UPDATE 8/30/24: Poor Little Sir Keir, the latest PM clearly no friend to the average Brit shunted aside in favor of unassimilated immigrants, is feeling …
The Self-Indulgent Vanity (and MADNESS) Of “White Privilege,” “White Guilt.”
Vanity of White Privilege, White Guilt UPDATE 9/22/20: The nice White neighborhoods of Minneapolis, [and Dallas and wherever else the privileged, guilt-ridden cozily reside] now dotted with …
“The bells rang at Mt. Rushmore. The witches’ sabbath is coming to an end soon.”
As the Left desperately seeks to be our absolute slave masters (regretfully having missed the opportunity in the country’s earlier years), we are about to …
Are we to be The Gormless Guilty or free Americans?
A couple of scenarios, hypothetical of course. A danger to the public from abroad is discovered (a contagious virus from the Far East for instance) …
Voter Fraud Item #1 On The Dem Agenda For November
2000 MULES, documentary on stolen Election 2020, out the first week of May. WATCH 2000 Mules. UPDATE 11/13/24: Those who insist Election, 2020 wasn’t stolen …
If they lie about The Virus/Israel/Fill In The Blank, they’ll lie about everything.
UPDATE 5/17/20: We find ourselves beset by a worldwide plague of destroying hundreds of millions of healthy lives to save (maybe) thousands of the sick. …
Rush Limbaugh, American.
RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
Leftism: Filling the void.
UPDATE 12/23/21: Beware when Leftists praise the virtues of “democracy” and wring their hands at “threats to our democracy.” They do NOT mean a de-centralized, …
This just in: Donald Trump is still POTUS and has been since 2016.
As the Trump haters giddily gloat & sputter out their half-finished, half-assed, wholly hypocritical “impeachment,” the rational stay the course…like Trump himself. Sorry, folks. He’s …