UPDATE 11/30/17: This is a joke, right? Just can’t keep up, just can’t keep up….
UPDATE 10/27/17: Confused still? About which pronoun is YOU? This should clear everything up.
UPDATE 10/25/17: Stepping up the child abuse that is the Gender Bender Confusion Crusade in the schools, K-College. In a Idaho school, no debate, no dissent, no discussion.
ORIGINAL POST, 9/24/17: Nothing is ever good enough for the Left. The attainment of equal rights and a dignified place in the social order for any oppressed group is actually anathema to these social termites. Their entire raison d’etre is contention, crisis, disorder, chaos. How else to bring masses of panicked, destabilized people to centralized control? So it has gone with race, religion, culture, class, even the weather (Global Warmist Watermelons[green outside, red inside] vs. Climate “Deniers.”) Lately, their dank, dark, dirty root cellar of activity is gender.
Planned Parenthood goes beyond aborting babies and now is in the full-time business of driving young children insane with Gender Counseling. According to these fanatics and their supporters, the days of male/female, two sexes are passé. The “non-binary” gender menu has expanded beyond the dreams of the most crazed Greek diner! We are now whatever we think we are, gender-wise!
A deranged, gender-confused teacher can unabashedly write home to parents demanding the use of “gender-neutral” pronouns in the classroom by his/her/its students. So now even the rules of good old grammar are fair game for PC demolition.
The sexually confused are encouraged to undergo harrowing surgery and hormonal injections to realize their supposed true selves. It is the ultimate folly of flight from themselves, futilely trying to remake themselves like delusional carnival knife-thrower Lon Chaney cutting off his arms because he thinks the young Joan Crawford will love him more without them. No longer do we have to watch silent horror movies to witness rationalized self-mutilation. Despite the warnings of those who’ve made this irreversible error, the PC crowd applauds.
You will kow-tow to the latest pronouncements of the LGBTQ Mafia: you’ll be “made to care!”
The American definition of legal marriage has now taken a wild leap.
The military, once spat upon by the Left, is now a prime target for invasion and corruption by the GenderBenders.
Parents are legally undermined and villainized at every turn with regard to what their children are taught.
If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em and then destroy them from within. For the honorable professional of ANY stripe-teacher, soldier, doctor, carpenter-it is the job at hand that is paramount, not one’s personal problems. Injecting personal “identity” into everything, insisting that internal conflicts take precedence over the most banal interchange, sets the stage for social subversion. Jokes privately exchanged between two people are no longer private or permissible. Mel Brooks correctly diagnoses the tyranny of PC as the death of comedy.
The profound miseries surrounding this supposedly new hot topic have been with us since Adam and Eve, but somehow we’ve muddled through. Straight or gay or whatever, most of us have coped with and accommodated various personality quirks, eccentricities, conflicts, off-beat life choices, within ourselves and with others. Blessedly, in free, prosperous societies such as America, Europe, Israel, Australia/New Zealand, there have always been places to go outside the conventional, mostly in the big cities where pockets of self-styled Bohemianism have allowed those marching to a different drummer, intellectually or sexually, to find kindred “free spirits” and to explore and do as they please: live and let live.
Those of us baby boomers just out of high school suffering from Woodstock Era trauma gravitated to such havens as Berkeley/San Francisco or Greenwich Village (or both in this writer’s case), to immerse ourselves in what we fancied was a place to “let your freak hang out.” Much of it was hippie hogwash, most of us were fairly ordinary, but it was healthily adventurous and romantic to imagine oneself revolutionizing painting or music and living La Vie Boheme is some cold big city garret. On rare occasions in 60s/70s Greenwich Village, one might actually run into a genuine individualist or two straying across conventional gender lines: a zany Village fixture like Rollerena or a truly profound, courageous original like the great Quentin Crisp.
There is nothing new in a lot of confused searchers experiencing the age-old yearning of the maverick young and unformed to feel their way toward some semblance of maturity, stability, adulthood, individuality, personal baggage in tow. Ominously, the professional agitators invariably hover nearby by like vultures, always ready to exploit and goad the young and stupid into acting out beyond mere youthful rebellion.
The genuinely unconventional, past and present, exhibit genuine bravery to live outside the known and secure. They’ve railed against the “square,” “conformist” society which (ironically) has been free, open and resilient enough to accommodate them and their rejection of convention. The big mistake, really the major sell-out, made repeatedly by a majority of these “rebels” is spouting and championing the gospel of Marx, communism, mythical “equality” in all matters. How mad is it for self-styled “rebels” and “individualists” routinely to embrace the philosophical basis for the most soulless, rigidly regimented tyrannies of modern times? A hopeful sign of present times is the realization of gays and others seeking a sane life outside of the norms that conservative individualism is perhaps the philosophy most supportive and friendly to them. As has been said by the ever-wise Anonymous, “You’ve no heart if you’re under 30 and not a socialist, and you’ve no brain if you’re still one after that.”
The honest and truly intelligent individuals of this world-transcending race, class, gender, whatever-have no interest in changing society to fit their personal quirks but simply seek out some space in this big world to be themselves. The highest value is freedom, not a guaranteed (and un-guaranteeable) “equal” outcome in life. The mediocre creatures of the herd ironically calling themselves Progressives are now insistent on invading established institutions and attacking all norms, even the rules of grammar. The business of new pronouns and all the attendant gender madness should come as no surprise to students of Orwell. Control the language, the tools of communication, and you control the masses. But that’s been the goal all along, hasn’t it?
Fred, your talents don’t reach a large enough audience here. Write a book!
Thanks, Jim. Some reach a few, some reach millions. All good. Thankfully, the Web is full of the truth cutting through the lies. Some of us are rooting for the truth and the preservation of freedom as the ultimate political goal.