UPDATE 10/13/20: It’s catching. A good, brave soul named Joe Collins is challenging Maxine Waters and the wildly hypocritical, long term permanent-poverty scam being pulled on urban …
BITA(Bitten In The Ass): Epitaph of “Nice” Leftists
UPDATE 9/26/23: Clueless Libs and hardened Leftists have successfully created their wished-for mad, mad, mad WokeWorld. The problem is they suddenly find themselves living with …
If they lie about The Virus/Israel/Fill In The Blank, they’ll lie about everything.
UPDATE 5/17/20: We find ourselves beset by a worldwide plague of destroying hundreds of millions of healthy lives to save (maybe) thousands of the sick. …
They’re all Big Gov Totalitarians.
UPDATE 8/6/21: Here we go again, letting down poor little Cuba making another attempt to break free of Castro’s Marxist tyranny while America yawns. Restating …
Rush Limbaugh, American.
RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
Truth the ultimate catastrophe for the hard Left. Exploding brains, exploding cigars.
Breathes there a Conservative who has not had to deal with the hatred and irrationality of a Leftist friend, neighbor or relative when confronted with …
The Dems go all-out Brave New 1984: Big Brother dispensing Soma.
As the Dem Party 2020 wannabes continue to scramble over one another for the most insane, impossible $MultiTrillion promises to the masses, one can only …
Destructive Dem Years, Johnson-Obama. Constructive Trump Years: Take your pick.
UPDATE 1/18/20: Going back to examine LBJ’s Orwellian construct called “The Great Society,” one is brought face-to-face with the corruption of a political party …
After the Russian collusion farce; after Obamaic Transformation; after the yearning to make America Venezuela: from whence & whither cometh the reckoning?
We grow impatient for a reckoning. We are sick of being on permanent trial for the dual offenses of breathing and not voting for Barack …