UPDATE 9/26/23: Clueless Libs and hardened Leftists have successfully created their wished-for mad, mad, mad WokeWorld. The problem is they suddenly find themselves living with …
Sharing the Virus misery: A trial run for Progressivism
Given the opportunity to wreak havoc on our whole society, power-mad Democratic governors, mayors and various politicos are using the current “crisis” to show what …
A CoronaCrisis Road to Serfdom? A warning.
UPDATE 4/13/20: Forget about China. Forget about England. The Orwellian nightmare has arrived in CoronaCrazed America. Adding a diabolical Stalinist touch to the already sinister …
Communist China: Told ya so.
Bring back the good old days of full-bore totalitarian rule and terror! Free enterprise? Capitalism? Independence? Pride and power of ownership? Free speech and expression? …
They’re all Big Gov Totalitarians.
UPDATE 8/6/21: Here we go again, letting down poor little Cuba making another attempt to break free of Castro’s Marxist tyranny while America yawns. Restating …
Giving thanks for America, 2019. Taking heart in Newton’s 3rd Law.
UPDATE 2/28/21: The pejorative term “reactionary” has traditionally been used in reference to the rigidly hidebound, racist, religious fanatic. In days of yore, the good old …
The Tyranny of the Weak Links
If a family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member (attributed to G.B. Shaw), a society can just as easily be tyrannized by …
The triumphant American Jew at the crossroads
Is the time far off when the majority of American Jews change course and fully embrace America (and Israel) in all the rich variety and …
The Never Trump PRIGade
UPDATE 11/5/19: The sad truth about the Never Trumper pantheon with its trunk in a subversive twist: it’s really about the stock nosedive taken by …