AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 1/1/21: There was a time when American movies (like IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE) reflected an optimistic America in touch with the eternal verities. Every individual was encouraged to be the ever-hopeful master of life’s brutal game granted the gifts of courage and persistence against the odds to realize a unique personal vision. Even in these cynical times, box office receipts indicate that people reject the prevailing negatives vomited out by clueless Woke Hollywood and still want what’s genuinely best for themselves, their families and friends.
UPDATE 1/1/22: PRAGER U continues apace providing the best online media resource for learning about and communicating the American Spirit to both young and old. Simple, clear, serious, entertaining, inspiring. No one does it better.
For anyone unfamiliar with this phenomenal site and movement, there is a new 20 minute documentary just out to enjoy.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/29/21: The Big Lie that January 6 was a “violent insurrection” must be countered. For those shocked & assaulted by a stolen election, it was a momentary convulsion of rage that did virtually nothing to impede the workings of a corrupted electoral process and the soulless politicians at work. It either must be exposed and discredited, or we face a repeat on an even grander scale in 2022 and 2024.
UPDATE 12/29/21: Politicians rarely back up their words and promises with concrete action. In the case of newly elected NY Mayor Eric Adams, it remains to be seen if he intends to radically change course from the devastation left behind by proudly communist wrecking ball DeBlasio. As a very “overserved” Andy Cohen candidly opined in Times Square last night, getting rid of The Blahs is something both Democrats and Republicans are celebrating.

UPDATE 1/1/21: In case you’re not scared & confused enough and need to point a bony blame finger somewhere (ideally at the “unvaccinated” as advised by the Good Little Doctor), try this video.
UPDATE 12/29/21: Without uncorrupted medical professionals like Dr. Peter McCullough dedicated to doing what’s best for sick people, we’re at the mercy of those pushing the fear/blame narrative on the “unvaccinated.”
To answer the perennial question hanging over the last two years, “Why?”, never discount the Benjamins, baby.
UPDATE 1/1/21: It’s been Annus Horribilis of The Masked & Vaxxed if one is to acknowledge the most lethal, double-edged weapon of political control.
Despite every effort to enforce the jab through economic pressure, social media cancellation or fear, the Vaxxed Faithful will wake up from their dream state to confront the nightmare of their holy sacrament being something less than healthy for their immune systems. One can hide or suppress facts, but reality remains inconveniently present (like healthy viruses do) when verified by real stats, real research, real places. In time, legitimate vaccines may be developed, but natural immunity was, is and will remain the best remedy. Truth can be a real bitch at first, especially to those willfully lying to themselves.
And, no, demanding full research and time for testing doesn’t make one an “anti-vaxxer.”
UPDATE 12/27/21: While Trump was President, the medical “experts” like Fauci were adamant in their warnings about the dangers of rushing untested mass vaccination into use on the public. History provides too many examples of the dangers, they said. A new drug harming literally a handful of people would be immediately recalled in saner days. Quite rightly so.
However, now that they are in power and have discovered the bountiful benefits of using fake medicine as a weapon of political control and massive profits to be gleaned by their crony capitalist friends in BigPharma , there is no such thing as too much or too soon when it comes to vaccine/booster concoctions. When the moral universe rights itself, posterity will condemn those currently driving this horror as they discount and ignore tens of thousands of vaccine-related deaths and serious reactions. To those skeptical of the mass crime being committed, check out conservative figures from VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] numbers which are vetted by the CDC.
UPDATE 1/1/21: The easy availability of Ivermectin and other provably beneficial remedies to The Plague makes the suppression of alternative treatment criminal in the most literal sense. Once real science and conscientious treatment win the day, the war is over but don’t count on that wicked web of Covid profiteers giving up just yet.
UPDATE 1/1/22: Sensible start to the new year as Woke, gun-loathing Hollywoodites (& other prosperous Los Angelenos) decide against the prevailing “More Gun Control!!” narrative and come out in big numbers to cover their own collective ass by physically defending themselves…the old-fashioned way.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 12/30/21: Which is it to be? A republic or a one-Party totalitarian state?
UPDATE 12/30/21:“Reality is penetrating the fog…Periodically in history the human race goes crazy and does terrible things that it later regrets. This is one of those times.”
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 12/28/21: Thanks to his dishonorable less-than-honorable discharge for criticizing the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller USMC is the poster boy for a dangerously compromised military. Scheller’s ongoing vocal presence is a gain for rational civilian life, a stupid loss for the corrupted Corps.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 1/1/21: A typical day of unimpeded human trafficking as a planeload of unvetted, unvaccinated, undocumented illegals are flown by cover of night from El Paso and dropped into Allentown PA and clandestinely bussed away. The transport vehicle is marked “World Atlantic” owned by one Tomas Romero. Who is he? Who/why/where are these people being trafficked? Why is no one stopping them?
UPDATE 12/29/21: Another Arab in touch with reality declares Israel much preferable to live in over “Palestine,” (whatever amorphous entity that is this week).
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 1/1/21: They are many, but some Big Lies have proven more prominent than others in the course of this year of Big Whoppers.

UPDATE 1/1/21: What better way to look at the pitiful pileup that is Joe Biden than as a very messy accident that happened to us?
UPDATE 1/1/21: Fauci, the ultimate career bureaucrat and Kafkaesque nightmare, gifts all of us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year by driving a newly crafted blunt fear wedge between the “vaccinated” and the “unvaccinated.” The statistically verified likelihood that the Holy Vaxxed are the ones chemically set up to get The Terrifying Big O is lost on The Covid Faithful hanging on his every poisonous word.
Everything out of this diminutive monster’s mouth is well worth NOT listening to.