RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
The Tyranny of the Weak Links
If a family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member (attributed to G.B. Shaw), a society can just as easily be tyrannized by …
Codevilla and Samuels: Keeping the American Republic.
In a very long, wide-ranging conversation, New York Jewish Liberal David Samuels and California Catholic Conservative Angelo Codevilla engage in the ultimate bull session about …
The triumphant American Jew at the crossroads
Is the time far off when the majority of American Jews change course and fully embrace America (and Israel) in all the rich variety and …
The Never Trump PRIGade
UPDATE 11/5/19: The sad truth about the Never Trumper pantheon with its trunk in a subversive twist: it’s really about the stock nosedive taken by …
The Dems go all-out Brave New 1984: Big Brother dispensing Soma.
As the Dem Party 2020 wannabes continue to scramble over one another for the most insane, impossible $MultiTrillion promises to the masses, one can only …
The Left: “Please, no facts or reality.”
A Liberal friend once responded to this writer’s citing historical evidence of her chosen (Leftist) faith’s failure by saying, “Don’t give me that ‘History tells …
MuellerDammerung: Another Lefty hoax circles the drain. And America can go on…until the next one.
One recurring, reassuring thought about today’s politics is that the Conservative side is focused on swinging wide the doors of opportunity offered ALL Americans while …
Judicial Watch: on the road to real social justice.
Minus our Constitution and the legal system it spearheads, we are helpless serfs, subject to the savage whims of barbarians unbound by The Law. We …