumably reconfigured designs on tyrannizing his fellow Americans. Meanwhile, masked & gloved Manhattan Nervous Nellies terrorized by the Big O(micron) use their knuckles to press the elevator buttons in their high rises. We have become a nation of germaphobes and, in too many instances, hysterical enough to kill (or at the very least torture) for the cause.

UPDATE 12/21/21: Isn’t it ridiculous how Republicans have totally politicized resistance to the whole “vaccine” business? Hmmm?….Oh, wait…
UPDATE 12/21/21: It’s not “just a mask” but a visible badge of compliance, obedience, submission. Ask a burqa-ed woman but don’t expect an answer. Her male handler will either beat or kill her. What comparable threat of punishment awaits those who refuse to be compliant, obedient and submissive?
UPDATE 12/21/21: For many of us, basic principles underlying the truth are preferable to numbers, graphs, charts, statistics. So Steve Kirsch generously provides a 5 minute precis of RFK Jr’s landmark expose of the Fauci fiasco.
UPDATE 12/20/21: Early last week the NYTimes’ daily email editorial DEMANDED that the public GET THE SHOT OR DIE FROM OMICRON!!!, followed a day or two later with “The shots used in most of the world outside the U.S. will probably not protect against Omicron infections.”
Could it be clearer that the self-declared Smartest People in The World who continue to read and live by the gospel of mainstreamed NY Times lies are by, all objective standards, the Least Well Informed if not the Dumbest People In The World. And, paraphrasing Dame Edna, that is meant in the most loving, caring way.

UPDATE 12/19/21: A few uncomfortable points of reality sure to play havoc with the mental well-being of the smug Vaccine Club : the “vaccinated” (better termed “the inoculated”) can spread the virus as much as those eschewing the jab. And VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports there are thousands of people harmed by an untested concoction peddled 24/7 by Big Pharma, BigGov and the media as The Cure For Covid.
UPDATE 12/19/21: Eminent neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson offers common sense now falling on deaf ears en masse: “’We should be using every tool available to us to fight the pandemic,’ meaning not just vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, but also therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. ‘Let’s look at all of these things. … And let’s throw the politics out.’”
If nothing more, for the sake of kids now being jabbed without hesitation, there must be research, long-range testing.
So long as the masses slavishly follow those for whom there is political and financial profit to be made, the dystopian nightmare will continue and even get worse.
UPDATE 12/19/21: Hard not to be a bit cynical when all the liars and their lies go unopposed and unpunished. It takes a special patience to wait for justice to be served in this world.
UPDATE 12/20/21: For the purposes of terrifying/controlling gullible Americans, the Brandon Administration’s latest gaslighting offers up cheery Christmas week visions of “a winter of severe illness and death” for the “unvaccinated.” We counter with “Merry Christmas to you too, Joe!” and condolences ahead of time to your dashed hopes for all those piled-up corpses that aren’t going to appear.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 12/22/21: A shocking percentage of clergy have disgraced themselves and abandoned their roles as guides for troubled humanity.
In stark contrast, there is the courageous Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Formerly the Vatican’s nuncio to the U.S, he resigned from the Church in 2016. His message this week is authoritative and to the point, naming names and warning us of the players (including the present Pope) in the Globalist plan to control the world.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 12/20/21: It should be no mystery why the strangely well-orchestrated AntiFa/BLM riots (aka “peaceful protests”) are currently conspicuous in their absence. Could it be they are active only when directed to be so by the Soros-funded pro-crime Dem Party? Inconveniently, the smash ‘n grab looters lie outside the jurisdiction of any political Party and are having a Christmas season heyday.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 12/23/21: Just sayin’….
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 12/21/21: Common sense and a strong sense of self-preservation seem to be running rampant among Palestinian Arabs in Jerusalem, 93% of whom prefer Israeli over Palestinian rule.
There is also the perk of living in a culture that provides miraculous medical and other life-saving services to ALL its citizens. Ask a blind Nazareth Arab woman just gifted sight by Israeli surgeons in a first-of-its-kind operation. Like communist dictators perennially seeking the best medical help in those nasty capitalist countries, so do the Palestinian Authority bigwigs go to Israel for their “essentials.”
None of this is lost on Christian Israelis who are more than happy to live in a Jewish society that genuinely upholds universal human rights for all its citizens.
UPDATE 12/21/21: The most cursory look at the so-called “Palestinian” yearning for statehood confirms that the only goal has always been to annihilate Israel, not the autonomy of Arabs living in the region.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/23/21: Beware when Leftists praise the virtues of “democracy” and wring their hands at “threats to our democracy.” They do NOT mean a de-centralized, free country protected by separation of powers. They fear losing what we’ve become, the rules of governance now reversed. Hundreds of millions of free, diverse American individuals now bow to the will of to an Elite they’ve elected, now wielding overwhelming centralized power in Washington. So much for federalism, the autonomy of 50 states (and the individuals in them) operating independently of the Fed. All hail totalitarian DEMOCRATIC socialism.
UPDATE 12/25/21: Joe and Jill heartily agree that “Let’s Go, Brandon” is a lovely Christmas greeting and that the country is in the very best of hands.
UPDATE 12/20/21: As reality dawns and facts mount up, Fauci’s destructive assault on innocent life worldwide now borders on evil of historical proportions. Will the gullible, willing public ever come out of their trance and admit they’ve allowed themselves to be the victims of lethally misplaced trust?