AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 12/18/21: Admittedly, we’re in very bad patch right now. But, given a love for life and freedom, there is no choice but to carry on. Things could be worse, so in the words of all tried, true and tested warriors of the past, PERSIST, PERSIST, PERSIST!

UPDATE 12/17/21: A nice distinction.
UPDATE 12/16/21: He was the Republicans’ default candidate in 1996 missing the inspired spark that would rally America away from the charmingly corrupt Clinton (and his thoroughly dislikeable spouse). Nevertheless, his convention acceptance speech reflects essential America, the eternally admirable principles of individualism, self-reliance, community, freedom that will outlast the self-serving superficiality of the Billarys, Baracks and Bidens, all destined to be unpleasant historical footnotes.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/16/21: If the Supreme Court had not relinquished its public responsibility to hash out the very real evidence of election fraud publicly in court (even unsuccessfully), there would have been no January 6 incident. Anger was palpable in both Washington that day and across the nation among those 70+million voters who found (and still find) themselves robbed of their voice. Trump’s conveniently overlooked admonition to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard today” was not enough to quell the justifiable unrest.
This is all to the great delight of the Left and Trump-hating RINOs, hiding the electoral corruption behind self-aggrandizing, hyperbolic accusations of “violent insurrection.” Getting rid of Trump The Spoiler and resuming the cancerous expansion of government power in D.C. was and remains their goal; and if vilifying and suppressing dissent is the means to their long-range ends, all the better.
UPDATE 12/12/21: DeSantis is looking better by the week. Transporting illegals to both Biden and Obama’s literal doorsteps in Delaware and Martha’s Vineyard! Think they and their neighbors will mind?
What a perfect plan to expose the phony Luvvies for the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) hypocrites they are, the perfectly legal and rationally persuasive path to ending the illegal invasion orchestrated by the Democrats. As Thomas Lifson observes, DeSantis has Trump’s guts and drive without the sharp edges. Is it 2024 yet?
UPDATE 12/17/21: It rhymes with City and it isn’t pretty: Tony Bennett’s Sh—y By The Bay has at last reached a tipping point whereby even the now-panicky hyperWoke Mayor London Breed is feebly calling out the defunded cops and crying, “Stop!” Too little, too late for too many businesses and destroyed neighborhoods, and it couldn’t happen under more predictably disastrous circumstances.
UPDATE 12/15/21: The children of the Demmed include those millions of knee-jerk Leftists (and Liberals who vote for them) well over 21 whose collective world view is really that of the immature brats they were at 14. The adage about having no brain if you’re still a communist at 40 has never been so obvious as currently displayed on a mass scale.
UPDATE 12/18/21: There’s a virus going ’round, and it didn’t come from Beijing. Ask J.K. Rowling, tycoon publishing phenomenon, authoress of the “Harry Potter” series, now fighting for her professional reputation and personal safety for insisting there are two (2)(II) sexes, not a number yet to be decided upon.
UPDATE 12/15/21: Regarding Covid, there are outbreaks of sanity now occurring at regular intervals all over; and those of us not fainting at the mention of words like “variant” and “omicron” find comfort knowing we have kindred spirits more interested in living than with the theatrical histrionics of fear.
UPDATE 12/14/21: Medical tyranny has long been the most effective political path to fear-based control, and covid has been the gift that just keeps on giving to the Leftists now in power. It’s no joke when the mentally challenged PINO (President In Name Only) puppet has declared “I’ve seen more of Dr. Fauci than I have my wife. We kid each other. But—hey look, who’s president? Fauci.” Ha Ha. The pathetic fool has let loose with a terrible truth that lies at the heart of what long term dreaded controls lie in store for us. What better cover than freezing the populace for purposes of keeping them “healthy” and “safe?”
Holding the line against this tyranny is Dr. Simone Gold and her admirable Frontline Doctors organization, waging the war to restore freedom of choice about our health, literally about our lives.

UPDATE 12/13/21: “Follow the ‘science'”, we’re told these days. Replace the word (and idea) “God” for “science,” and you have the makings of the new totalitarianism, coming soon to a country near you.

UPDATE 12/18/21: Like every tyrannical faction operating from the Left, the U.S. Government bases its Covid operating manual on the Mafia: we’re here to protect you…and don’t even think about refusing our generous offer. Maybe that’s why it’s called a protection racket.
UPDATE 12/16/21: New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy seems to have heard the message that Americans “are sick of masks and vaccine mandates” after his narrow shave with almost being kicked out of office. Can it be he’s really “listening to all of New Jersey” as he claims? Good news if so.
UPDATE: 12/15/21: Bud & Lou work out the total reasonableness of Covid “vaccines.” No, it’s not “Who’s on first?” It’s “You’re protected?”
UPDATE 12/17/21: An Australian senator finds himself locked up in a detention center despite multiple negative tests for The Virus. It’s not just the little refusenik nobodies now living in fear of the New Stasi/Gestapo.
UPDATE 12/16/21: Bobby Kennedy, Jr’s book on the billionairiat axis running this tyranny is getting massive coverage. He is on a worthy mission that could ultimately cancel out the sins of his family’s previous generation, particularly those of his Uncle Ted.
UPDATE 12/18/21: Trying something cheaper and more effective than The Vaccine can get you fired or arrested. We’ve gone Through The Looking Glass.
UPDATE 12/18/21: In Covidian Newspeak, “vaccines” are untested concoctions, “safe” is dangerous, “patriotic” is anything but, and “science” is whatever your politics say it is.
UPDATE 12/14/21: Obama is still the most destructive bit of gaslighting committed against America, but one cannot underestimate the subsequent manure dumped on America’s doorstep and praised as roses. Optimists say Americans are catching on, that crumbling “heroes” like Jussie, Kamala, Schiff, BLM have made Trump’s legacy ripe for restoration.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 12/18/21: Are we entering a new Dark Ages? Judging by the illiteracy and dismal social skill levels of a near majority of young Americans, the future is looking medieval in the worst sense. Empires collapse on such suicidal developments, and America and the rest of the West can’t pretend they’re immune from a slide into total ruin.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/18/21: Milking the January 6 “insurrection” hoax for all it’s worth, Liz Cheney is leading the RINO charge over the cliff permanently exposing themselves as the mirror images of their Leftist counterparts.