Barack Obama, reputedly the President of what used to be the world’s watchdog and protecter, has declared occasional bad weather (“Climate Change,” Global Warming, Globaloney) as our world’s most pressing problem. Meanwhile, Islamic terrorists in the Middle East, most specifically in Iraq and Syria, (ISIS) have declared their intent to conquer and enslave anyone who prefers not being a follower of Mohammed. They seem to mean it, judging by their rather unambiguous viral videos graphically outlining the myriad ways one can torture and murder innocent human beings.
In classic Obama fashion, he and his cohorts have made a point of not calling our sworn enemy ISIS but rather ISIL, the L referring to the Levant or practically the whole Middle East itself. Anything to obfuscate, confuse and diffuse the serious threat facing us. It’s the same specifically Liberal/Leftist frame of mind that insists on calling terrorism “man-caused disaster,” or deadly rogue nations “nations of concern.” Calling our enemies Our Enemies in the specific places where they fester and multiply would only draw attention to those two countries, Iraq and Syria, which Obama has pointedly, deliberately abandoned and destabilized.