AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 7/27/21: The Chinese conquest and torment of peaceful, beautiful Tibet should be a wake-up call for those still harboring illusions about those billions of smiling, well-organized ChiComs.
UPDATE 7/28/21: “But what is a communist but a socialist with a gun. And, in the end, socialists always need guns.” Cuba shows signs of real resistance while those in power get rid of possible high-ranking military who might go soft and join the insurrection (a real one and well justified).
UPDATE 7/28/21: The most deadly virus around being deliberately perpetuated and spread is FEAR.
7/31/21: The iron fist is descending and tightening its grip. Australia has morphed itself into Communist China with its police sweep of Sydney for the unvaccinated, complete with barking threats from hovering helicopters (“We will find you”) and door-to-door searches. In America a panel of talking heads all nod eagerly together at the idea of forcing people into vaccinations by withdrawing their healthcare and social security benefits. It can’t happen here?

UPDATE 7/28/21: And we’re supposed to have great faith in vaccines and “The Science” as proffered by the same intrepid career bureaucrats assigned to keep us safe from Muslim terrorists and Far Eastern totalitarians importing bat poison straight from their leaky labs.
Among those admirable public servants: our formidable Secretary of Defense setting an example of American grit….
Oops, sorry. Here’s the real one. Note sensible n’ safe fist bump.
Not to make too sore a point of things, but following real facts, figures and the common sense totally absent from the corridors of DC power might be preferable to this sorry state of affairs.

UPDATE 7/26/21: Encouraging to see people are making a move against this and all the future plans for more lockdowns, masks and related fun. You may be sure this is on the Biden Bobblehead Blue State agenda for 2022 (merely by chance an election year). Gird yourselves for more of those mail-in/absentee votes being suddenly a life-and-death necessity as the new “variant” conveniently “rages.”

UPDATE 7/25/21: Medicine, science, people’s health is the last thing on the minds of those intent on suppressing information about cheap, available solutions to their exploitable “crises.”
UPDATE 7/30/21: Is the never-ending pursuit of Leftist, anti-capitalist Utopia by intellectuals just a recurring mass epidemic of bright idealistic children refusing to grow up?
Great ReSetters, Transformers with their Year Zero goals are intent on ripping out America’s roots and creating their own reality. To do this, they must publicly demonize and eliminate any opposition using witchcraft, wicked witchcraft.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this
UPDATE 7/27/21: Is the American “beacon of hope” now a fading, dying light? Wake up, America.
It can’t happen here? But it IS happening here.
Coming to a United States of America near you: totalitarian social credit scoring and control (Chinese-style) as the logical next step after all Trump supporters are universally branded as criminals by the January 6 witch-hunters and the unvaccinated are declared dangers to society by Fauci & Co. Special honors from the Central Committee to those of our fellow citizens now deputized and moved to snitch and turn the anti-vaxxers and Election-skeptics in for re-education and/or liquidation.
It’s noteworthy that Nazi-style tyranny completely sidesteps public show trials for methodical genocide while Communist-style tyranny thrives on show trials followed by the nasty business of eliminating dissent. That should solve the riddle of why today’s totalitarians in government and among our fellow citizenry make a great show of repudiating the Nazi example while applauding the Communist approach. Can’t just destroy people for destruction’s sake after all which is why they call themselves Social JUSTICE Warriors, not the hateful tyrants they are.
With the establishment of a no-cash society and punitive social credit scores as prescribed by the Globalists, one will own nothing, including the use of one’s own resources. Low score? You are flagged, restricted and disciplined like disobedient children…and medieval serfs of yore.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 7/28/21: “We have turned a corner here; we are in totalitarian Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated.” GOP Congressional reps try to visit January 6 detainees, locked out; AG Garland ignores requests for an audience and fuller explanation of what is being done to unarmed trespassers now being treated as dangerous political prisoners.
UPDATE 7/28/21: Note well those questions that won’t be asked by the “Bipartisan” Committee such as “How can one justify treating a bunch of rowdy, unarmed trespassers on January 6 as badly or worse than 21 hijackers on September 11 would be treated?” Another question assiduously to be avoided: “What is this Soviet-style show trial other than a cabal of power-crazed political operatives intent on turning America into a One-Party dictatorship?”

Our nation suddenly finds itself in the midst of a second war on terror, launched against ALL those American citizens daring to challenge the political Party currently (and illegitimately) in power.

GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Hysteria and Tyranny
UPDATE 7/27/21: Armageddon (and the prerequisite public panic) as promoted by the mass media has come and gone too many times to count over the last 50 years. The insanity among the gullible, malleable masses would be entertaining to witness if it wasn’t so pitiful and tragic. NY Times readers proudly write in how proud they are that they’ve terrified their children into NOT having children of their own. All those “existential threat” gasps about “Climate Change” formerly known as Global Warming formerly known as hot weather has worked! The Global Warming Chicken Littles should be grateful that their end-of-world narrative has managed to solve that earlier Population Bomb baloney by eliminating future populations! Problem solved!
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 7/28/21: In case you’ve been away, the purpose of Kamala is to ignore the border, overrun the country with unaccountable illegals. Border Czar Kamal doing a bad job? On the contrary: in doing nothing. she’s creating millions of new Dems-On-The-Dole.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 7/29/21: Who dares disagree with or challenge the virtues of socialism? Ridding our land of this disagreeable heresy is fully justified in the name of the High Holy Church of Leftism.
UPDATE 7/27/21: Under what better category to pay tribute to a great comedian but Truth, The Great Uniter. This is a site attempting to stand athwart a world plagued by lies, treachery, power lust and cruelty and the resultant suffering humans suffer at the hands of one another. That said, the need to laugh and handle God’s joke on us is paramount. Jackie Mason had that special comic gift that conveyed itself in the anxious, shrill, high-frequency rant uniquely the possession of a first generation American Jew. His passing and that of the irreplaceable sensibility at the core of his artistry is cause for profound regret.
UPDATE 7/29/21: In just 6 months, every index of misery and social deterioration has soared, wages and optimism are tanking. Any connection between the presence of an imposter in the White House and this remarkable nosedive? Any significant symbolism in the photo below? A cynical public grits its teeth and prays for honest elections in 2022 and 2024.
UPDATE 7/28/21: One standard for me, another for thee. Contemplate this video of anti-crack crusader Joe poetically montaged alongside Hunter’s laptop video selfie of drug-addled degradation.

UPDATE 7/26/21: Fauci’s removal would have been long overdue even a year ago. If it happens now, it can only be worthwhile if his record and the ensuing damage done is openly, accurately documented and made fully accountable as a dire warning for the future. We’ll count ourselves lucky if this disastrous presence provides some pushback against the next round of war on America being waged by the full-speed-ahead Globalists operating from within the Deep State.
UPDATE 7/28/21: Illegitimate national officeholder Heels-Up Harris campaigning for fellow captain of catastrophe Gavin Newsom facing recall should be a barrel of laughs, a cosmic carton of Kamala cackles!!
UPDATE 7/28/21: Excitement grows over the announcement of not one, not two, not three, but four little golden books forthcoming from Prince Harry.