UPDATE 9/8/20: Some of us knew in the beginning (see the original post from months back below) this unprecedented shutdown of the world’s motor on …
The triumphant American Jew at the crossroads
Is the time far off when the majority of American Jews change course and fully embrace America (and Israel) in all the rich variety and …
The Jew, The Shmoo and the suicidal virtue of ditching God for “Social Justice.”
Remember Al Capp? L’il Abner? The Shmoo? That was the amiable creature who delighted in providing every imaginable need for the citizens of Dogpatch while, …
MSM/Fourth Estate=Bad Joke:
“…Not since Florence Foster Jenkins…”
UPDATE 3/7/21: I refrain from stimulating the WorldWideWebAlgorithmWhatchamaCallit by putting the actual name of a certain MSMer out there, so just read one more article about what has become …
Never Again! Never Forget! The ongoing COMMUNIST Holocaust well documented…yet still ignored at our peril.
A decent Liberal type recently holding forth in grand manner on the world’s great evils: “The Communists were [sic] bad, but the Nazis were worse.” …
Are American Jews both the brightest and dumbest people on earth?
UPDATE 11/20/24: The end is nigh for Leftist American regimes (going back at least to the Clintons) deliberately undermining Israel and actively propping up its …
Election Day: Referendum on the Trump Train vs. the Obama/Clinton Plantation
America has A CHOICE: GOOD IDEAS that actually benefit people, not theoretically but in actual practice. Record high employment (and record low unemployment)! Strength as …
Capitalism: The rich get richer, the poor get richer.
A heartening tutorial on the proven virtues of capitalism. UK pol Daniel Hannan provides a cheerful response to that legion of knee-jerk Progs/Socialist/Much Nicer People …
Suicide of the West-
Installment #11,763:
The American Left sings the praises of their own murderers.
UPDATE 1/3/21: We are faced with the nightmare of a Harris-Biden regime, full-bore continuation of Obama transformation. As is always the case, it’s not the …