As Trump’s low tax/limited regulation/free market capitalist economy surges and record numbers of Americans (especially minorities) are working, the Left finds itself seriously short of …
Rush Limbaugh, American.
RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
Leftism: Filling the void.
UPDATE 12/23/21: Beware when Leftists praise the virtues of “democracy” and wring their hands at “threats to our democracy.” They do NOT mean a de-centralized, …
Codevilla and Samuels: Keeping the American Republic.
In a very long, wide-ranging conversation, New York Jewish Liberal David Samuels and California Catholic Conservative Angelo Codevilla engage in the ultimate bull session about …
The Year Zero Mentality of the #MeToo crowd.
Bring in the fainting couches, stock up on the smelling salts! Are you ready? It’s official! Influential, talented men often tender unwanted sexual overtures to …
Renewable energy=another hoax. But then, coming from the Left, what isn’t?
10/5/19: Surprise, surprise. Solar plants increase pollution. A little problem about the chicken and egg: one needs energy to operate these “energy-savers.” ORIGINAL POST 9/22/19: …
The Dems go all-out Brave New 1984: Big Brother dispensing Soma.
As the Dem Party 2020 wannabes continue to scramble over one another for the most insane, impossible $MultiTrillion promises to the masses, one can only …
Destructive Dem Years, Johnson-Obama. Constructive Trump Years: Take your pick.
UPDATE 1/18/20: Going back to examine LBJ’s Orwellian construct called “The Great Society,” one is brought face-to-face with the corruption of a political party …
Moral License: Rationalizing Leftist hypocrisy
Guilt-free, proud Americans (known in some parts as “conservatives”) gratefully celebrate the myriad benefits that come our way daily: work, money, property, security, comfort, free …