AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE `11/26/21: In Kyle Rittenhouse, every freedom-loving American sees himself as a potential Kafka character facing the very real forces of destruction, body & soul. His highest elected officials (Rittenhouse’s Wisconsin governor and the execrable PINO [President In Name Only] publicly pronounce him and all of us guilty villains in exercising our Constitutional rights and protecting ourselves and our property against real criminals.
On yet another front of this war, Sarah Palin and James O’Keefe of Project Veritas have pitted themselves against a slanderous, lying MSM.
Somehow, a realistically hopeful outlook has gained traction with the young American hero’s acquittal, and the truth as rendered by our severely compromised legal system may yet be on the comeback trail. Is the tide turning at last against the anarchist Dem Left?
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 11/24/21: Don’t miss Freddie Sayers’ sobering video tour of locked-down Austria. The most significant takeaway is the government’s sinister strategy of not merely inflicting blanket mandates on the public but, rather, pitting one part of the population against the other to do the dirty work of controlling the entire populace. Social pressure provide cover for a totalitarian regime not wishing to be perceived as the dictatorial tyrants they are. This approach goes back at least to Stalin and Hitler. In this instance, the “good” (vaccinated) citizens smugly consider themselves unofficial deputies of Big Brother, valiant public servants eager to shun, harass and, given the right circumstances, totally destroy those who refuse to go with their Beloved Leaders’ noble edicts.
Austria’s totalitarian doppelganger Australia is currently transporting infected Bad Ones to quarantine camps. Those denying the similarity of all this to 1930s Germany and its ultimate consequences are living in denial.
UPDATE 11/22/21: Bobby Kennedy, Jr.’s new book and interview with Tucker Carlson is big news. Kennedy has suddenly risen out of the dismal murk of air-brushed Kennedy mythology to become a significant spokesman for freedom-lovers everywhere. Read his stirring speech just delivered in Milan, watch the Carlson interview, get the book meticulously documenting the full rot of the long-planned Covid/Vaccine/Mask scam featuring Bill Gates and Tony Fauci in starring roles. Suddenly one has the distinct sense that this is a profoundly important message and voice to heed. [RFK Jr.’s actual voice has been severely compromised by a neurological disorder called spasmodic dysphonia.]
Kennedy’s righteous crusade alongside Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial & victory (both covered by Tucker Carlson) bring us face to face with two principal fronts in the war we must wage and win.
UPDATE 11/22/21: In a just universe, there must come a point at which those responsible for damage done by the Covid lockdowns are tried and punished, legally. No doubt people like Fauci & Birx consider themselves immune being the media tongue-bathed “experts” stalwartly guiding the nation through its “crisis.” Let the real facts of countless lives unnecessarily ruined and lost be put forth in court.
No, this has NOT been simply bad judgment or incompetence.
UPDATE 11/22/21: It’s truly amazing to behold the Wokesters totally abandoning laws protecting life and private property as demonstrated by their lies and rabid attacks on Kyle Rittenhouse, the conspicuous absence on their radar of the Waukesha SUV maniac or San Francisco’s free-for-all looting epidemic.
In the case of the latter, the city’s chief law enforcement officer, SF’s D.A., is the foul spawn of Weathermen anarchists from the 1960s who have never seen anything wrong with anti-social behavior (including murder and robbery) in service to the “revolution.” All means justify their ends, however evil.
Can comatose Woke “good citizens” not imagine defending themselves against being robbed or attacked? Is it that they secretly identify with criminality, feeling alive vicariously observing and cheering it on? Perhaps they are just psychologically paralyzed, defenseless, cowering in accommodating obeisance to those criminals they fear? How to explain this suicidal stance other than they’ve gaslighted themselves, driven themselves mad, literally taking leave of all sense of self, physical and mental. Sorry to say, they are stupid, morally anesthetized.

THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 11/21/21: The events of the last two years, locking down the world, stopping everything and everyone cold in the name of “safety” and “health” is the truly deadly virus that has nothing to do with biological germs loosed on us by the ChiComs. And unfortunately, we haven’t seen the end of it.
One writer puts it in theological terms, attributing this horror to Satan. From a religious perspective, it certainly bears all the traits of the Anti-Christ’s arrival when all the churches of the world are forced to close their doors in service to “saving lives.” What precedent does this have in recorded history?
Whatever the forces at work-religious, psychological, political-a gigantic totalitarian plague is being loosed on countless millions, conceivably billions, of people, disguised falsely as “a cure.” In the face of this evil’s enormity, the most jaded agnostic/atheist is compelled to look to a Higher Power to right this monumental wrong enveloping us.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 11/25/21: Will sanity and actions actually benefiting Americans be restored during the reign of PINO (President In Name Only) Brandon? Maverick Democrat representative of the people (not to be confused with those hundreds of other elected corruptocrats in Congress), Joe Manchin has suggested (gasp!) restoring energy independence to America by restarting the Keystone Pipeline. Is it possible that Executive Order cancellation signed on Day One of the glorious Brandon administration might have anything to do with exploding gas prices and the resultant jump in the cost of EVERYTHING? Ya think?
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 11/22/21: V.D. Hanson makes the fascinating (and chilling) observation that the New South has become the Old North and the New North is now looking like the Old South.
…and depending upon who your governor is….
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 11/26/21: Yes, he’s really that mercenary, heartless, ruthless, unprincipled, mean, amoral. And probably sociopathic. The proof and tangible result of this power junkie’s actions is that thousands of old people actually died as he set out to craft a multimedia image expressly designed to lead to the Presidency. The real pity is that his career is over for the wrong reasons: the comparatively trivial crime of having less than no class in the romance department.