AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 12/7/21: Wilfred McClay’s “LAND OF HOPE: An Invitation To The Great American Story” appears to be that rarity among U.S. histories that satisfyingly and honestly answers the question, page to page, “compared to every place else.” Those foolish destroyers pushing the Zinn/CRT anti-American line will fume while honest truth-seekers capable of embracing the benefits and responsibilities of freedom will be inspired.
Other promising sources of genuine education about the American story: an extensive online library called AMERICAN CIVICS and THE AMERICAN IDEA podcast.
UPDATE 12/5/21: Each day, each stomach-churning development from BrandonWorld continues to make 2021 the year of vindication for Trump.
Don’t expect any turnaround from the Party which claims to champion the Little Guy while ignoring the indisputable fact that tax cuts as implemented by Trump benefited the middle and lower classes the most, not the rich. Little Guys independent of the public trough are of no political value to today’s Democrat.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/10/21: An American gulag holding brutalized January 6 dissenters (guilty of nothing more serious than trespassing…if that) is the chilling reality of the Brandon administration and the Sovietized Democrat Party running it. If even “decent” Democrats refuse to acknowledge this, they are only as “decent” as “good” Germans were 80 years ago.
UPDATE 12/10/21: The abortion question now taking center stage on the legal front should have always been handled as an example of American federalism, taking major questions to the states and their representative legislatures, NOT to 9 black-robed lawyers in D.C. with opinions.
UPDATE 12/10/21: Remarkable daily essayist Victor Davis Hanson asks the Trump-haters of both Parties celebrating the reversal of Trump’s legacy in record time, “You’ve got what you want. How’s that working out for you?”
To survive, BrandonWorld is being forced to rewind the tape back to TrumpWorld, 2016-2020. PINO (President In Name Only) is slowly, inexorably turning into DONALD J. Biden. His doddering malfeasance would be comical if the results weren’t so tragically destructive.
UPDATE 12/11/21: It’s heartening that the return of MAGA in 2024 is looking more and more possible, if not with Trump himself at the helm, then a fellow Floridian and proven winner as an excellent alternative.
UPDATE 12/11/21: Bad news for the hysterical “pandemic” crowd: no deaths yet from Omicron. But hope springs eternal, and more lockdowns, vaccines and masks may yet be forthcoming. This kinky predilection for bondage by the panicky populace is THE problem, not the BigGov autocrats happy to stoke their fears. What?! Give up my mask!? Never!
It’s only a mask. It’s only two weeks. It’s only a year. It’s only my life….
UPDATE 12/9/21: Upside Down Under Australia speaks through a courageous police sergeant from Northern Territory refusing to be an instrument of abuse and oppression of citizens in the name of “safety.”
Equally disturbing for the same reasons is this video from southeastern Australia (Melbourne, Victoria) which is effectively a serfdom, a blatant dictatorship under the sadistic iron hand of one tyrant named Dan Andrews.
UPDATE 12/5/21: Read a review of Scott Atlas’ PLAGUE UPON OUR HOUSE, the best book yet on what’s taken place in the false name of “safety.”
UPDATE 12/11/21: Sunny sanity has broken through in Pennsylvania as the state Supreme Court knocked down the mask mandate for schools. Doubtless, those Covid cultists high on mass control will still try to impose their version of the burqa; but free-thinking parents, children and their teachers can freely, literally show their faces now without legal repercussions.
UPDATE 12/11/21: It’s not about a vaccine or testing negative or being healthy. It’s about doing what you’re told which is The Mask.
UPDATE 12/11/21: At what point do people realize they’ve been had in a big way by their so-called “leaders?” The British public is rightly aghast at video evidence of partying and fun stuff, sans mask/distancing actually going on at 10 Downing Street last year at Christmastime while all the Brit plebes were sternly told to lock down, mask up and stay scared.
They’re laughing at us, all of us, including those denied access to dying relatives, those driven into bankruptcy by enforced unemployment, the millions of lives (especially children) ruined in one way or the other. All of us. They’re special. We’re “non-essential.” Get it?
UPDATE 12/10/21: Read a review of RFK, Jr’s book, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Mistrust of anything Kennedy is understandable considering this dysfunctional family’s tawdry history, but Bobby Jr.’s meticulous documentation of what’s being foisted upon us by BigGov (Fauci & Co.) & BigBiz (Bill Gates, Big Pharma) is damning and convincing. One needn’t be an “anti-vaxxer” or conspiracy nut to look upon what’s transpired over the last two years with genuine horror. Look away at your own risk.
UPDATE 12/10/21: There is never any harm in restating the truth. An Israeli study reaffirms natural immunity is more protective than any vaccine and certainly superior to any mysterious mixture that has made quick billions for Big Pharma. Not incidentally, said concoction has provided an unexpected precedent for totalitarian control by those disposed to play our century’s versions of Stalin, Hitler and the rest.
UPDATE 12/10/21: This week’s Nothing To See Here But You’re Crazy Not To Look: Pfizer announces that all documentation about its development of “The Vaccine” is to be locked away for 75 years. Just a little extra protection to add to that unjust immunity they’ve been granted from potential lawsuits which should be forthcoming in wild abundance in short order. There are too many damaged people to ignore, yet one more travesty from our “leaders” and “experts” swept under the Nothing To See Here rug.
UPDATE 12/7/21: Who says “Follow The Money” doesn’t explain a LOT about why HCQ, Ivermectin and a number of other cheap, easily available, long-proven safe remedies for Covid are practically criminalized while Big Pharma vaxxing is being forced on the public? For the skeptical, read the transcribed conversation between high level bureaucrats contained in RFK Jr.’s expose, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Unlike Eric Hoffer’s lament about good causes inevitably devolving into rackets, Covid was never a “good cause” but a racket from the start.

UPDATE 12/7/21: The word “stupid” is coming up with increasing frequency with regard to virtually every disastrous policy put into place by the Brandon administration: Afghanistan, open borders, gas/oil shutdown, lockdowns, vaccine/mask mandates…This presupposes this is all incompetence when, in fact, it’s a deliberate step toward toward Obama’s promised transformation of America into part of a Marxist New World Order.
The Brandon administration’s perfect Dumb and Demented placeholder, hiding the deliberate evil pulling the strings behind it.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 12/8/21: There’s no reality more real than that of the free marketplace, millions of free souls making choices, buying and selling what they want and need at the best price. But don’t tell that to our self-styled leaders who think they know better. The Alberta Canada energy minster states the obvious when he says Keystone would make us energy independent. Now that the dam is breaking and the public is screaming about gas shortages and soaring prices of what little is available, reality will have to reassert itself in BrandonWorld.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/10/21: Anything from the pen of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn merits attention, and works written during his later American years in Vermont are being published now for the first time. Who knew communism in practice and its ongoing, devastating impact on our lives better?
UPDATE 12/10/21: It’s been said with some accuracy that politics are just downstream of culture, presently evidenced by recent Kennedy Center honorees unable to contain their mindless robotic hatred of all things Trump. Glorying in the achievements of the first Kennedy Center honorees-Richard Rodgers, Marian Anderson, Fred Astaire, George Balanchine and Arthur Rubinstein-is light years in the past. The thrill then lay not only in their great artistic attainments but also that all were proud Americans and mindful of what that unique privilege allowed them to accomplish. That great art always transcends politics and can and should bridge the legitimate differences between people is totally lost on this current Woke artsy crowd. Whatever talent they’ve displayed is despoiled by their stupidity…and total lack of class.
O for the good old days….
Just in case we forget who the real Bidens are, here’s a little synopsis.
UPDATE 12/10/21: And lest we forget them: Clinton fatigue is proving harder to eradicate than Rasputin. Contributions to the Clinton Foundation, supposedly a philanthropic monument to Billary’s charitable largesse, have declined precipitously to no one’s surprise since Madam Secretary’s political influence suddenly evaporated in November, 2020. Can we hope that McAuliffe’s loss in Virginia is the final nail in this family’s political fortunes? Though Foundation income is 100% less than when her influence futures were hot, millions are still coming in, and curious minds want to know, “For what in return?”
Add Bubba’s embarrassing Epstein/Lolita Express connection, this aspiring dynasty appears to be on the fast track to oblivion. As if insisting upon an 11 o’clock number for this operatic farce only she finds meaningfully tragic, the clueless fat lady just sang a tearful dirge of lament to her dead mother about failing to attain the absolute power Mommy’s Little Girl craved.
Sympathy from her fans seems to be all she can hope for judging by this maudlin turn in poor sportsmanship. However, odds are good that even her old “friends” and allies have joined in wishing the two of them would just go away.
UPDATE 12/10/21: Fauci fatigue could easily settle in and give this little whitecoat phony cover. Instead, let’s keep him front and center for that moment when, like Jussi Smollett, he finds legal justice sinking its sharp teeth into his haughty little haunches.